VOL. XXXIII. NO. 43— PRICE 4 CENTS. PHILLIPS, MAINE, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1911. LOCAL EDITION— 12 PAGES. SEBEC FISHING. L. C. SMITH GUNS. Excellent fishing has been enjoy­ ed at Sebec lake the past week. Most of the fishermen have devoted their attention to the salmon pool at Wil- limantic where the fish are usually caught during the first two weeks of the spring season. AS FITAS FISHING A T BRYANT'S POND. Within a week several of the sum­ A FIDDLE mer cottages will be o- cupied. Those to arrive first will be the Kinsmans, Majors and Freeman families. There is nothing discouraging here about the opening of tin fishing sea­ son. Harry Crockett caught a 11 y2 pound salmon from our lake Wednes­ day. The fish measured '¿lVs inches in length. It was sent to Nash of Norway to be set up. Thursday Dr. IS C. L. Heath captured a red spot that measured 20 inches and weighed 41/«» pounds. Fish are biting better this T H E 2 0 season than any year in the past. The lake has been stocked "with sal­ mon and trout for twenty years. The GUAGE Shotgun Shells smelts are nearly out of the lake, making the prospect better for good “ Leader” and“ Repeater”and fishing grounds in the future. Repeating Shotguns FISHES FROM BEDROOM. mmm make a killing combina­ Webster Rowe has the advantage tion for field,fowl or trap of everybody else in Skowhegan in TH E HUNTER A R M S CO. shooting. No smokeless the matter of catching trout. A brook FULTON, runs within twro feet from Mr. Rowe’s powder shells enjoy such house and enters into the Kennebec N. Y. a reputation for uniform­ River. While strolling along the broo ity of loading and strong one day Mr. Rowe saw several trout shooting qualities as in it and when he woke up the next Smith gun» are made from $20.00 morning he felt that he wanted some “Leader” and “Repeater” trout for breakfast. So he took his to $1500; 10, 12, 16 land 20 gauges; brands do, and no seat in the bedroom window with a Hunter One*-^ rigger is perfect. Send shotgun made shoots fishing pole in his hand and the hook for Art Cataicgue Jen colors. harder or better than carefully baited and suet ceded in landing two speckled beauties, which t h e Winchester. be and his wife had for breakfast. THEY ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER Then to tantalize the appetites of Are you helping YOUR guide the citizens of Skowhegan he caught Maine Woods Voting Contest? two more that were aoout a foot in length which he had placed in a local store window.—E x press. *4 THE LOOKOUT SYSTEM. Beginning with the New Year the early angler will begin to plan for his fishing trip in Spend Your Summer the spring of 1911. KENNEBAGO LAKE in the Rangeley Lakes Reigon fur­ nishes the best Fly Fishing in Maine. GRANTS CAMPS are located near all Forest Commissioner Muse Believes the best fishing grounds, streams and Little Kennebago Lake. Write for terms and it Saves Much Pro, -.rt;/ I oss. Booklets. Headquarters for Megantie Club Members en route for the Megantic Preserve. Vacation in the Forest C'vmv<|iEifr ti fNoMc.vcE ED G R A N T CSL SONS, Kennebago, Maine that, tne lookout syi-U;>t caves much property loss by fires in the Maine Rangeley or Dead River Region, Maine woods. “ I firmly believe,” said he HOUGH’S CAMPS, Redington, Maine. Wednesday morning in conversation Where there are excellent hotel and camp accommodat­ with a reporter, “ that the only thing ELMWOOD HOTEL, Phillips, Maine. that has saved Maine from being ions; where the fishing for trout and salmon is unexcelled; I have purchased the Elmwood Hotel in Phillips and will run it in con­ visited by forest fires as disastrous where the nights are always cool and hay fever is un­ nection with my camps. Fishing is good. Circular. as those that have visited Connecti­ known. Write for beautiful new booklet, printed in col­ cut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire ors, describing this delightful country. J. FREDERICK HOUGH, and Vermont is the prevalence of P. O. Phillips, Me. or Redington, via Rangeley, Maine. the look out system under the dir­ F. N. BEAL, G. P. A., PHILLIPS, MAINE. ection of the Maine Forestry District. The men at the lookout station are thoroughly familiar with the geogra­ GO TO JOE’S phy of the district over which they T I M POND CAMPS are stationed and by taking regular Spring fishing at Tim Pond, 14 hours from Boston. Camps open when the . JOE WHITE RUNS BLAKESLEE LAKE CAMPS in the Dead observations every hour during the ice is out. Trout rise to the fly as soon as the ice leaves the lake. Individual River Region, where you can catch trout every day in the season. day are able to discover the fires in camps, Rock fire-places, Guides, Boats, and Canoes. Every comfort to be found That’s the point and that’s the fact. Write to their very beginning and have crews in the woods. Telephone and daily mail. For booklets and terms, address: of men sent out to fight them before JOE WHITE, Eustis, Maine, they reach dangerous proportions.” JULIAN K. VILES & SON, - - - Tim, Franklin County, Main«. For booklet and particulars. The forest commissioner received word Wednesday morning from Chief Warden A. B. Haynes of Norcross that a fire was in progress at the WE WANT SUMMER BOARDERS AT GREENE’S FARM. head of Pemaaumcook lake in Pen­ Brown’s Camps, Lake | Kezar. obscot county. Chief Wardens Hay­ For your Spring Fishing Trip why not come where the salmon are large Guarantee trout fishing every day in season near house. Auto center. nes and Morris L. Woodman of La- enough to interest you. The average weight of salmon here for the past After June 10th will meet all parties at Dead River Station wishing to go Grange with a crew of 25 men are five seasons has been seven pounds. We also offer you private cabins to surrounding camps and ponds, who write or telephone. Terms rea­ fighting the fire. with open fire, bath, twin beds, etc. Bass fishing is unsurpassed. Write sonable. Write for free booklet. A us forbooklet, rates and detailed information. Address Are you helping YOUR guide in B. E. BROWN, Center Lovell, Maine. A. L. SAVAGE, Stratton, Maine. Maine Woods Voting Contest? RODS AND SNOWSHOES. Where are you I make Rangeley wood and split bamboo rods 1 I fl for fly fishing and trolling. Rods to let. Snow- shoes to order. “ Goin Fishin” P E. T. HOAR. Rangeley, Maine, PARKLING, dancing waters will IIHJu soon displace ice and snow and the S beautiful spring days will witness ex­ citing sport with gamey fish. You are ROUND M O U N TA IN LAKE CAMP». overhauling rods and tackle with all the enthusiasm of the true sportsman. Why not come to Located on one of the most beau­ tiful lakes in the world, with every comfort thia/t can be asked for. Three Flountain View I ponds and fifteen mile® of streams and have the time of your life with other m m p assure good trout fly fishing every live ones? You will find good company day. Plenty of good trails and eight here and all just right. YES, bring the ladies and kiddies. mountains to clim b. Daily mail and Let them enjoy a perfect outing, in per­ telephone. Elevation 2300 feet. Writ« fect safety and with all the comforts of for particular«. home. Here are up-to-date conveniences, guides, boats, canoes and waters teeming DION O. BLACKWELL, with trout and salmon. Round Mountain, Main«. My booklet tells the rest. May I send 1 *'"V if - m jy L V' íí'“-' ^ — ^ you one? Address j L. E. BOWLEY ♦ Mountain View, - Maine «MONMOUTH MOCCASIN».” ’♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦»•♦»»»♦♦»♦»»♦pi S S S a pM : 5 ' Ui Ik. They are made for Sportsmen, Guides, Lumbermen. Known the world over for excel­ One of the Finest Appointed Resort Hotels in the State of Maine lence. Illustrated catalogue free. M. L. GETCHELL CO.f “In The Maine Woods” Sportsmen’s Guide Book Center o f the best Trout and Salmon Fishing Sportsmen and Tourists, Attention. llth Annual Edition Trout and salmon fishing all through Published by the GOLF, TENNIS, MUSIC, BOATING, BATHING, AUTOING the season. First class service; Write for Booklet that will tell You all about it. special attention paid to parties tak­ ing canoe trips into the back country. BANGOR & AROOSTOOK R. R. Tame deer to amuse the children. Free illustrated booklet. £ Mailed anywhere for 15 cents in stamp a, BILLY SOULE, Address Geo. M. Houghton, RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL CO., Rangeley, Maine Passenger Traffic Manager. Pleasant Island, Oxford County, Me. Bangor, Maine. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE MAY 25, 1911. LOCAL EDITION— 12 PAGES. RANGELEY. BROWN'S CAMPS TAXIDERMISTS. May 23,. 1911. Mrs. H. A. Furbish and Mrs. F. (Special to Maine Woods). G. W. PICKEL, Taxidermist. B. Colby are spending the week at Salmon fishing continues to be Dealer In Sporting Goods, Fishing Kennebago. good, fish being taken every day. Tackle, Indian Moccasins, Basket» Dr. A. M. Ross and wife made an Bass came in shore yesterday, the auto trip to Phillips recently re­ 21st and the fly fishing has opened and Souvenir». maining several days. up in fine shape. Rangeley, - - - Maine. Mrs. Dalton Haley and four child­ There are several parties booked ren of Farmington are staying with here for the June fly fishing and we Mrs.
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