[ Team LiB ] • Table of Contents • Index • Reviews • Reader Reviews • Errata Learning XML, 2nd Edition By Erik T. Ray Publisher: O'Reilly Pub Date: September 2003 ISBN: 0-596-00420-6 Pages: 416 In this new edition of the best selling title, the author explains the important and relevant XML technologies and their capabilities clearly and succinctly with plenty of real-life projects and useful examples. He outlines the elements of markup--demystifying concepts such as attributes, entities, and namespaces--and provides enough depth and examples to get started. Learning XML is a reliable source for anyone who needs to know XML, but doesn't want to waste time wading through hundreds of web sites or 800 pages of bloated text. [ Team LiB ] [ Team LiB ] • Table of Contents • Index • Reviews • Reader Reviews • Errata Learning XML, 2nd Edition By Erik T. Ray Publisher: O'Reilly Pub Date: September 2003 ISBN: 0-596-00420-6 Pages: 416 Copyright Foreword Preface What's Inside Style Conventions Examples Comments and Questions Acknowledgments Chapter 1. Introduction Section 1.1. What Is XML? Section 1.2. Where Did XML Come From? Section 1.3. What Can I Do with XML? Section 1.4. How Do I Get Started? Chapter 2. Markup and Core Concepts Section 2.1. Tags Section 2.2. Documents Section 2.3. The Document Prolog Section 2.4. Elements Section 2.5. Entities Section 2.6. Miscellaneous Markup Chapter 3. Modeling Information Section 3.1. Simple Data Storage Section 3.2. Narrative Documents Section 3.3. Complex Data Section 3.4. Documents Describing Documents Chapter 4. Quality Control with Schemas Section 4.1. Basic Concepts Section 4.2. DTDs Section 4.3. W3C XML Schema Section 4.4. RELAX NG Section 4.5. Schematron Section 4.6. Schemas Compared Chapter 5. Presentation Part I: CSS Section 5.1. Stylesheets Section 5.2. CSS Basics Section 5.3. Rule Matching Section 5.4. Properties Section 5.5. Examples Chapter 6. XPath and XPointer Section 6.1. Nodes and Trees Section 6.2. Finding Nodes Section 6.3. XPath Expressions Section 6.4. XPointer Chapter 7. Transformation with XSLT Section 7.1. History Section 7.2. Concepts Section 7.3. Running Transformations Section 7.4. The stylesheet Element Section 7.5. Templates Section 7.6. Formatting Chapter 8. Presentation Part II: XSL-FO Section 8.1. How It Works Section 8.2. A Quick Example Section 8.3. The Area Model Section 8.4. Formatting Objects Section 8.5. An Example: TEI Section 8.6. A Bigger Example: DocBook Chapter 9. Internationalization Section 9.1. Character Encodings Section 9.2. MIME and Media Types Section 9.3. Specifying Human Languages Chapter 10. Programming Section 10.1. Limitations Section 10.2. Streams and Events Section 10.3. Trees and Objects Section 10.4. Pull Parsing Section 10.5. Standard APIs Section 10.6. Choosing a Parser Section 10.7. PYX Section 10.8. SAX Section 10.9. DOM Section 10.10. Other Options Appendix A. Resources Section A.1. Online Section A.2. Books Section A.3. Standards Organizations Section A.4. Tools Section A.5. Miscellaneous Appendix B. A Taxonomy of Standards Section B.1. Markup and Structure Section B.2. Linking Section B.3. Addressing and Querying Section B.4. Style and Transformation Section B.5. Programming Section B.6. Publishing Section B.7. Hypertext Section B.8. Descriptive/Procedural Section B.9. Multimedia Section B.10. Science Glossary A B C D E F H I L M N O P Q R S T U W X Colophon Index [ Team LiB ] [ Team LiB ] Copyright Copyright © 2003, 2001 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O'Reilly & Associates books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (http://safari.oreilly.com). For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: (800) 998-9938 or [email protected]. Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O'Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps. The association between the image of a hatching chick and the topic of XML is a trademark of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. [ Team LiB ] [ Team LiB ] Foreword In 1976, two landers named Viking set down on Mars and turned their dish-shaped antennae toward earth. A few hours later, delighted scientists and engineers received the first pictures from the surface of another planet. Over the next few years, the Viking mission continued to collect thousands of images, instrument readings, and engineering data-enough to keep researchers busy for decades and making it one of the most successful science projects in history. Of critical importance were the results of experiments designed to detect signs of life in the Martian soil. At the time, most researchers considered the readings conclusive evidence against the prospect of living organisms on Mars. A few, however, held that the readings could be interpreted in a more positive light. In the late 1990's, when researchers claimed to have found tiny fossils in a piece of Martian rock from Antarctica, they felt it was time to revisit the Viking experiment and asked NASA to republish the results. NASA staff retrieved the microfilm from storage and found it to be largely intact and readable. They then began scanning the data, intending to publish it on CD-ROM. This seemed like a simple task at first-all they had to do was sort out the desired experiment data from the other information sent back from the space probes. But therein lay the problem: how could they extract specific pieces from a huge stream of munged information? All of the telemetry from the landers came in a single stream and was stored the same way. The soil sampling readings were a tiny fraction of information among countless megabytes of diagnostics, engineering data, and other stuff. It was like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. To comb through all this data and extract the particular information of interest would have been immensely expensive and time-consuming. It would require detailed knowledge of the probe's data communication specifications which were buried in documents that were tucked away in storage or perhaps only lived in the heads of a few engineers, long since retired. Someone might have to write software to split the mess into parallel streams of data from different instruments. All the information was there. It was just nearly useless without a lot of work to decipher it. Luckily, none of this ever had to happen. Someone with a good deal of practical sense got in touch with the principal investigator of the soil sampling experiment. He happened to have a yellowing copy of the computer printout with analysis and digested results, ready for researchers to use. NASA only had to scan this information in and republish it as it was, without the dreaded interpretation of aging microfilm. This story demonstrates that data is only as good as the way it's packaged. Information is a valuable asset, but its value depends on its longevity, flexibility, and accessibility. Can you get to your data easily? Is it clearly labeled? Can you repackage it in any form you need? Can you provide it to others without a hassle? These are the questions that the Extensible Markup Language (XML) was designed to answer. [ Team LiB ] [ Team LiB ] Preface Since its introduction in the late 90s, Extensible Markup Language (XML) has unleashed a torrent of new acronyms, standards, and rules that have left some in the Internet community wondering whether it is all really necessary. After all, HTML has been around for years and has fostered the creation of an entirely new economy and culture, so why change a good thing? XML isn't here to replace what's already on the Web, but to create a more solid and flexible foundation. It's an unprecedented effort by a consortium of organizations and companies to create an information framework for the 21st century that HTML only hinted at. To understand the magnitude of this effort, we need to clear away some myths. First, in spite of its name, XML is not a markup language; rather, it's a toolkit for creating, shaping, and using markup languages. This fact also takes care of the second misconception, that XML will replace HTML. Actually, HTML is taking advantage of XML by becoming a cleaner version of itself, called XHTML. And that's just the beginning. XML will make it possible to create hundreds of new markup languages to cover every application and document type. The standards process will figure prominently in the growth of this information revolution. XML itself is an attempt to rein in the uncontrolled development of competing technologies and proprietary languages that threatens to splinter the Web. XML creates a playground where structured information can play nicely with applications, maximizing accessibility without sacrificing richness of expression. XML's enthusiastic acceptance by the Internet community has opened the door for many sister standards. XML's new playmates include stylesheets for display and transformation, strong methods for linking resources, tools for data manipulation and querying, error checking and structure enforcement tools, and a plethora of development environments.
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