Settlement Monitor: Quarterly Update on Developments Author(s): Geoffrey Aronson Source: Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Spring, 1996), pp. 131-139 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine Studies Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2538275 Accessed: 26-02-2015 20:46 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. University of California Press and Institute for Palestine Studies are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Palestine Studies. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 20:46:59 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions QUARTERLY UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENTS EDITED BY GEOFFREY ARONSON Afterthe Rabin Assassination Romancingthe Right: Peres's New Approach................................ 132 Peres'sDreams for the Territories, by ShalomYerushaimi ...... .............. 134 Back to Square One: The January1996 Peace Index,from Ha'Aretz ..... ...... 134 Facts on the Ground SettlerPopulation Grows by 4 Percentin 1995.............................. 136 BuildingQuietly: An Interviewwith the Housing Minister ...... ............. 137 SettlementBriefs GeoffreyAronson, a writer and analystspecializing in theMiddle East, is theeditor of the Report on Israeli Settlementin theOccupied Territories (hereinafter Settlement Report), a Washington-basedbimonthly news- letterpublished by the Foundation for Middle East Peace. Unless otherwise stated, the items in thissection havebeen written by Geoffrey Aronson directly for this section or drawn from material written by him for theSettlement Report. The Institutefor Palestine Studies is gratefulto theFoundation for permission to drawon itsmaterial. Major documents relating to settlementsappear in the"Documents and SourceMate- rial"section. Journalof PalestineStudies XXV, no. 3 (Spring 1996), pp. 131-139. This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 20:46:59 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 132 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES AFTERTHE RABINASSASSINATION This public commitmenthas been for- tifiedby a numberof initiatives. Peres has soughtto split the settlementmovement by attemptingto isolate religiousextrem- Romancingthe Right:Peres's New ists fromthe settlermainstream. On 19 Approach November,the cabinetdeclared that "ex- From SettlementReport, January 1996. tremist,violent, racist, and terroristorga- nizationsare a severedanger to Israel's Since Rabin's assassination,the gov- democraticregime, the securityof the ernmentof Shimon Peres has begunto es- state,and public welfare;the cabinetwill tablishnew approachesto settlersand set- workto outlawthem." tlementsthat distinguish it fromthose of Administrativedetention orders have its predecessor.What has transpiredthus been issued,confining members of right- farhas servedto illuminatethe extentto winggroups living in theHebron area set- which the centralideas concerningset- tlementsassociated, for example, with the tlersembodied in theOslo II agreementre- late Meir Kahane. More than 120 indict- flecta broad Israeli national consensus. mentsfor such offensesas disorderlycon- The new government'sactions also reveal duct,assault, and violatingmilitary com- a moreconcrete political aim-to splitthe mands have been handed down against right-wingcoalition opposed to Labor'sre- settlementactivists, including members of electionin 1996 by drawingthe religious the "This is Our Way" and "Womenin communityand moderateLikud voters Green"groups that led protestslast sum- intothe Perescamp. mer,notably at Efrat.A numberof promi- Peres has changed the public atmo- nentrabbis were also called in forques- sphericsof the relationshipbetween the tioning,although all werereleased for lack prime ministerand the settlers.Rabin, of evidence.Among members of the gov- even as he determinedto protectsettle- ernment,Meretz MinisterYair Tsaban mentsand had no intentionof undermin- notedthat the government had failedto re- ing theirvitality, could not refrainfrom spond to the"fanatic rabbis whose role in conductinga public firefightwith the set- incitementis clearly evident."Another tlementmovement. Peres, on the other minister,Efraim Sneh, said thata confron- hand,has used thepost-assassination pe- tationwith the radicalright wing is una- riodnot to isolateand denigratethe move- voidable. ment,but to encourageits mainstreamto Peres,however, is attemptingto defuse understandthat the Oslo processprotects whatSneh and otherssee as an inevitable ratherthan threatens their everyday inter- conflict.And it is truethat even the ac- ests ifnot theircosmological aims. tions taken so far have proven half- Peres has traditionallyviewed settle- hearted.Peres has dismissedcalls, torex- mentsand settlersas a problemto be man- ample, to end the massive government aged bynegotiating a new relationshipbe- fundingof the militaryeducation system tween them and the Palestinians.He of "Hesder Yeshivas"in the settlements, believesthat settlementscan be perma- whichcombine military service with reli- nentlysecured and expandedwhile satis- gious studiesoften led by rightistrabbis. fyingPalestinian national aspirations, and Indeed,his actionsso farsuggest that he a closereading of the Oslo II agreementre- willcontinue to coddlesettlers and to sub- flectsthat Yasir Arafathas acceptedthis sidize the incitementof extremistrabbis. seductiveview. He shows no inclinationto stop funding In the presentationof his government the expansionof settlementsby spending beforeIsrael's Knesseton 22 November, hundredsof millionsof dollarseach year. Peres explained,"Even thoughwe have Like Rabin,he appearsto view settlersas reachedan agreementwith the Palestinian instrumentsof Israel'spermanent control Authority,we have no intentionof ignor- overthe West Bank,but unlikethe more ing thedistress of thesettlers in theterri- combativeRabin he does not see themas tories.... We will not lessen our responsi- bearersof an ideologythat cannot be ap- bilityfor their security, and we will not peased but onlyfought and defeated. turna blindeye to theirneeds. And with- Thus Pereshas sought,with great suc- outviolating agreements, we willtalk with cess, to convincethe National Religious them,in orderto resolvethe real problems Party(NRP) to moderateits oppositionto thathave arisen-orwill arise-becauseof Oslo. Peres views the NRP, which com- changeson theground." mands the supportof manyreligious set- This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 20:46:59 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SETTLEMENT MONITOR 133 tlersand whoseprosettlement views led it Bankis takingshape in theLabor Party to- in 1977 to desertLabor in favorof a coali- day thatreturns us to theold and terrible tionwith the Likud, as vitalto his plan of idea of a functionalcompromise. I can broadeningpublic support for his govern- only describethis plan as a policyof an- mentand theOslo process.In his effortto nexation-in-the-making,little different courtthe NRP he has reversedhis viewof fromthe enclave plan of Ariel Sharon" theneed to dismantlethe NRP settlement (Ma'ariv 11/29). of Netzarimin Gaza. He also engaged Despitesuch reservations,it is increas- MinisterYossi Beilin to declare,in thecon- inglyclear thata nationalIsraeli consen- textof a dialoguewith the NRP,not only sus supportingOslo II, shroudedby rhe- thathe was glad thatthe settlement in He- toricalopposition during Rabin's tenure, bron existed,but also thatIsrael "can at- has blossomedin thewake of his assassi- tain a permanentarrangement in which nation.Peres has soughtto encouragethis mostof thesettlers would remainin their sentimentby going all out to promotea settlementsand the areas they live in spiritof nationalunity since he tookover would be annexed to Israel and become thegovernment. The NRPstatement is one part of sovereignIsrael." indicationof thebacking he has received. The NRP, and the settlersthey repre- FormerLikud Minister Ariel Sharon reiter- sent,are farmore comfortable with Peres's ated a kind of supportfor the agreement preferencefor a "functional"compromise when he noted thata Likud government ofthe kind outlined in theOslo II accords could accept the implementationof Oslo ratherthan Rabin's preferredterritorial II. EvenLikud leader Benyamin Netanyahu "separation"from the West Bank. has sugested a plan not fardifferent from In discussionsBeilin conductedwith theOsTo II map,calling for a "demarcated theNRP during November, it became clear autonomy,not a Palestinian state" in that the party was prepared to refrain which Palestinianswill rule Arab-inhab- from topplingthe governmentif Peres ited areas while most of the West Bank, promisedto increase settlersecurity, to uninhabitedby Arabs,will remain as a se- supportincreased settlement construction curityarea as definedin both the Camp (especiallyin greaterJerusalem), and not David accords-formulatedby a Likud to movebeyond the Oslo II accordbefore government-andthe Oslo agreementde- the 1996 election.Members of theMeretz vised by Labor. party vetoed Peres's positiveformal
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