1 For Real Genuine Bargains in Footwear, the Shoe Department of the Mercantile Co. is particularly equiped just now. The Clinton Republican. YOL. XXXVIII—NO. 6. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1893. WHOLE NO. 1,929. LOCAL MATTERS M. A. Kniffin has repainted his house FioDMr Meeting. BuaiNxaa log alb. The Republican Notice for proposals to build the Epis­ DECORATION DAT. The 20th annual meeting of the Clin- Carpets. If you are going to boy a watch don ’t copal church will be found in another PfERFKOT weathkk, good RUAD81 ^°n county pioneer society ‘will be held We always lead in Carpets and do not O. C. VAUGHAN, Publishes . fail to see tbe bargain that Allison has column. allow anyone to undersell us. Our stock AND A LARGE ATTENDANCE. •t tbe court house, in SL Johns, on Sat­ for you. 51 tf ^Representative Redfern has removed is large and complete in all grades and urday, June 10th, 1893. A good meet­ we will guarantee our prices as low as to St. Johns and engaged with L. Grant W. A. Norton Spoke Eloquently —The Pro ­ ing is anticipated. Come one and ail Strictly im Advanoa, •1.00 Get oar prices before yoa trade a dol ­ any in Michigan. Do not fail to call on for the summer. gram Carried Out. and help to make it a success. Program: us if in want of Carpets, as we will save Rannblioan A Detroit Tribmae, •1.50 lar anywhere, we can save you money. Mr. and Mrs. Warner, who live near Gall to order by President at 10 A. x. (local time.) you money. _____________j0Hn Hicks . 4tf Kbxpps , DeWitt & Co. the Catholic church, were blessed with A good shower Monday night put the Music. All SettlemeatB of Put Due Sub* crip a baby girl, Monday. roads in fine condition for Decoration Prayer. We sell the Henly Lawn Mower, the tiona will be made at the rate Reading of the minute* of I ait meeting. lightest running and most durable BBIVITIXI. Messrs. H. H. Fitzgerald and Edward day, which was as near perfect as could machine on the market. Try it and of tl.50 Per Year. Report* ol Secretary and Treasurer. afrJs Maggie Wilcox went to Chicago L. Dooling, and Misses Zylpha Shaver be desired. Preparations bad been in Election of offloer* for cnaulng year. you will buy it. Spaulding & Co. progress at the cemetery for some time, Oar advertising rates are flOO per column per and Nina Waldron spent Decoration day Mlacellaneocu hualneaa. Fine Table Linens with Napkins to annum. Business uoUces fire cents per line foi last week. and when, at noon Tuesday, the work Report of the obituary committee. at Round Lake. match ________ At Chapin A Co ’s. each Insertion. Editorial notloea, ten cents. Adjournment fordinuer and aoclal reunion. Business cards, II per line per year. __ Miss Leah Fowler was home from the Married, at the Farmers Hotel, St, was fully completed, there was scarcely APTERBOOH SKS8ION 1:80 P. M. Philadelphia Lawn Mowers Marriage, birth and death notices Inserted free Johns, May 29th, 1893, by Rev. W. C. a lot or grave that did not give evidence Music. Obituary comments, resolutions, cards of than**, university over Sunday. ■A^t Fowler A Ball ’s. etc., will be charged for at the rate of Are cents Allen, Marim Chase, of DeWitt, and of the work of loving hands. Tbe dead Recitation by Mr*. Amanda Gunnison, of DeWitt For Sale—Victor pneumatic, 1892 pat ­ ^ Correspondence containing local news Is sollo Mrs. Ella Waters, of Fowler. were ail remembered, and their resting subject, “ Home and its Kitchen Reminiscences, ” Have you seen our Quick Meal Gaso­ Address by Rev. W. C. Allen, pastor of the Con Ited from all parts of the county. tern. Inquire at News office. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Wilson were in places received a bountiful tribute of line Range? Something new. 46-3 Anonymous communications uot Inserted under gregational church of St. Johns. Fowler A Ball. any circumstances. The King ’s Daughters realized about Kalamazoo yesterday to attend the beautiful flowers. The procession Mualc. 117 from their social last week. wedding of their son George and a formed on Clinton avenue soon after Music. Have you seen the beautiful presents JOB PRINTING. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. young lady of the Celery City. • dinner, and proceeded to the cemetery Paper by Rev. Wra. R. Norton, of Bath. given away by Chapin A Co. Oar material is new and of the latest styles, and Beach May 30th. in the following order : Recitation by Seth Hunt, of Bingham, subject, we guarantee satisfaction, both In prices While A. Lapham and C. A. Putt were “ The Farmer’s Brag.” Bargains in Spectacles. Eyes tested and quality of work. John Groom has resumed his pop­ tying a team that had broken loose Marshall. Music. free. 4tf Krlpps, DeWitt A Co. St. John* Band. corn business on Clinton avenue. Decoration day, tho former got his finger Benediction. Jewett* Refrigerators BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chas. E. Grisson Post. Adjournment. Bay county will hold a road election caught between the rope and the hitch ­ Decorating Committee of 24 Young Misses In J. C. BRUNSON, With Iron, Porcelain lined Ice Water ATTORNEYS. June 19th —the first under the new law. ing post and had tbe end taken off. Carriages. J. T. Daniklls , President. Tank At Fowekh & Ball ’s. SPAUMINOdTPIERO B, Women ’s Relief Corps in Carriages. Secretary. The state pioneer society will hold its Y'G ov . Rich has appointed E. E. Silks, Gimps, Jetts, Braids, Ribbons ttorneys at law . office over st. Speaker, Reader, Clergy, Mayor and others in Marriage License*. A Johns National Bank, St. Johns, Mich. 47tf annual meeting at Lansing June 7th and Whipple, Judge Daboll and II. E. Wal Carriages. / and New Buttons for Dress Trimmings bridge delegates to the national anti ­ St. Johns Fire Department. Date. Name and Residence. Age At Chapin & Co ’s. WM. N. STOCKER, 8 th. trust convention at Chicago June 5tli Citizens. May 22—Fred Hunter, Colorado.. ..26 oldiers and comrades , i being one The agricultural college team has Mary Shehey, Duplain ............................ 19 A fine line of Seal Leather Silver S of your number, therefore know your wants written for a date with the St. Johns and 6th. The trusts have got to go. The exercises at the soldiers ’ mound Trimmed Ladies’ Card Cases at and also your rights by law, therfore respectfully so­ were conducted by Chaplain M. N. Dun­ May 27— Hudson 8. Gillete, DeWitt......................89 ____________ A L L ISON’s. licit your patronage in the prosecution of claims for ball club. About sixty members of Chas. E. Catharine Thorp, DeWitt........................So pensions, back pay, bounty or rations. Also Notary can and Comrade Hugus, with an open ­ May 27 —Ed. E. Scott, St. Johns ............................23 Shirt Waists. Public. Enquire at Putt’s grocery. Dr. and Mrs. Corbin and Mrs. Geo. A. Grisson post and a large number of the Eva L. Shutters, St. Johns ......................23 The demand for Shirt Waists will be 28 tf WM. N. STOCKER Steel left for Chicago Monday to visit W. R. C. attended services at the Con ing and closing piece by the band. May 27 —Marion Chase, DeWitt................ 53 While these exercises were taking Ella Water*, Dallas................................. 32 very general this summer, much more X. K. T1SKUAX. T. H. CLARE the world ’s fair. gregational church last Sunday. Rev. so than formerly, and you will find a TINKHAM A CLARK, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hall and daughter W. C. Allen gave them a fine sermon. place, the fireman marched to various L. Grant has sold thirty binders and nice line At John Hicks .’ ttorneys and solicitors , office in Opera House Block, St. Johns, Mich, lot of Lansing, spent Sunday with Mr. and parts of the cemetery and decorated the mowers for 1893. Call on him and get A Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Estes cele graves of former members. Just received from manufacturers a J. H. FEDXWS. H. E. WALBRIDOE Mrs. Geo. A. Steel. brated their fiftieth anniversary Wed the best. complete line of ladies’ and children ’s At the speaker ’s stand James H. Col­ FEDEWA A WALBRIDOE, nesday. Mrs. W. H. H. Ransom, of Fine Shoes. ___ Chap in A Co. Miss Pauline Adams went.to Oberlin lins presided. Rev. Blanchard, of the Alina Victorious. • ttorneys at law , st. johns , mich . Ransomville, N. Y., and Mrs. Louis Wanted. Orer Travis A Baker’s. Ohio, last week to visit friends. She Baptist church, followed a selection by I The base ball game at Atheletic park A will be absent a month. Ransom, of Lockport, N. Y., were among Reliable parties to act as agents. H. H. PERRIS. T. K. PERRIN. A. J. BALDWIN tbe relatives present. the band with prayer, when a quartette Decoration day between the Alma and Steady employment and good pay from PERRINS A BALDWIN, F. H. Frazell has sold a piano to Miss composed of Messrs. Harrv Bradner, St. Johns clubs resulted in a victory for the start. No experience necessary. Letters advertised May 31,1893: Mrs. ttorneys at law and solicitors in Kathleen Burk, of St. Johns, and one to Melvin Gibbs, and Miss Roe Temple the former by a score of 17 to 11. It was Outfit free. Address Chancery. Bounty, pension, real estate Mary Bems, Mrs. Burt Clark, George The Hawks Nursery Co ., agents,A conveyancers ana money loaners. Also A. J. Brower, of Mason. and Ambria Patterson sang a beautiful Fick, A. W. George, Mrs.
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