THE METHODIST CIRCUIT OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE (07/07) CIRCUIT PREACHING PLAN – AUTUMN QUARTER 2017 Circuit Office: Northgate Hall, St John’s Lane, Gloucester, GL1 2AN T: 01452 415769 | E: [email protected] PASTORAL LETTER from the Superintendent Dear Friends, Woolaston Methodist Church, a chapel at the southern end of the Forest of Dean, has just celebrated their 150th Anniversary with a wonderful flower festival, which also marked the achievement of updating their premises so as to serve and connect better with their community. Their chapel started perhaps, like many, with a group of local folk inspired by neighbouring or travelling Methodists and their preachers to gather in fellowship, initially in a house, before five members bought some land for £3 18s. On this land in 1867 the chapel was built at a cost of £98 6s, being mostly borrowed money that needed to be paid back at the rate of £3 10s pa. Given the prevailing impetus for mission, the investment and risk paid off, for by the 1890s the chapel had become too small, with by then more than a 100 people were attending on Sunday evenings. They were served by preachers who spent their Sunday hours travelling long distances on foot in order to take the Sunday services within their local Circuit (perhaps putting into context our complaints at times about the distances involved in our present Circuit!). Consequently, more land was bought and stones laid for an extension on May 8th, 1893. The Dean Forest Mercury reported that people gathered at 3 o’clock, for “a most earnest and practical address by Revd R Lush of Pillowell” (hopefully all our preaching is still “earnest and practical”!). Then, “about 150 sat down to a most enjoyable tea provided in the meadow adjoining the chapel, and this was followed by a most enthusiastic open - air meeting, which upwards of 250 persons attended. A report of the day’s proceedings was read by the indefatigable treasurer, Mr C.A. Higgs.” It seems that then, as now, we always needed ‘indefatigable treasurers’, and indeed all who help to steward and maintain our churches! It can be appropriate and inspiring sometimes to revisit and celebrate our past, and to celebrate the achievements of the present, even in the midst of the challenges we face today. These challenges may be similar, or different, to those faced by our forebears, but in the end, are our challenges any greater than those experienced by our predecessors? For us, as for them, the invitation remains to trust in God, to keep on ‘repenting’ (turning our lives around, growing in faith and understanding, grace and goodness), and to keep on trying to learn and put into action what it is to truly love God and our neighbours, in order to reflect the love that God has for all. As we approach and begin another Connexional year, working and living out our vision and mission, in all the details as well as in the big picture, and in the continuities as well as sometimes in the necessary changes, may we be open to discovering again and again that the God who adores us all, whom in turn we are invited to adore, is - our faithful, unchangeable friend, whose love is as great as his power, and neither knows measure nor end. (Joseph Hart, STF 67; HAP 277) God Bless, James PREACHER NEWS We are delighted to welcome amongst us two Methodist Ministers. Revd Michelle Ireland will have pastoral responsibility for Aylburton, Clements End, Coalway, Lydney and Woolaston Methodist Churches, and is joining us from her previous appointment in the North East, Somerset and Bath Circuit; and the Revd Jayne Webb who comes to us from the Basingstoke and Reading Circuit and will have pastoral responsibility for Apperley, Hartpury, Tewkesbury, Tibberton and who will also be the Methodist contact Minister for Newent St Mary’s LEP. LECTIONARY READINGS – Year A Sunday 3 September – ORD 22 Exodus 3 v 1 - 15; Psalm 105 v 1 - 6, 23 - 25, 45c; Romans 12 v 9 - 21; Matthew 16 v 21 - 28 Sunday 10 September – ORD 23 Exodus 12 v 1 - 14; Psalm 149; Romans 13 v 8 - 14; Matthew 18 v 15 - 20 Sunday 17 September - ORD 24 Exodus 14 v 19 - 31; Psalm 114; Romans 14 v 1 - 12; Matthew 18 v 21 - 35 Sunday 24 September - ORD 25 Exodus 16 v 2 - 15; Psalm 105 v 1 - 6, 37 - 45; Philippians 1 v 21 - 30; Matthew 20 v 1 - 16 Sunday 1 October - ORD 26 Exodus 17 v 1 - 7; Psalm 78 v 1 - 4, 12 - 16; Philippians 2 v 1 - 13; Matthew 21 v 23 - 32 Sunday 8 October - ORD 27 Exodus 20 v 1 - 4, 7 - 9, 12 - 20; Psalm 19; Philippians 3 v 4b - 14; Matthew 21 v 33 - 46 Sunday 15 October - ORD 28 Exodus 32 v 1 - 14; Psalm 106 v 1 - 6, 19 - 23; Philippians 4 v 1 - 9; Matthew 22 v 1 - 14 Sunday 22 October - ORD 29 Exodus 33 v 12 - 23; Psalm 99; 1 Thessalonians 1 v 1 - 10; Matthew 22 v 15 - 22 Sunday 29 October - ORD 30 Deuteronomy 34 v 1 - 12; Psalm 90 v 1 - 6, 13 - 17; 1 Thessalonians 2 v 1 - 8; Matthew 22 v 34 - 46 Sunday 5 November - ORD 31 Joshua 3 v 7 - 17; Psalm 107 v 1 - 7, 33 - 37; 1 Thessalonians 2 v 9 - 13; Matthew 23 v 1 - 12 Sunday 12 November – REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Joshua 24 v 1 - 3a, 14 - 25: Psalm 78 v 1 - 7; 1 Thessalonians 4 v 13 - 18; Matthew 25 v 1 - 13 Or Isaiah 25 v 1 - 9; Psalm 9 v 9 - 20; Revelation 22 v 1 - 5: Matthew 5 v 1 - 12 Sunday 19 November - ORD 33 Judges 4 v 1 - 7; Psalm 123; 1 Thessalonians 5 v 1 - 11; Matthew 25 v 14 - 30 Sunday 26 November – SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT Ezekiel 34 v 11 - 16, 20 - 24; Psalm 100; Ephesians 1 v 15 - 23; Matthew 25 v 31 - 46 MINISTERS (with church responsibilities in the Circuit) DAYS OFF Minister Day Off Minister Day Off Andrew Biggs Friday Steve Peck Tuesday Naomi Cooke Friday Noel Sharp Circuit work is generally Weds Steve Davies Friday & Fridays + 1st & 3rd Sundays Helene Grant Part time – works Sunday - Tuesday Phil Summers Friday Denise Hargreaves Monday James A. Taylor Saturday Michelle Ireland Monday James N. Tebbutt Friday or Saturday John Kime Part time – varies Simon Topping Friday Graham Miles Friday Martin Turner Part time – varies Anne Owen Wednesday Jayne Webb Friday 2 DIARY DATES 2017 Sunday 3 September 18.30 – Gloucester, St John’s Circuit Welcome Service for new Ministers Tuesday 5 September 09.30 – The Scout Chapel, Lonsdale Circuit Executive Road Methodist Church Thursday 7 September 19.00 – Circuit Office FSG Meeting Sunday 17 September 15.00 & 18.30 – Dursley Circuit Assembly & Service Monday 13 November 09.30 – Littleworth Hall, Amberley Circuit Executive Holy Trinity Wednesday 10 January 09.30 – Gloucester, St John’s Circuit Executive Sunday 18 March 15.00 & 18.30 – venue tbc Circuit Assembly Thursday 26 April 09.30 – Dursley Circuit Executive Sunday 20 May 15.00 & 18.30 – venue tbc Circuit Assembly Tuesday 3 July 09.30 – Cheltenham, Whaddon Circuit Executive and watch the weekly Circuit Newsletter for details of things going on, in and around the Circuit. 3 KEY TO PLAN ABBREVIATIONS A Assess, listen and support HC Holy Communion AAW All Age Worship HF Harvest Festival AC Advent Carols HPWG Harmony Praise Worship Group AFC Action for Children HUB Hucclecote Hub Service AFDS Armed Forces Day Service JC Junior Church Anniversary or Promotions B Baptism JMA Junior Mission for All B@6 Bethesda at 6 L Leprosy Sunday BARN Barn Service LA Local Arrangement BCC Book of Common Prayer LMT Local Ministry Team BP Breakfast Praise, Church or similar M Mission Service BS Bible Study MC Messy Church BTCS Back to Church Sunday MH Methodist Homes BW Brockworth Methodist Homes for the Aged MIB Mission in Britain/Home Mission C Carol Service MS Music Sunday C&R Confirmation & Reception into Membership N Nativity CA Church Anniversary OA Open Air Service CAF Cafe Church, Worship, or Fellowship OV One Voice CC Community Centre OWW One World Week CD Concord P Parade Service CEL Celebration P&P Prayer & Praise CFS Congregational Federation Sunday P&W Praise & Worship CFW Church Family Weekend PE Parish Eucharist CofE Church of England PnM ‘Pick n Mix’ All Age Worship CONT Contemporary Worship R&S Roots & Shoots COPA Community Partner Association RS Refugee Sunday CPV Commissioning of Pastoral Visitors RWV Renewal of Wedding Vows CRIB Crib Service SDS Something Different Sunday CS Covenant Service SFD Southfield CT Churches Together or Ecumenical service SNP Sunday Night Praise CTF Christmas Tree Festival SOP Songs of Praise CTG Christingle SRT Service of Remembrance & Thanksgiving CW Creative Style or Worship SSS Second Sunday Service DED Dedication T Transport Required for Preacher DL Dryleaze TBA To be announced EE Equipping and Enabling TCW Three Course Worship (St Marks) EO Easter Offering TP Themed Preaching EP Evening Prayer TS Tea Service ES Evensong TZ Taizé Service FCF Family Church Festival U United Service FF Flower Festival VTBC Venue to be confirmed (contact the steward) FG Women’s or other Fellowship Group anniversary or service WG Worship Group FS First Steps WM World Church or World Mission G Gift Service (or similar) XnA Christian Aid H Healing Service YWC Youth/Children’s Leaders/Workers Commissioning NB: Where two names are given, the second named person is the preacher, save where the code A (for ‘Assess’) is also given, which indicates that the second preacher will hear, assess and support the first (trainee) preacher.
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