INDEX 313 1,000 Palm Oasis 263 Caliche Forest 224 17-Mile Drive 189 Calico 258 1000 Steps Beach 296 California Poppy Reserve 184 Canyon Falls 200 A Cardinal Gold Mine 81 Abalone Cove 292 Carlsbad Flower Fields 298 Aeolian Buttes 67 Carpinteria State Beach 220 Aguereberry Point 125 Carrizo Badlands Overlook 286 Ahwahnee Meadow 27 Carrizo Plain National Monument 180 Alabama Hills Arch 93 Cashier Mill 126 Alabama Hills RA 90 Cathedral Beach 20 Aliso Beach 296 Cathedral Lakes 44 Alta Trail 161 Cathedral Rocks (View) 32 Amboy Crater 258 Cathedral Spires (View) 32 Amphitheater Point 164 Cave Landing Trail 214 Anacapa Island 222 Centennial Stump 148 Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest 85 Chalk Bluff Road 80 Andreas Canyon 262 Channel Islands National Park 222 Andrew Molera SP 196 Charcoal Kilns 127 Angeles National Forest 233 China Cove 193 Antelope Valley 184 Cholla Cactus Garden 245 Anza-Borrego 278, 280 Chumash Painted Cave 220 Arch Rock 244 Cima Dome 256 Artist's Drive 109 Cinder Cones 256 Artist's Palette 109 Clark Dry Lake 282 Ash Meadows 164 Cleveland National Forest 305 Aspendell 81 Coachella Valley Preserve 263 Coast Boulevard Park 301 B Converse Basin Grove 150 Badwater 111 Convict Lake 76 Balch Park 168 Conway Summit 60 Balconies Cave 176 Cook's Meadow 28 Barker Dam 242 Cottonwood Canyon 122 Bear Creek Spire 77 Cottonwood Canyon Road 182 Bear Gulch Caves 176 Cottonwood Lakes 100 Bearskin Grove 156 Covington Flat 248 Big Creek Bridge 201 Crane Flat Meadows 39 Belknap Complex 172 Crescent Meadow 162 Big Morongo Preserve 266 Crystal Cave 163 Big Painted Canyon 268 Crystal Cove 295 Big Pine 84 Cuyamaca Rancho SP 304 Big Pine Lakes 88 Cuyama Valley 182 Big Stump Basin 146 Cypress Point 190 Big Trees Trail 161 Cypress Point Trail 192 Bird Island Trail 193 Bishop 84 D Bishop Creek 83 Dante’s View 115 Bitter Creek NWR 182 Darwin Falls 129 Bixby Bridge 195 Death Valley National Park 102 Black Mountain Grove 170 Dechambeau Ranch 60 Black Point 58 Devil’s Corn Field 120 Black Point Fissures 59 Devil’s Golf Course 110 Black’s Beach 300 Devil’s Postpile 72 Bluff Cove 290 Devil's Punchbowl 235 Bombay Beach 270 Discovery Trail 86 Boole Tree 150 Dome Rock 170 Borrego Palm Canyon 280 Dumont Dunes 144 Borrego Springs 281 Boyden Cavern 152 E Bridalveil Fall 17, 34 Eagle Rock 231 Broken Hill Overlook 299 Earthquake Fault 74 Buck Rock Lookout 157 Eaton Canyon 235 Burnt Monarch 146 Echo Canyon 113 El Capitan (Meadow) 33 C El Capitan (Picnic area) 31 Cabrillo NM 303 El Capitan (View) 19 Calcite Mine Slot 285 Elephant Seals vista points 207 314 Photographing California VOL. 2 – SOUTH Ellery Lake 50 Hole-in-the-Wall 255 El Matador State Beach 229 Horse Meadows 62 Emigrant Canyon Road 125, 128 Horseshoe Meadows 100 Eureka Mine 126 Horsetail Fall 31 Eureka Peak 248 Horsetail Fall (View) 21 Eureka Sand Dunes 135 Hot Creek Geothermal Area 75 Huckleberry Meadow 162 F Hume Lake 151 Fall Canyon 118 Hummingbird Trail 232 Fallen Goliath 155 Fallen Monarch 148 I Father Crowley Point 130 Idylwild 265 Fermin Point Lighthouse 293 Indian Canyons 262 Fern Spring 16 Indian Rock Arch 46 Figueroa Mountain 218 Fiscalini Ranch Preserve 210 J Fish Canyon 235 Jade Cove 205 Flat Rock 299 Johannesburg 96 Font’s Point 282 Joshua Tree National Park 240 Forest Falls 237 Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park 200 Fort Ord Dunes SP 187 Jumbo Rocks 247 Fossil Falls 95 Junction Vista Point 152 Four Guardsmen 163 June Lake Loop 63 Four Mile Trail 22 Freeman Creek Grove 172 K Furnace Creek 106 Kearsarge Lakes 100 Furnace Creek Inn 107 Kelso Dunes 252 Furnace Creek Ranch 107 Keys Ranch 243 Furnace Mine 114 Keys View 244 Kings Canyon National Park 146 G Kings Canyon Overlook 156, 157 Gamboa Point 201 Kirk Creek Campground 202 Gamlin Cabin 148 Klondike Lake 84 Garnet Lake 78 Garrapata State Park 193 L General Grant Grove 148 Ladder Slot 268 General Sherman Tree 160 Lady Boot Arch 93 Generals Highway 164 Laguna Beach 296 Genesis Tree 166 Laguna Mountains 305 Giant Forest Grove 159 La Jolla Cove 300 Giant Sequoia National Monument 166 Lake Mamie 71 Gibson Beach 193 Lake Mary 71 Glacier Point 35 Lake Sabrina 83 Glass Creek 70 Last Chance Range 135 Golden Canyon 108 Lathe Arch 92 Gorman 183 Lava Rock 108 Grandstand (The) 133 Lee Flat 139 Grant Lake 65 Lee Vining Creek 50 Greenstone Lake 49 Leidig Meadow 31 Greenwater Valley 116 Leo Carrillo State Beach 229 Grizzly Falls 153 Limekiln State Park 202 Grotto Canyon 121 Little Corona Beach 294 Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes 216, 218 Little Lakes Valley 77 Gull Lake 66 Log Meadow 162 Lone Cypress 190 H Lone Pine 90 Harbor Island 304 Long Meadow Grove 171 Harmony Borax Works 106 Los Padres National Forest 218 Hart Tree 155 Lost Arch 259 Headlands Cove 192 Lower Owens River 80 Hedrick Mill Pond 168 Lower Pine Creek 94 Henderson Canyon 281 Lower Yosemite Fall 29 Hercules Tree 166 Lucia 201 Hidden Dunes 138 Lundy Lake 61 Hidden Valley 241 Highbridge Falls 196 M High Sierra Trail 163 Mahogany Flat 128 Malibu Creek State Park 230 INDEX 315 Mammoth Lakes 70 P Manly Beacon 114 Pacific Grove 189 Manzanar National Historic Site 90 Palm Canyon 262 Mariposa Grove 37 Palm Spring (Saline Valley) 143 Mark Abbott Memorial Lighthouse 186 Palm Wash 284 Mark Twain stump 146 Palomar Observatory 297 Maturango Museum 96 Palos Verdes Peninsula 290 May Lake 40 Panamint Dunes 129 McCallum Pond 264 Panamint Valley 127, 128, 130 McGee Creek Canyon 77 Panoramic Point 149 McWay Falls 200 Paradise Falls 232 Mecca Wilderness 268 Parker Lake 64 Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes 119 Partington Cove Trail 199 Methuselah Trail 86 Paso Robles 177 Mill Creek 61 Patriarch Grove 87 Mill Creek Picnic Area 203 Peaks View 175 Millpond Recreation Area 80 Pelican Cove 291 Minaret View 72 Pelican Point 193 Mirror Lake 26 Pfeiffer Beach 197 Mist Trail 25 Pfeiffer Big Sur SP 196 Mitchell Caverns 255 Picacho SRA 275 Mobius Arch 91 Pinnacles National Park 174 Mojave 96 Pirate’s Cove 214 Mojave Air and Space Port 100 Pismo Beach 215, 216 Mojave National Preserve 250 Piute Lake 82 Monarch Grove Sanctuary 189 Point Buchon Trail 214 Mono Basin Viewpoint 60 Point Dume 228 Mono Craters 60 Point Lobos 191 Mono Lake 51 Point Loma 303 Mono Lake County Park 57 Point Piedras Blancas 207 Montaña de Oro State Park 213 Point Pinos 188 Monterey Peninsula 189 Point Sur SHP 195 Moonstone Beach 210 Point Vicente Lighthouse 291 Mormon Rocks (The) 236 Porcupine Flat 46 Moro Rock 162, 164 Providence Mountain 255 Morro Bay State Park 213 Pumpkin Patch (The) 287 Morro Rock 212 Mosaic Canyon 122 Q Mosquito Flat Trailhead 77 Quartz Stamp Mill 124 Mountain Home Grove 166 Mountain Station 264 R Movie Flat Road 91 Racetrack (The) 133 Mt. Baldy 237 Ragged Point Inn 206 Mt. Dana 50 Rainbow Basin 257 Mt. Hoffmann 40 Rainbow Fall 74 Mt. Whitney 90, 94 Rancho Guadalupe Dunes 218 Murray Canyon 262 Red Cliffs 98 Mustard Canyon 106 Red Hill Marina 272 Red Mountain Overlook 155, 156, 157 N Red Rock Canyon Park 231 Natural Bridge 110 Red Rock Canyon State Park 98, 100 Natural Bridges State Beach 186 Red’s Meadow 74 Navy Beach 55 Redwood Mountain Grove 155 Needles (the) 170 Refugio State Beach 219 Nevada Fall 26 Rhyolite 143 Newport Beach 293 Ridgecrest 96 North Algodones Dunes 274 Rings Loop Trail 254 Roaring River Falls 154 O Rock Creek Canyon 77 Obsidian Dome 70 Rocky Peak 232 Oceano Dunes 216 Rocky Point Restaurant 195 Ocotillo Patch 246 Roosevelt Tree 155 Ocotillo Wells 287 Round Meadow 161 Oh! Ridge 67 Royal Palms State Beach 293 Old Marina 56 Olmsted Point 41 S Owens River 85 Saddlebag Lake 48 Saline Valley 140 316 Photographing California VOL. 2 – SOUTH Saline Valley Dunes 142 T Salmon Creek Falls 206 Taft Point 36 Salt Creek 109 Tahquitz Canyon 263 Salt Lake 141 Teakettle Junction 132 Salton Sea 268, 270 Tehachapi 96 Salton Sea NWR 272 Tejon Pass 183 Salvation Mountain 273 Telephone Canyon Arch 124 San Andreas Fault 174 Telescope Peak 128 San Antonio Falls 237 Temblor Range 181 Sand Dollar Beach 204 Tenaya Lake 43 Sand Hill Trail 192 Three Sisters (The) 272 San Diego Skyline 303 Tioga Lake 48 San Gabriel Mountains 233 Tioga Pass 37, 45, 48 San Gorgonio Wilderness 266 Tioga Road 37, 45 San Jacinto Mountains 263, 264 Titus Canyon 117 San Jacinto Wildlife Area 267 Topanga State Park 231 San Miguel Island 224 Torrey Pines 299 San Simeon State Park 209 Trail of 100 Giants 171 Santa Barbara Island 225 Trona Pinnacles National Landmark 97 Santa Catalina Island 226 Tucki Mine 124 Santa Cruz 186 Tule Elk 87, 88 Santa Cruz Harbor 186 Tunnel View 18 Santa Cruz Island 223 Tuolumne Grove 39 Santa Monica Mountains 230 Tuolumne Meadows 44 Santa Rita Hills 219 Turtle Mountains 259 Santa Rosa Island 223 Twenty Lakes Basin 48 Santa Rosa Mountains 264 Twenty Mule Team Canyon 115 Sawed Tree 146 Schulman Grove 86 U Scotty’s Castle 116 Ubehebe Crater 131 Scripps Park 300 Upper Yosemite Fall 30 Scripps Pier 300 Seabright Beach 186 V Sea Lion Cove 198 Valley of the Moon 306 Sentinel Beach 22 Valley View 34 Sentinel Bridge 24 Vasquez Rocks 232 Sentinel Dome 36 Vernal Fall 25 Sentinel Meadow 23 Victoria Beach 295 Sequoia National Park 158 Vista Del Malpais 283 Seventeen Palms 286 Shell Beach 215 W Shell Creek Road 177 Walker Lake 63 Shoreline Park 188 Wall Street Mill 242 Sidewinder Canyon 112 Walton Lighthouse 186 Silver Lake 66 Warm Springs Camp 110 Skidoo 124 Washburn Point 35 Skull Rock 247 Wawona Tunnel 18 Slab City 273 Weir Pond 83 Slot (The) 283 Weston Beach 192, 193 Soberanes Canyon Trail 193 Whale Peak 193 Soberanes Point 193 White Mountain Road 85 Soda Lake 181, 257 White Point Mine 110 South Fork Kings River 153 White Tank 244 South Lake 84 Whitewater Preserve 266 South Tufa State Reserve 53 Whitney Portal 94 Spanish Bay 190 Whitney Portal Road 91 Steamers Lane 186 Wildrose Canyon Road 128 Stovepipe Wells 118 Wildrose Charcoal Kilns 127 Stump Meadow 150 Wildwood Park 232 Sturtevant Falls 234 William R.
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