Varsity Outdoor Club Journal 2011-2012 Fifty-Fourth Edition Copyright © 2012 by the Varsity Outdoor Club Texts © 2012 by the individual contributors Photographs © 2012 by the photographers credited All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the publisher. !e Varsity Outdoor Club Journal (est. 1958) is published annually by !e Varsity Outdoor Club Box 98, Student Union Building 6138 Student Union Mall University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. V6T 2B9 www.ubc-voc.com ISSN 0524–5613 Text design and typesetting by Kelly Paton Cover design and photo by Lee Wasilenko Photo conversion by Ignacio Rozada Colour photo selection by Lee Wasilenko and Kelly Paton Advertising sales and production management by Kelly Paton Proofreaders and text editors: Eliza Boyce, Roland Burton, Sarah Davidson, Skyler Des Roches, Murray Down, Fisal Elstone, Piotr Forysinski, Leonard Go", Maya Goldstein, Conrad Koziol, Alfred Larson, Erica Lay, Jessica Litman, Kelly Paton, Gili Rosenberg, Ignacio Rozada, Julia Sta"ord, Je" Taylor, Christian Veenstra, Phoebe Wong, Josh Zukewich Printed and bound in Canada by Hemlock Printers Ltd Printed on paper that comes from sustainable forests managed by the Forest Stewardship Council 3 SEASON F11 Outdoor ISSUE 2012 LANGUAGE English PUBLICATION UBC Varsity Outdoor Club SIZE (W X H) 5.375” (w) x 8.375” (h) DATE Jan 30. 2012 REGION Vancouver, BC COLOURS CMYK DESIGNER SB REP PAGE full FILE NAME ARC_F11_PA_UBCVarsity_0112.indd 4 VARSITY OUTDOOR CLUB JOURNAL 2011‒2012 CONTENTS 1SFTJEFOUT.FTTBHFt,BUIFSJOF7BMFOUJOF &EJUPST.FTTBHFt,FMMZ1BUPO 6 VOC Executive 2011-2012 11 HIKING AND SCRAMBLING 17 Looping the Brazeau and Other Adventures in the Rockies t(JMJ3PTFOCFSH 0TTB0TTBt+FČ5BZMPS 5BOUBMVT3BNCMJOHTt4QFODFS3BTNVTTFO $IBSMJF#FBSE & Caroline Jung 4DSBNCMJOH$BTUMF5PXFSTt.BYJNF(VJMMFSN "4OPXZ%BZ6QćF/FFEMFTt.BSDJO.JSTLJ 50 Reasonably Beginner-Friendly Hike to Crown Mountain t$ISJT:VFO ćF#BUUMFXJUI-JMMPPFU3JWFSt,BUF8PPUUPO 57 In the Footsteps of Rachael and Jonathan: Saxifrage .PVOUBJOt(JMJ3PTFOCFSH 5PNZIPJ1FBLt3ZBO.D,FO[JF 4UFJO7BMMFZ5SBWFSTFt+FČ5BZMPS 'SFF[JOH*O"GSJDBt5PN$VSSBO "O"SDUJD*NBHFt#SFBOOF+PIOTPO 86 But Still Below the Condors, Pt. 2: Around t4LZMFS%FT3PDIFT 95 CLIMBING AND MOUNTAINEERING "EWFOUVSFTPOUIF$IJFGt5PEE.BD,FO[JF 4NJUI3PDLT"ęFS%BSLt&MMJPU$VENPSF 'PVS$MJNCTJOB8FFLt.BSDJO.JSTLJ 5BOUBMVT5SBWFSTFt/JDL.BUXZVL/JDL(PCJO 4OPXDMJNC6Q.U.BUJFSt$BSPMJOF+VOH 7FFPDFF1SJEFt%FSSZ-BQQJO "'PSDFUPCF3FDLPOFE8JUIt"SUFN#ZMJOTLJJ 1SJTNPG*DF"ĕDUJPOTIPSUTUPSZt4BN.D,PZ ćF5PQPG1FSVt#SBE8BSE #VU4UJMM#FMPXUIF$POEPST 1U6Qt4LZMFS%FT3PDIFT 163 SKIING AND WINTER MOUNTAINEERING %FEFEFEFEFEFEPy#SFX/FX:FBSTt.VSSBZ%PXO 5VSOT"MM:FBSt1JPUS'PSZTJOTLJ 8IBUTB4XJUDICBDL t+FTTJDB-JUNBO &BU %SJOL 4LJ 4JOH )PCCJU4UZMFt4BN.D,PZ $BTQBS$SFFL&BSMZ4FBTPO4LJ%FCBDMFt"OOF7JBMFUUFT Marcin Mirski, & Philip Daoust 199 Black Tusk and Cinder Cone via Helm Creek t.VSSBZ%PXO 202 Too Much Snow, and Too Many Bombs: Staying Alive in 3PHFST1BTTt1IJM5PNMJOTPO ćF$ISPOJDMFTPG5BZMPS.FBEPXTt3PESJHP4BNBZPB %POU'PSHFU:PVS)FMNFU.U#BLFS#BDLDPVOUSZt-FF Wasilenko ćF%JTNBM4LJ5SJQPG%PPNt#SFBOOF+PIOTPO 'VMMZ"MDPIPMJD/PO5SBWFSTFt.JDIBFM%VODBO 231 Memoir of a Newbie Conquering Mt. Brew t$BUISJOF'PHU)KPSUI 235 How I Came to Lose Nine Beginners in Diamond Head t"SPO;BISBELB 238 Lessons Learned at Red Heather Meadows t3PMBOE#VSUPO .Z'JSTU4LJ5SJQt,BUF8PPUUPO "EWFOUVSFTPOUIF$PMVNCJB*DFĕFMEt/JDL.BUXZVL 'BTUBOE-JHIU&BTUFS.D#SJEFt$ISJTUJBO7FFOTUSB 260 A Moveable Peak: Mount Matier and the Super Moon t-FF8BTJMFOLP .PVOU#BLFSJOB%BZ 4FMG1SPQFMMFEt$BSPMJOF+VOH Nick Matwyuk, & Marcin Mirski 278 Denali’s West Buttress: !e Great One and Its VOC Visi- UPSTt(FPČ.BSUJO 295 PHOTO CONTEST 2011 299 LAND AND WATER 303 Cycling Journey to the Land of Socialism and Endless $PDPOVUTt.BZB(PMETUFJO(JMJ3PTFOCFSH 311 A More Civilized Sort of Bike Tour: Paris to Frankfurt via 4UBS)PUFMTt1IJM5PNMJOTPO7JDLZ"MGSFE 319 Looking for Sunshine: Summer Cycle Touring in Northern #$ UIF:VLPO BOE"MBTLBt.BZB(PMETUFJO $BWJOHPO7BODPVWFS*TMBOEt+VMJB4UBČPSE 334 Bushwhacking 201: Mt. Meslilloet Self-Propelled t/JDL.BUXZVL .U"MCFSUCZ4BJMCPBUt1JPUS'PSZTJOTLJ 354 Self-Propelled Voyage to the Top of Mt. Gardner t+FTTJDB-JUNBO 1FSTQFDUJWFTPO4FB,BZBLJOHt$BJUMJO4DIOFJEFS 8FOBUDIFF3JWFS1BEEMJOHt'JPOB#SFDLFOSJEHF3JDI Lines 373 A Folk Storm on the Horizon: Kayak Expedition from ,JUJNBU #$UP7BODPVWFS #$t'BSPF%FT3PDIFT 4VSĕOHBU4LPPLVNDIVDLt$BJUMJO4DIOFJEFS 3PXJOHUIF5BTNBO4FBt.BSUJO#FSLB 397 CLUB LIFE AND REFLECTIONS *O%FGFOTFPG'BďOHt-FO(PČ 404 Lessons Learned about Quality of Life in the Backcountry t*HOBDJP3P[BEB 409 From the Land of Sand to the Land of Snow t.BZB(PMETUFJO 415 How to Snowshoe the Garibaldi Neve: (How to Find a (JSMGSJFOEJOUIF70$ t%BO&BHFO %JTQBUDIFTGSPNUIF'SPOUMJOFTPG&UJRVFUUFt.T.BOOFST )PX/05UP5SBJOGPS%FOBMJt.JDIBFM%VODBO ćJOHTUIF70$IBT5BVHIU.Ft,BUF8PPUUPO "(VJEFUP#BDLDPVOUSZ1PPJOHt+FTTJDB-JUNBO 436 !e Lazy City-Boy Survival Guide to the VOC t3PO.BIBSJL .POUITJOUIF70$t,BUIFSJOF7BMFOUJOF 8 VARSITY OUTDOOR CLUB JOURNAL 2011‒2012 www.avalanchesafety.ca 1-888-PHAT-POW Avalanche Safety Specialists FREE SHIPPING BEST SELECTION BEST PRICES IN CANADA GUARANTEED Airbags, Transceivers, Probes, Shovels KATHERINE VALENTINE hen Phil Tomlinson started trying to convince me that WI should be president, I was reluctant. I eventually suc- cumbed to Phil’s arguments and ran, but even a#er I was elected at the Banquet I was still concerned about what the year was going to bring. It was not that I did not want to give back to the club, but rather that this is such a fantastic club and I was concerned that I would change it for the worse. Even a#er reading Sandra Nicol’s President report about how the club will survive no matter how bad the president is, I still didn’t fully believe it. However, soon into the year I realized why the club has been around for over ninety years. It does not rely on one person, or even a couple of people; it relies on the enthusiasm of the members in the club, their will to get into the mountains, and their ability to accomplish any task that the club decides to do, whether that is carrying and installing four 3’ by 4’ windows up to Phelix or supporting the Canadian Avalanche Association. Whatever the VOC puts its mind to, it will accomplish… etween the Banquet at the end of March, and the start of BFebruary this year, the club has run 137 trips, excluding the bi-weekly kayak polo, avalanche and $rst-aid courses, beacon searches, and buy nights. !is is an incredible number and ex- ecutives from the ACC, BCMC and Aqua Soc have approached me to $nd out how we do this. !is year there was a shi# away 1 2 VARSITY OUTDOOR CLUB JOURNAL 2011‒2012 GSPNFYFDTSVOOJOHUIFNBKPSJUZPGUIFUSJQT8IFUIFSUIBUJT due to the ease of posting trips, thanks to Christian Veenstra’s new trip agenda tool, or making it mandatory for participants in Glacier School to run a trip, I have found it awesome to see newer members stepping up to the plate and running trips, of- UFOJODPOKVODUJPOXJUINPSFFYQFSJFODFENFNCFST With the addition of ten avalanche beacons, probes and shovels, the clubs’ gear room supply has possibly $nally caught up with the demand. Now the challenge for future execs is to maintain what is now possibly the largest rental %eet of telemark skis and avalanche safety gear in British Columbia. ćFXFCTJUFBMTPIBEBOPWFSIBVMUIJTZFBS.BSJVT.VKBIBT worked tirelessly on upgrading the website, and patiently re- sponding to the persistent emails of those who are slightly less computer literate. !e %ashing at Brew Hut was replaced over the summer and four of the windows at Phelix Hut were carried up and installed. Hopefully the rest of the windows at Phelix will be replaced this coming summer. Roland launched a work hike to Sphinx this year over summer; unfortunately the supplies got there but the work didn’t quite get done. !e quartermasters’ ability to put gear in our members’ hands every week, Phil’s dedication to getting cheap gear for us all, and the smoothness with which Kelly Paton managed to produce UIJT KPVSOBM XFSF IVHFMZ BQQSFDJBUFE BMPOH XJUI UIF XPSL PG every member of the exec and the hours that they have all in- vested. Although I thought we might have ended up in court for it, Len Go"’s weekly Ms. Manners advice columns were some- thing special. !e continued involvement of the Veenstras, Scott Nelson, and Scott Webster has been invaluable. And of course the Club would have no memory as to what happened ten years ago if it wasn’t for Roland Burton. Finally, over the last few months I have started to feel that I don’t need Phil and Veenstra to hold my hand through every step, and at times I do wish that I wasn’t graduating this year and could run for another year. Although this year has had some NBKPSDIBMMFOHFTBOEEFĕOJUFMZTPNFQFSJPETPGUZQFGVO UIF people that I have gotten to ski or climb with have made this year amazing. President’s Message 3 Unfortunately, a#er this year I now feel that I owe the club even more; with every hour I have spent on the club, I feel that I owe the club another one. !is club is one of those great places where it is without a doubt true that the more you put in, the more you get out. !anks again to all the members of the VOC for making this club what it is. I owe you all a beer! EARD B HARLIE C Our fearless leader takes the plunge in true VOC style. KELLY PATON hen I signed up to edit articles for the 53rd70$KPVS- Wnal in late 2010 as my ‘work hike’ (a previously unknown term to me, a VOC beginner), I had no idea that it would be my $rst step to editing and producing the 54th edition. Editing articles that year was easy, and a welcome break from the thesis I was supposed to be writing: spelling—check; grammar—check; style—check.
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