I IE AD QUARTERS FOR FIRST TELEHONE WANT ADS CLASS JOB PRINTING TO NUMBER NINE ' • SIXTY-FIFTH YEAR BUCHANAN. MICHIGAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1933. NUMBER 43 Festival To Be Held Nov. 2-3, enetit BANQUETAND Hallowe’en Ball Oct. 31, Auspices ENTERTAINMENT Civic Association A Hallowe’en masked hall will To Speed Vote Gathering FRIDAY NIGHT be helcl at the American Legion the government through rentals hall next Tuesday evening, Oct. Visiting Sanitary Engineers Time is Getting Short Now; Final Curtain Comes Down TIIS OLD SWIMMTX’ HOLE Parent-Teacher Association for the use of the sewers, It will 31, under the auspices of the Civic Explain Terms of Federal not be a tax obligation against the Monday Night, Nov. 6; Sealed Ballot Box Put Into Bi Haws Will Sponsor Event to Pro- Association, With Howard Barbour Offer Before Meeting city. If such a project fails, a and his orchestra furnishing the title Milk for Under­ Under Auspices federal receiver would take over Effect Today to Insure Secrecy of Balloting. Oh, the old Swimming- hole, where weight Children. music. Proceeding the dance at the sewer, and complete the pay- the willows dipped low, S p. m. a costume paraade will he Civic Asso. jments through rental collections, Where the sunlight fell warm and held in the streets, headed by the —------ ' [extending the time if necessary. the river ran slow, The program for the school ex­ Thirsty Five German: band of the The feasibility of an application j A t the present time, Buchanan IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A BABY Where guiltless of garbing, not hibits, banquet and entertainment Oriole Club, by Buchanan for a Federal loan ‘bag a bonded indebtedness of only BOOST NOW, BEFORE CONTEST ENDS even a sash, Which are to form the Fall Festi­ under the terms of the p ubiiC $38 000 or-oMy slightly over 1 per W e dove from a log in the water val to he held at the high school Works section of the National R e -!cen.^ .tlle assessed valuation, kersplash, building next Tursday and Friday, covery act was the theme of two [while Chicago, a bankrupt city, is Two Young Gunmen Take The third and final phase of the Personality Babies Where a chew of sweet flag Nov. 2 and 3, under the auspices CHICAGO QUARTET addresses, by Engineer Charles iaPpylnf for a 1°an of $1-0,000,- $91 from Reinke, Station Election starts today— and an extremely thrilling period it brought our hunger surcease Of the Buchanan Parent-Teacher Cole of South Bend and the other!000. In ratio to population, a Attendant, Who Fires will be between now and nine o’clock Monday night, Nov, 6, Instead of hot bow-wows at two Association have been completed by J. J. Davis of the American ';pr0P°r!-1°n,;i^ 1 ‘° an for Buchanan when the election ends, and the judges gather to make the- hits apiece, and the ticket sale for the banquet TO GIVE PROGRAM Water Works Association, before [would be 5160,000.^ After Them as ■Twas reserved for us men and will be begun by individual P.-T. a meeting held under the auspices I In distributing jobs the men on They Escape. final count. was guiltless of peachy A. members Saturday, of the Civic Association in th e j^ e dole would be given prefer- To all who have followed the course of the Baby Elec­ For we went there to swim, not The purpose of the Festival is FRIDAY EVENING American Legion hall Monday eve-i®.nce> amonB them the applica- The High Grade Oil Company tion, it must be apparent that the next 12 days will tell the the creation of a milk fund for nin_ ° tions of service men would take to hug on the beach. station at South Portage and Rail­ story. Earlier in the race, some of the baby sponsors might the current school year. The or­ under the terms of the National Preference. In a local project for That old swimming hole, it has all ganization spent S90 in 1932-3 in Aeolian Ladies Quartet to Recovery Act, according to En- 'vhlcli the city applied for the road streets was held up and rob­ have become extremely active and piled up substantial leads gone to seed, supplying 35 undernourished pu­ Sing at Concert Under gineer Davis, the city of Buchan-11?^ . a!1, employment would be bed at 7:3Q p. m. Thursday eve­ for their babies— but the fact remains that they did not. pils with a daily milk ration. The And the path that led to it is all Auspices Circle J, Pres­ an is entitled to borrow to an ex-iLmited to residents of Buchanan ning by two young bandits who re­ Consequently the next 12 days, embracing as they do a choked with weed. .sunt of 512.50 was also paid to tent and for projects which will the exception, of skilled labor lieved the attendant, Herman Rein- very liberal bonus and a large field of both new and renew­ The tides have turned elsewnere, ‘ physicians of the city for their byterian Church. pass the inspection of the Mieiii-in.ot available locally. City offi- Ike, 19, of $01 in hills and silver, it makes me feel sad I services in administering anti- gan examining- agencies as eco- Cials present stated that there ' Reinke stated that he was seal­ al subscriptions to work on, most certainly will decide the To think of the past and, the fun diplitheria toxoid to kindergarten The Aeolian Ladies Quartet, a nomically sound and structurally ,ai'e abOut 50 local men on the dole ed in the office at the station identity of the tots to win the loving cup, the title of the that we had. pupils. well-known ensemble of feminine feasible. The money thus borrow-; wllr° are a.ble to work; with his back to the door playing Buchanan area’s “personality baby,” and the various ca$b Our Suits were buff kidskin, one This year it is estimated that vocal artists from Chicago, will ed may be repaid in a thirty year Jan- ^ 1S the deadline set for solitaire, when the two bandits en­ awards. 150 pupils will take the Shick test piece, and you bet present a concert at the Presby­ period, 4 pei- cent interest, with applications by cities and other tered. Walter Taylor was seated Final Bonus Offer obvious to all that favoritism We were not afraid that those to determine the reaction of those terian church Friday evening, Oct. 30 per cent of the cost of labor .governing units for loans from nearby. In today’s issue, announcement partiality could not possibly suits would get wet. who had taken the diphtheria tox- 27, under the auspices of Circle 4 and materials donated. If the t?» Public Works Adnumstrabon. "Put up your hands,” snapped is made of the third and final bon­ They were all guaranteed not to joid. Another hundred will take o f the Home Service department project is built on the revenue ;-fn ^venJ lF w°uld haidly be one Of the gunmen. The two men us vote offer. shown to any candidate under tl shrink or to fade— [both the Shick test and the toxoid of that denomination. payment plan, the government will [P ossible to st^-tt work now b e fo re rose and elevated their hands. arrangement. The sealed bal t The program of the Festival will The offer is this: On every But we went there to swim, not The concert begins at S p. m. accept the completed work as se- .January or February. The gov- The gunmen then permitted “club” of 10 one-year subscrip­ box gives equal Chance to i to stage a parade. 'he as follows: and will include a varied program. curity in full for the loan, wliich ’ ernment requires only general thorn to put their hands down long tions, an extra free bonus of 45,- favors to none. j Thursday, Nov. 3 will not then constitute a tax bur- Plans and intpnnation regarding enough to turn their pockets wrong In addition to the quartet. George 000 votes will be allowed. Bear In Attention, Sponsors The path to the river no longer ! 3 p. m. to G p. m. school ex- Unger, a well-known radio bari­ den on the community. * the projects passing on them. side but. They took two pocket mind that this bonus, like the [hibits in various rooms of high The method to follow in using they take; tone of Chicago, will present sev­ If the people of Buchanan nosh H the project is approvea, thirty hooks from Taylor, which contain­ others, is ADDITIONAL to the They jump in. their autos and: school. to build a sewer they may borrow days .s allowed for draynng up de- ed papers but no money. They em­ the Sealed Ballot box is simple. 1 Friday, Nov. 3 eral numbers. Tickets for ilie regular votes. Under the regular First of all, you are requested to scorch to the lake concert may be secured from llie the necessary sum, say $100 000, .tailed engineering plans. ptied Reinke's money belt of its schedule, each yearly subscription Where the gay bathing belles are [ 3 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. School ex­ contents, about $91, covered by in­ call at the Record office not later ladies of the Circle, of widen Mrs, Of which 30 per cent of the cost earns 5,000 votes, which would than eight o’clock Saturday night.
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