I I 1 \ I I I 1 I V \ Mll.ll Page B-iO DINING ROOM SET— HUMMEL-«GU RIN ES - MOVING-MUST SELL- STEREO- Back to TIRES- (2) Unlroyal. WOLFF- TANNING Mahogany,, table 60X40 (28) displayed in dark Dinette,. hutch, coffee & school spoclall Sansul with 12 Inch leaf, 6 chairs enc steel belted radlals, P215/ BEDS Commercial-Home wood Curio Cabinet. De- * tables, TV, rocker, rack system with' cas- 75R15. $40/both. Call Units From $199.00. CLASSIFIED & 66 Inch buffet; Set of sire to sell as a package. chatrs"; raTfTBs7~b'IK*e, seller CD & turn table, 725-7615. •• aluminum cookware, Asking $3000! Call 874- kitchen, items & more. Ex- Sounds greatl Must sell, Lamps-Lotions- $200,396-8985. " . eel cond. 234-2367. $450. Call 722-4831. TIRES- P205 75R15 Accessories. Monthly 8142 after 6PM, anytime .Eayjnents.lQW as $18.00, X-fLJ_JL E C T,:l.Q N -rims-&-tl«»-llk»-n8w.-Al!-4- CHIL,DCRAFT CRIB & 66 DS 80- for $160. Couch. S love CalFToday FREE Color ANTIQUE PUMP OR- ental. Inlaid teak table, HUTCH— Dark pine, 70mm rriacro zoom, SB20 Many new pparts, runs catalog 1-800-228-6292. DRESSER CHANGER- lighted hutch, server, 6 seat neutral color $500.. GAN— Sleigh coffee tar • Light oak, excellent cond.. $250, Maytag washer, T -TTL, auto flash, Nikon great. Very fastt , GGood Bo- Call 985-5531. 310 ble; 2 small cocktail ta- $350. Black sleeper chairs, excellent condi- yr, old, $375. 2 Konmoro skyllght,' $425. All excel- glnnog r bike. $0$5007B.O7 . bles. All are ' dark pine. tion. Pair Satsuma lamps. dryers: gas, $225; elec- lent; Call 722-8219 after Calll 6-10PMPM, 469-56856 . TOOLS— wrenches, I GARAGE SALES I couch, $60. 752-4884. sockets, screwdrivers, Lamps, misc items. Call Reasonable. 769-0061 • tric, $100. Twin hoad- 6PM- SWIMMINfi POOLS- 317 \ Forbes Newspaper 968-5480 leave message,. CONN ELECTRIC OR- DINING ROOM- board. 563-4933. hammers, drills, skill SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH GAN— 2 keyboards, POOL TABLE— Bruns- Hurry— We're' over- YARD,Y; GARDEN] APPLE 2+ COMPATI- Spanlsh style table; leaf, JACK LA LANNE GOLD saws, senders. Call 725- ! pedal octavo, full stops, wlck Gold Crown, $1000 stocked! Many sizes & 3723, leave message. CRANFQRD, 8 EDGE- BLE— w/cotor monitor_& 6 chairs, black wrought MEMBERSHIP- Full or B/O, All accessories shapes available now at & FARM I USPS 136 800 Second Class BROOK PL-- Saturday, practice headphones, Iron, good . cond. $500/ WATERBED— Oak/ printer. Comes w/ovor suitable for home or small member prModooa. $60 a Inch lady's silver fox hat,tremendous savings. Vol. 97 NO. 33 Published Every Thursday Thursday, August 16, 1990" Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 50 CENTS Aug.11 & Sunday, $1000 worth of software. BO. 283-0064, pleast) year Asking $$O0 Call Hav usod 2x, $100. Upright Trade your old car, boat, queen size, heated, Aug.12, 9AM-3PM. Misc. Church. $1000. 469-3714 leave message. lighted headboard, w/ Call 873-0962 after 6PM- at 2O1-7?f-Sa&> o< 60!>- fmoror, $25. 752-6131. camper etc. Financing NEED FARM PRODUCE? Items. for Info. COUCH & LOVESEAT- 924-6500 ^37if (\v) available. Call 1-800-843 bookcase, pedestal base Country, very good condi- DISNEY COLLECTOR- : Buy direct from NJ farm- CRANFORD, 90 WINANS KENMORE WASHl H A 7665 (B189). w/6 drawers. Orlg. $800, BAKERY EQUIPMENT- tion, Asking $750. Call Selllng Grollar Disney tig- RECORDS— Cm-ihy Fl. sell $100. Call 889-5465. ers using the NJ Farmers AVE.- (Off Centennial 2 donut fryolators, 30 281-6147.. •• urines; Call 272 2S< " via, lUiatlos,- Girls bikes TABLES— Antique ma- Market Line, 1-800-FARM-: Hanson house renovations vot^d ELECTRIC p»m n iv WHITE WICKER .Ave.) Sun., 8/12, 10AM•quar- t dough mixer, roll leave message. il) .»V 27", 3 sbd, clean, hogahy styles. Good con- MKT,. or outside NJ, 579-. CUSTOM SOFA- 8ft. llL\*>. used 3 UKV*. a \4\wy\ CHAISE- $100. Free 2 4PM. No darly birds. Mov- machine, cash register, DOUBLE TORCH '\\<i)\ motor & pump, dltlon. Reasonable price. 9546. Sponsor Include Ing Sale. Everything must reasonably priced. loose cushioned back,' netting. AsMhg $."00. Call 968-0262 leave rnos- steel case metal desks. the "Jersey Fresh" Cream textured fabric, flo- one overhauled. 4 (*>QUla- «>ach. Call dfloc Spn<. UWI inowor. More. 356- Call 231-0195. go! 3564724 or 442-9040. tprs. 1 brazing toich 2 saao. proaram. down.3.-2 after stormy session ral design. Fits Period or BALDWIN ORGAN Mod decor. $600/ B.O; pcs. 25' hose, cait tot KITCHEN SET- i ablo RtCMEATION ROOM- PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE By Cheryl Moulton Carolyn Vollero who had been a ;the way things are financially. I SPINET— Series bottles. $295 for all. Call with bench & S crwlry, Kvi.rnltiim by VThls End 1 315 725-7290. after 3pm. • BOROUGH OF KtrNlLWORYH oii tulty moiMs thy Gpocilicacon;; and the MjQuin.nu'ni. , supporter of the bond issue but can vote yes," and she voted no to #11100. 10 yrs. old. Like 469-0388. ' standing butcher blocK, Up". "Uw lovo seats and (or which thoyari.' inlendod . The proposed $165,000 bond or- FOR SALE DEN FURNITURE- Con- load ciystat light ttvhiru. INVITATION FOR BIDS . said, "I make my decisions based the proposed ordinance. neW. Fun rnachlne. AsW DRUM-4 pc. Ludwlg. cornor table, cost over Sn.ili't) tudt. v^ill bo K.TiMVt'd by (hr RuiOutjh Council The syccnj.iilul bidder tihall guarantee his.t'quipmpni dinance to renovate the Hanson Ing $2000/BO. 725-3578. temp. Barrel Style Incl. Call 968-S480 tauto nms- $1000 loss than 10 of |hi* [loiou()h cil Kcmlwull^ Ctninly ol Union Ne* and work performed to' be free from .til delude in house failed 3-2 at Tuesday's sec- on vijhat the community wants and " Mayor Ed Force said he be- bar (2) stools, couch, end hardshells, 5 Roto-toms sago. months ngo. Will sacrifice J^ii.t'V un Augijf.1 IM tllJK) .it ^>00 |) rn ijfi'w.iilino t"nc workmnnuhip-and malen-al and shall corfcct'.yiy uucu BEDRO6M SET- triple tables, lamp, 4 dining w/ stand, 5.Turkish ?lld- ..il Ihi- MunlCip.il (luiUJimj f>fi/ UoulCv.ird Ki'nilworlh NJ dctccl'al his own o*(u)nt'o or lhat.of his-Surety • ond reading after an emotion there ^are too many unanswered lieved whenever an old home is for only $600. Call 874- for ' ••..•..'. Tho Borough Council re&r.-rv.ct Ihe rirjht lo rejuct any 3PC. LIVING ROOM dresser w/mirror, 2 night . room chairs &. table, 10 jian cVmbols w/stand, questions here." She voted no on rehabilitated "there are always tables, headboard for LAWN TRACTOR— new .8142 after ,6 PM, anytimo I'HCSPOSCD IMPnOVCMF.NTS TO MUNICIPAL I-ARK or all bids-and lo waive any or all n\loimali(ior. in lh<- Bid'j- filled, lengthy public hearing for SET— couch, loveseat & pc. total, good cond. cowbell, stool & brushes Brlggs &' Strattorv engine. on weekends. INC. LOT 23HD AND"24TH STREETS, KENlCWORTH . ' • By Marfjar.,'1 Adlfi the bond ordinance. things that come up," saying there chair. Cranberry, black & double ' bod, :dove gray, $500 must see. 722-5206. ... NHW JEHSEY Oorou(]M CU;r(. arid against the controversial is^ S750/BO. 281-0064, leave $750/BO. Air Conditioner, $3? 13 ' CC6-H August 0, 1990 were "too many intangibles" with white. Excellent condition mahogany, $300. Call REFRIGERATOR- 21 i'l.nv.\\nci riiwcilicaiian;. lor thiiwoik rn.iy tm'OUAH -in- 'sue: •-.._••. •' •; • '•' ,-. • Republican Barbara BHger, who message. ELEC. BASEBOARD window unit, $75/B0. ert tinti ptoouu'd .it the otfico of \\\o Dorouqh EnQinnof the proposed project and he. voted $250>j725-7i96. 272-7287 after 4 PM. MOVING! Must sell cu; ft., harvest gold, .5 yrs. ?0OS Rtnili* 2'd), Union hj J Plans and Spncific.ihons n'i;jy NOTICE TO CHEDITORS The culmination of the emotion- had been in support of the reten- r DESK— Knee hole w/7 HEATERS- Fed. Paclflc- old, $300/BO. New rangb lit; purcha&cd lof Uu* pjiyrneMit ol ,S?5 00 chnck madn. Estate (if ROBERT L BIACH. dncu.ir.od. : no. .. 6 PO. *G\ RL'S BEDROOM SET- 1940 s NOW! I 463-3759.. ! charged evening came after the tion of the Hanson house but in drawers & chair, $250. 220V, excel, cond., 84 ft. hood, 30", ducted, al- pi ty.ib*li' lo M ptskn Ai.'jocialor. u.uii conlbeino' ih*v Pursuant lo Ihu order of Ann P Gonit. Surtoonie ol iho BEDROOM^-" chest w/ Ipcl, double bed, vanity w/ Bar w/2 stools, $175. 463- LIVING ROOM COUCH- fcnroiiticlion pttco o( (h« tjocunninls and ts nol Counly ol Union; mado on Ihe 3rd daV ol Auflusl. A O objection to spending $165,000, Democrat Dan Aschenbach and Sears top line H/W heat- . mond, never, used, $50/ rel'urnnblo. • ' ., ' . IDOO^ upon J ha .application of Iho uudoriiifjnod. ar. Ad- public hearing when the five doors, nite table,' corner bench, chest of drawers, 7892 after 6PM. ers 52 & 40 gars. $300/ Grundlg stereo., console. minir.tratriji Qj_thq oiitaio of said docpasod notice, is voted down the bond ordinance, desk, double dresser, night stand, wardrobe, 2 Litton microwave oven. All BO, 685-1906. Each bid rnuui bo accompaniori by a QuarAntuy. payable Township Committee members Republican Vince . Bririkerhoff B.O. takes all. 658-4538. lo ihu UorouQh ol Knnilworlh. Now Jefsuy. in (Mu amount ' hereby gtvon trrtho creditors of uaid dncoaaodloexh,ibii saying, "This is the first hard der mirror, hutch $500/8.0. mirrors. $685. 755-2188. DESK— Large executive In" excellent shape.
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