j'. '" V~/~\ THE' ,',', ,," ',' ~'''\ (F:..\ SILVER "~ Grabill, Indiana January, 1961 ! J j, VICTORIOUS POSITION FOR DEFENSE "And this is his commandment, in us, by the Spirit which he hath That we should believe an the name gIven us. of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one Beloved, believe not every spirit, I another, as he gave us c'Ommandment. but try the spirits whether they are ! And he that keepeth his command- of God: because many false prophets j j ments dwelleth in him, and he in him. are gone out into the world." j And hereby we know that he abideth From I John I 1I YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN ,i 1 I BEm Sommer-Submitted by Noab Schrock I (Continued from last month) ! I ! ! (Correction: The last sentence in and equipped for the journey and ! the last Silver Lining, under 'Bap- battle of life. A solemn rite is ordain- I tism" should read: '''The bath in ed in the word of God, which, when ! water symbolizes the cleansing of accepted in obedience and faith, ! the heart, which cleansing, however, after pr'OpeI" preparation, becomes is not done with water, but by the the means by which this precious f j atonement in the blaod of Christ.) gift is received, namely, by the lay.,. i ing on of hands, with prayer, after THE HOLY SPIRIT immersion. Now the heart, being cleansed, is TPe writer of the epistle to the prepared to receive the Holy Gh'Ost Hebrews includes this rite, along as a permanent tenant. He shall be, with repentance and baptism, as a- and is needed as a Comforter, as a mOTIf;the principles of the doctrin,e guide through life, to guide us into of Christ, when he says, "Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine all truth. 26 Jesus said, "... he shan teach you· all things, and bring all of Christ, let us go 'Onunto perfection; things to your remembrance, whatso- not laying again the foundation of ever I have said unto yoU."27 repentance from dead works, and of The anointing of the Holy Ghost faith toward God, Of the doctrine. of is an essentialpart~' without which no converted soul· is fully .furnished 2& John 16:13 2!l John 14 :26 1I 2 THE' SILVER LINING i baptisms, and of laying on of hands, WHAT A BL,E.8SING and of resurrection of the dead, and What a wonderful experience, to of eternal judgment."28 be led out of darkness into light! ... Also, we find that the apostles To be led by God's goodness to re- Peter and John, when they went to pentance; in repentance, to be led to Samaria, having heard that Samaria faith in the Son of God; by Him, to had received the word of God through be freed from the power of sin; by the preaching of Philip, practiced Him, to be washed and cleansed of the laying on of hands for the giving our sins that are past, to receive of the Holy Ghost upon those who f.orgiveness of sins and peace with believed and were baptized. We read: God; to be clothed with the white "Then laid they their hands on them, garment of justification through and they received the Holy Ghost."29 Jesus Christ; to receive baptism in While this rite is ignored or the name of the Father, the Son, and neglected by most denominations of the Holy Spirit; by the laying on of nominal Christianity, it is well estab- hands, to receive the gift of the Holy lished in the Holy Scripture, and Spirit; to have the love of God richly should be gladly embraced by all true poured out into our hearts! believers who desire to accept the whole counsel of God. 28Hebrews 6:1,2 29 The Acts 8:17 BASES FOR LEADERSHIP Willis R. Ehnle We can all be followers when, it jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant comes to following Christ, but we or rude. Love does not insist on its cannot all be followers in regard own way; it !s not irritable lor resent- to some responsibilities in this life. ful; it does not rej-oice at wrong" but Someone· must assume responsibility rejoices in the righL and see to it that the tasks at hand We are emotional human beings, are accomplished and order main.:. and, in spite of all we say, we get tained. Those of us who are called hurt feelings, and hurt other peoples' upon to act as leaders, whether: or feelings quite easily. We need to not 'Ours is a minor or major role, can practice the kind of love of which all find valuable' teachings in, the Paul writes. Holy Scriptures which will' help us in carrying out our duties .. There is no room for self; it is to Christ taught us,. You shall Jove be crucified with Christ. " ... even your. neig.hbor as yourself .. W~ tent:! Christ pleased not himself." (Romans to be sympathetic towards ourselves, 15 :3) Sacrifice and death are not to sometimes too much so., If we'have be shunned if necessary in order to the same love' and consideration to- do God's ..will~ ... ward others as we have towar.d ..our" :Love is not· jea}(ms or- boastful. selves, we will' be better qualified' as Boastfulness· is not tv be a character.:. leaders .. ' . '.~ , .. istic,.of· the 'leader. His strength is in This kind of love may not be under- meekness and humility, coupled with stood nor appreciated by" the non::' courage :and drive,' which utilizes the believer or the superficial, n'Ominal power of 'God through: prayer and Christian.' The' Apostle Paul<;'states, meditationi. ;()n: the.: Holy. ·Scriptures. Love is patient and kind; love is not This meekness does not exclude his THE: SILVER LINING 3 right, on s'Ome occasions, to make which is very difficult to hide from known to his critics that which has others. This feeling must be controll- been accomplished under his leader- ed and conquered by the grace of God. ship. We must remember the words of Love is not arrogant or rude. Our Christ when He told His disciples, manner of conduct is important. Yiou know that the' rulers of the Often, it is not so much what we say, GentLilleslord it lOverthem, and their as how we say it. Manner of speech. great men exercise authority over the l'ookof the eyes, the tone of voice, them. It shalI not be so among you: the expression of the face are to- but whoever would be first among gether a mirror, which often reflects y/ou must be YJourslave; even as the a person's attitude and inn e r Son .of man came not t,o be served thoughts better than what he says. but tlOserve, and to give his life a Dove is no,t irritable or resentful. ransom for many. This is not always easy. Lack of sleep, We are to serve Christ first of all, personal problems, or ill health may and secondly our brethren and fel- bring on irritableness 'Orresentfulness lowmen. THE GETTYSBURG OF THE CHURCH Henry Souder Jr. Out in the night, a lone comet once saved. It is one who once walked soared through the sky, breaking into the house of the Lord. But now, away from the church. Apparently there is dagger of death. This one it appeared to have many of the kisses outwardly, and leads the facial features 'Offixedness. It was a enemy inwardly. flight in lone fantasy ... throbbing Like one called Judas, this one will on, into the impenetrable blackness wake to its fate when too late. "... of night. it had been good for that man if he Wandering stars bring to the had not been born." church the crisis, the clash and cry, "Let us therefore fear, lest, a the heart's tear-shed of battle. promise being left us of entering into "Beloved, when I gave all diligence his rest, any of you should seem to to write unto you of the common eome short of it." salvation, it was needful for me t'O Godly respect resolves the conflict write unto you, and exhort you that courageously. ye should earnestly contend for the We are yet in the flesh. There is a faith which was once delivered unto conflict between the flesh and the the saints." Spirit. The flesh carries a margin God has carefully chosen the of potential error. It fumes and it position of defense, the high ground fails, but all the while, we can be of truth. At Cemetery Ridge, raising that victorious "thanks be to at Gettysburg, the enemy hurls his God, which giveth us the victory warriors into the very ranks of God's through our Lord Jesus Christ." children. The single shot sometimes Time is like the melting snow. It is ominious of a storm of enemy runs out. savagery and fury. But we grasp those eternal sub- Beware of the betrayers! stances that endure for ever. We live But also, care for the wounded. in the welcome, the goodness, the The fatal fatality is one who was love of the Father's house. His 4 THE SILVER LINING memories are more than memories ly ... trying hard not to deal with ... they are enduring parts of God's rash, harsh, hasty, crack ... plan. When that which is perfect is "But there were false prophets also come, they will glow in. fullness. This among the people, even as there is the beauty of God's house. shall be false teachers among you, "..
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