THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Bccon>nda CluClMffl Po»t»Poa M Pi Publlihed EIGHTY-SIXTH YEAR — No. 47 tt Wtltfltld. K. J.- WESTFIELD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 1,1976 fivery Thuradty 24 Pages—15 Cents Fourth of July Gala Sunday B of E Maps Plans The Westfield Jaycees in conjunction with the Westfield Bicentennial CommiUee will present u Schedule of Events Colonial I'icnic and Bicentennial Fireworks 12 noon Food and beverages, games of chance, kiddy rides- In Event of School Shutdown Display Sunday beginning all open and continuous throughout day lp.m. Dixieland Band Nine hundred summer yesterday. The Board of Westfield summer schools morning lor a status report sections of the summer at 12 noon al Tamaques session, between !) a.m. and Park. The event promises to 1p.m. Foot Races - Boys & Girls - Ages 4 to 5 session students may find Education, at a special and other programs were on school closings. If 1; 10 p.m. Foot Races • Boys & Girls - Ages 6 to 7 the schools closed today meeting Tuesday night in ordered to operate on a summer schools are closed, 4 p.m. weekdays for interim be the most ambitious ami status reports. 1:20 p.m. Foot Races - Boys 4 Girls - Ages 8 to 9 unless federal judges or- the board offices, approved week-to-week basis in the the earliest planned date lo most authentic Bicentennial "Every effort will be eventin Union County. 1:30 p.m. Foot Races - Boys & Girls - Ages 10 to 12 dered a stay of the Supreme closing procedures in the event of a shut-down and reopen will be Thursday. Court mandate shutting event no action was taken. schools will be manned by a July' H, and both students made to complete summer This project has been in 1:30 p.m. Egg Toss - Boys & Girls • Ages 4 to 6 school sessions." aletterto 1:40 p.m. Foot Races - Boys & Girls - Ages 13 to 16 down New Jersey schools As of Leader press time skeleton force of 21 people. and teachers arc en- the planning stages for more couraged to call the high students and teachers 1:45 p.m. Egg Toss - Boys & Girls - Ages 7 to 9 July 1 or the State yesterday, neither the Letters were distributed than one year under the Legislature and Governor judges nor the Legislature lo students and teachers school and Edison Junior reads, but Laurence direction of Jaycce Doug 1:50 p.m. Foot Races - Boys & Girls - Ages 17 to 30 High School, sites of the Greene, superintendent of 2 p.m. National Bell Ringing Ceremony approved taxes to fund the had acted to keep the yesterday advising them lo Kelly and his committee. schools in late action schools open, listen to radio stations this academic and workshop schools, reported that "if All are invited and ad- 2:05 p.m. Foot Races - Boys & Girls- Ages30to40 sessions are delayed more mission is free. Residents 2:05 p.m. Egg Toss - Boys & Girls - AgeslOto 12 than two weeks, the whole are urged to attend for the 2:10 p.m. Foot Races - Boys & Girls - Ages 40 to 55 thing is going to blow." 2:15p.m. ' Foot Races • Boys & Girls -Ages 55 fo 65 whole day and bring neigh- Payne New Ass't. Superintendent Particularly concerned, bors and friends. 2:15 p.m. Old Guard Barbershop Harmonizing Group 2:20 p.m. Foot Races - Boys & Girls - Ages 65 to 99 Greene said, are hi^h school Food and beverage 2:30p.m. Egg Toss-Boys & Girls-Ages 12 to 99 seniors who are compleiing stands, kiddy and pony credit courses needed for rides, and games of chance 3 p.m. Three Leg Race - Adult 4 Child - Ages 4 to 6 As Bd. Names Top School Aides completion of their diploma stands will be open 3:15p.m. Three Leg Race - Adult & Child -Ages7tolO requirements, and special 3:30 p.m. Three Leg Race-Open-Ages 11 to 99 Appointing 38 persons on a Brunswick where he served department during the 1975- schultz, Franklin, sab- throughout the day which list of administrators and as junior high school 76 school term., They are: batical replacement for efforts were made will end with the fireworks 3-30pm. The Saints Drum & Bugle Corps yesterday to counsel them 3:45 p.m. Wheel Barrow Race-Adult & Child-Age 4 to 6 supervisors and naming Dr. principal from 1909 to 1972. Edith Gunter to Edison sixth grade during the first display beginning ;it Gary L. Payne assistant He had previous experience Junior High School, reading semester and second grade on alternative programs darkness. 4 p.m. Wheel Barrow Race-Adult & Child-Age 7 to 10 should the schools close 4:15 p.m. Wheel Barrow Race - Open to All superintendent of schools in Westfield as a guidance $14,R50; Elinor Kuett. (luring the second semester, Tamaques Park may be 4:15 p.m. Cranford Patriots Drum & Bugle Corps for instruction highlighted a counselor at Kdison Junior Westfield High School, $14,675. The board voted a 5- Also affected are entered from Gilberts'Mill special business meeting of High School during the 19(56- English $14,675; Evelyn :i approval of the curriculum study groups, Kd. but will be closed to 5 p.m. Liberty Pole Raising - Eastern New Jersey Artillery Company the Westfield Hoard of reassignment*. which would be postponed a 5 p.m. Head Balancing Race- Age4 to 6 (17 school term and as MacRitchie, Roosevelt vehicular traffic for the day. Education Tuesday night. assistant principal from Junior High School, English In April, the school board, week at a time, and vacation Parking will be provided at 5:15 p.m. Head Balancing Race - Age 7 to 10 schedules for ad- 5:25 p.m. Head Balancing Race - Age 11 to 99 The list of administrators !9C7 to 1969. S16.200; Iris Schornstein, by resolution, adopted the the Ecology Center for and supervisors also in- The board accepted a Jefferson second grade resource room lor the m i n i s t r a l o r s anil Lamberts Mill Kd. entrants 6 p.m. Pie Eating Contest - Age 12to 99 (Limit-50 people) secretaries working on a 12- 6 p.m. Temperance Hall - Country-Rock Group cludes the custodian of resignation for retirement $14,000; Jane Griffin, kin- handicapped method for and on the side streets for all school monies, the business July 1 from Doris M. dergarten, part-time at teaching students classified month basis. If schools close Jthers, except where posted 7:15 p.m. To be Announced today, they will go on 7:30-9:15p.m. Freetime for food, beverages, gamesof chance, office manager, board at- Williams, assistant coor- Franklin and Tamnques as handicapped Sup- "No Parking." torney, executive secretary $12,925; and Bette Lip- kiddy rides, pony rides and camaraderie dinator of elementary (Continued on page 5) (Continuedon page 5) to the superintendent, and education. Mrs. Williams Park Concerts 9:30p.m. Bicentennial Fireworks Display maintenance supervisor and has 29 years of service in the assistant. The appointments Westfield school system, are effective July 1, 197(1 serving as assistant coor- $300,000 for "Duck Pond? Begin Tonight through June 30, 1977 and dinator of elementary are subject to the New education for the past 19 Brightwood Park plans ward have no park or complex at the Boynton The Weatftold Community .Icrsey Supreme Court playground in their area at Concert Band will open a Parade in Mindowaskin Park Resignations ulso were have gone astray and are Ave. tract. [ urge the con- Order of May 13 and may be received from Miss Nancy caught up in a muddle of red all", John K. "Jack" struction of an active park series of summer concerts canceled at any time ac- Meeker Jr. said today. al 8 p.m. tonight in Min- Rindner, and Miss Mary tape.revised revisions and in the third ward, one that cording to that mandate. bickering, according to a "Because of (he "many would be eligible for Green dowaskin Park. Theodore K. Dormer, both senior high 1 To Begin July 4 Observance Dr. Payne has been English teachers. third ward council can- cuts, it : tennis courts, tot Acres money. Recreation Schlosbcrg will conduct the play area and extra parking band in a special Bicen- director of instruction since Reassigned by the Board didate "It's inconceivable to fields are needed ;is well as Colonial tunes will ring Program arrangements from other religious groups July, 1975. Before that he of Education at the special me that my councilmen in (he Brightwood complex, playground equipment, tennial performance, [t is out on East Broad St. and have been worked out by the to sing at several points and the park becomes too planned that Mayor Alex was director of secondary meeting Tuesday night were could support the com- picnic areas and adequate patriotic hymns will fill Sons of the American conclude with the "Battle education, since August, six teachers who provided mitment of $300,000 for a passive which might make it parking facilities Williams and the National Mindovvoskin Park as the Revolution in cooperation Hymn of the Republic". 1972. Dr. Payne came to ineligible for Green Acres Guard Colour Guard will supplemental instruction for duck pond in Brightwood "Furthermore", Meeker Westfield Kifc and Drum with the League of Religious Earlier in the program, iVcst field from East the special services when the people in the third money. The burden of the stated, "the work on this also participate in (he Corps leads the Independ- Organizations of Westfield colors will be presented by creation of this park would evening program.
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