Chapter I Set Theory There is surely a piece of divinity in us, something that was before the elements, and owes no homage unto the sun. Sir Thomas Browne One of the benefits of mathematics comes from its ability to express a lot of information in very few symbols. Take a moment to consider the expression d sin( θ). dθ It encapsulates a large amount of information. The notation sin( θ) represents, for a right triangle with angle θ, the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse. The differential operator d/dθ represents a limit, corresponding to a tangent line, and so forth. Similarly, sets are a convenient way to express a large amount of information. They give us a language we will find convenient in which to do mathematics. This is no accident, as much of modern mathematics can be expressed in terms of sets. 1 2 CHAPTER I. SET THEORY 1 Sets, subsets, and set operations 1.A What is a set? A set is simply a collection of objects. The objects in the set are called the elements . We often write down a set by listing its elements. For instance, the set S = 1, 2, 3 has three elements. Those elements are 1, 2, and 3. There is a special symbol,{ }, that we use to express the idea that an element belongs to a set. For instance, we∈ write 1 S to mean that “1 is an element of S.” For∈ the set S = 1, 2, 3 , we have 1 S, 2 S, and 3 S. We can write this more quickly as: 1 , 2{, 3 S}. We can express∈ the∈ fact that 4∈ is not an element of S by writing 4 / S. ∈ ∈ Example 1.1. Let P be the set 16 , 5, 2, 6, 9 . Is 6 P ? Yes! Is 5 P ? No, so we write 5 / P . { − } ∈ ∈ ∈ △ The order of the elements in a set does not matter, so we could have written S = 1, 2, 3 as S = 1, 3, 2 , or as S = 3, 2, 1 . If an element is repeated in a set, we do{ not count} the{ multiplicity.} Thus {1, 2, 3}, 1 is the same set as S = 1, 2, 3 . We say that two sets are equal when they{ have exactly} the same elements. { } Not all sets consist of numbers. For instance T = a, b, c, d is a set whose elements are the letters a, b, c, d . Sets may have words, names,{ symbols,} and even other sets as elements. Example 1.2. Suppose we want to form the set of Jesus’ original twelve apostles. This would be the set Apostles = Peter , James , John the beloved ,..., Judas Iscariot . { } We put the 3 dots in the middle to express the fact that there are more elements which we have not listed (perhaps to save time and space). △ The Last Supper , ca. 1520, by Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli. The next example is a set with another set as an element. 1. SETS, SUBSETS, AND SET OPERATIONS 3 Example 1.3. Let S = 1, 5, 4, 6 , 3 . This set has four elements. We have 1, 5, 3, 4, 6 S, but 4 / S{. However,{ } 4 } 4, 6 and 4, 6 S. { } ∈ ∈ ∈ { } { } ∈ △ It can be confusing when sets are elements of other sets. You might ask why mathematicians would allow such confusion! It turns out that this is a very useful thing to allow; just like when moving, the moving truck (a big box) has boxes inside of it, each containing other things. Advice 1.4. You can think of sets as boxes with objects inside. So we could view the set 1, 5, 4, 6 , 3 from the previous example as the following box, which contains{ another{ } box:} 1 5 4 6 3 Figure 1.4 : A box with a box inside, each containing some numbers. 1.B Naming sets We’ve seen that capitalized Roman letters can be used to give names to sets. Some sets are used so often that they are represented by special symbols. Here are a couple of examples. The set of natural numbers is the set • N = 1, 2, 3,... { } This is the first example we’ve given of an infinite set , i.e., a set with infinitely many elements. The set of integers is • Z = ..., 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,... { − − − } The dots represent the fact that we are leaving elements unwritten in both directions. We use the fancy letter “ Z” because the word “integer” in German is “Zahlen.” Some sets are constructed using rules. For example, the set of even integers can be written as ..., 4, 2, 0, 2, 4,... { − − } but could also be written in the following ways: (1.5) 2x : x Z { ∈ } (1.6) x Z : x is an even integer { ∈ } (1.7) x : x = 2 y for some y Z . { ∈ } 4 CHAPTER I. SET THEORY We read the colon as “such that,” so ( 1.5 ) is read as “the set of elements of the form 2x such that x is an integer.” Writing sets with a colon is called set-builder notation . Notice that x Z : 2 x + 1 { ∈ } doesn’t make any sense, since “2 x + 1” is not a condition on x. Here are a few more examples. The set of prime numbers is 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 , 13 ,... = x N : x is prime . { } { ∈ } Similarly, Apostles = x : x was one of the original 12 apostles of Jesus . { } With set-builder notation, we can list a few more very important sets. The set of rational numbers is • Q = a/b : a, b Z, b = 0 . { ∈ 6 } Note that there is no problem with the fact that different fractions can represent the same rational number, such as 1 /2 = 2 /4. Repetitions do not matter in sets. We will occasionally need the fact that we can always write a rational number as a fraction a/b in lowest terms : i.e., so that a and b have no common factor larger than 1. We will prove this in Section 18 (see Exercise 18.3 ). The set of real numbers is • R = x : x has a decimal expansion . { } So we have π = 3 .14159 . R, 3 = 3 .00000 . R, and √2 R. Later in ∈ ∈ ∈ this book we will prove √2 / Q. The set of complex numbers ∈is • C = a + bi : a, b R, i 2 = 1 . { ∈ − } Is 3 a complex number? Yes, because we can take a = 3 and b = 0. So we have 3 N, 3 Z, 3 Q, 3 R, and 3 C! ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ Example 1.8. Which of the named sets does π = 3 .14159 . belong to? We have π R and π C. On the other hand, since 3 < π < 4 we have π / N and π / Z. It ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ is true, but much harder to show, that π / Q. ∈ △ There is one more set we will give a special name. The empty set is the set with no elements. We write it as = . • ∅ { } Warning 1.9. The empty set is not nothing . It has no elements, but the empty set is something . Namely, it is “the set with nothing in it”. Thinking in terms of boxes, we can think of the empty set as an empty box. The box is something even if it has nothing in it. The symbol does not mean nothing. It means . ∅ { } 1. SETS, SUBSETS, AND SET OPERATIONS 5 Example 1.10. Sometimes we want the empty set to be an element of a set. For instance, we might take S = . {∅} The set S has a single element, namely . We could also write S = . In terms of boxes, S is the box containing an empty∅ box. Note that not all sets{{ have }} the empty set as an element. △ A box with an empty box inside, representing . {∅} 1.C Subsets In many activities in life we don’t focus on all the elements of a set, but rather on subcollections. To give just a few examples: The set of all phone numbers is too large for most of us to handle. The subcol- • lection of phone numbers of our personal contacts is much more manageable. If we formed the set of all books ever published in the world, this set would be • very large (but still finite!). However, the subcollection of books we have read is much smaller. If we want to count how many socks we own, we could use elements of the • integers Z, but since we cannot own a negative number of socks, a more natural set to use would be the subcollection of nonnegative integers Z = 0, 1, 2, 3,... ≥0 { } A subcollection of a set is called a subset . When A is a subset of B we write A B and if it is not a subset we write A * B. There are a couple different ways to think⊆ about the concept of A being a subset of B. Option 1: To check that A is a subset of B, we check that every element of A also belongs to B. Example 1.11. (1) Let A = 1, 5, 6 and B = 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 . Is A a subset of B? Yes, because we can check{ that each} of A’s three{ elements,} 1, 5, and 6, belongs to B. (2) Let A = 6, 7/3, 9, π and B = 1, 2, 6, 7/3, π, 10 . Is A B? No, because { } { } ⊆ 9 A but 9 / B. So we write A * B. ∈ ∈ (3) Let A = N and B = Z. Is A B? Yes, every natural number is an integer.
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