On Ordering Transaction Commit Mohamed M. Saad Roberto Palmieri Binoy Ravindran Virginia Tech msaad, robertop, binoy @vt.edu { } Complete Commit Execute Abstract Ordering In this poster paper, we briefly introduce an effective solution to Time address the problem of committing transactions enforcing a pre- α defined order. To do that, we overview the design of two algorithms γ that deploy a cooperative transaction execution that circumvents the δ transaction isolation constraint in favor of propagating written val- β ues among conflicting transactions. A preliminary implementation shows that even in the presence of data conflicts, the proposed al- gorithms outperform other competitors, significantly. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.1.3 [Software]: Concur- rent Programming; H.2.4 [Systems]: Transaction processing (a) BS 4 Thr. (b) BS 8 Thr. (c) FH Commit (d) FH Complete Keywords Transactional Memory, Commitment Ordering Figure 1: ACO using Blocking/Stall (BS) and Freeze/Hold (FH) 1. Introduction semantics (of the parallel code) that is equivalent to the original Transactional Memory (TM) [5] is an easy abstraction to program (sequential) code. Regarding the latter, SMR-based transactional concurrent applications. Its integration into main-stream compilers systems order transactions (totally or partially) before their execu- and programming languages such as GCC and C++ gives TM, tion to guarantee that a state always evolves on several computing respectively, accessibility and concreteness. nodes, consistently. To do that, usually a consensus protocol is em- In this poster paper we provide the design of two TM implemen- ployed (e.g., Paxos [6]), which establishes a common order among tations that commit transactions enforcing an order defined prior to transactions. After that, this order must be enforced while process- their execution. Roughly, by transaction ordering we mean consid- ing and committing those transactions. ering not just the set of transactions as input of the problem, but also In this poster paper we focus on Software Transactional Mem- the specific commit order that must be enforced for them. Such a ory and we briefly introduce the design of two solutions to commit reformulation inherently brings up a fundamental trade off between transactions in order while exploiting their parallel execution: Or- the level of parallelism achievable given the need of committing in- dered Write Back (OWB) and Ordered Undo Logging (OUL). They order, and the performance of the single threaded execution with- represent two protocols that assume two different widely used tech- out any software instrumentation (which is rather needed to prevent niques to merge transactions’ modifications into the shared state, conflicts when running in parallel). namely write back (in OWB) and write through (in OUL). Both Ordering transactions before the execution is a known prob- of them share a common design using a dependency-aware coop- lem, mostly relevant to deployments where an external service is erative model. Transactions employ a weaker isolation level, and in charge of providing the commit order to satisfy certain proper- exchange both data and locks to increase concurrency while pre- ties (e.g., equivalent semantics or system dependability). Examples serving the commit order. More specifically, OWB uses data for- of those deployments include (but are not limited to): loop par- warding for uncommitted transactions that complete their execu- allelization [4], and fault-tolerance using the state machine repli- tion successfully, while OUL leverages encounter time locking with cation (SMR) approach [9]. In the former, loops designed to run the ability to pass the lock ownership to other transactions. sequentially are parallelized by executing their iterations concur- rently, and guarded by TM transactions (as in [4] and [7]) to handle 2. Transaction Ordering conflicts (i.e., data dependency) correctly. In that case, providing A concurrency control that enforces an order of commits [8] en- an order matching the sequential one is fundamental to enforce a sures that when two operations oi and oj , issued by transactions Ti and Tj respectively, are conflicting, then oi must be processed before oj if and only if Ti Tj (i.e., i precedes j). Age-based Commit Order (ACO) deploys≺ this idea, which mandates an adap- tation of the classical TM model. As an example, the transaction conflict detection should guarantee that when Ti Tj , Ti must not ≺ read a value written by Tj . We define a transaction Tj as reachable if all lower age transactions Ti, with i<j, are committed. This term depicts the fact that Tj has been reached by a serial execution [Copyright notice will appear here once ’preprint’ option is removed.] where all Ti transactions committed in the order 1,...,i,j . { } 1 2016/1/13 TL2 NOrec UndoLog-visible UndoLog-invis OUL OWB Ordered TL2 Ordered NOrec Ordered UndoLog-vis Ordered UndoLog-invis OUL-steal 1024 2048 2048 512 1024 1024 256 512 512 128 256 256 64 128 128 32 64 Throughput (Tx/mSec) Throughput (Tx/mSec) Throughput (Tx/mSec) Throughput 16 32 64 Disjoint RNW1 RWN MCAS Disjoint RNW1 RWN MCAS Disjoint RNW1 RWN MCAS (a) Long Transaction (b) Short Transaction (c) Heavy Transaction Figure 2: Peak performance of all competitors (including unorderd) using all micro benchmarks (Y-axis is log scale). Assume an ACO where transaction Ti precedes transaction Tj readers, and compared their performance using RSTM micro- (Ti Tj ). Although Tj may finish executing its operations before benchmarks [1]. To evaluate the effect of different workload char- ≺ Ti, it must wait for Ti to commit first; then Tj can start committing acteristics, such as the amount of operations per transaction, the (and validating if needed) its changes. This strategy forces the transaction length, and the read/write ratio, on the performance. thread executing transactions with higher age to either: block [4] Each experiment included running half million transactions. For (see Figures 1a & 1b), or freeze [10] (see Figure 1c). Either way, an all micro benchmarks, we configured three types of transactions: additional delay for those transactions is introduced. short, long, and heavy. Both short and heavy have the same number To construct our cooperative model, we start by decoupling two of accesses, but the latter adds more local computation in between events of a transaction execution: the time it ends, and the time it them. Such a workload is representative of workloads produced becomes reachable. Whenever a transaction performs all its opera- by parallelization frameworks. Long transactions simply produce tions successfully (i.e., without encountering any conflict with any more transactional accesses. lower-age concurrent transaction), it commits its modifications. We Figure 2 summarizes the peak performance of all competitors. name this time as end. However, exposing written objects and re- Results show interesting trends: our OUL outperforms other or- leasing all transaction’s meta-data may violate the ACO if all lower- dered competitors consistently. In particular, the maximum speedup age transactions are not entirely finalized or when the transaction achieved is 4 over Ordered TL2, 4.3 over Ordered NORec, 8 conflicts with a lower-age transaction that did not run at the time over Ordered⇥ UndoLog visible, and 10⇥ over Ordered UndoLog⇥ of exposing the changes. For this reason, we define a new oper- invisible. ⇥ ation, called complete, invoked whenever a transaction becomes reachable. The main difference between an ended transaction and a Acknowledgments reachable transaction is that the former, although it already exposed This work is partially supported by Air Force Office of Scientific its modifications, can still be aborted (and trigger the abort of other Research (AFOSR) under grant FA9550-14-1-0187. transactions), whereas the latter cannot be aborted anymore. Fig- ure 1d shows a possible execution using our transactional model. References [1] RSTM: The University of Rochester STM. http://www.cs. 3. Algorithms rochester.edu/research/synchronization/rstm/. OWB employs a write-buffer approach, therefore a transaction [2] L. Dalessandro, M. F. Spear, and M. L. Scott. Norec: Streamlining stm writes its own modifications into a local buffer. At commit time, the by abolishing ownership records. 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