NEW MINERAL NAMES M. Frarscnnn Sonolite Mlvunr Yosnrxaca, sonolite, a new manganese silicate mineral. Mem.'Fae. sci. Rgushi, Unir., Ser. D, Geol,.,14,l-21 (1963) Analysis of material from the Hanawa mine gave SiOr22.i7, TiOr 0.09, AhOr 2.56, FeO 0.93, MgO 3.45, MnO 62.01, CaO 0.73, BaO none, F 0.21, CO24.53, HrO+ 3.08, HrO- 0.30, 'lhis sum 100-26-(o:Fr)009:100.1716. correspondsto (Mnz.eoFeo.r6Mg1.65cao.re)s.rz (Si3.4bAl0.62Ti0.or)n.ororr.r[(OH)r.suFo.rr]r0eor 4Mn2SiO4.NIn(OH, F)r, the manganeseana- logue of clinohumite. The mineral is decomposed by HCI reaving gelatinous silica Monoclinic, with ., 10.66,b 4.88, c l$3 A, p 100.34t,Z:2 (a and c are interchanged from the setting for clinohumite). Single or lamellar twinning o" {Ott} is common. Color dull reddish orange. H 5.5, G 3.82 (meas.), 3.97 (calc.). Optically (-) with zs, a p 1.763, 1.779,7 1.7932V 75.5-82',dispersion r>v, Xn {001} :q-t0.. Cotorlessin thin section. The mineral occurs as fine-grained, prismatic to anhedral crystals at the sono, rranawa, and other manganese mines, mostly in Paleozoicformations in Japan. Associated minerals are rhodochrosite, galaxite and pyrochroite The name is for the Sons Mine rvere it was first found. Drscussrox.-A member of the alleghanyite-leucophoenicitegroup. Krnzo Ylcr Beta-lomonosovite v. r. GrnesruovsKrr AND M. E Kuarova, Beta-lomonosovite. Doklady Aka.d. Nauk. SS.SR, r42, 670-673 (1962) (in Russian). Metalomonosovite (= S61a-lomonosovite) Ortholomonosovite (= le46losovite ) Metamurmanite E. r. srunNov, N. r. onceNovL ,rNo M. v. Kurnancnx, New data on minerals of the group lomonosovite-murmanite. Kri.stallograf,yo.6, 925-932 (1961) (in Russian). N v' Bnr.ov aNo N. I onc.lNova, crystal chemistry and mineralogy of the lomonosovite group in the light of the crystal structure of lomonosovite. Geohhimiya 1962,6-14 (in Russian), translation in Geochem,istry1962,4-I3. (in part from abstracts by E. M. BoNsnrrn:r-KuptETsKAyA in Zapishi Vses.Mineralog Obshch.,gZ,2l}-2ll (1963) l'or previous data on the lomonosovite-murmanite group, see Am. Mineral,.35, IWZ- 1093 (1950) Analyses 1-3 are of beta-iomonosovite, l. by T. A. Burova, 2. by M. E. Kazakova (figure for HzO corrected in abstract), 3. by M. V. Kukharchik, 4. meta-murmanite. by A. V. Bykova. t+13 t+14 MICHAEL FLEISCHER Beta-lomonosovite The formula of betalomonosovite is given as NazTizSisOg'(Na,H):POr (G' and K') NasMnTi:(SiaPzOn(OH)r) (S., O., and K) NarTi23+Si2Os.NaHgPOr (B' and O') 52rl'ir$irQe'NaPO: 18' and O.) (Lomonosovite is NazTizSisOg+Na3PO, As with lomonosovite, NarPOr is readily leached from the mineral by water. The mineral occurs in tabular to platy massesup to 5X4X0.3 cm. color pale yellow- brown, rose, brown. H about 4, brittle, G 2.98,2.95. Luster vitreous to pearly on the cleav- age, vitreous to greasy on fracture. Fracture uneven' Optically biaxial, (-), ns a l'670, r)v' Extinction in- 01.770,"/1.779,2V about 24' (G. and K.), 2V 10-20' (S.,O., and K ), clined with respect to the perfect cleavage. P:Ou 18.54 16.12 15 05 5.00 SiOz 24.60 25.18 24.18 29.53 0.40 1.00 AIzOa 0.69 ( Nb205 I I 4.00 ( < 3.05 < 4.78 6.00 Ta:or t I 0.52 I Tio: 23.85 25.01 25.66 30.00 ZrOz 2.24 1.89 250 2.lo FezOr 2.13 2.38 2.20 1.50 Mgo 0.24 0.22 0.30 MnO 0.96 140 |.70 220 CaO 1.66 062 1.80 1.00 Na:O 16.50 17.r3 15.16 10 50 KrO tr. 088 0.90 HzO 570 4.60 5.10 11.66 99 47 100.90 100 10 100.04 .t riclinic, a 5.28, b.7.05, c 14.50A., q 1O2"24.,A96"51., y 90'. The r-ray pattern (33 lines) -, (7) (bv has strong lines at 2.80,2.77 (lO),3.50,3.45 (9), 13.53(8),3'11 (5) or 3'03 G' and K. and S., O., and K., resp.). The pattern is very closeto that of lomonosovite' DTA studies showed (G. and K.) a small endothermal effect at about 200', a sharp exothermal effect at 650'and an endothermal effect at 900' (melting ?); (S., O., and K.) endothermal efiects at 400'and 800'and a sharp exothermal effect at 650"' occurs in alkalic pegmatites of the Lovozero massif, Kola Peninsula, in poikilitic sodalite syenite and in eudialyte lujavrites. Associated minerals include microcline, aegirine, arfvedsonite, eudialyte, sodalite and nepheline. The mineral is named beta,lomonosovite by G. and K. because it is considered to differ from lomonosovite, especially in water content and DTA behavior. The name metalomono- sovite was given because the mineral $,as assumed to contain sodium metaphosphate, NaPOs. Likewise, the name ortholomonosovite was suggested for lomonosovite to indicate the presence of sodium orthophosphate, Na3POa. NEW MINE,RAL NAMES l4l.) DrscussroN.-Bonshtedt-Kupletskaya objects to the name metalomonosovite because the meta prefix has been used most often to indicate a partially dehydrated phase, whereas metalomonosovite contains more water than lomonosovite. I agree. She also objects to the name ortholomonosovite as a bad name for a triclinic mineral. I agree; the name is un- necessaryas well as objectionable. Metamurmanite Analysis 4 above is of a weathering product of beta-lomonosovite, which occurs in platy yellowish-gray and violet-gray masses Biaxial ns a 1 670, | 730,2V about 30'. The DTA , "/ curve shows endothermal breaks at 100", 200', 400' (small), and 800'. The :r-ray pattern is close to that of beta lomonosovite but contains fewer lines of lesser intensity The analysis is interpreted as that of a member of the lomonosovite-murmanite group from which NaPO" has been leached. DrscussroN -I agree rnith Bonshtedt-Kupletskaya that this partially decomposed member of a poorly understood group should not be named. Rijkeboerite A. H. vaN DER VEEN A study of pyrochlore. Verhond.el.Kon Ned.erland'sGeoI. Mijnbouw- kundig Genootschap,GeoI Ser.,22, 1-188 (1963). Chemical and r-ray fluorescenceanalysis gave BaO 4.85, SrO 0.09, CaO 0.47, PbO 0.90' cezoa 0.45, Thor 0.19, uno8 1.68,SbrOa 0 007, BLO3 0.03, Tlro 1.56,Na:o(0 5, MnO 0 09, FeO (total Fe) 0.93,MgO<0.1, Tarob 71.59,NbzOs 5.87,'fiOzl.2l,ZrOz10.l, SnOz2.05, AI2OB0.42, LizO(0.1, As2O30 12, CuO 0.06, H:O+ (ign. loss) 6.9, SiO, 1 2, AgrO 0.008, sum 100.67516.After deducting 3 68/6 microlite, 0 26 tantalite,0.1216 cassiterite,quartz and feldspar, this correspondsto Ao s; BrO; az(HrO)2, where A:Ba (predominant), Fe, U, etc, B:Ta (predominant), Nb, Ti, Sn. The mineral is therefore a barium microlite, the analogue of pandaite (barium pyrochlore, rn'ith Nb ) Ta, seeArn Minerol. 44, 1324 (1959)) and with a large deficiency in the A group. The Tl reported is considered to have been adsorbed during separation using Clerici solution. G 5.68 5.80, av. 5.71, calculated 5.60. Reflectivity in air 128 13.6, av. 73.2. Vickers hardness 485-498, av. 497 (:about 4]-5). Heated material gives the r-ray pattern of BaTarOrr. Indexed r-ray powder data are given, the strongest lines are 3.034 (100) (222), 6.04(80) (111),3.1s (6s) (311), 2.631(60) (400), 1.86s (60) (440). o:10.570+0.0005 A. The mineral was concentrated from alluvials (cassiteriterich) from a pegmatite at Chi-Chico, Sdo Jolo del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The name is for A. Rijkeboer, chief of analytical department, N. V Hollandse Metal- lurgische Industrie Billiton, Arnhem, Netherlands, which made the analysis. H. W. V. Wrr.r,rlrs Vanuralite Gnoncns Bnencnr, Pmnnn BenreNo, Fnnwcrs CneNrnnr, Roernr Poucrr aNo Amx- .q.NonnRrus<v, La vanuralite, nouveau min6ral uranifbre. Acod. sci, (Fronce), Comptes rend,us,256, 537+537 6 (1963) Analyses gave UO3 59.63, 58.45; VrOs 18.61, 18 06; AhOs 5.30, 5 12; HzO 16.20, 17.00; sum 99.74, 98.6370, corresponding to AtzO:.2V:Os.4UOs.17HrO or (UOz)sA1(VOn)r (OH) '8HrO. A loss of weight curve shows a loss of about lOTo to 250", about 3.5/6 addi- tional to 400' and about 2.516 fuorr 4O0-450'. The DTA curve shows a double endothermal peak at about 170' and 220", another at about 420", and a smaller one about 800' perhaps corresponding to conversion of UOr to UaOs. There is an exothermic peak at 550'. 1416 MICHADL FLEISCHER The mineral is monoclinic, in plates on (001). Forms identified are (001) (dominant), (101), (I01), (111), (I11) and (011). Cleavage (001), very easy. Single crystal study space group A2/a, unit cell a 10.44, b 8.56, c 20.35 A, B 103'; the unit cell contains (UO2)3 A14(VO4)s(OH)4'32HzO.X-ray powder data (Co Ko) are given (10 lines); the strongest linesare 9.96 (90), 5.00 (80),3.326 (30),2.679 (25),2.+90(18). Vanuralite is citron-yellow. Hardness about 2, G (by hydrostatic suppension) 3.62. 'w'ith Optically biaxial (-), zs a 1.65, p 1.85, 7 1.90, 2V measured 44', calculated 46', dispersion weak r(v. Orientation Z:b,X nearly parallel to c,Y nearly parallel to a.
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