E#i HKD PRES8 DISPATCHES SANFORD, FLORIDA* Y, JANUARY 4,1924 SINGLE CXMP1BS FIVE ORATORY IN FIRST SESSION Thirty Concrete Piers Have Been •t Finished—‘Others Made At the Tomaka Crew Seek Of M Per Day. Release From Bail THE HOUDAT RECESS Work on Sanford's now yacht business is progressing aa rapidly J»r T tf AastetafMl Press) aa could be expected, according to MEASURE BEING! LONDON, Jam 4— Greet INDUSTRY HAS Superintendent Alvarez, who baa a Britain has asked the United BEEN FINANCED CONSIDERED large force of workmen welly en- Staten far release from bail of) CONGRESS TRIES ged in building forms and pour- 1 be British snd Caasdlaa mem­ m e e t in g o f t h e jr concrete. bers of tha craw of the British EAlready 30 concrete piers have schooner, Tomaha, alleged r«m EN ADJOURN TO BLOCK SALE been finished, he amid, and other* runner, which was wised, last c. OF C. FWDAYlLARGE CAP P ■ _ will be constructed as fast aa November beynod the three- LL and Means Committee... OFARNSTOMEX possible. Some idea of tha prog­ milt limit o f Nsw York. FULL OF INTEREST Plant • Constructed By* ress that la being mado ia gained * Cracken Company TV Work on Melho *tax by the fact that 10 large forms FalreMIdreMId Introduce* Resolution' Were poured in two nnd one-half Lake Makes Talk—.Traffic Rales In Operation In 90 Reduction Bill Rato House Preventing Muni­ hours Thursday morning, accord­ MABEL NORMAND Have Been Drawn, Is Days’ i tion Sales to Foreign ing* to Mr. Alvarez. Tkr The capacity of the concrete Reported I WASHINGTON, J*». 4,-Con- Nations * * i l mixer is 30 yards per day and AND C. S. DINES IN Sanford secured another returned Thursday from its Sir Esme Howard, pressnl-Brit- each form contains from a yarr A feature of Friday’a Chamber ant manufacturing industry.-! WASHINGTON, Jan. ^ -C o n ­ ntesi, listened to several ish ambassador to Spaing will suc­ • yard and a half of concrete. of Commerce luncheon was a talk decision Firdsy momtaff r gressional opposition to the Bale Of f the 30 pfers already complet- McCracken Manufacturing n o i pent-up oratory, transact- ceed Sir Auckland Geddes as SAME HOSPITAL made by Forest Lake in which he 11 few routine detail* ana then of American surplus army equip­ ed there are 10 of whichwhich* are 28“ expressed his deep appreciation for pany to build a plant here, fe r J ment to the Mexican government British envoy to the United States. fret long and weigh approximately production of pipe in larffa ’ - i d until Monday. ♦ Film Actress Undergoes Aa Oper being honored by hia fellow col­ with committeea at i erystaljsod Friday in the introduc­ His appointment has been official 4,500 pounds. The first concrete leagues on the City Commission tlfes, materially adding to commercial Importance o*«!l 'the Senate and House are tion in the house of two resolutions ly confirmed. was poured last Saturday, accord­ ation For Chronic Case bf the selection aa mayor of by Representative Fairchild, Repub­ “ City Substantial.” - sled to yet finally into a ing to Mr. Alvarex. Thirty-six Sanford for another year. lican, New York, intended to block Appendicitis Announcement wna made i which will carry them up to hours after the concrete is poured completion of the project if pos- the forma may be stripped, Mr. A l- Aa mayor for this city for an­ morning by Mr. McCracken jnment, planned for before other year ho expressed tho desire aible; The first resolution called vurex aald, and the pier* moved LOS ANGELES, Jan. 4.—Court work on the plant will national political convention upon thn state department for full SANFORD POLICE to one side in order that others for the hearty cooperation of mem­ once and that pipe will jammer. , ,. ■ • land S. Dines, Denver oil operator, bers___ of____ tho Chamber___ of_ CommerceC< information aa to negotiations for may be poured. After a lapse of who was shot New Year’s night by turned out from the new ei AdminintarUve Feature# in putting over problems thst will the sale to Mexico; the second 30 days the piers arc then ready Horace Greer, chauffeur for Mabel ment within the next 60 would prohibit government sales to be driven. confront them from time to time. Machinery has been shl| I Work ou administrative features Normand, film nctress, and Miss He praised the work that the body | the Mellon tax tax reduction bill of arms to any foreign government. There are 728 piers to be made, Normand herself both are nursing no time will be lost in ge said Mr. Alvarex. He expects to had done during* * ”the year JuatJust pass-pasa- new enterprise underway. I returned b y the house ways Aetfd After Conference Arrests Total IjftM And Fines To wounds in the same hospital " axpressed belief that itIt j nttnn committee, which hopes begin the work of driving the Thursday night. Credit for securing this hn( Representative Fairchild acted AsHjnnt Or $19,815.50 Were piers in the water early in Febru­ would do stiil greater work during nnt Industry goes to the * bring forth lecialtaioh in 10 after a conference with Secretary Miss Normand, who went to the 1924. ( or two w eek s. The first ap- Collected By OActro. ary* Ip the meantime, he said, dustries committee of the Hughes earlier in the day. Neither there is to be some dredging and Good Samaritan hospital Thursday He added that he believed th ^ _____________ priition bill of the session, that Chnmber of Commerce. This t the secretary nor Mr. Fairchild Thst Sanford police were especi­ fllUng in to be done. This -work night in what her pnyilcians call­ 1924 was going to be a great one \ mlTtee, headed by G. D. the Interior department is to had anything to^ay for publication will probably begin tho latter part ed a highly nervous state, Friday in the history of Sanford nnd j was able to convince Mr. M' presented to the house next ally active during the year 1923, as to their talk, but it js under­ is evidenced by the annual report of January. went under the knife for a chronic pledged his support toward making cn of the superior advent ttdiy and be followed by the stood they exchanged views as to of that department mada public An interesting pnrt of the work case of appendicitis. Her physi­ Evariste Lucidl, pnpal audi­ it such. At the conclusion of his Sanford over other * sy and navy budgets. the ’ advisability’ * 0if the arms sales that is now being done is tho pre- cians say she is resting easily. by City Clerk L. R. Philips. tor (top), and Mgr. Aurollo talk Mr. Lake was congratulated state. | 7be Senate Thursday made an- to Mexico as a matter of policy and Chief of Pnlico Williams, and his paring of the stool cores for tha Dines, with n bullet punctured upon his reelection as mayor. The new industry has already . Galli (bottom photo), director- tr ineffectual effort to elect a expediency without influencing assistants made 1,899 arrests dur­ forms which* * ' ‘InciVnse ere tho strength lung and n touch of pneumonia in A report from tho agricultural financed. It will mean the move­ Jmnn of the interstate com- the(r respective positions. ing the year and a total of $19,­ of hto concrete piern. The'frame­ the injured organ is doing ns well general of tho Vntlcan, recently committee given by Mr. Hutchin- ment of 10 carloads per j committee two more ballots, During the day both Secretary 359.50 was collected in fines im­ work consists of six steel bars held as can bo expected, according to wero created cardinulx at a cun- sun was to the effect that a re­ tho beginning and the 4erai g £ Hughes and Secretary Weeks con­ together by steel stirrups placed at his doctors, but still is in a nervous Nth and 27th o f long drawn posed by Municipal Judge J. G. dstory. quest was to be made of nil grow­ ment of 25 men. contest between the. regular ferred with President Coolidge at Sharon. regular Intervals. condition. ers nnd shippers for contributions W. J. McCracken of Siooa City,: \ I insurgent Republicans and the different times and later Ramon The numbor of arrests mode Within’a few duys CO forms will Greer, who admits he used Miss c f colory which will be given nwny Iowa has been manufacturing craU, being taken without Ross, who was one of the Mexican and the offenses for which they have been built and then tho work Normand’* pistol on Dines, late to visitors at the Semiuolo county machine-made pipe for the p u t. I s ’ king the deudlock. The vot- commissioners In the recent Mexico were made 'are as follows: of making from 20 to 30 piers per Thursduy was formally charged booth at Madison Square Garden, years, his firm being tho oldest « day will begin in earnest. ; stood approximately aa before, City conversations which led to di­ Traffic violations .....................564 with assault with a'deadly weapon iRMITS ISSUED lie said thnt the committee in its kind in the United States. &a itor Cummins, Republican, plomatic recognition of the Obre- Disorderly conduct ......_______ 531 with Intent to kill. charge of the exhibit hoped to have is tho bead of tha McCraekeii a. receiving 28 and 29, respec- gon government by tho United Gambling.;............................ 250 The district attorney’s office re­ t two carloads of celery donated for Machine Company, manufaUui*(l sly, for re-election; Senator States, called at the White House Drunkenness .................
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