M^iv^ • fi ('•• • Pkn Elirht Stanger Delivers Leading Scholar Among First Gradk Of Seion HallROT Two Cranford men, o' BEL 'TO THE V ; At Pingry School University,- South Orangey•' "^ FlftST AID SQUAD William MeKee Sfanger ot 409 commissioned second lie*.. Casino avenue presented the val- jn_. the. Army Reserve at edictory .address at cpmrhence- ceremonies-.at II a.m. to GA R woo p C RANFORD KENILWORXH .ment exercises of the class of 1954 They are among the firi '. of Pingry School, Hillside, Fri- day evening at the school. He uates ol the ROTC couijH spoke on the subject of- academic university. Vol. LXI. No. 21. Culeted second cla**« mail tiiAttei- at L CRANFORD," NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1954 the Office »t Cr»nford, N. J. 26 Pages — 10 CENTS freedom. -- •-..... The reservists are: Wl Tvv» other ' Cranford youths Hessler of 38 West Holl were members of the class. Th AND IS HAPPY TO CELEBRATE THESE GREAT are: Arthur Lewuijji and Russell P. Rauch of ' ,v Officials Get Cranford Days Off to Fast Start Award avenue, class historian,.who trac- lord avenue. " .•:-• ed the progress of the class: from [Report 179 Candidates 1952 to the'present; and Robert Mrs. Munday Prea« ip A C. Hall of 8 Normandie place.-. morrow TV TT» I .g-'i it\* 1' Arthur was among thosp--nom- Piatao Pupils in Re Commencement exercises (or the 63 members of tW eighth I inated for the 1902 Emblem, the grade graduating class at St. Michael's School witl be held in St, jr or High hchool lJiplomas highest honor to which a Pingry The, piano pupils of Mt Student may, aspire. It ii given, Munday held their annua Michael's Church at 8 o'clock, tomorrow everting. 'The Rev. William \ The names of 179 candidates for JsJ^^jnennb^ivjofthe SIXth form • at her home. 19 Hampton B. Donnelly, pastor of the church, will present diplomas. graduation, were announced today I [Saturday' afternoon. • Piat'; who has" made~~the gfeuTesr-att"- ? WITH A CARNIVAL OF SAVINGS AND GIFTS During the exercises, a four-year scholarship to Benedictint, by G. Frank Zimmcl'hian, princi- and ensemble numbcrsTw;- Old, New Leader of Red CrossChapter round contribution to the. school. WILLIAM M. STANGKK Academy, Elizabeth. will be pal (if.,Cranford High School." He was elected to.membership in sented for -parents andr and refreshments were' awarde'd to Maureen Bannon. A | Cum Laude Society, -while Wilr District Guv. Hopeful SIM VALUE 35c Value loiiias Tuesday, at commencement liam was elected to the organiza- following the. program. ' . 25c *4 Price Sale! sterling silver rosary for the Arch-1 tion last year. William also won a of Oanford XJohs Nine of the pupils "\. ASPIRIN Very Possible bishop Boland Christian Doctrine | exercises at 8:.15 p.m. in the high the Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst O. Vince McNany and Lou awards from the Griffit? $1.00 SIZE TUSSY NYLON Award and a gold medal for school auditorium. tutri^Alumni Association Medal Stratton. of Maplcwood • were Foundation, as follows; CALAMINE Rowland Louis C.Troutmah, president ot for. Mathematics and Science, Schools Won't Christian doctrine presented by the Board of Education, will con- Ctiests of the Cranlord Lions Club iawards. Dafe^Leiand (thli-!' TABLETS CREAM the school will go. to Maureen .while Arthur received the award at its weekly dinner meeting atj Delia Munday (third yfi. LOTION TOOXH fer the diplomas upon the grad- for public speaking for fifth and the Coach and Fpur last -week. David Hall; honorable:. far BATHING CAP Heagney, who will also receive a uates. Mr. Zimmerman will prc-, sixth form,students, Mr'. McNany is a candidate for Margaret Heney^ Merne. DEODORANT BRUSH Be Ready gold medal for winning lirst place sunt the clyss to Dr. Howard R~ r s> William also won the prize for governor of Lions District. 16E in Dilliard Collins. Fredcridi 100 T for "It is very possible," Barton C. in the e» l division of the Union Best, supc-rujftendent' of , schools, scholarship for sixth form stud- the election to be held at the-an- her. Stephen • Shaw grid - ielde'hi'* chairman^of the building. County" CYO essay cointest." who will present the class to the . ill ents, while Arthur was granted nual- state convention in Atlantic Spalding. ' •' '.'.'• committee, told the Board of Edii-1 Arlcnc Wynn will also receive a Board of Education. honorable, mention. City on June 18 and 19. " • Others taking part in. jgold medal for Christian doctrine The' hy^hlifiht of the. program, Departmental honors uenj Wen Arjhur Williams was inducted cital were Genevicve Gr, 50- cation Tuesday evening, tnc will be talks by. four members" of as follows: - W i 11 i a m—English lary Grote and Diane. contractors will not meet the open- presented by thee school, while as" a member of the local club. Arthur Donnelly will receive a the graduating class. The speak- 'mathematics, chemistry and his- It,was announced that .the club Christine and Roberta St. ing date" for the two new elemen- tory; ArthmwEngllsli, French and "were" unable 'to attend be! "" The Compact Buy certificate of honorable mention in er.^ will be: Elizabeth Blakley, again will sponsor" the serving of FinA^Taste Treat tary schools now under coristruc- '•Tcri Commandments- for art Ed- history; "Robert-JErench; and lto free coffee to commuters in con-illness. • ' > tion. the boys' division of the Union bert Stanger 9/ 409 Casino uve Couiity CYO essay contest. ucated Man"; John Magan, "The nection with Cranford Days, start- Margaret Heney and C | J-.j.l'l1!. (lil ' ' • •'.,,. "'.••'•' ' '* • . — rnoiu Dy j». «.c . « The situation has- become "in- nue, a Form' III student—history. BELL'S A book will be presented to Wil- Red Budge of Courage"; Elizabeth ing at G: 15 a.m. tomorrow at the Green were recently acci Of The Year Russell Stover Candies Participating in the opening phase of Cranford Days celebraUon Friday and Saturday were: creasingly uncertain," Mr. Bclden At commencement exercises for liam Maher. by Court Trinity, Wikander, "The Music of the Jersey Central station. junior membership in tll£ said, and he asked the board mem- the Middle School the same day, (I to r) Harry Yerkes of the Ccptral Railroad of New Jersey, Mrs. William Gubos of the VIA, Wil- Catholic: Dauuhters of America, as Wt'st.'Viind John Pilchard, "Per- Roy K. Scheller presided. Club of Westfield. :.* Best Stocked bers to be on the alert to watch de- Jumes D. Stuart of 325 . Prospect liam Hoffman of the Cranfprd Historical Society, Mayor Fred P. Andersen, and Mrs. Albert Ji the prize for his poem in thc Cath- iod of Decision." avenue won the prize for im- VOLUPtE COMPACTS ,-Davies and Mrs. Louis Lomench of the VIA. The serving of coffee and donruts at the railroad velopments* He* said that the pro- S1.25 LB. olic poetry contest.- ' -• — • The Rev. Arnold J. Duhlquist, provement among Form I piipils Best Staffed station was as popular as ever, while the roller skating and band concert' on Friday evening posed opening of the Brooksidc pastor 'of Calvary Lutheran $530 to $10.00 VALUES iMacc School and. the Walnut Ave- The program will open with the were well attended. About 300 attended the teen-age dance at the high school Saturday, while professional, "Pomp and Circunv- DR. UOWABD R. BEST GEORGE II. BATES Church, will give the invocation JVwr Your nue'School Would be delayed "no and the Rev. Samuel I. Matchctt, Family Picnic Slated the guided bus tours also attracted near-capacity attendances. Merchants reported'excellent re- more than a few weeks." stance," and the singing of the sponse to their three-day Cranfprd'Gift Day promotion. AH exhibits also attracted wide attention. hymn, "Ave Maria." ' J pastor of St. Mark's A.M.E. - By Cub Pack 176 If the new buildings were to be. Following the awarding of dip- Church, will pronounce the bene- 1 FOR ONLY S2.95 Prescriptions A family picnic' will be held For An Additional Treat ready within a few weeks of the lomas, the Rev. David Ernst, who Bates Succeeds Dr. Best diction. The processional, "Pomp , by Cub Pack 176, sponsored by An Unusual Gift for The Graduate! AT LOWEST PRICES original opening date, the start of was ordained, recently,]will address and Chivalry" by Roberts, will be mm Cranford Post -212,. American Le- Sees Alarm Public Session Wednesday to Hear all classes in the school, system the graduates. played by the high school bund. gion,-on June 19 at Lake Hopat- Now at BELL's Delicious 9 might be changed, Mr. Belden said, Benediction of thc most blessed As Red Cross Chairman The high school choir will sing cong. - . Commuters Schedule Complaints but no decision would be made be- sacrament will be preceded by George H. Bates of 18 Hampton street was elected chairman "This Is My Country" by Jacobs. itei OPEN DAILY fore the middle of August. - The. i Plans for the affair were made Need Stressed singing of "Heart of Jesus" and of the Cranford-Garwood-Kcnilworth Chapter, American Red Cross, "Land of Hope and Glory" by SCHRAFFT'S ICE CREAM As directed by the Township "Comrnlttee, Mayor F. • P. board has no. choice, he said, but at a' recent meeting at the Cas- 8:30 A.M. to 10 P.M. followed by another hymn, "Eccc at a meeting Monday of the board of directors to succeed Dr. Howard Elgar will be sung by the class and JEWEUTE CO»IB AND BRUSH SETS -Andersen has arranged a public meeting for 8 p.m. Wednesday to plan all activities to begin at ino.
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