UMBC SGAinconjunctionwithUNIQUE VENTURES Present~ THE NO. 1 JAZZ MUSICIANS -of 1975 GROVER WASHINGTON, JR. and LONNI LISTON SMITH and the . cosMIC. ECHOES and 'THE THIRD EYE' Tickets- UM Be Students with I D $4.50 NOV 22, -UMBC Gym II . General Admission $6.50 At the Door $7.00 on sale at: UM BC Box Office and THE RECORD RACK SATURDAY NITE 8 PM A CONCERT FOR ENLIGHTENED HEADS! PAGE 2, RETRIEVER, 17 NOVEMBER 1975 ComlDent I I Four Unaffordable Years ~ More than half of Maryland's high school students who took the Scholastic Aptitude Test last year reported that they could not afford the cost of a four year state college in Maryland. Not ten percent, or a forgettable quarter of them pointed out their inability to pay, but 85 per cent of the Black students and 55 per cent of the White students. The director of the Maryland Council on Higher Education called the finding, "very sobering, and I'm afraid, very accurate". Undaunted by the student's inability to pay, the University of Maryland Board of Regents voted to raise it's tuition cost for the fall semster beginning in 1976. This will further in­ crease the students dilemma. Its a bit puzzling that such a move could have been taken, as it seems, at least at UMBC, to be contrary to the schools own self interest. With students already dubious about the value of four years at a liberal arts college, the U of M tuition increase will help put UMBC out of the Baltimore college competition for students. UMBC is one of the only colleges in Maryland with a declining enrollment. Nearly half of the students who begin their education here leave before they are finished, and cost is one of the reasons which should be considered for this dropoff. Next year, Towson and Morgan State will cost nearly $100 less than UMBC. It would seem that enough interest would have been taken in this matter to have it corrected by the administration. Since it's been left to the students to correct, we encourage their efforts to have the tuition hike rescinded. Give Us Credit "Sorry, Helen, I won't be able to go on the lobbying trip to the capitol. The airline won't let me charge the ticket without my During the tumultuous student demands for "relevance" in college curricula in the sixties husband's permission." came a dropping of many previously required courses. Since UMBC was formed in the sixties, it naturally responded to these needs. As a result, there were no required courses at UMBC. That is a. splendid reason for the requirement, but where are the credits which should Except Physical Education. have been mcluded? If the entire student body is required to endure physical education Now, what kind of perverse logic is it that decrees that the only required course at courses, why was this credit compensation left off? university be Physical Education? Since we now realize that we take Phys Ed simply so the university can receive state Part of the answer lies in Physical Education Director Richard Watt's admission that if fun~, we ask that ~e be.thought of in the dea1. Give us at least the credits we should be there is no requirement, "there is no state money". gettmg for that preCIOUS tIme spent perspiring in Gym I.L Its the least_you can do. Letters. Some faculty are supporting the student's initiatives in The administrators, as well as the people on the tenth opposing the tuition hike. For one, we are circulating a floor in the Ad building where the air is a little thin should petition among faculty which will be sent to the Board of be interested in hearing about the happenings in their Blocked Exits Regents, the legislature, and the governor. Also, the "Utopia". Every faculty member, student; be it com­ TO THE EDITOR: campus members of the Maryland State Teachers muter or dorm resident, Freshman to Senior, pro or con, On Tuesday, November 11 Gym I was just' about filled Association (MSTA) got the Higher Educational Council should be able to voice his or her opinion at an OPEN to capacity for the Gregory lecture. If an emergency of MSTA to oppose the increase. We will try to get the FORUM. It's time to either speak up or shut up! would have occurred, no doubt there would have been a Executive Council- of MSTA to do the same. If successful, If you advocate an OPEN FORUM, sign the petition in panic evacuating the place. The doors behind the speakers the weight of all the public school teachers throughout the the cafeteria during this week. Get involved and help us to platform were blocked with gym equipment and tables. state will be brought to bear against the tuition hike. help ourselves. There was also a piano in front of one of the back doors. If we don't resist, tuition increases, budget cuts, pay Steve Seif After the lecture I asked Ted Rowe, of the department of freezes, etc. will be a yearly fact of university life. If we public safety, who was in charge of the gym during the can't unite to defend our interests, all of us, students, lecture. He said that the department of public safety was. faculty, and staff alike, will suffer the consequences. The Picket With Us I then asked why the exits were blocked. His reply was his anti-tuition hike movement is a good place to begin the department was not in charge of setting the gym up for the fight back. Jack Sinnigen Students, faculty & staff, lectures, but they would take care of any problem when it Asst. Prof. of Spanish arose. The time to take care of blocked exits is not - This Saturday, Nov. 22, at noon, a picket and rally to during a stampede. For then all that could be done is to defend desegregation and to protest Senate anti-busing remove the dead bodies. bills will be held on the east steps of the Capitol. These Is the public safe with our department of public safety? Food Investigation anti-busing bills are aimed at crushing court-ordered lAm desegregation. They are attacking !he 'basic democratic Henry Baker Dear Sirs: right of Black students to go to any school of their choice The SGA Senate, in an effort to help serve the student and their right to an equal education. Thousands of sup­ interests, has' formed a committee which is actively in­ porters of Black rights from Baltimore and D.C. and volved in the investigation of food services on campus. In dozens of other cities will be demonstrating on Nov. 22 . Rowe Remedy order to be fully effective we need the input of the student Join with us. body. Any student with a specific complaint or suggestion If you want to help or want any info., call the Student To the Editor: regarding any aspect of the on campus food services Coalition Against Racism 265-9890. 'fhe campus police are expected to provide should feel free to contact either the SGA offices at X-2220, YOUNG SOCIALIST ALLIANCE authoritative, on-the-spot remedies to a great variety of or myself at X-2720. Thank you. Robert H. Eaton, situations. In this role they are required to address SGA Senator-at-Iarge themselves to all sorts of human problems. There was no police officer on duty at the Dick Gregory lecture because one was not requested. Mr. Rowe was not retriever on duty, nevertheless he did handle several minor Gripe Forum The RETRIEVER is published every Mondayex­ problems that were referred to him while he sat in the cept du ring examination periods, holidays an d audience. He was not aware of the blocked area until after other deSignated times, during the fall and spring A -Letter to the Editor semesters by and for the students of the University the lecture was underway. Could University of Maryland's Baltimore County of Maryland BaltiD1.D[e County campus, 5401 Wil­ We all share Mr. Baker's concern. Measures have been kens Avenue, Baltimore, Md_ 21221, telephone taken to assure that this problem does not reoccur. Campus problems with registration quotas and ad­ 455-2226_ Thank you, ditionally, holding onto students have anything to do with Opinions exp.ressed herein are those of the au­ "passing the buck"? It is a tried and proven policy thors and nG,t necessarily those of the student RCN body, faculty or administration of UMBC. The employed by industry as well as academic circles. It RETRIEVER assumes responsibility for all ma­ seems to have been mastered at U.M.B.C. Rather than terial for which the author's name is not presented. admit a limited ignorance of campus policies and Editor-in-chief•.. Jim Vidmar Faculty Wants Fight procedures, I have received answers like "It's not my Senior Editor••• Charles Lean responsibility" or "You want to see so and so, not me." A5Sociate Editor.,. Areta KupChyk When I saw "so and so" the same answers were given to sports.• . Mitch Bull TO THE EDITOR: me again. Business Manager••• John Lyons Faculty and staff, as well as students, have a definite The tuition rates are rising and yet a course like Soc. for Advertising Manager... Ann Nagle Women, which has been overly filled since its inception interest in seeing the planned tuition increase rescinded. Judy Manning Staff Jay Whitman This increase will mean that fewer students will be able to was cancelled.
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