GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE COOCH BEHAR FORM B [ See rule 25 (1) ] ORDER No.: PRD/1154 Date: 15/11/2017 In exercise of the power conferred by sections 14 and 17 of the West Bengal Panchayat Elections Act, 2003 (West Ben. Act XXI of 2003), read with rules 26 and 27 of the West Bengal Panchayat Election Rules, 2006, I, the District Panchayat Election Officer and District Magistrate of the district of COOCH BEHAR as the prescribed authority appointed by the State Government in the Department of Panchayats and Rural Development under Notification No. ............................ ………………………. dated ......................... for the purpose of rules 26 and 27 of the said rules, hereby publish the draft of this order to determine for the Grams specified in column (1) of the Schedule below, the number of members to be elected to the Panchayat Samiti specified in the corresponding entries in column (2), to divide the area of the Grams into constituencies specified in the corresponding entries in column (3) & (4), constituency or constituencies reserved for the SC or the ST or BC persons specified in the corresponding entries in column (5), and constituency or constituencies reserved for women specified in the corresponding entries in column (6) of the said Schedule, for information of persons likely to be affected thereby The draft will be taken up for consideration after fifteen days from this day and any objection of suggestion with respect thereto, which may be received by the undersigned within the said period, shall be duly considered. THE SCHEDULE BLOCK : COOCH BEHAR-II Number, Name and Area of the Constituency Number of Constituency reserved for Constituency Members to be Area of the Area of the Scheduled Castes, reserved for elected to the Name of the Area of the Constituency Constituency Constituency Scheduled Tribes and Women showing Panchayat Constituency (G.P. Constituency) (Panchayat Part (Assembly Part No.) Backward Classes Persons serial number Samity No.) showing serial number Name of Name Gram 1 2 3 4 5 6 PATLAKHAWA/III 3 3/3 PATLAKHAWA/IV 4 3/4 PATLAKHAWA/V 5 3/5 PATLAKHAWA/PS–1 PATLAKHAWA/VI 6 3/6 1–WOMEN PATLAKHAWA/VII 7 3/7 PATLAKHAWA/VIII 8 3/8 PATLAKHAWA/IX 9 3/9 PATLAKHAWA/I 1 3/1 PATLAKHAWA/II 2 3/2 PATLAKHAWA/X 10/1, 10/2 3/10, 11 3 PATLAKHAWA/PS–2 2–SC PATLAKHAWA/XI 11 3/12 PATLAKHAWA/XII 12 3/13 PATLAKHAWA PATLAKHAWA/XIII 13 3/14 PATLAKHAWA/XIV 14 3/15 PATLAKHAWA/XV 15 3/16 PATLAKHAWA/XVI 16 3/17 PATLAKHAWA/PS–3 PATLAKHAWA/XVII 17 3/18 3–WOMEN PATLAKHAWA/XVIII 18 3/19 PATLAKHAWA/XIX 19 3/20 PATLAKHAWA/XX 20 3/21 Page No. 1 / 13 THE SCHEDULE BLOCK : COOCH BEHAR-II Number, Name and Area of the Constituency Number of Constituency reserved for Constituency Members to be Area of the Area of the Scheduled Castes, reserved for elected to the Name of the Area of the Constituency Constituency Constituency Scheduled Tribes and Women showing Panchayat Constituency (G.P. Constituency) (Panchayat Part (Assembly Part No.) Backward Classes Persons serial number Samity No.) showing serial number Name of Name Gram 1 2 3 4 5 6 BARARANGRASH/I 21 3/22 BARARANGRASH/II 22 3/23 BARARANGRASH/PS–4 4–WOMEN BARARANGRASH/III 23 3/24 PATLAKHAWA/PS–1 BARARANGRASH/IV 24/1, 24/2 3/25, 26 1–WOMEN BARARANGRASH/V 25 3/27 BARARANGRASH/VI 26 3/28 BARARANGRASH/VII 27 3/29 3 BARARANGRASH/PS–5 5–WOMEN BARARANGRASH/X 30/1, 30/2 3/32, 33 BARARANGRASH/XI 31 3/34 BARARANGRASH BARARANGRASH/XII 32 3/35 3 BARARANGRASH/VIII 28 3/30 BARARANGRASH/IX 29 3/31 PATLAKHAWA BARARANGRASH/PS–6 6–SC 6–WOMEN BARARANGRASH/XIII 33 3/36 BARARANGRASH/XIV 34/1, 34/2 3/37, 38 Page No. 2 / 13 THE SCHEDULE BLOCK : COOCH BEHAR-II Number, Name and Area of the Constituency Number of Constituency reserved for Constituency Members to be Area of the Area of the Scheduled Castes, reserved for elected to the Name of the Area of the Constituency Constituency Constituency Scheduled Tribes and Women showing Panchayat Constituency (G.P. Constituency) (Panchayat Part (Assembly Part No.) Backward Classes Persons serial number Samity No.) showing serial number Name of Name Gram 1 2 3 4 5 6 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XVII 51 3/57 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XVIII 52 3/58 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XIX 53/1, 53/2 3/59, 60 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XX 54/1, 54/2 3/61, 62 MARICHBARIPATLAKHAWA/PS–1 KHOLTA/PS–7 7–SC 1–WOMEN MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XXI 55 3/63 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XXII 56 3/64 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XXIII 57 3/65 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XXIV 58 3/66 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/VIII 42 3/47 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/IX 43 3/48 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/X 44 3/49 3 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XI 45 3/50 3 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/PS–8 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XII 46 3/51 8–SC 8–WOMEN PATLAKHAWA MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XIII 47 3/52 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XIV 48 3/53 MARICHBARIKHOLTA MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XV 49 3/54 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/XVI 50/1, 50/2 3/55, 56 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/I 35/1, 35/2 3/39, 40 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/II 36 3/41 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/III 37 3/42 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/PS–9 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/IV 38 3/43 9–WOMEN MARICHBARI KHOLTA/V 39 3/44 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/VI 40 3/45 MARICHBARI KHOLTA/VII 41 3/46 Page No. 3 / 13 THE SCHEDULE BLOCK : COOCH BEHAR-II Number, Name and Area of the Constituency Number of Constituency reserved for Constituency Members to be Area of the Area of the Scheduled Castes, reserved for elected to the Name of the Area of the Constituency Constituency Constituency Scheduled Tribes and Women showing Panchayat Constituency (G.P. Constituency) (Panchayat Part (Assembly Part No.) Backward Classes Persons serial number Samity No.) showing serial number Name of Name Gram 1 2 3 4 5 6 AMBARI/I 59 3/67 AMBARI/II 60 3/68 AMBARI/III 61 3/69 AMBARI/PS–10 10–SC PATLAKHAWA/PS–1 AMBARI/IV 62 3/70 1–WOMEN AMBARI/V 63 3/71 AMBARI/VI 64 3/72 AMBARI/VII 65 3/73 3 AMBARI/VIII 66 3/74 AMBARI AMBARI/PS–11 AMBARI/IX 67 3/75 11–SC 11–WOMEN AMBARI/XI 69 3/78 3 AMBARI/XII 70 3/79 AMBARI/X 68/1, 68/2 3/76, 77 PATLAKHAWA AMBARI/XIII 71/1, 71/2 3/80, 81 AMBARI/PS–12 12–WOMEN AMBARI/XIV 72 3/82 AMBARI/XV 73/1, 73/2 3/83, 84 Page No. 4 / 13 THE SCHEDULE BLOCK : COOCH BEHAR-II Number, Name and Area of the Constituency Number of Constituency reserved for Constituency Members to be Area of the Area of the Scheduled Castes, reserved for elected to the Name of the Area of the Constituency Constituency Constituency Scheduled Tribes and Women showing Panchayat Constituency (G.P. Constituency) (Panchayat Part (Assembly Part No.) Backward Classes Persons serial number Samity No.) showing serial number Name of Name Gram 1 2 3 4 5 6 BANESWAR/I 74 3/85 BANESWAR/II 75 3/86 BANESWAR/PS–13 BANESWAR/III 76 3/87 PATLAKHAWA/PS–1 BANESWAR/IV 77 3/88 1–WOMEN BANESWAR/XI 84 3/97 BANESWAR/V 78 3/89 BANESWAR/VI 79 3/90 BANESWAR/VII 80/1, 80/2 3/91, 92 3 BANESWAR/PS–14 14–SC BANESWAR/VIII 81/1, 81/2 3/93, 94 BANESWAR/IX 82 3/95 BANESWAR 3 BANESWAR/X 83 3/96 BANESWAR/XII 85 3/98 PATLAKHAWA BANESWAR/XIII 86 3/99 BANESWAR/PS–15 BANESWAR/XIV 87 3/100 15–WOMEN BANESWAR/XV 88 3/101 BANESWAR/XVI 89 3/102 Page No. 5 / 13 THE SCHEDULE BLOCK : COOCH BEHAR-II Number, Name and Area of the Constituency Number of Constituency reserved for Constituency Members to be Area of the Area of the Scheduled Castes, reserved for elected to the Name of the Area of the Constituency Constituency Constituency Scheduled Tribes and Women showing Panchayat Constituency (G.P. Constituency) (Panchayat Part (Assembly Part No.) Backward Classes Persons serial number Samity No.) showing serial number Name of Name Gram 1 2 3 4 5 6 GOPALPUR/I 90 3/103 GOPALPUR/II 91 3/104 GOPALPUR/III 92 3/105 GOPALPUR/PS–16 16–SC 16–WOMEN PATLAKHAWA/PS–1 GOPALPUR/IV 93/1, 93/2 3/106, 107 1–WOMEN GOPALPUR/V 94 3/108 GOPALPUR/VI 95 3/109 GOPALPUR/XII 101 3/116 GOPALPUR/XIV 103/1, 103/2 3/118, 119 GOPALPUR/XV 104 3/120 3 GOPALPUR/PS–17 GOPALPUR/XVI 105 3/121 17–SC 3 GOPALPUR/XVII 106/1, 106/2 3/122, 123 GOPALPUR GOPALPUR/XVIII 107 3/124 PATLAKHAWA GOPALPUR/XIX 108/1, 108/2 3/125, 126 GOPALPUR/VII 96 3/110 GOPALPUR/VIII 97 3/111 GOPALPUR/IX 98 3/112 GOPALPUR/PS–18 GOPALPUR/X 99/1, 99/2 3/113, 114 GOPALPUR/XI 100 3/115 GOPALPUR/XIII 102 3/117 Page No. 6 / 13 THE SCHEDULE BLOCK : COOCH BEHAR-II Number, Name and Area of the Constituency Number of Constituency reserved for Constituency Members to be Area of the Area of the Scheduled Castes, reserved for elected to the Name of the Area of the Constituency Constituency Constituency Scheduled Tribes and Women showing Panchayat Constituency (G.P. Constituency) (Panchayat Part (Assembly Part No.) Backward Classes Persons serial number Samity No.) showing serial number Name of Name Gram 1 2 3 4 5 6 DHANGDHINGGURI/XI 119/1, 119/2 3/139, 140 DHANGDHINGGURI/XII 120 3/141 DHANGDHINGGURI/XIII 121 3/142 DHANGDHINGGURI/PS–19PATLAKHAWA/PS–1 DHANGDHINGGURI/XIV 122 3/143 19–SC 19–WOMEN1–WOMEN DHANGDHINGGURI/XV 123 3/144 DHANGDHINGGURI/XVII 125 3/146 DHANGDHINGGURI/XVIII 126 3/147 DHANGDHINGGURI/I 109 3/127 DHANGDHINGGURI/II 110 3/128 3 DHANGDHINGGURI/PS–20 DHANGDHINGGURI/III 111 3/129 20–WOMEN 3 DHANGDHINGGURI/IV 112/1, 112/2 3/130, 131 DHANGDHINGGURI/XVI 124 3/145 DHANGDHINGGURI PATLAKHAWA DHANGDHINGGURI/V 113/1, 113/2 3/132, 133 DHANGDHINGGURI/VI 114 3/134 DHANGDHINGGURI/VII 115 3/135 DHANGDHINGGURI/PS–21 DHANGDHINGGURI/VIII 116 3/136 DHANGDHINGGURI/IX 117 3/137 DHANGDHINGGURI/X 118 3/138 Page No.

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