Volume 43, Number 6, 2004 www.ventana.sierraclub.org M AGAZINE OF THE V ENTANA C HAPTER OF THE S IERRA C LUB DEC, JAN, FEB OUTINGS Members, vote for Ex-com on page 15 Richard Stover d d d Happy Holidays d d d Explore, enjoy and protect the planet hile it is the intent of The Ventana to print articles that reflect the position CHAPTER CHAIR Wof the Ventana Chapter, ideas expressed in The Ventana are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the Support the Coalition General Plan for Monterey County position of the Sierra Club. Articles, graphics and photographs are copyrighted by the onths ago, the Monterey hearings? It was opposed by developers. Two other General Plan alternatives authors and artists and may be reprinted only with their permission. County Board of Supervisors Appalled by the Board of Supervisors’ will come before the Board of DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSIONS Mwasted $5 million of our tax dol- leadership failure and its intent to move Supervisors: One, drawn by the inexpe- All materials for publication must be received by lars, and five years of public participa- the General Plan process behind closed rienced and overworked county staff, the deadlines listed in The Ventana publication tion when it refused to even consider a doors, 18 community, resident and envi- and one slapped together by a developer schedule (see below). No exceptions. proposed General Plan. The County’s ronmental organizations, including the consortium. SUBMISSIONS FORMAT dedicated general planning team had Sierra Club, stepped forward. In six Shortly, the Chapter will urge each of Please limit articles to 800 words; letters to based the proposed General Plan on months, at no cost to the county, the you to join with us in support of our 300. All submissions may be edited for clarity Twelve Guiding Objectives, developed coalition of organizations completed professionally-drafted Community Gen- and length. Submissions are preferred via e- mail or on a high density 3-1/2 inch diskette. by the public and approved unanimous- public meetings in every district of the eral Plan. We urge you to get involved, Save files as “text” or “ascii.” Mail hard copy to ly by the Supervisors. county. The coalition will present to the because our fight to protect the natural editor, address below. Why was the proposed General Plan Supervisors a General Plan based upon resources of Monterey County is at a WHERE TO SEND SUBMISSIONS trashed after five years of work which these meetings and the Twelve Guiding critical point. Send submissions to: Debbie Bulger, Editor included 166 public outreach meetings Objectives, which is supported by 80% —Rita Dalessio 1603 King Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 all over the county and 84 Board of of the residents and workers of e-mail: [email protected] Supervisor and Planning Commission Monterey County. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Do not call editor! Send address changes to Sierra Club, The Ventana, P. O. Box 52968, Boulder, CO 80322-2968. F ROM THE E DITOR POSTAL NOTICE The Ventana (015057) is published 6 times a ATTENTION:ATTENTION: Reason for hope “But, you say, it costs a little more. year, (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec.) paid by ane Goodall believes our everyday Yes, it does. But as more and more peo- subscription included in membership fee, by PotentialPotential actions are reasons for hope. She is an ple buy these products the prices will The Ventana Chapter of the Sierra Club, 1001 drop. And anyway, are we, or are we Center St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Periodical Advertisers!Advertisers! Junflappable optimist and the inspira postage paid Santa Cruz, California, and at tional cheerleader we each need in not, prepared to pay a few extra pennies additional mailing offices. our corner. Goodall makes the following to buy the future for our children?” Postmaster: Send address changes to Sierra Sierra Club Member observation in her latest book: (Jane Goodall, Reason for Hope) Club, The Ventana, P. O. Box 604, Santa Cruz, This is the time of year when many of CA 95061-0604. Profile “We have the potential to exert immense power for good—we each carry us share meals with extended family, Editor: purchase gifts for loved ones, and give of Advertising in this newsletter packs it with us, in our purses, checkbooks, Debbie Bulger • 457-1036 our time to make someone else’s life a more clout into your advertising dol- and credit cards. No one will force us to e-mail: [email protected] little bit brighter. It is the perfect time to (no change of address calls, please!) lars. Sierra Club members are one of the buy genetically engineered food, or meat use the power of our purchases to enrich Production: most valuable audiences in America. from factory farms, or furniture made rather than deplete the planet. Vivian Larkins, Debbie Bulger, They are “opinion leaders” and “influ- from clear-cut forests. We can search for Stephanie Kearns I encourage readers to patronize The entials;” by any name they are some of and buy organically grown food, free- Writers: Ventana advertisers. Their support of America’s most sought-after advertising range eggs, and so on. Rita Dalessio, Debbie Bulger, our newsletter deserves reciprocation. Bill Allayaud, Mardi Wormhoudt, targets. Their own purchasing activity is I also want to give special thanks to Mike Tidwell, David Tanza, substantial. But, more important, they the Chapter for providing The Ventana Debbie Bulger, Rita Dalessio, influence others—in everything from Richard Stover, Steve Chambers with new computer software and to opinion and outlook to choice of prod- Photographers: Richard Stover and George Jammal for ucts. They are not only consumers, but Richard Stover, Hannah Eade, the many hours of work they put in to Rita Dalessio, Debbie Bulger also doers and leaders. Proofreaders: get that softwear up and running. You know how it is with computer upgrades! Richard Stover, Charles Koester Club Members are among the most Distribution: Have a wonderful holiday season. active, affluent audiences of adventure Lew Weinstein, Debbie Bulger, —Debbie Bulger Sheila Dunniway, Leslye Lawrence travelers and year-round outdoor Wendy Peddicord, Meryl Everett sports enthusiasts your advertising dol- Advertising Sales: lars can buy. It’s an unduplicated audi- Volunteer opportunity Debbie Bulger ence with the power to buy your prod- Late Night Food Delivery & Software: Bookstore merchandiser Richard Stover ucts and services. ;xxxx Chapter website: The Ventana Chapter Bookstore in http://ventana.sierraclub.org Sierra Club Members are Great Prospects Carmel needs more pizzazz. Please send all Letters-to-the-Editor to: Median Age: 41 If you are creative, energetic, have Editor, c/o Sierra Club • 1603 King St. Male/Female: 63% / 37% retail experience or (for the right per- Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Median Household Income: $56,227 Send e-mail to: [email protected] Attended/Graduated College: 81% son) would like to learn more about Professional/Technical/Managerial: 36% the retail business, this volunteer posi- 2005 tion may be for you. VENTANA PUBLICATION SCHEDULE: Outdoor Sports Enthusiasts The Club would like the bookstore Issue Deadline Mailing Date Backpacking/Hiking 4 times more active to attract more customers. We need to #1 Jan. 17 Feb. 2 than the average adult #2 Mar. 28 Apr. 13 display our wares in a more attractive Mountain Biking 5 times more active #3 May 16 Jun. 1 fashion and ultimately to achieve Cross-Country Skiing 5 times more active #4 Jul. 25 Aug. 10 more sales. Whitewater Rafting 5.5 times more active #5 Sep. 26 Oct. 12 Source: 1996 MRI Doublebase If you are creative and skilled/ inter- #6 Nov. 28 Dec. 14 ested/excited about merchandising, Articles received after deadline may For Rate Information, Contact: call Marilyn Beck, 372-6860. Flexible not be published. Debbie Bulger - 457-1036 hours, variable time commitment. 2 The Sierra Club / Ventana Chapter Volume 43 Number 6, 2004 Printed on Recycled Paper LETTERS Governor’s performance on the The Ventana welcomes letters. Send to: environment mixed LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Ventana, 1603 King Street by Bill Allayaud, State Director, Sierra the Smog Check and Smog Check II pro- Supported by Club; Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Club California grams; therefore, cars built after 1974 vetoed by governor: or email to [email protected] will never be exempt from smog regula- Please include a phone number with y the end of August, the your letter. Anonymous letters are Legislature had put a number of tions. AB 2042 (Lowenthal) Prohibits air pol- not accepted. Letters may be edited environmental bills on Governor SB 1369 (Kuehl - Sierra Club CA lution at the Ports of Long Beach and Los for length. B Schwarzenegger’s desk for signature. sponsor) Increases the requirement for Angeles from exceeding baseline levels. While there were no blockbuster pieces defensible space from 30’ to 100’ in the SB 1478 (Sher) Makes numerous Save bus to Big Sur of legislation this year, there were some most fire-prone areas of the state. changes to the California Renewable In August, as a visitor to Monterey, my significant measures that we wanted him SB 391 (Florez) Requires the perpetra- Portfolio Standards Program and the purpose in coming was to see the Point to sign. The result? A mixed record. tors of pesticide drift poisonings to com- Renewable Energy Program. Lobos State Reserve and other Big Sur parks Overall, his first year appears to be bet- pensate the victims. SB 1648 (Chesbro - Sierra Club CA by bus. I took the Monterey-Salinas Transit ter than any recent Republican gover- AB 1369 (Pavley - Sierra Club CA Sponsor) Reforms the management of Bus 22 down the coast and observed the bus sponsor) Bans sale of mercury-added Jackson Demonstration State Forest in driver was keeping a careful record of the nor, but not as good as Gray Davis’s first years.
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