May 20, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4541 Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Let’s not forget: here is a group that collectively, in recognition of their heroic Speaker, I continue to reserve the bal- targets schools, literally abducts chil- military service and defense of our country’s ance of my time. dren, kills the men, the boys, and ab- freedom throughout the history of aviation Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ducts the young girls. Just in May and warfare. H.R. 1209. An act to award a Congressional self such time as I may consume. April they conducted the worst attack In closing, I would like to once again Gold Medal to the World War II members of on bus stations throughout Abuja. The the ‘‘Doolittle Tokyo Raiders’’, for out- thank Congresswoman FREDERICA WIL- worst hit. It barely made the papers, standing heroism, valor, skill, and service to SON and Chairman ROYCE for helping to Mr. Speaker. the United States in conducting the bomb- move this resolution forward in a time- Boko Haram is a murderous organi- ings of Tokyo. ly manner. The Senate passed a similar zation, and it is about time we all did H.R. 2939. An act to award the Congres- resolution last week, and I am pleased our part to ensure that they end their sional Gold Medal to Shimon Peres. that we will soon follow suit. rein of terror. H.R. 3658. An act to grant the Congres- We must do all we can to hold Boko I yield back the balance of my time. sional Gold Medal, collectively, to the Monu- Haram accountable for the mass abduc- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong ments Men, in recognition of their heroic tion of schoolgirls and the many other support of this bill, which I am proud to co- role in the preservation, protection, and res- titution of monuments, works of art, and ar- terrorist attacks it has committed. sponsor, and I thank the Gentlelady from Flor- tifacts of cultural importance during and fol- Our thoughts and prayers remain ida, Congresswoman WILSON, for spear- lowing World War II. with the families and friends of the ab- heading this effort. f ducted girls, and we will not rest until It has now been over a month since over they are returned to their loved ones. 230 girls and young women were kidnapped HOWARD P. ‘‘BUCK’’ MCKEON NA- We will do everything in our power to from their school in northeastern Nigeria. Boko TIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- get them home safely and soundly. Haram, the terrorist organization that has been TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015 I urge my colleagues to support this attempting to impose its extremist views onto GENERAL LEAVE important resolution, and I yield back millions of people in Nigeria and in neigh- Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I ask the balance of my time. boring Niger and Cameroon, is a dangerous unanimous consent that all Members Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. and destabilizing force in West Africa. may have 5 legislative days in which to Speaker, I yield myself such time as I This is a region where millions of people are may consume. revise and extend their remarks and in- trying hard to overcome poverty and where sert extraneous material on H.R. 4435. Mr. Speaker, let me just say that we national and local governments are focused are really speaking with one voice to- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. on creating opportunities that can expand a FORBES). Is there objection to the re- night, and that is on behalf of the growing middle class—ingredients for peace, young women, the young girls, who quest of the gentleman from Cali- prosperity, and democracy. fornia? have been abducted by Boko Haram. The very name of Boko Haram means a re- Thankfully, there is absolutely no di- There was no objection. jection of secular education and the demo- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- vide between Republicans or Demo- cratic values it teaches. The girls who were crats, and really the world. The world ant to House Resolution 585 and rule kidnapped—in an action that is nearly unthink- XVIII, the Chair declares the House in is speaking out. able to those of us here in America in 2014— This is absolutely outrageous, but it the Committee of the Whole House on are courageous individuals who dared to go to the state of the Union for the consider- is part of a trend and a surge that is school and pursue opportunities that genera- happening in many parts of the world, ation of the bill, H.R. 4435. tions of girls and women before them never The Chair appoints the gentleman including in Africa. Al-Shabaab in So- had. from Utah (Mr. STEWART) to preside malia. We know the terrible killing Congress ought to condemn Boko Haram over the Committee of the Whole. spree that went on in Kenya, in forcefully and send a clear message not only Nairobi, not so long ago. Al Qaeda in that the world cannot—and will not—accept its b 1924 the Arabian Peninsula, al Qaeda in the brand of violent extremism, but also that the Islamic Maghreb. Ansar-al-Dine and IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE American people stand in solidarity with all the Accordingly, the House resolved Mujao in Mali. And then, of course, girls and young women of West Africa who Seleka in the Central African Republic. itself into the Committee of the Whole are bravely pursuing an education or yearning House on the state of the Union for the And then, of course, Boko Haram. to do so. West Africa faces many challenges, Number nine of the whereas be it re- consideration of the bill (H.R. 4435) to and it’s time to marshal the resources of the solved ‘‘calls on the President to pro- authorize appropriations for fiscal year U.S. government and our allies to help ad- vide Congress a comprehensive strat- 2015 for military activities of the De- dress those challenges and to ensure that all egy to counter the growing threat partment of Defense and for military the girls and young women who were ab- posed by radical Islamist terrorist construction, to prescribe military per- ducted can return safely home. groups in West Africa, the Sahel, and sonnel strengths for such fiscal year, I urge all of my colleagues to join me in North Africa.’’ and for other purposes, with Mr. STEW- supporting this bill so we can bring our girls They are bad, Mr. Speaker, and they ART in the chair. home. The Clerk read the title of the bill. are getting worse. Many of us have The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the been calling in a bipartisan way for question is on the motion offered by bill is considered read the first time. years that Boko Haram be designated a the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. foreign terrorist organization, and it The gentleman from California (Mr. SMITH) that the House suspend the MCKEON) and the gentleman from was belated. It took years to designate rules and pass the resolution, H. Res. Washington (Mr. SMITH) each will con- this organization, this cruel, insensi- 573, as amended. tive, and murderous organization. The question was taken; and (two- trol 30 minutes. Thankfully, at least now everyone gets thirds being in the affirmative) the The Chair recognizes the gentleman it, but unfortunately there are many, rules were suspended and the resolu- from California. many victims who are suffering. tion, as amended, was agreed to. Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Chairman, I yield The war on terrorism, Mr. Speaker, A motion to reconsider was laid on myself such time as I may consume. remains largely unfinished. My hope is the table. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of that this resolution and the commit- H.R. 4435, the National Defense Author- f ment of the U.S. Government, the ization Act for Fiscal Year 2015. French, and the European allies, and MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE First, let me express my appreciation frankly people around the world, even A message from the Senate by Ms. to Ranking Member SMITH for his lead- the Chinese know because they were Curtis, one of its clerks, announced ership and friendship. He has been an recently hit as well, will understand that the Senate has passed without invaluable partner in upholding our that Boko Haram has to be stopped. All amendment bills of the House of the committee’s focus on providing for our means necessary have to be employed followng titles: men and women in uniform. I would to mitigate—no, not mitigate—destroy H.R. 685. An act to award a Congressional also like to thank our colleagues on this threat to children, to women. Gold Medal to the American Fighter Aces, the Armed Services Committee for VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:45 May 21, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20MY7.091 H20MYPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 20, 2014 their professionalism and their hard In this era of declining resources, the First of all, I want to join the chair- work. committee was faced with difficult man in thanking him for the working I am incredibly proud of the bipar- choices as we sought to preserve key relationship that he and I have enjoyed tisan, transparent, and inclusive proc- capabilities and to ensure our Armed now through 4 years and four national ess our committee undertakes each Forces could meet current threats and defense authorization acts.
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