Corneocytes Undergo Systematic Changes in Element Concentrations Across the Human Inner Stratum Corneum Ronald R. Warner, Rodney D. Bush, and Nick A. Ruebusch Miami Valley Laboratories, Procter & Gamble Co., P.O. Box 538707, Cincinnati, Ohio, U .S.A. Using analytical electron microscopy of freeze-dried (as potassium declines), and then decreases to values cryosections, physiologic elements were visualized comparable to those in the innermost corneocyte. within individual cells across the human inner stra­ The cellular sodium concentration (per unit volume tum corneum. Human corneocytes undergo system­ of tissue) is relatively unaltered in transit across the atic changes in element composition as they advance inner stratum corneum. The initial potassium and through this region. Phosphorus is largely excluded chloride movements are oppositely directed and have from the stratum corneum, undergoing a precipitous the appearance of creating an electrical charge drop in concentration at the granular/stratum cor­ imbalance. The position-dependent alterations in neum interface. The cellular potassium concentra­ corneocyte elemental composition may reflect se­ tion has a profile similar to that of phosphorus but quential stages of chemical maturation occurring with a slower decline, thus migrating further into the intracellularly during stratum corneum transit, an stratum corneum. In contrast, the cellular chloride example of which is the breakdown of filaggrin that concentration increases in the innermost corneocyte occurs over this same region of the inner stratum layer, increases further in the subsequent layer or two corneum. ] Invest Dermatol 104:530-536, 1995 he stratuin corneum (SC) has often been considered Hkely reflect innate biochemical alterations occurring intracellularl y homogeneous in its structure and its barrier proper­ as cells transform from a viable granular layer into "mature" ties [1,2], but this concept is increasingly difficult to corneocytes within the unique SC environment. We suggest that reconcile with mounting evidence for chemical and the breakdown of ftlaggrin could account for some of the observed physical heterogeneity across tlus region of skin. corneocyte elemental distributions. BiochemicalT differences between the inner and outer SC are known MATEIUALS AND METHODS to exist for proteins [3-7], lipids [8-10], and low-molecular-weight compounds [5,11], suggesting that a chemical maturation occurs Sample Preparation Sample preparation has been described previously across the SC. Similarly, and perhaps as a result of the chemical [20). BrieAy, human skin biopsies were taken from the lower leg of five changes, there are known differences in morphology [12-15], individuals with normal-appearing skin. No Auid of any kind was appli ed to water-holding capacity [11], and structural integrity (cohesiveness) the skin prior to biopsy. The biopsy was obtained from a wheal raised by the subcutaneous injection of lidocaine (xylocaine, 2%) with epillcphrinc [12,16-18] between the inner and outer Sc. (1:100,000). Witlun approximatcly 1 min, a portion of thc biopsy was Using analytical electron microscopy, this laboratory previously plunge-frozen in a stirred, liquid-nitrogen-cooled 90'% propane-lO% iso­ presented inorganic elem ent profiles across skin that showed steep pentane mixture. One-micron-tluck cryosections were cut with a R eichert gradients for Na, K, and Cl across the outer SC [19]. In addition, FC4E cryoultramicrotome (C ambridge Instruments, Deerfield, IL) at these element profiles indicated that a variety of changes in element - 110°C, sandwiched between aluminum-coatcd Formvar films on a nickel composition occur over the granulosum/SC junction. In this paper slot grid (Tcd Pell a, Inc., Redding, CAl, and £i'ecze-dried overnight in a we investigate the element distribution over the inner SC in more Denton DV-502 vacuum evaporator (Chcrry Hill, NJ) at 1.3 X 10- 4 Pa. detail. We show that a systematic progression in element compo­ One-micron cryosections wcre uscd because they provide adequate spatial sition occurs over the first few corneocyte layers the inner rcsolution for ceUul ar studies but avoid problems of mass loss that occur in tlunner sections analyzed at higher resolution [21,22]' Sections were SC. These changes in element composition within the inner SC removed from the vacuum evaporator and analyzed immediately that day. Tlus sample preparation procedure has been shown to preserve inorgaluc clemcnt distributions at thc sa me or lugher resolution than that used in tlus Manuscript received July 14, 1994; revised December 2, 1994; accepted study [23-26]. for publication December 13,1994. Tlus work was published in abstract form U fllll est Dcnll oto I 94:589, 1990). Analytical Electron Microscopy Electron images, x-ray maps, linc Nick A. R.uebusch's current address: Sharon Woods Technical Center, scans, and illtra ceUular point microanalyscs wcrc obtallled a Hitaclu 11511 Reed Hartman Highway, Procter & Gamble Co., C incll1l1ati , OH H-500 analytical electron microscope (Hitaclu Instrumcnts, Mountain 45239. View, CAl operated in the sC'lI1ning transmission electron microscope Reprint requests to: R .R. Wamer, Miami Valley Laboratories, Procter & (STEM) mode at 100 kV with a sa mple current of 0.5 nA. X-ray spcctra Gamble Co., P.O. Box 538707, Cincinnati, OH 45253 . were coll ected on a Tracor Northern 5500 cncrgy dispersive spectrometcr Abbreviations: SC, stratum corneum; STEM, scanning transmission systcm with a beryllium window (Noran, Middleton, WI). Elemcnts of c1ectron microscopy. atomic number 11 (sodium) and above can be detected with this system. 0022-202X/95/S09.S0 • SSDI0022-202X(94)00377-j • Copyright © 1995 by T he Society for In vestigativc Dermatology, Inc. 530 VOL. 104 . NO. 4 APIUL 1995 SYSTEMATIC ELEMENT C HANGES IN INNER SC 531 Typically, x-ray maps were acquired for 8 h overnight, and linescans were sensitive an indicator of a gradient as are the integrated point counts acquired for 4 h. Quantitative clement concentrations were determined of the previous u1Vestigation . using the Hall quantitative technique [27) using a concinuwll (x-ray Prior to the conti.tlUously incL'easulg element gradients for so­ background) region between 4.5 and 6.0 kev. X-ray cononuum counts arc dium, potassium, and chlorine in the outer SC [19], a variety of proportional to dry mass and were also measured between 4.5 and 6.0 kev. disparate elemental distributions are observed in the inner SC (Fig Mass and element loss were monitored during analysis [21 ) and were always 2). By comparing the x-ray m ap for phosphorus Ul Fig 2 with the less than 10%. Concentrations were calculated with the Tracor Northern BIOQ software and are reported as mmollkg dry weight. corresponding STEM unage, phosphorus is seen to be largely limited to the granular cell layer but with som e phosphorus visible Statistical Analysis Values are reported as means with their standard in the umermost SC cell layer. T he potassium profile is si.tnilar to errors. Differences between means were evaluated using the two-tailed that of phosphorus but penetrates further UltO the SC. Chloride, in Student t tcst; values are considered significant for p < 0.05. contrast, increases in concentration in a step-wise manner before RESULTS decli.tw1g to values near the initial SC level. Sodium correlates w ith neither the potassium nor chlodde distributions al1d is generally Spectra (Raw Data) Reveal Large Changes in Elemental w1altered or only slowly increases (per unit volume) Ul transit Composition Between Inner SC Cell Layers R e presentative across the imler SC. The cellular sulfur concentration monotoni­ x-ray spectra from the innermost SC cell layer and from the second cally increases across the SC presumably due to the concentrating SC cell layer of a single individual are shown in Fig 1. Peaks from effects of cellular desiccation during transit [19]. the physiologic elements sodium.' sulfur, c hlorine: and phosphor~s, The elemental variations in the ilmer SC from the same individ­ potassium are evident (the alumillum and nickel peaks are artlfacts ual but from a different region at higher magnification are shown Ul from the supporting grid and fum). The sulfur peak likely originates Fig 3. A portion of a granular cell is visible at the bottom of the predominantly from keratin. A phosphorus peak is prominent in the STEM image in Fig 3, and at this m agnification approximately five umermost SC cell but is barely above background by the second SC corneocyte layers are in tlle field of view. As shown Ul the adjacent layer. The potassium p eak has also decreased with comeocyte x-ray map, phosphorus is present at reduced levels within the transit, but there is an increase in the chlorine peak. ilmermost SC cell layer al1d is virtually excluded from subsequent X-Ray Maps Reveal Systematic Changes in Elel1'lent Com­ layers. The first SC cell layer (or trallsitional cell layer) contains position Across the SC A STEM image of the SC and .the what is presumably a degenerati.t1g nucleus, identified by the very corresponding x-ray elemental maps for phosphorus, chlOrIde, bright phosphorus signal Ul the lower right portion of the phospho­ potassium, sodium, and. sulfur are shown U1 Fig 2 . .The STEM rus m ap. The potassium unage shows a perceptible drop in con­ image shows the full tluckness of the SC; .an U\:derlY1l1g . granular centration in the first SC cell layer, but then a more apparent cell layer is present (lower left comer), Identlfied by Its much decrease in the subsequen ' cell layer and the virtual disappearance lighter appearance. From the corresp.onding x-ray maps,. the ele­ of potassium in the third cell layer. Chloride, ill contrast, shows an m ental gradients in the outer SC are VIsually not as drall1atlC as that increase in concentration at the first SC ceIJ layer, a sunilar level in shown in our previous study [19].
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