Extreme Energy Events: impacts on didactic and science awarness Ivan Gnesi on behalf of EEE collaboration February 15-1 th! Centro Fermi! #ome I$$%G &1'( EEE: Frontier +cience and %utreach )he EEE observatory was born in 2''* with a the challenging scope of both +tudying the "osmic #adiation at extreme energies never observed before ,ddressing phenomena related to cosmic radiation Environment and climate -ife +olar and Interplanetary effects Enhancing +cience ,warness by Involving .igh +chools into the $roject 0ringing students to participate to a real experiment and to the #esearch environment Giving teacher and students new tools to teach and learn +cience 1riving directly teachers update and science perception 2 From early times to EEE &'1(:the observatory expansion ( pilot city 2#E13 Altamura (BA) Liceo Cagnazzi Ancona Liceo Classico C. Rinaldini Arezzo ITIS G. Galilei Bari Liceo Scientifico A. Scacchi Bologna Liceo Scientifico E. Fermi Liceo Classico L. Galvani Cagliari Liceo Scientifico L.B. Alberti Liceo Scientifico Michelangelo Liceo Scientifico A. Pacinotti Catania ITIS S.Cannizzaro Catanzaro IIS E. Fermi Cosenza Liceo Scientifico G.B. Scorza Frascati (RM) Istituto Tecnico E. Fermi Istituto Salesiano Villa Sora Grosseto IIS A.Manetti (2 telescopes) Grottaferrata (RM) Liceo Scientifico B. Touschek L'Aquila Liceo Scientifico A. Bafile ITIS A. D'Aosta Lecce Liceo Scientifico G.Banzi Bazoli ITIS E. Fermi Liceo Classico Palmieri Lodi Liceo Scientifico G. Gandini Lodi ITIS Volta Parma Liceo Scientifico G. Marconi Paternò (CT) Liceo Scientifico E. Fermi Reggio Emilia IIS L. Nobili Roma ITIS H. Hertz Liceo Classico P. Albertelli Salerno Liceo Scientifico G. Da Procida Salerno Liceo Stat. "Regina Margherita" Savona Liceo Chiabrera - Martini ITIS Ferraris-Pancaldo Liceo Scientifico O. Grassi Siena Liceo Galilei - Istituto Sarrocchi Teramo IIS Alessandrini - Marino - Forti Torino Liceo Classico M. d'Azeglio Liceo Scientifico G. Ferraris Liceo Scientifico G. Bruno Liceo Scientifico A. Volta Trapani Liceo Scientifico V.Fardella 5& )E-E+"%$E+ Treviso Liceo Duca degli Abruzzi Trinitapoli (BAT) IISS S. Staffa 46 in high schools Viareggio (LU) IIS Galilei - Artiglio 3 4 INFN + 2 CERN Liceo Sc. Barsanti e Matteucci Vicenza Liceo Quadri )he unexpected 2and very welcome3 case of the online EEE schools +ince &'1& 8 49 schools6 .::growing ALTAMURA (BA) IISS Nervi Gailei #e4uests for /oining EEE overta5e ANCONA Liceo Scientifio Galilei BITETTO (BA) Liceo Statale E. Amaldi the telescopes construction rate6 BRA (CN) Liceo Giolitti Gandino CALTANISSETTA Liceo Scientifico Volta CARCARE (SV) Liceo Giuseppe Calasanzio 7ew EEE $hase with “”telematic access CARIATI (CS) Liceo Scientifico Stefano Patrizi to the experiment has been open CASTELVETR. (TP) Pantaleo-Gentile-Cipolla CASTROLIB. (CS) Liceo Scientifico S. Valentini CATANIA IISIT Marconi COLLEFERRO (RM) ITI Cannizzaro GARDONE V.T. (BS) IIS Carlo Beretta ISEO (BS) IIS Giacomo Antonietti LAMPEDUSA-LINOSA (AG) Ist. Pirandello LANCIANO (CH) Liceo Scientifico "Galilei" LIVORNO Liceo Scientifico Enriques MAGLIE (LE) Liceo Leonardo da Vinci MILANO Liceo Vittorio Veneto MONCALIERI (TO) IIS Majorana-Marro MONTEROTONDO (RM) Liceo Scientifico Peano OSIMO (AN) Liceo Campana Osimo PALERMO Liceo Benedetto Croce PALERMO Liceo Garibaldi PALERMO ITIS Vittorio Emanuele III PARABIAGO (MI) Liceo Scientifico Cavalleri PETRALIA (PA) ITIS Pietro Domina POTENZA Liceo Scientifico Pasolini QUARTU (CA) IISS Primo Levi RAPALLO IIS Giovanni da Vigo Recco REGGIO CAL. Liceo Scientifico A. Volta RIMINI Liceo Statale "Serpieri" ROMA Liceo Scientifico Righi ROMA Liceo Giulio Cesare ROMA Liceo Scientifico Fr. D’Assisi SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE (CS) Liceo S.Giovanni in Fiore SAN GIOVANNI VALDARNO (AR) ITIS G. Ferraris SALUZZO Liceo Bodoni SASSUOLO Liceo A.F. Formiggini SEREGNO (MB) Collegio Ballerini TORINO Liceo Gobetti Segrè TRENTO Liceo Sc. Leonardo da Vinci 4 VIMERCATE (MB) Liceo Scientifico A. Banfi VOGHERA (PV) Liceo Scientifico OSA Maserati 1idactic and #esearch activities: $hase I: when a school enters EEE , group of * students 1 or & teachers build at CE#7 their 3 ;#$"s )hey wor5 together with researchers in a real physics experiment environment: +tudents lives this experience enthusiastically: 5 1idactic and #esearch activities: $hase I: when a school enters EEE ,fter ;#$"s construction at "E#7 +tudents -ocal responsibles )eachers complete the telescope installation and put it into operation )his is a second challenging and stimulating experience for both students and teachers! where they reali<e they are ta5ing in charge a station of a wide cosmic ray observatory: ;any of them will feel the commitment for the whole studies and also at the =niversity they keep being involved! Especially the ones choosing scientific degrees: 6 1idactic and #esearch activities: $hase II: when a school enters the #=7 +ince &'1* EEE is ta5ing coordinated #=7 with the whole set of operative stations involved: +tudents are a 5ey point which brought to the 1'' ;trac5s>day threshold reached6 7 $hase II: when a school enters the #=7 1ata ta5ing and +hifting li5e a researcher Pressure reducer Manometer Manometer Each day students chec5: 1ata ,c4uisition Gas +ystem .igh and -ow ?oltages ,nd solve simple issues while informing researchers about unexpecterd behaviours or out of range values 8 $hase II: when a school enters the #=7 1ata ta5ing and +hifting li5e a researcher )he data are saved on a online elog where all school are searchable +tudents chec5 also strip distribution and env: parameters 9 $hase III: students measuring fundamental parameters for data analysis +tudents and teachers! together with researchers! perform the measurements of telescope orientation chambers efficiency which are then included in EEE telescope parameters and used for analysis 10 .w and +w controbutions from schools )eachers and students often also ta5e in charge activities according to their specific courses: )he outcomes often serve as a solutions and upgrades for the observatory: , feedbac5 system for controlling the teelscope ;#$"s .igh ?oltage 2ongoing3 ,n automated scale for chec5ing the remaining gas and automatically plan bottles turnover 11 $hase I?: “”telematic school activities: #emote +hifting )elematic schools often start shifting on existing telescopes by remote access: This helps creating /oint venture among schools group wor5ing enhancing the perception of participating to a wide! non-local 12 experiment: $hase I?: “”telematic school activities: $ortable cosmic rays detectors "%+;I" 0%@E+ ,re & plane scintillator detectors read by +i$; schools are regularly using since &'1': &' more C0 are being built +tat A $rob ,cceptance "# flux "# ang: 1istr EEE telescope acceptance Electronics and sw development 13 $hase ?: bringing the students to 1ata ,nalysis: )he %pen 1ata Buality ;onitor -ast data 1aily report transfer )elescope #un report name 14 $hase ?: bringing the students to 1ata ,nalysis: )he %pen 1ata Buality ;onitor +tudents and teachers can )elescope rates access the EEE 1,B as the trigger researchers do for chec5ing .its the telescope data 4uality )rac5s (@&C1'3 and problems: $ressure )empererature , wide set of informations :::many others is available: 15 $hase ?: bringing the students to 1ata ,nalysis: )he %pen 1ata Buality ;onitor Fraction of good trac5s "luster multiplicity )rac5s X& )rac5s )ime of Flight 16 $hase ?: bringing the students to 1ata ,nalysis: "+? Flux 1ata : %pen for +chools6 , 1 minute binned trac5 flux rate is available as open data for the participating schools for the whole telescope set for any period of reconstructed data )ime Environmental parameters )rac5 rate 17 $hase ?: bringing the students to 1ata ,nalysis: EEE ;aster"lasses EEE Masterclasses are meant to be tools for teachers and students to get involved in real experiment data analysis introduce students to physics and mathematics with a “”direct approach Features of , complete set of instructions high energy for telescope shifting while cosmic showers learning the physics by in- depth reading of plots and parameters $erforming collateral activities during and after the shifting .unting extreme events -oo5ing for on Sun telescope coincidences 18 $hase ?: bringing the students to 1ata ,nalysis: ;aster"lasses – Features of .igh Energy "osmic +howers )he ;asterclass give a complete tool for studying showers parameters -ateral distribution ,rrival time and direction out of a ;" shower dataset 19 $hase ?: bringing the students to 1ata ,nalysis: ;aster"lasses – -oo5ing for )elescope "oincidences )he ;asterclass give a complete tool for studying ;uon "oincidences among telescopes: -earning 0asis in +tatistics and $robability Identifying both +ignal 0ac5ground 20 $hase ?I: how a real +cientific "ollaboration wor5s +ymposia +ince the beginning of the $ro/ect +ymposia and %pen #un "oordination Meetings are organi<ed where students and teachers are kept up-to-date on scientific results and activities $resent their own analysis and wor5s: -ast +ymposia: 0ologna! 7ovember 6-(th for 7orthern Italy Schools Grosseto April 15-1 th for "entral Italy +chools 0ari! %ctober 19-1*th for +outhern Italy Schools st Erice → ;ay &D-91 21 $hase ?I: how a real +cientific "ollaboration wor5s %pen ,nalysis ;eeting =sing Vidyo "onference: schools connect to a dedicated virtual 22 room! hundreds of participants6 EEE %utreach – 7ext: +pontaneus Initiatives +everal local initiatives: Eor5shops +chools ;eeting among teachers for didactic material exchange …: +ome of them going national through
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