AUGUST 2014 VOLUME 41, NO. 8 The Official Membership Publication of The International Comanche Society FREE CATALOG Proud Sponsor of email us [email protected] The Comanche Flyer is the official monthly member publication of the International Comanche Society P.O. Box 1810 Volume 41, No. 8 • August 2014 Traverse City, MI 49685-1810 U.S.: (888) 300-0082 Other: (231) 946-3712 www.comancheflyer.com Fax: (231) 946-6180 E-mail: [email protected] www.comancheflyer.com Published By the International Comanche Society, Inc. ICS President Bob Cretney Cell: (214) 725-6584 CONTENTS Email: [email protected] Managing Editor Melissa Frisbie 2 Letter from the President Bob Cretney E-mail: [email protected] Senior Advertising Director Comanche Spirit John Shoemaker 4 Can Dreams Really Come True Kris Duckett (800) 773-7798 Fax: (231) 946-9588 E-mail: [email protected] 10 ICS Board of Directors, Tribe Chiefs, Advertising Administrative Assistant Trading Post & Classified Advertising & Tribe Representatives Betsy Beaudoin ICS Standing Committees Ph: (800) 773-7798, Fax: (231) 946-9588 Email: [email protected] 11 Maintenance Resource Advisors Graphic Design Brandon Hoffman ICS Tool Loan Program E-mail: [email protected] CFF-Trained CFIs Printer Village Press Ask Sparky 2779 Aero Park Drive Traverse City, MI 49685-0629 12 Comanche Landing Gear Electrical Description www.villagepress.com Online Intelligence Maintenance Resource Advisors Pat Barry 15 Fuel Flow - Pressure - EGT Ph: (949) 362-1600 on Pacific Time E-mail: [email protected] CPPP Dave Clark Ph: (817) 860-4393 20 Border Crossing Steve Zaboji Email: [email protected] Zach Grant Best of the Flyer Cell: (317) 201-4293 24 Getting the Most out of Your Autopilot Dale Smith Email: [email protected] (Email preferred contact) 27 Comanche Joe Karl Hipp Ph: (970) 963-3755 Feature Email: [email protected] Lucky Louque 28 Beware Running Fuel Tank Dry Nick Bray Ph: (903) 345-9198 Email: [email protected] 32 ICS Items for Sale Cliff Wilewski Ph: (815) 395-0500, Cell: (815) 979-7785 34 ICS Membership Renewal Form E-mail: [email protected] ICS Tool Loan Program 36 From the Tribe Chiefs Matt Kurke 8192 Sanctuary Drive, Unit 1 39 ICS Name Badge Order Form Naples, FL 34104 Ph: (239) 593-6944 Feature [email protected] 40 Comanche Flyer Needs your Stories, Tips and Tricks! The Comanche Flyer (ISSN 08994223, USPS 2-324) is available to members; the $25 annual subscription rate is included in the Society’s Annual Membership Feature dues in US funds below. Comanche Flyer is published 42 I Can See Clearly … Dr. Jerrold Seckler monthly by Village Press U.S., Canada, Mexico 46 Comanche Classifieds One year $72, Two years $136 UK, Europe, Asia & Africa 47 Advertisers’ Index One year $98, Two years $188 All Other Countries Last Laugh One year $86, Two years $164 48 Airplane Jokes Spousal Members One year $36, Two years $72 Cover Photo Kris Duckett’s 1963 PA-24-250. Copyright Notice The act of making a submission for publication is an express warranty that such contribution does not infringe on the rights or copyright of others. Nothing appearing in the Comanche Flyer shall be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of the publisher. INTERNATIONAL Postmaster COMANCHE Send address changes to the above address. Periodical postage paid at Traverse City, MI 49686 SOCIETY, INC. AUGUST 2014 Comanche Flyer • 1 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Maintenance Resource Advisors, and everything up and can contact other the Tool Loan Program. Additional members in your area to help. Committees that provide support/in- As the economics and demographics formation for ICS Members include the in aviation and ICS change, the needs Historical Committee, Fleet Airworthi- and desires of our membership change. ness Committee and The Information These, combined with our aging aircraft Technology Committee, all of which and new technology, are changing the can be found in either the electronic priorities of our members. The social or paper version of the Comanche aspects of fly-ins are still important, but Flyer. As you can see, your member- new equipment (mostly in the forward ship provides many opportunities for panel) and maintenance compliance support and involvement in the Co- are taking over first place. Flight train- manche Family. ing seminars that specialize in using the Your respective Tribe Chiefs are the new generation equipment are the most point-of-contact for anything ICS—use popular, followed by maintenance semi- them! They have the latest informa- nars specializing in AD compliance, big tion on fly-ins and maintenance or ticket component maintenance, and he Annual Convention and EAA flight training seminars in your tribe. operational techniques that minimize AirVenture are over for another They can also direct you to sources of the deterioration of these components Tyear. This marks the beginning information that may not have been are also at the top of the list. of a new year for ICS and its support apparent in your efforts to resolve a The social aspect of these meetings of fly-ins, maintenance seminars, Comanche or ICS question. Talk to happens in the evening when the group flight training seminars, theComanche them about hosting a fly-in at a place can relax, enjoy each other’s company, Flyer magazine, the comancheflyer. you really like in your area. They will make new friendships and renew old com website, the Comanche Forum, provide you with information for setting ones. If advised in advance that spouses Comanche Flyer Submission Guidelines All members are encouraged to submit articles for publication in Although submissions are reviewed for technical accuracy, the the Comanche Flyer. If you have an article about a maintenance event, information in this magazine is meant for reference only. Any trip, piloting technique, or anything else pertinent to Comanche modifications, alterations, or major repairs to U.S. aircraft require ownership, please share it with your fellow members. FAA-approved data as a basis for beginning work, and as such should not be based solely on information contained in this magazine. The For those with access to the Internet, please submit the article International Comanche Society does not endorse any piloting via e-mail, preferably in Microsoft Word. You may also include the adverse to published FAA regulations. article in the body of your e-mail message. Include your full name, as you would like it published, and your ICS number. Submissions are subject to editing and revision unless specifi- cally requested to be published as submitted. The right is reserved Please attach digital pictures, if applicable, in jpeg format. to publish or not, any submission. For best results, use the highest resolution setting your camera will allow. Photo files under 500 kb in size typically do not Deadline for all submissions is the 20th of the month, approxi- reproduce well. mately 40 days prior to month of publication. Send to: Melissa Frisbie, Managing Editor at [email protected] Articles and photos may also be sent via U.S. Mail to: Melissa Frisbie • 125 N. Turnberry St., Wichita, KS 67230 2 • Comanche Flyer AUGUST 2014 will be attending, the host can set up day- Tales from the Wide Side time activities for them, and then “every- The larger the aircraft, the easier one” gets together again in the evening. it is to operate, but when there are Give some consideration to hosting troubles ... the bigger the troubles. one of these events. Ask other Coman- ‘Til next month … che Members in your area to help host it together. They are well attended and information to set one up is available through the Tribe Chiefs or your ICS Bob Cretney Officers. It is rewarding and a lot of fun. New IFR Clinic • • • • • Seymour, IN (KSER) What is CPTP? by Pat Donovan Systems/Flight Clinic CPTP is the Comanche Pilots Training Program (www.comanchetraining. Sept 26–28 com), an independent aviation training organization dedicated to the Piper Co- manche community. While the name is relatively new, the staff of CPTP, Dennis • • • • • Carew and George Richmond, are veterans of the Comanche and ICS community, Lancaster, TX (LNC) each with over 30 years of Comanche ownership, operation and instruction IFR Clinic given. As a team, Dennis and George have been providers of Comanche specific Oct 24-26th, 2014 flight and maintenance training since 2008. Prior to forming CPTP they, along with Zach Grant developed, managed and operated the ICS/CFF flight training www.comanchetraining.com program. While at AirVenture 2014, be sure to stop by the ICS Hospitality Tent Contact Dennis Carew from Monday thru Thursday from 10-11am. to partake of the free Comanche [email protected] educational seminars provided by the CPTP, and meet the instructors and the other fine providers of Comanche-specific services. See you there! (920) 749-9558 ICS Past Presidents 2011-2012 Zach Grant 1994 Chuck Medicus 1979 Larry Larkin 2009-2010 Bernie Mazurek 1993 Dale Vandever 1978 Clifford Younger 2007-2008 Dave Fitzgerald 1992 Bill Jackson 1977 Art Shriver 2006 Lawrence Paratz 1991 Martin Busch 1976 Mike Keedy 2005 Karl Hipp 1990 George Burson 1975 George Smith 2004 Skip Dykema 1989 William Creech 1974 Paul Rechnitzer 2003 John Van Bladeren 1988 Jim Fox 1973 Andy Speer 2002 Larry Rackley 1987 Pat Rowe 2001 Robert Noble 1986 Ted Peifer 2000 David Buttle 1985 Bill Shank 1999 Roy Roberts 1984 Jerry Irvin 1998 Harley McGatha 1983 Bill Stanyer 1997 Charles Wiseman 1982 Norn Berneche 1996 Bryce Campbell 1981 Ben Kitchens 1995 Jess Bootman 1980 Jack Holaway AUGUST 2014 Comanche Flyer • 3 COMANCHE CAN DREAMS REALLY COME TRUE A role I never get tired of – chauffeuring my wife and kids on memorable trips.
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