江部松商事株式会社 Professional Kitchenware 業務用厨房用品カタログ Professional Kitchenware TSUBAME 業務用厨房用品カタロ グ TOKYO EBEMATSU SHOJI CO., LTD 3-20 Butsuryu Center, Tsubame-Shi, Niigata 959-1277 General Catalog Alibaba Catalog PDF TEL:81-256-63-2569(REP) FAX:81-256-63-3249 E-mail: [email protected] EBEMATSU SHOJI CO.,LTD Ebematsu is a wholesale and manufacturing company for kitchen tools mainly for professional use. With the vast range of kitchenware in very good supply, we provide you both with high-quality made- in- Japan products and traditional unique Japanese items. ■ 01 Ramen ■ 07 Sushi ■ 11 Tempura/Soba/Udon ■ 15 Knives/Cutting Board ■ 20 Kitchenware ■ 23 Stainless steel Container ■ 24 Colander/Mixing Bowl ■ 25 Cooking Equipment ■ 27 Grill ■ 29 Pot/Table topware ■ 30 Tableware ■ 31 Sakeware Ramen Ramen ①EBMAluminumStockPot In dia. ℓ Ex dia. D t kg Code List Price 21㎝ 7.3 230 210 3.0 1.5 8882300 $65.00 熱の伝わり方 アルミ鍋 24㎝ 11.0 260 240 3.0 2.1 8882400 $84.00 27㎝ 15.0 290 270 3.0 2.7 8882500 $104.00 30㎝ 20.0 325 300 3.2 3.8 8882600 $120.00 Resonable & 33㎝ 27.0 355 330 3.2 4.2 8882700 $155.00 High Quality 36㎝ 35.0 385 360 3.4 5.2 8882800 $191.00 39㎝ 45.0 415 390 3.6 6.8 8869700 $227.00 Aluminum is excellent in thermal conductivity 42㎝ 57.0 445 420 3.6 7.6 8869800 $260.00 (about 13 times against stainless steel), 45㎝ 70.0 475 450 3.8 8.6 8869900 $330.00 it is heated thoroughly from the entire pan. 48㎝ 85.0 510 480 4.0 9.5 8890900 $380.00 The temperature gap of the inside is few, 51㎝ 100.0 545 510 4.0 10.8 8891000 $455.00 and it is suitable for making soup. 54㎝ 120.0 570 540 4.5 17.1 8891100 $502.00 The thicker the thickness, ㎝ 165.0 630 600 4.5 18.6 8891200 $588.00 the more heat is dispersed. 60 It becomes difficult to get a burn. ②EBM Stainlesssteel StockPotStrainer Stock pot Ex dia. D Code List Price 27㎝ 245 240 5672800 $134.00 30㎝ 275 270 0016800 $142.00 33㎝ 315 295 0016900 $148.00 36㎝ 335 325 0017000 $160.00 39㎝ 365 355 0017100 $173.00 ③EBMStainlesssteel 42㎝ 395 390 0017200 $180.00 SoupSupporter 45㎝ 425 420 0017300 $193.00 In dia. H t hole Code List Price 48㎝ 455 450 0017400 $219.00 45㎝ φ440×H55 1.0 10 3589900 $170.00 51㎝ 485 480 0017500 $238.00 48㎝ φ470×H55 1.0 10 3589800 $190.00 51㎝ φ500×H55 1.0 10 3589700 $210.00 55㎝ φ540×H55 1.0 10 3589600 $250.00 60㎝ φ590×H55 1.0 10 3589500 $270.00 ● To make soup, prevent food burning and make convection flow well 1 List prices displayed exclude VAT and are applicable from 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020 Ramen ② ③ TSStainlesssteelBlackHandle PowerGripStrainer Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Code List Price ②Round 140 150 220 1753270 $38.00 ③HighRim 140 185 235 1753280 $40.00 Handle:66 Nylon ●8 mesh ①TSStainlesssteelPipeHandle Strong joint of thick wire. RoundBottomStrainer High durability; 0216110 $33.00 4 times longer-life than a typical strainer. Ⓐ140 Ⓑ150 Ⓒ200 ●8 mesh ● Anti-slip treatment Handle ④TSStainlesssteelPower GripStarainlerBlack Handle10176 0216400 $53.00 Ⓐ140 Ⓑ165 Ⓒ220 Handle/ 66 Nylon With Stand Temp:200℃ ●8 mesh Thick wire prevents mesh break, reduces leakage. For ①〜⑧ ⑦ ⑧ ⑤TSStainlesssteelRoundBottom ⑥TSStainlesssteelFlatBottom StainlesssteelUdonDeep UdonStrainerWoodenHandle UdonStrainerFlatWoodenHandle StarainerWoodenHandle 0214300 $24.00 0215810 $29.00 Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Code List Price Ⓐ135 Ⓑ155 Ⓒ185 Ⓐ140 Ⓑ130 Ⓒ210 Round 140 180 220 5618000 $21.00 ●8 mesh ●8 mesh ⑦ ⑧Flat 140 195 220 8122500 $37.00 ●8 mesh ⑨TSStainlesssteel ⑩Stainlesssteel SobaStrainer SobaStrainer BlackHandle BambooHandle Ex dia. L Code List Price Ex dia, L Code List Price 21㎝ 290 1753100 $28.00 18㎝ 300 3178000 $18.00 24㎝ 290 1753200 $30.00 21㎝ 300 3178100 $20.00 27㎝ 290 1753250 $33.00 24㎝ 300 3178200 $23.00 30㎝ 290 1753260 $45.00 27㎝ 350 3178300 $26.00 Handle : 66 Nylon ●6.5mesh ●6.5 mesh ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑪TSStainlesssteel ⑫TSStainlesssteelStrainerfor BambooCookingChopsticks BackfatStrainer NoodleSoup24mesh L Code List Price Code List Price Code List Price ⑬48cm 480 4881800 $6.00 21㎝ 8359600 $22.00 21㎝ 8359710 $22.00 ⑭54cm 540 4881900 $6.40 24㎝ 8359900 $24.00 24㎝ 8360010 $24.00 ⑮60cm 600 4882000 $6.80 Handle Length:245mm Handle Length:245mm 2 List prices displayed exclude VAT and are applicable from 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020 Ramen Bluetemperironmaterialismirrorfinishedandplatedoxidefilmontheironsurface. ①EBMIronBlueTemperPress ②EBMIronBlueTemper ③EBMIronBlueTemper DoubleHandleWok PressPekingStyleWok FryPan In dia. D t kg Code List Price In dia. D t kg Code List Price In dia. D t b dia. kg L Code List Price 30㎝ 75 1.2 1.0 2724300 $25.00 27㎝ 70 1.2 0.9 2723800 $30.00 16㎝ 32 2.0 120 0.5 145 2002500 $17.00 33㎝ 80 1.2 1.2 2724400 $27.00 30㎝ 75 1.2 1.1 2723900 $34.00 18㎝ 35 2.0 140 0.6 165 2002600 $18.00 36㎝ 95 1.2 1.3 2724500 $33.00 33㎝ 90 1.2 1.3 2724000 $38.00 20㎝ 40 2.0 150 0.7 180 2002700 $20.00 39㎝ 105 1.2 1.6 2724600 $38.00 36㎝ 100 1.2 1.5 2724100 $45.00 22㎝ 43 2.0 165 0.8 205 2002800 $22.00 42㎝ 115 1.2 1.8 2724700 $42.00 39㎝ 115 1.2 1.7 2724200 $53.00 24㎝ 47 2.0 180 1.1 223 2002900 $25.00 45㎝ 125 1.2 2.1 2724800 $54.00 Material: Iron Blue Temper 26㎝ 50 2.0 195 1.2 255 2003000 $29.00 Material: Iron Blue Temper 28㎝ 53 2.0 210 1.4 270 2003100 $33.00 30㎝ 55 2.0 225 1.6 293 2003200 $38.00 32㎝ 57 2.3 240 2.0 305 2003300 $46.00 34㎝ 60 2.3 250 2.3 340 2003400 $51.00 36㎝ 63 2.3 265 2.7 380 2003500 $60.00 40㎝ 65 2.3 300 3.3 435 2003600 $78.00 45㎝ 75 2.3 340 4.0 450 2003700 $85.00 ④EBMIronWokLadle ⑤EBMIronWokSpatura ⑥EBMStainlesssteel ⑦EBMStainlesssteel φ L cc g Code List Price W L g Code List Price WokLadle WokSpatula L 129 340 320 305 0208100 $10.00 L 130 345 230 0208400 $10.00 φ L ㏄ g Code List Price W L g Code List Price M 116 340 200 264 0208200 $9.50 M 116 345 210 0208500 $9.50 L 130 365 330 265 7702000 $25.50 L 135 365 205 7702400 $23.00 S 107 340 135 246 0208300 $9.20 S 105 345 195 0208600 $9.20 M 120 365 270 245 7702100 $25.00 M 120 365 180 7702500 $22.50 S 110 365 160 210 7702200 $24.50 S 110 365 175 7702600 $22.00 ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ BambooCeaningWokWisk Code List Price ⑧12㎝ φ20 5745600 $6.00 ⑨18㎝ φ35 5745500 $6.40 ⑩24㎝ φ35 0209100 $7.00 ● Also use for taking fish guts 3 List prices displayed exclude VAT and are applicable from 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020 Ramen ⑤ ③ ④ ⑥ ⑤PipeOilBrush ①IronGyozaDumplingPan ②AluminumLid Size Code List Price In dia. Ex dia. D t kg Code List Price forGyozaPan L φ43×100 1066900 $4.80 27㎝ 340 40 4.5 4.6 0204400 $78.00 Code List Price M φ36× 87 1067000 $4.00 φ 30㎝ 370 40 4.5 5.0 0204500 $88.00 27㎝ 0205100 $31.00 ③UKStainlesssteelGyozaTurner S 27× 87 1067100 $3.30 33㎝ 395 40 5.0 6.4 0204600 $113.00 30㎝ 0205200 $38.00 0210400 $12.40 ReplaceBrush 36㎝ 420 40 6.0 8.0 0204700 $139.00 33㎝ 0205300 $42.00 Size:170×75×Handle Length 195mm ⑥ 39㎝ 470 40 6.5 9.4 0204800 $163.00 36㎝ 0205400 $49.00 Code List Price 42㎝ 505 45 6.5 11.8 0204900 $203.00 39㎝ 0205500 $68.00 L 1067200 $3.60 45㎝ 540 45 6.5 12.8 0205000 $242.00 42㎝ 0205600 $85.00 ④StainlesssteelGyozaTurnerWood M 1067300 $3.00 ※ This is made of iron, well-seasoned with oil, 45㎝ 0205700 $100.00 5746300 $13.50 S 1067400 $2.10 can be cook uniformly. Size:185×75×Handle Length 190mm ⑦ ⑨ ⑧ ⑩ StainlesssteelGyozaSpatula ⑪EBMRollingPinforGyoza ⑫NylonGyoza L W Code List Price Size:φ20×270 0210600 $3.20 DrainingBag ⑦L 230 30 0210700 $3.40 0210500 $28.00 ⑧S 205 25 0210800 $2.70 Size:W460×L750 ⑨M L 220 34 0210900 $3.50 mesh:0.45㎜ 205 26 ● Good for draining vegetable ⑩M S 0211000 $2.70 of Gyoza Thickness:1.2mm ⑭ ⑬ ⑬StainlesssteelGyoza ⑭StainlesssteelLidfor ⑮CastIronElectricGyozaGriddleRonGS-1STR-N Container Container 0966000 $1,840.00 Internal size D Code List Price External Size H Code List Price ● With the large amount of heat stored in the Nanbu Iron Casting Pan, it eliminates charring and uneven firing. LType 520×380 50 4872300 $63.40 LType 540×400 15 4872400 $34.00 ● You can adjust the stop time according to your preferred the way of baking. XL 460×350 50 0297600 $57.00 XL 490×370 15 0297900 $30.80 L40 400×300 40 8031100 $43.80 L 420×313 15 0298000 $23.00 Model ⑮GS-1STR-NSinglePlate Heating 20℃→200℃ L50 400×300 50 0297700 $44.40 S 347×265 15 0298100 $20.00 Size(㎜) 225×460×H270 L60 400×300 60 8031200 $49.00 Thickness:0.6㎜ Speed (7min30sec〜12min) Grill Size L80 400×300 80 8031300 $56.00 180×340×H40 Temparature 190℃〜220℃ (㎜) S40 335×260 40 8031400 $38.00 Variable Liquid Expansion Unit Exterior Stainless Steel Thermostat S50 335×260 50 0297800 $38.80 Type Thickness:0.6㎜ Plate Nanbu Cast Iron Timer 0〜15min with Alarm Cover Molded Aluminum water supply Manual Legs Adjustable(0-10㎜) Weight 17㎏ Power Input Singl100V 1.4kW Singl200V 1.95kW Water Dam×1 (Code Length option Singl200V 2.7kW 200V 2.7kW Turner 150㎝) ※Please choose Sinle/Triple Phase and Power type 4 List prices displayed exclude VAT and are applicable from 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020 Ramen ■Dishwasher safe ■You can print your restaurant name ①HeatresistantNegoroRed ②HeatresistantRamenbowl ③HeatresistantBlack Ramenbowlinsideblack withsilveryred Ramenbowlinsidegold 9912140 A $9.00 9912140 B $8.00 9912140 C $15.00 Material: PBT φ197×H84 Material: PBT φ197×H84 Material: PBT φ197×H84 ④HeatresistantRANSUJI ⑤HeatresistantRANSUJI grainpattern grainpattern BlackRamenbowlinsidegold BlackRamenbowlinsidesilver 9912140 D $16.00 9912140 E $16.00 Material: PET φ178×H85 Material: PET φ178×H85 ⑥HeatresistantNikkostyle ⑦Heatresistantsilvercolored DarkBrownRamenbowl AsukagrainpatternRamenbowl 9912140 F $9.00 9912140 G $19.00 Material: PET φ157×H95 Material: PET φ142×H88 DecagonChopsticks forRamen/Noodle Length ⑩Black ⑪Red List Price 21㎝ 1973500 1973700 $2.00 23㎝ 1973600 1973800 $2.20 Material:SPS(Polysthylene) Withstand Temparature:200℃ ⑫ ⑬ ⑧ ⑨ Stainlesssteel Polygonal Shape make Stainlesssteel DimpledLadleSpoon grip noodle easy.
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