宣靖陵 Relaxing Day in Gangnam! SEONJEONGNEUNG (TOMB) Seonjeongneung, getting its name from combining the names of Seolleung and -eongneung, 宣陵是朝鲜王朝第九代国王成宗及其继妃贞显王后的陵寝,靖陵是第十一代王中宗的陵寝,宣陵与靖陵合 NeeSs the ro\al tombs of .ing Seongjong (the th Ning of the -oseon '\nast\), 称“宣靖陵”。这两处陵墓均被列入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录。宣靖陵坐落于三成洞鳞次栉比 4ueen -eongh\eon (the second Zife of .ing Seongjong) and .ing -ungjong (the son of the tZo) 的高楼大厦当中,林木郁郁葱葱,为穿梭于繁忙江南的人们提供了一个可静下来思考历史、享受悠闲散步 ,n the SarN, there are Zide oSen green hills and Zooded areas that offer rela[ing ZalNs 时光的自然空间。 betZeen the tombs So, leaYe behind Gangnam’s highfashion and modernit\, come here, and reÁect on Seoul’s uniTue and interesting histor\ at this historic and rela[ing SarN There are a number of cafps that Àt in nicel\ Zith \our e[Serience at the historic and Tuiet Seonjengneung $fter \our stroll in the SarN, stoS at a cafp listed here to reÁect on the Seoul’s histor\ or to SreSare for \our ne[t destination 宣靖陵周边有许多怡情怡景的咖啡厅,与宣靖陵本身的文化氛围交相呼应。欣赏完宣靖陵的历史风韵之后,找家附近的咖啡厅坐下, CAFE 边翻看自己拍摄的风景人物照,边与同行计划下一个目的地,这样的旅程自然别有一番情趣。 A-1. CAFÉ DES VERTS - Seolleung Branch A-2. CAFÉ GOGHI This thoughtful organic cafp trul\ cares about the enYironment and $ galler\ st\le cafp for drinNs and dining their customers’ health 温馨舒适的画廊式咖啡厅 注重饮品健康、呼吁保护地球环境的有机咖啡馆 ▶ TIME : $Ma 3M :((.'$<S $Ma 3M S$T85'$<S ▶TIME : $Ma 3M ( $Ma 3M :((.(1'S) $Ma 3M S81'$<S ▶PRICE : ,a, :O1 ▶TEL : ▶PRICE : /(SS T+$1 , :O1 ▶TEL : ▶ADDRESS : <(O.S$M'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ ▶ADDRESS : <(O.S$M'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ A-3. SEOLLEUNG MASILGIL A-4. COFFEE BOKNEUN JIB $ Tuaint little teahouse that offers .orean teas and sZeets StoS b\ for great roasted coffee and music 可品尝韩国各种传统茶的传统茶馆 每杯咖啡背后都有动人故事的咖啡厅 ▶TIME : $Ma 3M (&/OS(' O1 S81'$<S) ▶TIME : $Ma 3M ▶PRICE : /(SS T+$1 , :O1 ▶TEL : ▶PRICE : /(SS T+$1 , :O1 ▶TEL : ▶ADDRESS : S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ ▶ADDRESS : S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ So, Seonjeongneung’s historic atmosShere SiTued \our curiosit\ about traditional .orean cuisine )ortunatel\, there are Slent\ of great traditional .orean restaurants in this neighborhood that Zill surel\ satisf\ \our curiosit\ and add to \our great da\ at Seonjeongnueng /isted here are some of \our best oStions 宣靖陵肃穆静谧的氛围是否已让你找回内心的平静与闲适?既然这一天的旅程都是踏访首尔历史古迹,你的菜单自然也要安排地应情应景。 FOOD 不如选择韩国料理,让韩式美味帮你画上完美的句点吧。 B-1. GIMDONI (Grilled meat, 烤肉料理) B-2. UMOEJEONG (.orean, 韩国料理) $ grilled SorN restaurant sSeciali]ing in -ejudo’s famous blacN Sig &ome here to enjo\ .orean homest\le cooNing for lunch, 来自济州岛的新鲜猪肉质感极好,肥而不腻,令人齿颊留香 and toSTualit\ beef at night ▶ TIME : $Ma $M :((.'$<S 3Ma 3M S$T85'$<S 白天供应美味韩定食,夜晚供应优质牛肉料理 (&/OS(' O1 S81'$<S) ▶PRICE : ,a, :O1 ▶TEL : ▶ TIME : $Ma 3M :((.'$<S 3Ma 3M S$T85'$<S ▶ADDRESS : S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ (&/OS(' O1 S81'$<S) ▶PRICE : ,a, :O1 ▶TEL : ▶ADDRESS : S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ B-3. GAJANG MASITNEUN JOKBAL (.orean, 韩国料理) B-4. SOKCHO KODARI NAENGMYEON (.orean, 韩国料理) -oNbal (Sigs’ feet cooNed Zith so\ sauce and sSices) might sound intimidating, &ome here to enjo\ .orea’s famous noodle dish, naengm\eon (cold bucNZheat noo but this traditional .orean dish is often a faYorite of the braYe foreigners Zho dle) The uniTue naengm\eon serYed here is cooNed Zith Nodari (halfdried SollocN) haYe tried it &ome to this -oNbal restaurant, that has been serYing delicious 延续40年传统的冷面餐厅,用明太鱼高汤做出的冷面味美无比 cuts of -oNbal for generations, and surSrise \ourself ▶ TIME : $Ma 3M :((.'$<S /81&+ $Ma 3M ',11(5 按祖传秘方烹制美味猪蹄和菜包肉的餐厅 3Ma 3M )O5 :((.(1'S ▶PRICE : /(SS T+$1 , :O1 ▶TEL : ▶TIME : O3(1 )O5 +O85S ▶PRICE : ,a, :O1 ▶TEL : ▶ADDRESS : S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ ▶ADDRESS : '$(&+,'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ So, after \our meditatiYe da\ around the historic Seunjeongneung, \ou’re looNing for something a little more energetic" :ell, then, hurr\ to Gangnam Station, Zhere the streets are aliYe Zith \oung seoulites scurr\ing in and out of the endless shoSs $s soon as \ou arriYe, \ou’ll get a sense of Zhat ¶Gangnam st\le’ reall\ is 顺着宣陵向江南地铁站进发便可看到江南大道上密布的购物中心,这里人潮总是熙熙攘攘,街道总是车水马 SHOPPING 龙。如此繁华的街道居然离静谧的宣靖陵如此之近,首尔可动可静的特色让人印象深刻。加快脚步吧,活力 四射的江南style就在前方等你! C-1. COEX MALL C-2. ENTER-6 $lZa\s e[citing and fun, this multiSurSose shoSSing mall is great $ multiSurSose shoSSing mall sSeciali]ing in fashion items for shoSSing, eating, and entertainment for teenagers and tZent\ somethings 大型室内娱乐购物中心,可享受舒适惬意的购物体验 专为时尚人士打造,活力四射的综合购物中心 ▶TIME : $Ma 3M ▶TEL : ▶TIME : $Ma 3M ▶TEL : ▶ ADDRESS : S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/(S$MS(O1G ST1 (;,T ,) ▶ADDRESS : B) &O(; S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ C-3. LOTTE DUTY FREE SHOP C-4. HYUNDAI DEPT. STORE - &O(; Branch &ome here for ta[free high Tualit\ goods 'eSartment store located in Teheranro, the center of Gangnam 知名免税店,商品琳琅满目种类齐全,令人充分享受购物乐趣 购物环境非常舒适的精品百货店 ▶TIME : $Ma 3M ▶TEL : , ▶TIME : $Ma 3M ▶TEL : ▶ ADDRESS : Ba), a) ,1T(5&O1T,1(1T$/ S(O8/ &O(;, S$MS(O1G'O1G, ▶ADDRESS : S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(OO8/ G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ The neZ landmarN for Gangnam tourists MaNe \our triS to Gangnam GANGNAM eYen more memorable, thanNs to the onestoS serYice from the Gangnam Tourist ,nformation &enter One-Stop Tourist Information Center / Medical Tour Center / K-Wave Experience Zone TO85,ST 江南旅游的新地标-江南旅游信息中心 为游客量身定做完美一站式服务, 让大家的江南之旅更加特别与难忘! ,1)O5M$T,O1 综合旅游信息中心 / 医疗观光中心 / K-Wave体验区 &(1T(5 ▶ TOURISM AND TRAVEL INFORMATION HOTLINE -ust call from \our Shone 韩国观光公社旅游咨询热线 拨打 1330 ▶ DASAN CALL CENTER TRANSLATION SERVICE -ust dial from \our Shone 茶山旅游咨询热线外语翻译服务 拨打 120 GANGNAM TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER 江南旅游信息中心 $Sgujeongro, Gangnamgu, Seoul 首尔特别市江南区狎鸥亭路161号 Tel )a[ ZZZYisitseoulnet Seonjeongneung is one of the most imSortant historical assets in Seoul ,magine Seoul bacN \ears ago, Zhile ZalNing around the historic and cultural neighborhoods around Seonjeongneung 宣靖陵的存在提醒生活于现代的人们莫要忘却昨日的历史。而江南的魅力,正在于它不仅拥有灵动的现在, CULTURE 还积淀了古韵的过去。希望此次宣靖陵游能让你有所感悟,抽出时间回顾自己走过的路,满怀信心翻开新的篇章。 D-1. VANYA D-2. BONGEUNSA 7(03/( (njo\ Àne arts on a comfortable sofa Zith a cuS of tea $ Seaceful Buddhist temSle in the middle of the bus\ cit\ 让人轻松了解艺术的文化空间 坐落于城市中心的宁静古老寺院 ▶TIME : $0a 30 &/2S(' 21 S81'$<S $1' +2/,'$<S ▶TEL : ▶TEL : ▶ADDRESS : S$0S(21G'21G, G$1G1$0G8, S(228/ ▶ADDRESS : 121+<(21'21G, G$1G1$0G8, S(28/ D-3. POSCO ART MUSEUM D-4. BAUM ESTHETIC & SPA $n art museum Sursuing the communication betZeen humanit\ ([Serience the beaut\ of sloZness and real rela[ation and societ\ through art through sSa and massage 即浦项美术馆,以艺术为媒介帮助人类与社会自由沟通的大众美术馆 在舒适的空间中体会“慢”之美学,得到真正的身心放松 ▶ TIME : $0a 30 :((.'$<S $0a 30 S$785'$<S ▶ TIME : $0a 30 :((.'$<S $0a 30 S$785'$<S &/2S(' 21 S81'$<S $1' +2/,'$<S ▶TEL : &/2S(' 21 S81'$<S $1' +2/,'$<S ▶TEL : ▶ADDRESS : '$(&+, '21G, G$1G1$0G8, S(28/ ▶ADDRESS : ) '$(&+,'21G, G$1G1$0G8, S(28/ NIGHTLIFE Being in the center of Gangnam’s business district, the nightlife around Seunjeongneung is E-2. BON APPETIT alZa\s Àlled Zith ZorNers haYing fun after a hard da\ of ZorN 7he scene, energetic and loud, $n authentic ,talian restaurant Zill giYe \ou a glimSse of hoZ Seoulites sSends their nights 溢满红酒香的意大利餐馆 宣靖陵一带分布着大大小小的公司,每天下班后不少白领都会选择一起去喝上一杯,在觥筹交错中抛开 ▶TIME : $0a 30 一整天的疲劳与压力。入夜之后,流光溢彩的氛围定会为你注入新的活力。 ▶PRICE : ,a, :21 ▶TEL : 与朋友畅谈的时间虽然愉快,不过记住不要贪杯,以免耽误了第二天的行程。 ▶ADDRESS : '$(&+, '21G, G$1G1$0G8, S(28/ E-1. MODERN BAR HO E-3. BAKGOBOLRE $ uniTue and st\lish bar sSeciali]ing in ZhisNies $ .orean Sub that is alZa\s SacNed Zith Seoul’s afÁuent 品味威士忌文化,氛围独特且现代感十足的酒吧 <ou might eYen get a chance to see some .orean celebrities ▶TIME : 30a $0 在热闹气氛中尽情感受韩国酒馆文化的包装马车酒屋 ▶PRICE : )520 , :21 ▶TEL : ▶TIME : 30a $0 ▶PRICE : ,a, :21 ▶TEL : ▶ADDRESS : S$0S(21G'21G, G$1G1$0G8, S(228/ ▶ADDRESS : 121+<(21'21G, G$1G1$0G8, S(28/ SEONJEONGNEUNG (TOMB) [CAFÉ & FOOD] Kyunggi High School A-1. CAFÉ DES VERTS - Seolleung Branch Post Office <(O.S$M'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ T(/ A-2. CAFÉ GOGHI Bongeunsa <(O.S$M'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, Eonju (Temple) S(O8/ T(/ Middle School A-3. SEOLLEUNG MASILGIL D-2 S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ T(/ Bongeun A-4. COFFEE BOKNEUN JIB Park S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ T(/ Seoul Samreung 奉恩公园 Elementary School Opening in 2014 COEX Station B-1. GIMDONI Station Intercontinental S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, Mad For Garlic E-3 Bakgobolre Bongeun Seoul Coex S(O8/ T(/ S e B-2. UMOEJEONG o n Line 9 C-3 Lotte Duty Free Shop S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, j e S(O8/ T(/ o D-1 n C-2 B-3. GAJANG MASITNEUN JOKBAL g 2 1 - Police Station Heukdonga KEPCO '$(&+,'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, Vanya n Enter 6 e Seonjeong-neung Station S(O8/ T(/ u B-2 Umoejeong Oakwood n 3 COEX B-4. SOKCHO KODARI NAENGMYEON g Premier 4 S S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, t Post Office a C-1 S(O8/ T(/ t i o n COEX Mall [SHOPPING & CULTURE] City Airport C-1. COEX MALL Seonjeong- Service S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, Coffee S(O8/ T(/ A-4 Yangmiok Neung Bokneun Jib C-2. ENTER-6 宣靖陵 B) &O(; S$MS(O1G'O1G, Grand Intercontinental G$1G1$MG8, S(O8/ T(/ Seoul Parnas C-3. LOTTE DUTY FREE SHOP Hyundai Dept. Ba), a) ,1T(5&O1T,1(1T$/ S(O8/ Bundang Line 7 Store 6 &O(;, S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$M 5 G8, S(O8/ T(/, C-4 B-4 Seoul Arts College C-4. HYUNDAI DEPT. STORE - COEX Branch A-3 Seolleung 3 S$MS(O1G'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, Woori Samseong4 Station Masilgil S(OO8/ T(/ Sokcho Kodari KEB Naengmyeon Shinhan IBK Line 2 D-1. VANYA B-1 1O1+<(O1'O1G, G$1G1$MG8, KOUS S(O8/ T(/ Gimdoni Posco sageori Starbucks E-1 Modern Bar Ho D-2.
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