Annual Report 2017/18 “Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.” WESTERN CAPE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING VOTE 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 Cover image source: Western Cape Government Berg River Dam April 2018 CONTENTS PART A: 4. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION BY GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAMME . 41 4 .1 Programme 1: Administration . 41 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL 4 .2 Programme 2: Environmental Policy, INFORMATION ....................... 2 Planning and Coordinaton . 43. 4 .3 Programme 3: Compliance and 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS . 2 Enforcement . 48. 4 .4 Programme 4: Environmental Quality 3. FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER . 7 Management . .52 4 .5 Programme 5: Biodiversity 4. REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTING Management . .58 OFFICER . 8 4 .6 Programme 6: Environmental Empowerment Services . 60 5. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY 4 .7 Programme 7: Development Planning . 64 AND CONFIRMATION OF ACCURACY FOR THE ANNUAL REPORT . 18 5. TRANSFER PAYMENTS . .68 5 .1 Transfer payments to public entities . 68. 6. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW . 19 5 .2 Transfer payments to all organisations 6 1 . Vision . 19 other than public entities . 69. 6 2 . Mission . 19 6 3 . Values . 19 6. CONDITIONAL GRANTS . 71. 6 .1 Conditional grants and earmarked funds 7. LEGISLATIVE MANDATES . 20 received . .71 . 8. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE . .22 7. DONOR FUNDS . .74 7 .1 Donor Funds Received . .74 9. ENTITIES REPORTING TO THE MINISTER . 23. 8. CAPITAL INVESTMENT . .77 8 .1 Capital investment, maintenance and PART B: asset management plan . .77 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION PART C: 1. AUDITOR GENERAL’S REPORT: GOVERNANCE PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES . .25 1. INTRODUCTION . 79. 2. OVERVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE . 25. 2. RISK MANAGEMENT . 79. 2 .1 Service Delivery Environment . 25. 2 .2 Service Delivery Improvement Plan . .32 3. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION . 81 2 .3 Organisational Environment . .35 2 .4 Key policy developments and 4. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST . 82. legislative changes . 36. 5. CODE OF CONDUCT . .82 3. STRATEGIC OUTCOMES-ORIENTATED GOALS OF THE DEPARTMENT . .37 6. HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES . .83 Matroosberg July 2018 Image source: Western Cape Government - Stefanie Venter 7. PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES . 83. 3. PEOPLE MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT STATISTICS . 93. 8. SCOPA RESOLUTIONS . .86 3 .1 Personal related expenditure . .93 3 .2 Employment and Vacancies . .95 9. PRIOR MODIFICATIONS TO AUDIT 3 .3 Job Evaluation . 96. REPORTS . 86. 3 .4 Employment Changes . 97. 3 .5 Employment Equity . 100. 10. INTERNAL CONTROL UNIT . .86 3 .6 Signing of Performance Agreement by SMS Members . .104 11. INTERNAL AUDIT AND AUDIT 3 .7 Filling of SMS Post . 105. COMMITTEES . .86 3 .8 Employee Performace . .106 3 .9 Foreign Workers . .108 12. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT . 88. 3 .10 Leave Utilisation for the Period 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2016 . .109 PART D: 3 .11 Health Promotion Programmes, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT including HIV and Aids . .111 3 .12 Labour Relations . 114 1. INTRODUCTION . 91 3 .13 Skill Development . 115 3 .14 Injury on Duty . 116 2. STATUS OF PEOPLE MANAGEMENT 3 .15 Utilsation of Consultants . 117 IN THE DEPARTMENT . 91 2 .1 Department Workforce Planning PART E: Priorities . 91 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 2 .2 Employee Performance Management . 92. 2 .3 Employee Wellness . .92 1. REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL . 123 2 .4 People Management Monitoring . .93 2. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT . .127 Matroosberg July 2018 Image source: Western Cape Government - Stefanie Venter PART A GENERAL INFORMATION 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION PHYSICAL ADDRESS: POSTAL ADDRESS: 1 Dorp Street Private Bag X9086 Cape Town Cape Town 8001 8000 South Africa South Africa TELEPHONE NUMBER/S: +27 21 483 4091 FAX NUMBER: +27 21 483 3016 EMAIL ADDRESS: enquiries .eadp@westerncape .gov .za WEBSITE ADDRESS: westerncape .gov .za/eadp ISBN: PR: 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS The following acronyms, with their associated meanings, are used in this report: AEL Atmospheric Emission Licence CBD Central Business District AGSA Auditor-General South Africa CCRS&AP Climate Change Response Strategy and Action Plan AO Accounting Officer Ce-l Centre for e-Innovation AOS Accounting Officers System CFCS Consumer Formulated Chemical APP Annual Performance Plan Sector AQMP Air Quality Management Plan CFO Chief Financial Officer BBBEE Broad Based Black Economic CGRO Corporate Governance Review and Empowerment Outlook BCP Business Continuity Planning CITCOM Central Information Technology Committee BESP Built Environment Support Programme CoCT City of Cape Town 2 WCG: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning | Annual Report 2017/18 CoE Compensation of Employees GITOC Government Information Technology Officers Council (South Africa) CMP Coastal Management Programme GPS Growth Potential Study CSC Client Services Centre GMC Greenest Municipality Competition DCF District Coordinating Forum HOD Head of Department DCF Tech District Coordinating Forum Technical Committee HRA Health Risk Assessment DEA Department of Environmental Affairs HSPs Human Settlement Plans DEA&DP Department of Environmental Affairs ICM Integrated Coastal Management and Development Planning ICMP Integrated Coastal Management DEAT Department of Environmental Affairs Programme and Tourism ICT Information Communication DIMIS Departmental Integrated Technology Management Information System IDP Integrated Development Plan DITCOM Departmental Information Technology Committee IDMS Infrastructure Delivery Management System DoTP Department of the Premier IDZ Industrial Development Zone DP-iMS Development Planning Intelligence Management Strategy IEM Integrated Environmental Management DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration IGPs Infrastructure and Growth Plans DRP Disaster Recovery Plan IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development EAC Environmental and Culture IPWIS Integrated Pollutant and Waste ECA Environment Conservation Act Information System EIA Environmental Impact Assessment IWMP Integrated Waste Management Plan EIM Environmental Impact Management KM Knowledge Management EIP Environmental Implementation Plan LBSAP Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan EMF Environmental Management Framework LGMTEC Local Government Medium Term Expenditure Committee EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme LGTAS Local Government Turn Around ERM Enterprise Risk Management Strategy ERMCO Enterprise Risk Management LiDAR Light Detection and Ranging Committee LOGIS Logistical Information System ESSP Environmental Sector Skills Plan LPPP Legislative Public Participation EU European Union Process GDP Gross Domestic Product LTMS Long Term Mitigation Scenarios GG Government Garage LUMS Land Use Management Systems GIS Geographic Information System LUP Land Use Planning GENERAL INFORMATION 3 LUPA Land Use Planning Act NSSD National Strategy for Sustainable Development LUPO Land Use Planning Ordinance OECD Organisation for Economic MEC Member of Executive Council Cooperation and Development METT Management Effectiveness Tracking ODI Organisation Development Institute Tool OSD Occupation Specific Dispensation MFMA Municipal Financial Management Act PAY Premier’s Advancement of Youth MIG Municipal Infrastructure Grant PCMP Provincial Coastal Management MPAT Management Performance Programme Assessment Tool PEPPM Provincial Environment Programme MSDF Municipal Spatial Development Performance Measures Framework PBES Provincial Biodiversity Economy MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Strategy Framework PBSAP Provincial Biodiversity Strategy and MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework Action Plan MSA Municipal Systems Act PERO Provincial Economic Review Outlook M&E Monitoring and Evaluation PFMA Public Finance Management Act NAEIS National Atmospheric Emissions PM Particulate Matter Inventory System PSDF Provincial Spatial Development NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Framework Action Plan PSOs Provincial Strategic Objectives NCOP National Council of Provinces PSG Provincial Strategic Goal NDP National Development Plan PSP Provincial Spatial Plan NEAS National Environmental Authorisation System PV Photovoltaic NEM National Environment Management RSEP Regional Socio-Economic Project NEMA National Environmental Management SAAQIS South African Air Quality Information Act System NEM: AQA National Environmental Management: SAMS Spatial Application Management Air Quality Act System NEM: ICMA National Environmental Management: SAWIS South African Waste Information Integrated Coastal Management Act System NEMWA National Environmental Management SCM Supply Chain Management Waste Act SCOPA Standing Committee on Public NGO Non-governmental Organisation Accounts NGP New Growth Path SDF Spatial Development Framework NOx Nitrogen Oxides SDIP Service Delivery Improvement Plan NO10 National Outcome 10 SDBIPs Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan NPA National Prosecuting Authority SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment 4 WCG: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning | Annual Report 2017/18 SEMA Specific Environmental Management VPUU Violence Prevention through Urban Act Upgrading SITA State Information Technology WAME Waste Management in Education Agency WC Western Cape SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound WCCCRS Western Cape Climate Change Response Strategy SMME Small Medium and Micro Enterprises WCG Western Cape Government SMS Senior Management Services WCNCBA Western Cape Nature Conservation SoEOR
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