WELCOME BACK JMU ALUMNI FOR HOMECOMING 1996 Dukes' Men's and gymnastics women's team practices soccer teams hard for the the each face a upcoming Homecoming season. game. Former crosswalk lingers in spirit an attempt to thwart students from using the old by Paula Finkelstein and Kristen Heiss crosswalk. Students, howe'ler, either tore down the news editors barriers, siepped over them or hurdled them to The sound of squealmg tires hasn't stopped the continue using the former crosswalk. majority of students from usmg a nonexistent JMU constructed new sidewalb that lead 10 the crosswalk in front of Anthony-Seeger Hall this South Main and Grace streets intersection la'it week week. One female student made the treacherous trek in From I:S0-2 p.m yesterday, about I IS people front of Anthony-Seeger yesterday and cau~ two crossed South Ma10 Street in front of Anthony· lanes of lnlffic on the Anthony-Seeger tide of the Seeger at the site of the fonner crosswalk. :-.treet to screech to a halt. The student escaped Twenty-six people crossed 11 Grace Street but of injury, but a vehicle rear-ended another. The thoH 26 pedestrians, only II people were comang \tudent could not be reached for comment from or heading to Anthony-Seeger. Fifteen of Except for yesterday's fender-bender, the those 26 were already walking down Grace Street. temoval of the crosswalk has not contributed to any Nine of the 26 people who crossed at Grace other acc1dents, according to Alan MacNutt, Succt between l :SO and 2 p.m. waited for the walk director of public safety. si~lto appear before cross.ing. Accidents may not have occurred, but MacNutt Valerie McMillan. a junior sociology major who said he is slill appealing to students 10 use the light crossed at Grace Street, said she has no problem at Grace and South Main Streets 10 get to Anthony­ crossing at the comer. ''I'm glad n's gone. As a Seeger. driver, I've seen all these people crossing, Mike Andrews, a sophomore psychology maJor. espedaJiy at 8 a.m." said he foresaw such potentaally fatal ,accidents. or the overwhelming majority or students who "People will kill us if we cross down there [where crossed at (he former crosswalk in the 10-minwte the crosswalk used to be)." span yesterday, some walked casually while others City workers took down the crosswalk signal ~printed to avoid oncoming uaffic. Tuesday mommg and removed the paint from the Sarah Malone, a freshman psychology maJOr crosswalk outline on South Main Street yesterday. who lives in the Village, said it would take her The City also dug up part of the sidewalk on another five minutes to get to class if ~he walked ., KYLE BUSS/unior photoJraphtr both s1des or South Main and the stairs leading down to Grace Street. "It's a nui~nce, because if . from South Mrun Street to Anthony-Seege'r HaJJ you go to the light, you have to wait 'for it to Senior art major Jen Keenan and other students climb the fence at Anthony­ yesterday. Seeger Hall Monday to Moll South Main Street at the fonner crosswalk. City workers erected plastic orange 'barriers in see CROSSWALK page 2 • Clinton, Dole to square off .. ·in first presidential debate Kickin' it by Maggie Welter ,. _political re~p:.:O::..r.:::te:.;.r____ _ A Tribe Called Quest plays the Convo Friday Chelsea isn't the only member of the Clinton family studying this week. by Sherri Eisenberg President Bill Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole are sryle editor joining her, cramming for what could be the most important test of the Since its inception, rap has been campaign so far - the first presidential debate, to be held Sunday at 9 p.m. in under fire, accused of promoting Hartford, Conn violence, sexJJal promiscuity and Clinton and Dole will square off for a 90-minute debate moderated by Jim drug abuse, and through it an A Tribe LehreT, host of PBS's ''The News Hour With Jim Lehrer," the Commission on Called Quest bas remained poJilive. Presidential Debates announced Monday. Despi1e its different, god<onscious The media have been hyping the debates for week&. portraying it as make or &ate on urban life and maeic, Tribe break for Dole, who still trajls Clinron by as much as 20 poults in some polls. could never be delcribed as less ruJ I But some say the significance of the debates is ovc:nated and that most voters or leu ;n touch with its audience than , use them to reanforce a decis1on they have already made. other ntppers. .. "Most people's minds are mode up prior to these debate&." Andrew Kohut, The trio - Ah Shaheed director of the Pew Re~earch Center told The Wcuhmgton Post. '1'he debates Muhammad, Q-Tip (formerly largely reinforce their views unle s there is a surprise." Jonathan Davts) and Phife (Malik Some have compared Dole's challenge to the one Walter Mondale faced in Taylor) - launched its college tour his 1984 debate against RonaJd Reagan. Like Dole, Mondale, down in lhe yesterday at Montclair State College polls. was debating a popular incumbent president known for his charisma and in New Jer ey and will play in the charm. To the surpri e of many, Mondale out-maneuvered Reagan. Dole _ JMU Convocation Center tomorrow supporters are hopmg for a 'ilmllar finish. at9p.m. But, Jeff Greenfield, substituting for Ted Koppel on ABC's "Nighdine" The Universuy Program Board, Monday, said the 1984 debate did litlle to boost Mondale's campaign "because sponsoring the event, has scheduled tbe economy was booming and the voters genuinely liked their president" the The Lost Boyz as the opening act With a Mrong economic repon announced JUSt last week, and with President Concert tickets sold out yesterday Clinton stilt enJoying high approval ratings, Dole faces a scenario similar to afternoon, according to Savonne 1'1101'0 COUIITISY OP SUSAN BLOND, INC. the one Mondale faced I 2 years ago. Sickley, Warren Hall box office A Tribe called Quest recent1r releaed Ita fourth rep album. Larry Sabato, professor of government nt the University of Virginia, said manager, who said only half of the that short of a "miracle," it's "highly unlikely the debate will do much to help center will be used for the concert. a roller coaster ride, with the energy nerve, that intensity like someth1ng is Dole's lagging campaign." Senior OJ Mike Checka, who derived from the crowd. "We're very about to happen. And then you go Nonetheless, the candidates are warming up before stepping into the ring. spins urban mu~ic Wednesday nights much aware of the tempo that we set down that first steep one, and then Clinton is expected to enter Intense study mode Thursday at the Lake on WXJM, has seen several Tribe when we come out." he explained io you kind of level off a minute and Chautauqua lnstatute in New York, where campaign aides will help him polish concerts and.said their interaction a phone interview lut week. then you go up and then down." his debating skills. with the audience aJwiys impresses .. We try to mate it almost like a He said they are conscious of the him. roller couter ride," he said... You see D£8ATE 1J1J11e 2 MuharnmM~ lllc sbow &o l&llt off, ud il'l ~ liQ. ~ dw see TRIBE page 2 2 Thursday, Ocl. 3, 1996 THE BREEi.E Crosswalk_ Debate________________________ ~ contmued from page 1 continued from PIJie 1 c hange." Malone said she will Dole spent several days in preparation last week at hi. programs from cuts now, young people need to thml 10 l continue to use the fonner crosswalk condom1nium in Bal Harbour, Fla. He is expected to terms of preserving the programs for their furure .. Bieeze Abrams said. ' to travel between campus and return there Friday for more practice. Bill Butterfield, freshman political _cience maJor \tud HTo the press alone, chequered Aothony-Seeger. Debates may not be able to alter the course of a James Gaskins, a senior mhs campaign, but Greenfield sajd on "Nightline" that they he was most interested in hearing about the econo~y " I as it is with abuses, the world is communication major, also said he can educate the electorate about the is:.ues as the want to hear exactly how they plan to handle the indebted for all tile triumphs will cross at the fonner crosswalk. candidates represent them. economy. Sure, some say the economy is healthy, but what about our ma.~s1ve deblr' wluch lmve been gair~ed l1y "It's a pain to go all the way down "They can provide 90 Julie LeSuer, sophomore reason and humanity over error (to Grace Streetj." For students uninterrupted minutes of reasonably coming from the Quad, "the fastest serious discourse on some very psychology major, wants to hear and oppresston." way to get between two points is a serious questions about our what the candidates say about -James Madison straight line," he said. country," Greenfield said. abortion, but she doesn't expect £ditor Ka,., 8oCM Others find lheir God-given Many people do look to debates them to say anything significant about the issue. "'They're going to Mltmg#rg editor talents come in handy when crossing to learn more about the candidates Kara~ dance around it like they always where the crosswalk existed. Christie and issues. In a survey taken by the .. Tcdtnology "llln08't' Roc• Wottenbe' Torres', a freshman international Media Studies Center in September, do.
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