
Electricity candidate projects submitted to be included in the new Union list of Projects of Common Interest Priority TYNDP Investment Index Project Name Investment Index Name Countries Project Promoter Weblink Corridors Project Code Number http://energinet.dk/EN/ANLAEG-OG-PROJEKTER/Anlaegsprojekter-el/Forbindelse-til-Tyskland-Kriegers-Flak-CGS/Sider/default.aspx BEMIP Electricity 36 141 Kriegers Flak CGS Ishøj /Bjæverskov(DK) - Bentwisch (DE) DK/DE 50Hertz Energinet.dk; http://www.50hertz.com/en/Grid-Extension/Projects-of-Common-Interest-PCI http://www.ast.lv/eng/transmission_network/latvian_estonian_3rd_interconnection/ BEMIP Electricity 62 386 Estonia – Latvia 3rd interconnection Kilingi-Nomme (EE) - Riga TEC2 (LV) EE/LV Augstsrieguma tikls, Elering AS http://elering.ee/kilingi-nomme-riga-line/ http://elering.ee/kilingi-nomme-riia-liin/ http://elering.ee/harku-lihula-sindi/ BEMIP Electricity 62 735 Estonia – Latvia 3rd interconnection Harku (EE) - Sindi (EE) EE Elering AS http://elering.ee/varustuskindluse-aruanded/ BEMIP Electricity 62 1062 Estonia – Latvia 3rd interconnection Riga CHP2 (LV) - Riga HPP (LV) LV Augstsprieguma tikls http://www.ast.lv/eng/par_ast/public_reports/development_plan_of_transmission_power_system/ http://www.fingrid.fi/en/news/announcements/Pages/Cross-border-capacity-upgrade-between-Finland-and-Sweden.aspx BEMIP Electricity 111 396 Finland-Sweden North 3rd interconnection Finland North (FI) - Sweden bidding area SE1/SE2 FI/SE Fingrid, Svenska kraftnät http://www.pse.pl/index.php?dzid=256&did=2063 BEMIP Electricity 123 373 LitPol Link Stage 2 Stanisławów – Ostrołęka PL PSE S.A. http://www.litpol-link.com/ https://www.entsoe.eu/Documents/TYNDP%20documents/TYNDP%202014/141031%20RgIP%20BS.pdf and BEMIP Electricity 124 385 Nordbalt phase 2 (LV reinforcement) Ventspils-Tume-Imanta (LV) LV Augstsrieguma tikls http://www.let.latvenergo.lv/portal/page/portal/english/LET/LET/about_network/KURZEME_RING/ and http://www.ast.lv/eng/par_ast/transmission_network/the_kurzeme_ring_ http://www.svk.se/projekt/Utbyggnadsprojekt/Ekhyddan-Nybro/ BEMIP Electricity 124 733 NordBalt phase 2 (SE reinforcement) Ekhyddan- Nybro/Hemsjö (SE) SE Svenska kraftnät http://www.svk.se/projekt/Utbyggnadsprojekt/Nybro-Hemsjo/ http://www.litgrid.eu/index.php/news-events-/news/invitation-to-respond-to-the-public-consultation-on-the-projects-that-could-be-potentially- BEMIP Electricity 170 382 Baltic synchronisation Vilnius (LT) - Neris (LT) LT Litgrid included-in-the-list-of-pci/2593 BEMIP Electricity 170 1004 Baltic synchronisation Paide - Sindi (EE) EE Elering AS http://elering.ee/hanketeade-nr-739/&article_searchword=&from=&to= BEMIP Electricity 170 1010 Baltic synchronisation Tartu (EE) - Valmiera (LV) EE/LV Elering AS and Augstsprieguma tikls http://www.ast.lv/eng/par_ast/transmission_network/development_of_transmission_network/ BEMIP Electricity 170 1011 Baltic synchronisation Tsirgulina (EE) - Valmiera (LV) EE/LV Elering and Augstsprieguma tikls http://www.ast.lv/eng/par_ast/transmission_network/development_of_transmission_network/ BEMIP Electricity 170 1012 Baltic synchronisation Balti (EE) - Tartu (EE) EE Elering AS http://elering.ee/balti-tartu-valmiera-liin/ BEMIP Electricity 170 1013 Baltic synchronisation Eesti (EE) - Tsirguliina (EE) EE Elering AS http://elering.ee/eesti-tsirguliina-valmiera-liin/ http://www.litgrid.eu/index.php/news-events-/news/invitation-to-respond-to-the-public-consultation-on-the-projects-that-could-be-potentially- BEMIP Electricity 170 1034 Baltic synchronisation New 400 kV interconnection line from substation in Lithuania to state border LT Litgrid included-in-the-list-of-pci/2593 BEMIP Electricity 170 1118 Baltic synchronisation SVC and control upgrades in Eesti substation (EE) EE Elering AS http://elering.ee/eesti-tsirguliina-valmiera-liin/ Generic project on various aspects of the integration of the Baltic BEMIP Electricity 170 (blank) States' electricity network into the continental European network, LT, LV, EE LT, LV, EE http://www.litgrid.eu/index.php/grid-development-/strategic-projects-/synchronous-operation-/137 including their synchronous operation BEMIP Electricity 1004 (blank) Estonian HPSPP Estonian HPSPP EE Energiasalv Pakri OÜ http://energiasalv.ee/en/hydro-accumulation-power-plant/development-2 BEMIP Electricity 1009 (blank) Kruonis HPSPP extension Kruonis HPSPP extension LT Lietuvos Energija http://www.le.lt/index.php/vykdomi-projektai/kruonio-hidroakumuliacines-elektrines-pletra/75 NSI East 26 218 Austria-Italy Lienz – Obersielach AT APG (AT) https://www.apg.at/de/netz/netzausbau/PCI/LienzObersielach NSI East 28 70 28 (Italy-Montenegro) Interconnection between Villanova (IT) and Lastva (ME) IT/ME Terna (IT) http://www.terna.it/en-gb/sistemaelettrico/pianodisviluppodellarete.aspx Converter station in Lastva (ME) of the new 1000MW HVDC interconnection line http://www.terna.it/en-gb/sistemaelettrico/pianodisviluppodellarete.aspx NSI East 28 622 28 (Italy-Montenegro) IT/ME Terna (IT) between Italy and Montenegro NSI East 29 635 Italy Tunisia New interconnection between Italy and Tunisia -new DC submarine cable IT/TU Terna (IT) http://www.terna.it/en-gb/sistemaelettrico/pianodisviluppodellarete.aspx http://www.ceps.cz/CZE/Cinnosti/Technicka-infrastruktura/projekty-spolecneho-zajmu/Stranky/Vnitrostátní-vedení-Přeštice-Kočín-PCI- NSI East 35 311 Czech North South Corridor – Phase 2 Kocin (CZ) Upgrade of the existing substation CZ ČEPS, a.s. 3.11.3.aspx http://www.ceps.cz/CZE/Cinnosti/Technicka-infrastruktura/projekty-spolecneho-zajmu/Stranky/Vnitrostátní-vedení-Přeštice-Kočín-PCI- NSI East 35 313 Czech North South Corridor – Phase 2 Kocin (CZ) - Mirovka CZ ČEPS, a.s. 3.11.4.aspx http://www.ceps.cz/CZE/Cinnosti/Technicka-infrastruktura/projekty-spolecneho-zajmu/Stranky/Vnitrostátní-vedení-Kočín-Mírovka-PCI- NSI East 35 315 Czech North South Corridor – Phase 2 Kocin (CZ) - Prestice (CZ) CZ ČEPS, a.s. 3.11.3.aspx http://www.ceps.cz/CZE/Cinnosti/Technicka-infrastruktura/projekty-spolecneho-zajmu/Stranky/Vnitrostátní-vedení-Kočín-Mírovka-PCI- NSI East 35 316 Czech North South Corridor – Phase 2 Mirovka (CZ) - Cebin (CZ) CZ ČEPS, a.s. 3.11.5.aspx 1 Priority TYNDP Investment Index Project Name Investment Index Name Countries Project Promoter Weblink Corridors Project Code Number NSI East 47 212 AT - DE St. Peter (AT) – Isar/Ottenhofen (DE) AT/DE Austrian Power Grid AG / TenneT TSO GmbH http://www.apg.at/en/projects/Deutschlandleitung ; NSI East 47 216 AT - DE St. Peter – Tauern, “Salzburgleitung” AT Austrian Power Grid AG http://www.apg.at/en/projects/380-kV-salzburg-line ; http://www.netzentwicklungsplan.de/en New Hungary - Slovakia interconnection between Gabčíkovo (SK) - Gönyű (HU) - http://www.economy.gov.sk/3161-medzistatne-vedenie-medzi-stanicami-gabcikovo--sk--a-g/144266s; http://www.mavir.hu/web/mavir/pci- NSI East 48 214 New SK - HU interconnection - phase 1 SK/HU SEPS a.s. MAVIR ZRt. Veľký Ďur (SK) jeloltek PCI Hungary - Slovakia interconnection between Sajóvánka (HU) and Rimavská Sobota (SK) - Connection of the two existing NSI East 48 695 New SK - HU interconnection - phase 1 SK/HU SEPS a.s. MAVIR ZRt. http://www.mavir.hu/web/mavir/pci-jeloltek; http://www.mavir.hu/web/mavir-en/eu-projects-of-common-interest-to-be-implemented-by-mavir substations (R.Sobota (SK) -Sajoóivánka (HU)) by the new 2x400 kV line (preliminary armed only with one circuit). NSI East 48 696 New SK - HU interconnection - phase 1 2x70 Mvar shunt reactors in station Sajóivánka (HU) HU MAVIR ZRt. http://www.mavir.hu/web/mavir/pci-jeloltek; NSI East 48 697 New SK - HU interconnection - phase 1 Second 400/120 kV transformer in station Sajóivánka (HU) HU MAVIR ZRt. http://www.mavir.hu/web/mavir/pci-jeloltek; PSE NSI East 230 353 GerPol Power Bridge krajnik (PL) - Baczyna (PL) PL http://www.pse.pl/index.php?modul=10&gid=402 PSE NSI East 230 355 GerPol Power Bridge Mikulowa (PL) - Swiebodzice (PL) PL http://www.pse.pl/index.php?modul=10&gid=402 PSE NSI East 230 1232 GerPol Power Bridge Baczyna (PL) Plewiska (PL) PL http://www.pse.pl/index.php?modul=10&gid=402 PSE NSI East 230 1035 GerPol Power Bridge Baczyna PL http://www.pse.pl/index.php?modul=10&gid=402 NSI East 130 665 North South Eastern German Corridor (one of 6 projects) Wolmirstedt (DE) and Isar (DE) DE 50Hertz; Tennet DE; http://www.netzentwicklungsplan.de/en HOPS d.o.o. (Croation TSO) Elektroprijenos NSI East 136 227 CSE 1 Banja Luka (BA) - Lika (HR) BA/HR https://www.entsoe.eu/Documents/TYNDP%20documents/TYNDP%202016/projects/P0136.pdf BiH (BA) and NOS BIH (BA New 400 kV double circuit OHL Cernavoda – Stalpu, with one circuit derivation in/out NSI East 138 273 Black Sea Corridor RO Transelectrica (RO) http://www.transelectrica.ro/web/tel/proiecte-de-interes-comun in 400 kV substation Gura Ialomitei (RO); NSI East 138 275 Black Sea Corridor New 400 kV double circuit OHL Smardan – Gutinas (RO); RO Transelectrica (RO) http://www.transelectrica.ro/web/tel/proiecte-de-interes-comun NSI East 138 715 Black Sea Corridor Upgraded the 220/110 kV substation Stalpu to 400/110kV (1x250MVA) (RO); RO Transelectrica (RO) http://www.transelectrica.ro/web/tel/proiecte-de-interes-comun NSI East 138 800 Black Sea Corridor New 400 kV simple circuit OHL Dobrudja – Burgas (BG); BG Transelectrica (RO) ESO-EAD (BG) http://www.transelectrica.ro/web/tel/proiecte-de-interes-comun http://www.eles.si/za-poslovne-uporabnike/razvoj-in-uporaba-prenosnega-omrezja/strategija-razvoja-elektroenergetskega-sistema-rs.aspx; NSI East 141 223 CSE3 Interconnection between Žerjavinec (HR)/Heviz (HU)
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