LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Co-Executrix: Tammy Barwick Notice is hereby given that, in the c/o Serfass & Serfass, PC, Attn.: estates of the decedents set forth Dee Serfass, 2010 West Broad below, the Register of Wills has Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018. granted letters testamentary or of administration to the persons named. Rausch, Janice I., dec’d. Notice is also hereby given of the Late of Emmaus. existence of the trusts of the deceased Executrix: Karen L. Sampson, settlors set forth below for whom no 5317 Kesslersville Road, personal representatives have been Easton, PA 18040. appointed within 90 days of death. Attorney: Joel M. Scheer, Es- All persons having claims or de- quire, 940 W. Lafayette Street, mands against said estates or trusts Easton, PA 18042. are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to Roof, Stephanie S., dec’d. said estates or trusts are requested Late of Macungie. to make payment, without delay, to Personal Representative: Tricia the executors or administrators or Vanderford c/o Kirby G. Up- trustees or to their attorneys named right, Esquire, One West Broad below. Street, Suite 700, Bethlehem, PA 18018. FIRST PUBLICATION Attorneys: Kirby G. Upright, Dalla Palu, Nancy L., dec’d. Esquire, King Spry Herman Late of Upper Macungie Town- Freund & Faul LLC, One West ship. Broad Street, Suite 700, Beth- Executor: Thomas G. Dalla Palu lehem, PA 18018. c/o Jeffrey F. Hussar, Esquire, 946 Third Street, Whitehall, PA Trinkle, Thomas R. a/k/a Thom- 18052. as Robert Trinkle, dec’d. Attorney: Jeffrey F. Hussar, Late of 23 N. 12th Street, Ca- Esq., 946 Third Street, White- tasauqua. Administrator: John A. Trinkle hall, PA 18052. c/o The Roth Law Firm, 123 North Fifth Street, Allentown, Holtzhafer, Kenneth a/k/a Ken- PA 18102. neth Holtzhifer, dec’d. Attorneys: Larry R. Roth, Es- Late of Allentown. quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 Executrix: Jeanette A. Holtzha- North Fifth Street, Allentown, fer c/o Eric R. Strauss, Esquire, PA 18102. Worth, Magee & Fisher, P.C., 2610 Walbert Avenue, Allen- Uherick, Cecilia a/k/a Cecilia R. town, PA 18104. Uherick, dec’d. Attorneys: Eric R. Strauss, Es- Late of 3232 Washington Street, quire, Worth, Magee & Fisher, Whitehall. P.C., 2610 Walbert Avenue, Personal Representative: James Allentown, PA 18104. J. Reichert c/o James A. Ritter, Esquire, Gross McGinley, LLP, Loveless, Preston L., Sr., dec’d. 111 E. Harrison St., Suite 2, Late of the City of Allentown. Emmaus, PA 18049-2916. 21 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Attorneys: James A. Ritter, Es- quire, 526 North St. Cloud quire, Gross McGinley, LLP, 111 Street, Allentown, PA 18104. E. Harrison Street, Suite 2, Attorney: James J. McConnell, Emmaus, PA 18049-2916. Esquire, 526 North St. Cloud Street, Allentown, PA 18104. SECOND PUBLICATION Guardino, Julia F. a/k/a Julia Besecker, Ida M. a/k/a Ida Frances Guardino, dec’d. dec’d. Besecker, Late of Allentown. Late of Lehigh. Executrix: Marie A. Lennox Executor: Christopher Gray, f/k/a Marie A. Plessl c/o James 321 Spy Glass Hill Road, Bath, PA 18014. R. Wishchuk, JD, Esquire, Attorney: Christopher Gray, 2310 Walbert Avenue, Suite Esquire, 425 Spruce St., Suite 103, Allentown, PA 18104- 200, Scranton, PA 18503. 1360. Attorney: James R. Wishchuk, JD, Esquire, 2310 Walbert Av- dec’d. Brown, Linda A., enue, Suite 103, Allentown, PA Late of Orefield. 18104-1360. Executrix: Brenda J. Seitz, 2454 Steeplechase Drive, Ma- cungie, PA 18062. Hendry, Marjorie F., dec’d. Attorney: Robert P. Daday, Es- Late of the Borough of Em- quire, 1030 W. Walnut Street, maus. Allentown, PA 18102, (610) Executrix: Laura Hendry Reif- 740-0300. snyder c/o Amanda Racines Lovett, Esquire, Gardner, Ra- Caciolo, Frederick B., dec’d. cines & Sheetz, 3968 Maulfair Late of Allentown. Place, Allentown, PA 18103. Executrix: Michelle M. Bucha, Attorneys: Amanda Racines 1770 S. Hall Street, Allentown, Lovett, Esquire, Gardner, Ra- PA 18103. cines & Sheetz, 3968 Maulfair Attorney: Marc Kranson, Es- Place, Allentown, PA 18103. quire, 523 Walnut Street, Al- lentown, PA 18101. Kaiser, Ernest, dec’d. Late of Coopersburg. Cooper, Barbara R., dec’d. Executor: Jonathan R. Sturz Late of Macungie. c/o Andrew V. Schantz, Es- Executor: Steven Marzuoli c/o quire, 645 Hamilton Street, David M. Roth, Esquire, 123 Suite 510, Allentown, PA 18101. North Fifth Street, Allentown, Attorneys: Andrew V. Schantz, PA 18102. Esquire, Davison & McCarthy, Attorney: David M. Roth, Es- P.C., 645 Hamilton Street, Suite quire, 123 North Fifth Street, 510, Allentown, PA 18101. Allentown, PA 18102. Krupa, James R., dec’d. Groff, Ralph D. a/k/a Ralph D. Late of Allentown. Groff, Jr. a/k/a Ralph Groff, Executrix: Keyara C. Gallentine dec’d. c/o Rebecca M. Young, Esq. Late of Whitehall. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Young Executor: Ronald B. Gabel, II & Young, 119 E. Main Street, c/o James J. McConnell, Es- Macungie, PA 18062. 22 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, Attorneys: Larry R. Roth, Es- Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 Young & Young, 119 E. Main North Fifth Street, Allentown, Street, Macungie, PA 18062. PA 18102. Large, George Wayne a/k/a Speer, Kathryn Ann, dec’d. George W. Large, dec’d. Late of Whitehall. Late of Zionsville. Executrix: Carolyn Adam, 3187 Administrator: William M. Large Center St., Whitehall, PA 18052. c/o Steven A. Litz, Esquire, 4744 Hamilton Boulevard, Al- Stetler, Lydia A. a/k/a Lydia lentown, PA 18103. Stetler, dec’d. Attorney: Steven A. Litz, Es- Late of Bethlehem. quire, 4744 Hamilton Boule- Executrix: Deborah Hillard, 102 vard, Allentown, PA 18103. Louise Lane, Athens, OH 45701. McGonigle, Joan M. a/k/a Joan Wesley, Chester L., dec’d. M. Foresman, dec’d. Late of Allentown. Late of Whitehall. Administratrix: Kimberly Ann Administrator C.T.A.: Allen G. Wesley, 1707 S. Albert St., Apt. Phillips a/k/a Allen George 13, Allentown, PA 18103. Phillips c/o Eric R. Strauss, Esquire, Worth, Magee & Fish- Williams, Catherine E., dec’d. er, P.C., 2610 Walbert Avenue, Late of Catasauqua. Allentown, PA 18104. Executors: Donald G. Wallace, Attorneys: Eric R. Strauss, Es- III and Ann E. Dreyman c/o quire, Worth, Magee & Fisher, William J. Fries, Esquire, The P.C., 2610 Walbert Avenue, Atrium, 2895 Hamilton Boule- Allentown, PA 18104. vard, Suite 106, Allentown, PA 18104. Patrick, Steffie M., dec’d. Attorney: William J. Fries, Es- Late of Macungie. quire, The Atrium, 2895 Ham- Administratrix: Ginger S. Pat- ilton Boulevard, Suite 106, Al- lentown, PA 18104. rick c/o Rebecca M. Young, Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Young & Young, 119 E. Main Wilson, Elisabeth M., dec’d. Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Late of Emmaus. Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, Executor: David E. Wilson c/o Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., John O. Stover, Jr., Esquire, 537 Chestnut Street, Emmaus, Young & Young, 119 E. Main PA 18049. Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Attorney: John O. Stover, Jr., Esquire, 537 Chestnut Street, Schweitzer, Irene Viola a/k/a Emmaus, PA 18049. Irene V. Schweitzer a/k/a dec’d. Irene Schweitzer, THIRD PUBLICATION Late of Coopersburg. Executrix: Patricia A. Thom c/o Blose, Craig H. a/k/a Craig The Roth Law Firm, 123 North Harry Blose, dec’d. Fifth Street, Allentown, PA Late of Upper Saucon Town- 18102. ship, Coopersburg. 23 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Executor: Michael Lutte c/o R. W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA Nicholas Nanovic, Esquire, Nor- 18018-5517. ris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., Attorney: William W. Matz, Jr., 515 W. Hamilton St., Suite 502, Esquire, 211 W. Broad Street, Allentown, PA 18101. Bethlehem, PA 18018-5517. Attorneys: R. Nicholas Nanovic, Esquire, Norris, McLaughlin & Grossman, Anna M. a/k/a Anna Marcus, P.A., 515 W. Hamilton Mae Grossman, dec’d. St., Suite 502, Allentown, PA Late of South Whitehall Town- 18101. ship. Executor: Bennett Grossman Brensinger, Keith A., dec’d. c/o Law Offices of Alan Penn, Late of the Township of Lower P.O. Box 121, Orefield, PA Macungie. 18069. Administratrix: Paula M. Bren- Attorneys: Law Offices of Alan singer c/o Brian M. Monahan, Penn, P.O. Box 121, Orefield, Esquire, 701 Washington PA 18069. Street, Easton, PA 18042. Attorney: Brian M. Monahan, dec’d. Esquire, 701 Washington Hinkel, Holly B., Late of East Texas, Lower Ma- Street, Easton, PA 18042. cungie Township. Personal Representative: Den- Cougle, Jack a/k/a Jack G. nis J. Hinkel c/o Peter P. Perry, Cougle, dec’d. Esquire, 1600 Lehigh Parkway Late of Allentown. Executrix: Susan German East, 1E, Allentown, PA 18103- a/k/a Susan I. German c/o 3097. Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Esquire, Attorney: Peter P. Perry, Es- Zettlemoyer Law Office, LLP, 53 quire, 1600 Lehigh Parkway North 3rd Street, Emmaus, PA East, 1E, Allentown, PA 18103- 18049. 3097. Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law Jones, Alfred E., dec’d. Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Late of 983 Jervin Drive, Allen- Emmaus, PA 18049. town. Executrix: JoAnn C. Carter, De La Cruz, Julian a/k/a Julian 4448 Stoney Brook Court, Al- Nathan De La Cruz, dec’d. lentown, PA 18104. Late of Allentown. Administrator: Julian De La Makhoul, Samir F., dec’d. Cruz, 127 W. Franklin Street, Late of Bethlehem. Allentown, PA 18103. Co-Executrices: Samara Me- Attorney: E. Keller Kline, III, bane f/k/a Samara Makhoul, Esquire, 731 W. Turner Street, Allana Makhoul and Rachel Allentown, PA 18102. Walter c/o Jeffrey F. Hussar, Esquire, 946 Third Street, Fry, Cathy H., dec’d. Whitehall, PA 18052. Late of Coplay. Attorney: Jeffrey F. Hussar, Executrix: Gail A. McClure c/o Esq., 946 Third Street, White- William W.
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