Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1987 Daily Egyptian 1987 9-17-1987 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 17, 1987 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1987 Volume 74, Issue 19 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 17, 1987." (Sep 1987). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1987 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1987 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian SOllthern Illinois University at Carbondale Thursday, September 17, 1987; Vni. 74, No. 19, 20 Pap:es Halloween band funding discussed ~~~~~~rH.mpton and rent a sound system. costume contest and prizes for the event would be provided by Gus Bode Several proposals are before a batUe 01 tbe bands featuring tbe city or University com· Bands will play on Soutb tbe~ommittee . four local groups. munity. ~ ~ Grand Avenue during tbe One of tbe latest two Gary GibuJJa, a reporter for Regar dless of outside ~. .!" HaUm.ceen festival Oct. 30-31 proposals includes sponsorship WCIlrFM radio, offered to sponsorship, the Chamber of tbe HaUoween Core Com­ by a St. J.'-"IS brewery. Tbe prOVIde one band and \he Commerce will provide $3 000 mittee decided Wednesday. American Marketing WCn.. rt.'eorded music show to pay for entertainment' on However, it stiU is grappling Association, a Registered each night of fro<: fes tival for Soutb Grand AvenI/.:; to draw witb wbo will sponsor tbe Student Organization, has $2,000. A sound system for tbe part of the crowd from the bands, who will be involved in been negotiating with bands will be provided in tbe Strip downtown, Jim Prowell presenting tbem and how Anheuser-Busch Co. to sponsor package, be said. ' GIIS "Y. music soothes the much will be spent to pay tbem two bands, prizes lor a In botb cases, security for SeeHALLOWEEN, Page8 ••••g.bee. l Abortion bill may change patients'rights By Deedra Lawhead Staff Writer Do doctors havc tbe right to withhold information from a pregnant woman to prevent her from having an abortion? Celebrations, views and facts about Constitution - Pages 4-5. 1(H2· A bill tha t aUows doctors to withhold information about diagnostic tesls sils on Gov. James R. Tbompson's desk. Tbompson has until Sept. 20 to sign or veto tbe bill that amends the 1977 illinois Right of Conscip.nce Act, which prevenls p! tienls from suing doctors wh', refuse to perform non·emergency treatment Staff Photo by pwry A.. Smith they are moraUy agaiust. The amendment extends tbe Chris G.llard. '" the Philippines .Hlrms his oath of United States citizenship at the Lesar law Building Wednesday. act to include tbe doctor's refusal to "perform, assist, counsel, suggest, recommend, refer or participate in Naturalization means freedom to 50 diagllOStiC testing to detect fetal abnormalities which may Ceremony held at life " sait! Sumitha's father Belleville naturalized about tbeir right hands raised and lead to an abortion, regardless Bobby Jue Fisher of Pin: ISO citizens from 33 countries. recited tbe oath together. Tben of whetber such test. are SIU Law School ckneyville. Chief Judge James L . as the last words faded, tbose considered routine or normal The Fisbers were in tbe Foreman of tbe United States people who had once been By laura Milbrath Scbco] of Law auditorium District Court for tbe Soutbern citizens in countries such as practice." Staff Writer Amniocentesis and chorionic Wednesday to let Sumitha, a District of IJIinois presided India, Iran and tbe Philippines villus t'ampling are two of a She bad only been an native of India, partiCipate in over the ceremony. were unitt-'<l as tbe room filled wide range of diagnostic tesls American for about 15 tbe naturalization ceremony Foreman advised the witb thundering applause. that can be performed on minutes, but already S'unitha as about SO people from 18 petitioners for citizenship that Tbey llad become Americans. fetuses to detect Down's India Fisher was looking different countries were sworn as tbey took tbe oatb of President john C. Guyon patriotic. The 4-year-old girl in as U.S. citizens. aUegiance to tbe Unite1 States spealting to tbe new citizens ~~~od~e:t~":n~u:,~~rT:b: sat on her grandmother's lap The ceremony was the first tbey would be renouncing "aU said tbat it was "an auspicious normalities. waving a smaU American flag, of ils kind to be held in Car­ aUegiance to any foreign state day." He also sPOke of the A1tbough questions have blushing a s she was bondale and was in bonor of or sovereign" and pledging special meaning the ceremony been rai.. ed about the con- congralulated on oo.,oming a tbe Bicentennial of tbe signing aUegiance to tbeir new country held lor him as his own naturalized U.S. citizen. of tbe U. S. Constibltj~n . and ils Constitution. S .. ABORTION, Page 12 "This is tbe highlight of her A ceremony yesterd&.y in The petitioner.; stood witb See CITIZEN, Page 6 This Momin~_ Student Affairs head requests GPSC input By Rebert York Welch, speaking at a tbe Wellness Center and con<:ern wi\!! \he University's Chicago Symph'imy Staff Writer meeting of the GPSC, men­ olbers. "party scbool" reputation. He thrills Shryock Tbe Graduate and tioned .everal issues facing Welch said it was imp.>rlant told tbe GPSC that more Professional Student Council tbe campus \his year that to gain participation of academk personalities would - Page 3 sbould work closely witb tbe would benefit from GPSC minorities in intramural be involved ".;t.h the new Office of Student Affairs feedback, including financial sporls. He said the teams w.~ e student orientation next year Harvey Welch, acting vice aid and parking. origi:iated in the 1950s by l:;oco;.;.;,e of this parental in­ Gibson gets start president for student affaiNl blacks, but tbeir present _> terest. against Austin Peay said Wednesday night. He invited GPSC to get in­ \olvement in intramuraJs is ''Let us work together," volved in a group that would be '1erylow. "This school year has -Sports20 Welch said. "I realize that you formed to discuss tbe started up better than ever," will aU be busy witb your Universitv·s position ·on Welch said the feedback be Welch said. "What pleased me schedules and agendas, but I alcobol. The group would in· received from parent.. at last the most was when parenls faU 's new student orientation T.. torml.rlY,hlghao.. ·.. ant ~o work with you on your c1ude birnseIf, representatives were interested in tbe l ~ from Campus Ministries and "'as more positive than the academics of the school. " projC<'ls." " Becoming GatholiC"!1 N e~swrap Professional Hair Stylists To Serve You t A \.l. I world'~/natio-n- . ­ HAIRCUTS·9 PERMS-35 Faith rl\ IIsraeli Defense Forces Walk-ins welcome, no appointment necessary Journey... I ci~sh with Arab guerrillas S . Illinois Ave . 9i!m-5pm M-Sal. HASBAYA, Lebanon (UPl) - israeli troops on patrol in Program begins sruthern Llmaoon clasb1'4 with Arab guerrillas in fip.l'C'! batUes that killed three Israeli soldiers and at 1"".8t fiv. guerriL'as. Is.",,""'" 24, 7.3Opm military and police sources said Wednesda ' TVe Israeli death toll in the TtJesday night Cl!!!!t, was i.'le hi t in one incident NEWMAN CENTER since Israel with<in>'.. the bulk of its forces Cm I.;:.!banon in HI8S, Thursday Israeli militP.ry • .:IUre,::: said. State-run Israel Radio said the 529-3311 clash occurred wben an army patrol discovered a band of Special guerrillas and called in reinforcem~nts . STAY RIGHT ' Philippine official resIgns over dls!!~reement 'nlERE YOU ARE! MANlLA, . Philippines (UP!) - Vice President Sal""':~f Laurel left Dis Cabinet post as foreign secretary Wednesday in a ITALIAN BEEF Kinl-".o·s "",'ill pidc.up your dispute with President Corazon Aquino over the bandling of the onginals and dc.Livcr the III-YEar communist insurgency, which he said bad armed the With chip., pickle, and finishe d copic~ directlv to Philippines into "a bouse 00 fire." Aquino, ~ peaking on govern­ medium .oft drink or 4raft. )"0 ..1 . ment television, announced she had accepted the resignations of So sit tight. We do the Laurel, Finance Secretary Jaime Ongpin and the commissioners of customs and immigration. fr3vcling and let you take $3.34 care of bus iness. International ozone protocol agreed upon MONTREAL (UP!) - Forty-six nations, including the United States, ......<';,ean Economic Community members and Japan, IMPORTS $1.00 creat _ere.rt_ adopted the (irst international protocol Wednesday on con­ ("~ .. "'b"""'bu\oneu&.,,..,.u. 'lOftSonI,J servation of ozone - the vital layer that filters ultraviolet CALL FOR DELIVERY 549-3366 715 S. University radiations. Tbe U.N .-sponsored agreement is the main measure taken so far t, control worldwide production of 549-{)788 chIoroOuorucarbollS (CFCsl, an industrial chemic.&l that destroys ozone. Moscow bus drivers on strike Mar w8ges MOSCOW (UPD - Bus drivers in an industrial town SOIllli of Moscow )lave staged an unprecedented . trike to protest econ!>mic refonns that would bave reduced their pay, a m:wspaper reported Wednesday. The walkrut in CbfOkbov, 40 l miles SO\Ith of Mos('OW, was an apparent reaction against the type of measures Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev h..s beeil II proposing to combat economic stagnation. Pop-e tells followers 'conform or be excluded' Le~ ANGELES (UP!) - Pope Jobn Paul ll, in one of the bluntest exchanges with his bisbOj>S ever made public, told U.S.
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