r Beginning Monday, Feb. 4, the City of Grosse Pointe muaicipal oifiees are open Monday through Fnday, from 8'30 a 10 untll 5 p.m.' . -We ra ~ W De open ana avallable when citizens are able to come In and conduct buainees," said Asaistant CIty Manager 9rian 'f'ick . .The Citflt municipal offices were pre- Vlously .open weekday! until 4:30 p.:n. and until 7 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. early hours of ThU1'8day, tbe1l.... began plowilll. mow. • \t'ith Bu..... 'of~':W" .. • small proprietors have to watch thetr _ e~_ ~ ,.. 1101-- ..... ~'f" .. , 1.1> /,,"-" costs .-.d market themee/ves wisely, Pollee ........ to CIIe -..u ofbarabaI wood aDd ..... of'" especiIlIy during an economic down- froID a dOWM4 priIaa:rJ P"W UDe oa It... at .... of Jthud at 1:20 ">RU turn. P8ge 16A. " ploy_ a.m. T1landaJ. JUl. 31. on. early SChools The oftle:c ........ tile ...... ., tbe _taUOIl aDd a4YlIed ........ momiJIg. bon b.omeI to to • The members of the Grosse Pointe to .lay in tlIelr 1nat ... forced lea" ID order' After a gap of a few hQUl'8, Board of Educat10n have mixed opin. rupoDd to aoother ~ calL freezing rain continued Ice dOWlled IaUDdnda aDd tna wine .. tile Iof\$ a week away from being asked to aM on.e aa4 Thunday afternoon. ¥any Harper Woodl onr tJt.e coune at tItla tWIo-CIaJ' -. 1Del tbIlI ~ the'disbtct's Community streeta that had been eo-foot tree 011 IUftId III tile CitJ of CkQIM PoIate. LacIdIy. IIID .. Sc*lqIIrHncIude up to 50 nimb- cleand ofenow were blocked wall lPJured aad _0 .tnactaral d••• ~ wbea tile tree feD - ~ ~~tatI. Page 11A by faIleA branch8$, Whole the IlOUIIf uoaDd 1PolL _ fttndq... pIIoCoI. .... SA. tree8 toppl~ under the SportS growiDg wlligbt 01U:e. • Gr08M PoInte North defeated preY\- "It's d.aJ)gerowI out there," ousty-unbeAtttn Port Huron Northern 3- &aid Bob Vandeputte, a o last week In a battle of the lop- supervisor with the Park ranked boys hoCkey teams in the state DPW. "These guys are tak- In 0iYiSi0nS I and II. Page 1C. ing their lives in their bands • The basketbaU and wrestling teams because there are li.mb8 and at Harper Woods posted victories last ice iallinc from trees. You week and remained unbeaten In Metro bep a crack and everybody's Conference action in both sports. Page ducking and aaying. 'Run - 1C. somethin's cumin' down - where? - I don't know.'" The risk of falling branch- es and trees along with power outages in five .schools kept kielB home from the Grosae Pointe public saturday, Feb. 9 schools Thu1'schay and celebrate St. Va,-,tine's Day early Friday. this weekend in the Village as mer- "On Thursday, we called chants proYlde refreshmentS, treats off school at 5:15 {a.m.) - it and St. Valentine's Day specials W88 obvious," said Grosae through Sunday. Pointe Public School System For I1lOfe Information, VISitthe Village assistant superintendent • .-. A I +hftu~lIa~n ,...".,..." t ...__ .-- -- ".. - _ .• -iIllIl-liIl't"""-- Chris Fenton. "On Friday, wp got up and checked for Grosse POinte Farms Mayor Ed trees and limbs. Between 6 Gaffney will hold office hours from 8 \Q and 6:30 (a.m.), we had 9:50 a.m. at the Farms city hall to meet Harper Woods explores power out at Defer, Kerby, with any residents wishing to diSCUSS Trombly and South and bad any issues of importance to them. intermittent outages at Brownell and the board Sunday, Feb. 10 'brownfield' potential office." Grosse Pointe Shores will hOst its Jason Sweeney The possible benefits to a developer School was canceled at Wlnterfest for Shores residents and Staff Wnter in a brow~~qde a 10 pu- 6:45 a.m. Friday. -Admittediy, il; was late, their families at OS!U5 Park from 2 to 4 Members of Harper Woods lJ'1ty cent smgle bU8ineS8 tax at 1iI;e breax but the circumstances dic- p.m. Council asked more than I'halfhour's state level for the first, 10 years of tated. otherwise." Fenton The fun includeS a chIll cook-off, an worth of questions before unanimou&- business or • 10percent tax credit OIl ICe fishing contest, skating and ice ly voting to move forward in the dollars spent to improve tbe site, as said. ~. process of developing a brownfield well as !lCJS8ible reimbursement for The Pointes were especial- • authority. costs of asbestos remediation. demoli- ly hard hit south of Mol'08B, English Ev. Lutheran Church First City manager Jim Leidlein was tion, infrastructure repair or certain where downed trees and presents the contemporary Chnstian lines turned straight- originally approached by one of the other ensemble Roots & Wmgs at 4 p.m. costs. through commutes into nav. prospectlve developers at EastJand The city benefits from the estab- Tickets are for adults and $5 lor $8 Center with the concept of estabhsh- lisbJDent of the new busmeea, wlW:h children and senIOrS and may be pur- 109 a brownfield authonty in the creates tax revenue. See STORM, pace SA chased at the door. "core" designated community. They would also haft the ability to For more information, call (313) 884- Brownfields were originally a recapture tax dollars generated by an 5040. German concept designed to reclaim increase in the property value of the POINTER OF INTEREST ... ..~.... .... 9.b9....'ldoned 9.nd ~q"lhly ront",mi""t. hlll~in_t.o bf. ullPd t.o further boost - __ • '_0" MOOOIIY, reu. I I ed industrial sites. In 1996, the the value and desll"ability of the area The Grosse Pomte Farms Ctty United States developed a very simi- or repay the investor for the cost of Bettye Misuraca Counctl meets at the Farms cit') hall at lar legislative program, hoping to development. 7:30 p.m. encourage businesses to develop The beauty of the program, said • parcels ofland that needed clean~. Terry, "is that you are given a tool box Home: Harper Woods The Grosse POinte Park City Coul"oCll that you can use when you want to." meets at 7 p.m. at the Park CIty hall. Several counCll members were con- Some, all or nODe of the inceDtivea Age: 65 fused at first about the fact that their can be offered to deve10pen on a case city W88 listed 88 a core community. to case basis under brownfield guide- Claim to fame: INDEX . Harper Woods doesn't have steel lines. Davenport University mills, industnal parks or other indus- Leidlein said the po88ible brown- scholarship named in trial Sltes to clean, but still was listed field designation. was not a "'make or herbonor Opinion , ,..6A 88 a core community. break" part of talks betlreen the city Dunng the presentation, the coun- Schools 1OA and Lowe's, which is looking to devel- Quote: "Everything you Clliearned that changes In brownfield op in the place of the old Eastland do in life seems to tie Obituaries 12A leglSlation In 2000 anowed lands that Theater, or Wlth the undi8eloeed new together." are "functionally obsolete" or "bhght- Autos , 14A anchor store ed" to also be mcluded 88 part of the The move, however, would be a See .tory, page -'A Business 16A redevelopment plan. Etrong pledge of confidence and coop- Presenter Rob Terry, the state's offi- eratIon on the Clty'S part that could be Seniors , 88 cial coordinator for estabhshmg a factor m the declllona of developers Entertainment 98 brownfields, told the counCll that the Anoth. pouable beMti may be a definItion of those terms are left to Classified ads 6C the city to decide. Buy It or SeD It In .... ! When someone you love bas cueer, Weekly Award WIlll1lna you'll do wMteYer it cakes to help them. Classifieds tOO. • Cic.z ta. ,.. :f.-I -- ~, . ... oj, ... ........... ~ ......... '" t-8Druary I, 200~ Grosse Pointe News 50 years ago this week Ridge top homes going up in Farms Jl'tfty Dew home. are belnC bunt OIl RJdee Road at Kerby. The .ubdivtslon il an "ezclUlive development but come. witJWl .... t mJaht be caned the popular price raDle," accol'dllll to dnelopen. 8eftnl of GroNe PolDte'. early landmarb. lneludm: ~e old J=: ~~-t7 ~e .t;:e, ha~~ bee: remcwed to make way lor the deftlopment. (Prom Uae Feb. 7, 1952 GroNe PolDte New.) yesterday's headlines 50 years ago t1)is week Division concluded 1976 dio would allow members of • War has been declared WIth its second-heaviest the community greater against Dutch elm disease. case load since becoming access to make videos, tape "Time is short: warned fully operational in 1970. meetings and get more C A Boyer, of the Michigan Last year, the division's involved in locally-produced Department of Agriculture. four detectives investigated programming. He said the Pointes 755 cases referred to them • Sophomore forwards should begin a tree spraying by Grosse Pointe police Joey Sucher and Brian campaign immediately. departments. The figure Qumn are helping spark the "There is DO hope for trees waa down from 819 inci- Grosse Pointe North High that are already infected," dents investigated two years School hockey team. he said. "But prompt spray- ago. Coach Dan Abraham cred- ing with DOT can save the • Grosse Pointe public Ited the players when say- others." schools are trying to do their ing, "We're really pulling Boyer was among a panel bit to conserve fuel by turn- together as a team." of experts who addressed mg down thermostats to 65 the Dutch elm epidemic at a degrees during the day in all 5 years ago this week For your convenience, all required courses for these two community meeting held at buildings.
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