APTIKOM Journal on Computer Science and Information Technologies Vol. 4, No. 2, 2019, pp. 57~60 ISSN: 2528-2417 DOI: 10.11591/APTIKOM.J. SIT.34 57 A secure and reliable method to protect usb data Alycia Sebastian* , K. Siva Sankar2 1Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science / 0n1ineerin1, Noorul Islam 2ni3ersity Thuc5alay, TamilNadu, India 2Department of Information Technolo1y, Noorul Islam 2ni3ersity Thuc5alay, TamilNadu, India 7Correspondin1 author, e-mail: alycia.sebastian91mail.com1 Abstract With technology advancement people have started using di erent type o memory devices or storing data and keeping it secure has become concern in today#s world. Universal Serial (us )US() lash drives are leading portable storage device or storage and easy trans er o data rom one computer to another. The usage o US( has grown e,ponentially and without security the data on the disk is at risk. Nowadays US( manu acturers o er password protection and ingerprint authentication to secure the US( data. .n this paper, US( is devised as a highly secured portable boot medium with ingerprint authentication to secure the data. Keywords/ boot loader, ingerprint authentication, operating system, security universal serial bus )usb) Copyright © 2019 APTIKOM - All rights reser ed. Introduction 2S: is a small, portable stora1e medium whose size ran1es from 2G: and up to 2T: are a3ailable for end users for data stora1e. 2sers can freely mo3e data and securin1 the data from unwanted access is the 5ey concern. To secure data, 2S: offers software based protection and hardware based protection. :iometric 2S: dri3e with in-built fin1erprint scanner and password protection pro3ides the maximum security for the user?s information. So many solutions ha3e been pro3ided for securin1 2S: data a1ainst unauthorized access. :ut, there is a possibility to access information when used with computer system by e3adin1 the fin1erprint authentication thereby pro3idin1 a serious threat to the user information in 2S:. So there is a need to do authentication before loadin1 the OS. :oot Loader is responsible for initializin1 and loadin1 OS into RAM. In sin1le sta1e, boot loader executes the 5ernel directly from the boot sector. In multi sta1e, boot loader follows the below steps. Sta1e 1: boot. im1 - ode is stored in the first 466 bytes of M:R. - :IOS loads sta1e 1 to the address 0x7 00. - 2ses L:A48 addressin1 to point to sta1e 1.5. - Loads sta1e 1.5 in to the memory at address 0x2200. - Jump to entry point of Sta1e1.5. Sta1e 1.5: core. im1 - Stored in the 63 bytes after M:R. - ontains file system specific code to find the operatin1 system ima1e on the AbootB file system. - Since it contains file system dri3ers it can load sta1e 2 by directly specifyin1 file path and file name. - Loads the sta1e 2 into the memory at address 0x8000. Sta1e 2: - Initializes the 1rub shell and displays the menu and command en3ironment. - Appropriate selected 5ernel ima1e is loaded into memory. - :oot 5ernel. Received May 9, 2019; Revised June 3, 2019; Accepted July 10, 2019 58 ISSN: 2528-2417 Security of the system starts from the boot process. In this paper, 2S: is de3eloped as a boot medium and the fin1erprint authentication is done upon the boot process. On successful authorization, the operatin1 system is loaded into the memory from the 2S:. This method pro3ides a secure, reliable and portable de3ice which can be used in any system with much reDuired protection for the 2S: data. Dynamic boot loader in normal boot loaders to boot from 2S:, user has to chan1e :IOS settin1s to 2S: boot which reDuires user 5nowled1e of :IOS settin1s. These types of boot loaders are static and are dependent on :IOS. The concept of dynamic boot loader is that it automatically finds the 2S: boot medium and load OS without user inter3ention E1F. This eliminates :IOS dependency, thus pro3idin1 a user friendly system and si1nificantly reducin1 the time it ta5es in chan1in1 the :IOS settin1s. The proposed desi1n on fin1erprint security for 2S: data can be inte1rated with dynamic boot loader. The inte1ration pro3ides a user friendly, secure and hi1hly portable 2S: system. 2. Related Work Much research wor5 has been successfully done in safe1uardin1 2S: information from unauthorized access but settin1 a safe en3ironment is more important in protectin1 the data. :iometric authentication has since become popular because of successful attac5s on password and PIN?s. In 2S: to5en fin1erprint authentication system, the patterns are stored in 2S: to5en but reco1nition is done in the computer system which ma5es the entire authentication system 3ulnerable to attac5. This disad3anta1e can be o3ercome by performin1 fin1erprint matchin1 inside the 2S: to5en system E2F. 2S: with Fin1erprint authentication has an inte1rated fin1erprint scanner and a pri3ate dri3e. 2ser can enroll the fin1erprint usin1 the host system. On plu1 in, it runs the fin1erprint pro1ram and on successful authorization, it opens the pri3ate partition where the user can store data. In paper E3F, the authors successfully bypassed the fin1erprint authentication by ma5in1 binary code modification in .dll file. Also they de3eloped a pro1ram that retrie3es the fin1erprint reference templates from the dri3e which poses serious security threat to user data in the 2S:. The 2ni3ersal Serial :us (2S:I is a mass stora1e de3ice which is 3ulnerable to attac5s. In paper E4F, the authors ha3e proposed a control al1orithm for mutual authentication between host and 2S: to protect 2S: documents. 2ser has to authenticate himself with user name and password and a session 5ey is 1enerated based on the username and ID of the 2S: de3ice. The 1enerated 5ey is then used to encrypt the files bein1 stored in the 2S: de3ice. 2S: is the most popular portable stora1e de3ice. Once it is lost, the information in the 2S: is prone to theft. In paper E5F, the authors ha3e discussed the 3arious ways of securin1 2S: memories while analyzin1 its 3ulnerabilities E6F. The approaches to secure 2S: can be cate1orized under software only approach, hardware supported partitionin1 approach and Hardware based encryption approach. In 1eneral, to secure data in 2S:, it has to be protected either by software or hardware or by both. 2ser authentication method li5e password, fin1erprint are for access control to the data stored in 2S: and encryption and decryption are for protectin1 data transfer between host and 2S: de3ice. 3. Proposed Design Different approaches are in use to secure 2S: de3ice from unauthorized access. The security on stored data becomes meanin1less when secure 2S: is used with a hostile host system. The attac5ers can bypass the fin1erprint authentication system and access the stored data. To eliminate this type of attac5, the paper discusses a plu1 and play Li3e 2S: where fin1erprint authentication is done before the OS is loaded from 2S: to RAM. This method 1uarantees a safe, secure and reliable portable system for user data. So now the user can store hi1hly confidential information on his li3e 2S: and use in any host system which supports 2S: bootin1. The section 3.1 discusses the bootin1 process of the proposed method and section 3.2 shows the fin1erprint secured 2S: architecture. 3. Booting Process a. After power on, the user chan1es the :IOS settin1 to boot from 2S:. Here the dynamic boot loader concept can be used to automatically identify the Li3e 2S:. b. The boot loader partition is made read only so that :IOs can detect it at boot time. c. The boot loader in 2S: is modified to call the fin1erprint authentication pro1ram at a specified address usin1 L:A48 addressin1. APTIKOM J. CSIT Vol. 4, No. 2, 2019 : 57 C 60 APTIKOM J. CSIT ISSN: 2528-2417 59 d. The fin1erprint software prompts the user to scan the fin1erprint. The fin1erprint of the user are scanned and stored before the bootin1 process usin1 the host system. The software matches the fin1erprint and 1i3es access to the secured partition if the authorization is successful. The Fi1ure 1 shows dia1ram depicts the functional desi1n of the bootin1 process of the proposed desi1n. Fi1ure 1. :ootin1 from 2S: with fin1erprint authentication 3.2. USB Architecture The bootable 2S: used comes with fin1erprint scanner inte1rated alon1 with it. A 32 G: 2S: is used. The 2S: is di3ided in to two partitions usin1 the repartition tool. The first partition contains the boot loader, the fin1erprint software and the operatin1 system. The operatin1 system and remainin1 stora1e is secured usin1 fin1erprint. Initially only boot loader and fin1erprint software are 3isible and is read only for :IOS to detect the 2S: at boot time. The second partition is public partition for the user stora1e. The Fi1ure 2 shows dia1ram the architecture desi1n of 2S:. Fi1ure 2. 2S: architecture A secure and reliable method to protect usb data )Alycia Sebastian) 60 ISSN: 2528-2417 The 2S: first partition contains the Master boot record (M:RI which has the boot loader, FAT32 file system, partition table and Dis5 si1nature E7F and fin1er print software and the remainin1 sectors are made pri3ate. The FAT32 file system is used so that the 2S: can be used in almost all system that supports 2S:. The 2S: is hardware encrypted. The OS and the pri3ate sectors are protected with fin1erprint. The 2S: can be made bootable for Linux based system or windows based system. For Linux based system, 2netbootin can be used to ma5e the 2S: bootable with Linux distributions E8F. The 2S: is formatted with FAT32 file system for Linux bootable. For Windows based system, the 2S: is formatted with NTFS file system. The 2S: is made bootable usin1 the tool winto2S:. This tool allows installin1 the windows onto a 2S: dri3e E9F.
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