Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 23 / Friday, February 3, 1995 / Rules and Regulations 6671 pursuant to Revision of Section Channel 276A and adding Channel River; and deleting Channel 249C2 and 73.3573(a)(1) of the Commission's Rules 276C3 at Plantation Key. adding Channel 249C3 at Rice Lake. Concerning the Lower Classification of 8. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM 23. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM an FM Allotment, 4 FCC Rcd 2413 Allotments under Georgia, is amended Allotments under Wyoming, is amended (1989), and the Amendment of the by deleting Channel 258C and adding by deleting Channel 250C and adding Commission's Rules to Permit FM Channel 258C1 at Douglas. Channel 250C1 at Cheyenne. Channel and Class Modifications 9. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Federal Communications Commission. [Upgrades] by Application, 8 FCC Rcd Allotments under Indiana, is amended John A. Karousos, 4735 (1993). by deleting Channel 224A and adding Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Channel 223A at Kokoma. Division, Mass Media Bureau. 10. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Sharon P. McDonald, Mass Media [FR Doc. 95±2682 Filed 2±2±95; 8:45 am] Allotments under Kentucky, is amended Bureau, (202) 418±2180. BILLING CODE 6712±01±F SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a by deleting Channel 250A and adding synopsis of the Commission's Report Channel 250C3 at Hyden; and deleting Channel 296A and adding Channel and Order, adopted January 18, 1995, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR and released January 26, 1995. The full 299A at Owingsville. text of this Commission decision is 11. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Fish and Wildlife Service available for inspection and copying Allotments under Louisiana, is during normal business hours in the amended by deleting Channel 230C2 50 CFR Part 17 FCC Reference Center (Room 239), 1919 and adding Channel 230C3 at Bastrop. RIN: 1018±AB88 M Street, NW, Washington, D.C. The 12. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Allotments under Michigan, is amended complete text of this decision may also Endangered and Threatened Wildlife by deleting Channel 258C1 and adding be purchased from the Commission's and Plants; Determination of Channel 258C2 Sault Ste. Marie. copy contractors, International Endangered Status for Ten Plants and 13. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Transcription Service, Inc., (202) 857± Threatened Status for Two Plants From Allotments under Mississippi, is 3800, 2100 M Street, NW, Suite 140, Serpentine Habitats in the San amended by deleting Channel 243C3 Washington, D.C. 20037. Francisco Bay Region of California and adding Channel 243A Clarksdale. List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73 14. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Radio broadcasting. Allotments under New Mexico, is Interior. amended by deleting Channel 268C and ACTION: Final rule. Part 73 of Title 47 of the Code of adding Channel 268C1 at Clovis. Federal Regulations is amended as 15. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife follows: Allotments under New York, is Service (Service) determines PART 73Ð[AMENDED] amended by deleting Channel 263A and endangered status pursuant to the adding Channel 262B1 at Warrensburg. Endangered Species Act of 1973, as 1. The authority citation for Part 73 16. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM amended (Act) for 10 plants: Castilleja continues to read as follows: Allotments under North Carolina, is affinis ssp. neglecta (Tiburon Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303. amended by deleting Channel 260C and paintbrush), Ceanothus ferrisae (coyote adding Channel 260C1 at Burgaw. ceanothus), Cirsium fontinale var. § 73.202 [Amended] 17. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM fontinale (fountain thistle), Clarkia 2. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Allotments under Oklahoma, is franciscana (Presidio clarkia), Allotments under Alabama, is amended amended by deleting Channel 232A Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. capillaris by deleting Channel 232A and adding adding Channel 232C3 at Elk City. (Pennell's bird's-beak), Dudleya Channel 232C3 at Abbeville; and 18. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM setchellii (Santa Clara Valley dudleya), deleting Channel 293C3 and adding Allotments under Oregon, is amended Eriophyllum latilobum (San Mateo Channel 293C2 at Bay Minette. by deleting Channel 258C and adding woolly sunflower), Pentachaeta 3. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Channel 258C1 at Klamath Falls. bellidiflora (white-rayed pentachaeta), Allotments under Alaska, is amended 19. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Streptanthus albidus ssp. albidus by deleting Channel 280C3 and adding Allotments under South Dakota, is (Metcalf Canyon jewelflower), and Channel 280A at College. amended by deleting Channel 264C and Streptanthus niger (Tiburon 4. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM adding Channel 264C1 at Lowry. jewelflower). The Service also Allotments under Arizona, is amended 20. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM determines threatened status for two by deleting Channel 223C and adding Allotments under Texas, is amended by plants, Calochortus tiburonensis Channel 223C1 at Eagar. deleting Channel 234A and adding (Tiburon mariposa lily) and 5. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Channel 234C3 at Corpus Christi; Hesperolinon congestum (Marin dwarf- Allotments under California, is deleting Channel 234C1 and adding flax). These species are restricted to amended by deleting Channel 300C1 Channel 234C at El Paso; and deleting serpentine soil outcrops in the area near and adding Channel 300A at Mount Channel 231C2 and adding Channel San Francisco Bay, California. The 12 Shasta. 231C3 at Point Comfort. plants have been variously affected and 6. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM 21. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM are threatened by one or more of the Allotments under Colorado, is amended Allotments under Utah, is amended by following: urbanization, pedestrian, and by deleting Channel 292C2 and adding deleting Channel 238C and adding off-road vehicular traffic, the invasion of Channel 292C3 at Kremmling. Channel 238C1 at Ogden. alien plants, road maintenance, soil 7. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM 22. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM erosion and slipping, unauthorized Allotments under Florida, is amended Allotments under Wisconsin, is dumping, livestock grazing, seed by deleting Channel 268C1 and adding amended by deleting Channel 297C2 predation by beetles, and stochastic Channel 268C at Pensacola; and deleting and adding Channel 297C3 at Iron extinction by virtue of the small, 6672 Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 23 / Friday, February 3, 1995 / Rules and Regulations isolated nature of the remaining Francisco County; east of the Bay in the of only a few miles or less. The widest populations. This rule implements the Oakland Hills of Alameda County and at ranging species in historic times was Federal protection and recovery Mt. Diablo in Contra Costa County; and Pentachaeta bellidiflora, which provisions afforded by the Act for these north of the Bay on the Tiburon occurred from Marin County to Santa plants. Peninsula in eastern Marin County and Cruz County. It is now restricted to a EFFECTIVE DATE: March 6, 1995. at Mt. Tamalpais, Carson Ridge, and single population as a result of habitat ADDRESSES: The complete file for this near Nicasio Reservoir in western Marin destruction. rule is available for public inspection, County, as well as in Sonoma and Napa The human population of the San by appointment, during normal business Counties. Serpentine soils are variable Francisco Bay region has grown rapidly hours at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife in soil chemistry, texture, and water over the last several decades. Urban Service, 2800 Cottage Way, Room E± availability, both within and between development (including highway 1803, Sacramento, California 95825± sites (McCarten 1987b). This variability construction) has reduced the amount of 1846. and the variety of micro-climates in the serpentine habitat by nearly 20 percent in the past 20 years (McCarten 1987b). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: San Francisco Bay region have a The construction of roads, houses, Elizabeth Warne at 916/978±4866 at the profound effect upon the local flora. recreational facilities, and waste above address. Several serpentine plant communities are found in the San Francisco Bay disposal sites continues. The increasing SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: region (McCarten 1987b). Grassland and numbers of people also place an ever Background annual forb communities (serpentine greater strain on undeveloped bunchgrass grasslands and serpentine wildlands, through activities such as Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. capillaris, wildflower fields) tend to occur on level pedestrian and off-road vehicle traffic, Calochortus tiburonensis, Castilleja ground or on gentle slopes with soils to unauthorized garbage dumping, and affinis ssp. neglecta, Streptanthus niger, 1 meter (m) (3 feet (ft)) or more in depth. changes in the pattern of wildland fires. Clarkia franciscana, Cirsium fontinale Shrub communities (Franciscan Serpentine habitats, because of their var. fontinale, Eriophyllum latilobum, serpentine coastal scrub, mixed often limited vegetative cover, may Hesperolinon congestum, Pentachaeta serpentine chaparral, and Sargent appear to the uninitiated as unoccupied bellidiflora, Ceanothus ferrisae, Dudleya cypress woodlands) tend to occur on space, and so they are especially likely setchellii, and Streptanthus albidus ssp. steep rocky slopes with shallow soils. In to be subject to disturbances. albidus are endemic to serpentine soils some areas, soil development is Recreational activities may directly in the region of the San Francisco Bay minimal and parent rock is extensively impact plants; or may result in in California. Serpentine soils are exposed. These serpentine barrens increased erosion and facilitate the derived from ultramafic rocks such as support a distinctive community invasion of alien species including serpentinite, dunite, and peridotite, composed of only a few species, usually many introduced annual grasses which are found in discontinuous growing at low densities.
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