Building Resilience to Climate Change Ecosystem-based adaptation and lessons from the field Edited by Ángela Andrade Pérez, Bernal Herrera Fernández and Roberto Cazzolla Gatti Ecosystem Management Series No. 9 Building Resilience to Climate Change Ecosystem-based adaptation and lessons from the field About IUCN IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. IUCN works on biodiversity, climate change, energy, human livelihoods and greening the world economy by supporting scientific research, managing field projects all over the world, and bringing governments, NGOs, the UN and companies together to develop policy, laws and best practice. IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest global environmental organization, with more than 1,000 government and NGO members and almost 11,000 volunteer experts in some 160 countries. IUCN’s work is supported by over 1,000 staff in 60 offices and hundreds of partners in public, NGO and private sectors around the world. www.iucn.org IUCN’s Ecosystem Management Series The well-being of people all over the world depends on the various goods and services provided by ecosystems such as food, fuel, construction material, clean water and air, and protection from natural hazards. Ecosystems, however, are under increasing pressure from unsustainable use and other threats including outright conversion. To address this concern, IUCN promotes the sound management of ecosystems through the wider application of the Ecosystem Approach – a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that places human needs at its centre. The aim of the IUCN Ecosystem Management Series is to support best practice ecosystem management, both at field and policy levels, to help realize IUCN’s vision of a just world that values and conserves nature. This publication is a contribution of IUCN CEM to the Ecosystems and Livelihoods Adaptation Network (ELAN). ELAN is an international network working across the scientific, policy and practitioner communities to enable and promote the integration of sound ecosystem management in human adaptation to climate change. Further information on ELAN can be round at www.ELANadapt.net Building Resilience to Climate Change Ecosystem-based adaptation and lessons from the field Edited by Ángela Andrade Pérez, Bernal Herrera Fernández and Roberto Cazzolla Gatti Table of Contents Preface 7 Acknowledgements 9 Chapter 1 - Introduction 11 Chapter 2 - Ecosystem-based Adaptation 21 Lessons from the Chingaza Massif in the High Mountain Ecosystem of Colombia Chapter 3 - Climate Change in Dryland and Wetland Ecosystems in the Sahel Region 33 Chapter 4 - Mainstreaming Adaptation within Integrated Water Resources 47 Management (IWRM) in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) A Case Study of the Nadi River Basin, Fiji Islands Chapter 5 - Climate Adaptation for Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and 61 Livelihoods in Rural Madagascar Chapter 6 - Adapting to Climate Change 73 Building Interactive Decision Support to Meet Management Objectives for Coastal Conservation and Hazard Mitigation on Long Island, New York, USA Chapter 7 - Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the Chiawa Community 89 of the Lower Zambezi Game Management Area, Zambia Chapter 8 - Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the Seaflower Marine Protected Area, 99 San Andres Archipelago, Colombia A Community-Based Approach Chapter 9 - Fighting to Cope with Climate Change and Drought in the Faguibine 117 ISBN: 978-2-8317-1290-1 System, Northern Mali Cover photo: Klaus Shutze Produced by: 100 Watt, Chapter 10 - Climate Change and Ecosystems 125 St-Martin-Bellevue, France Impacts and Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Available from: IUCN The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression (International Union for of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN or other participating organizations concerning the legal status of any Conservation of Nature) country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Chapter 11 - Cultivating the ‘PRESENCE’ Learning Network 135 Publications Services The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN or other participating organizations. to Restore Living Landscapes Rue Mauverney 28 1196 Gland, Switzerland Published by: IUCN, Gland, Switzerland Adapting to Climate Change in the Baviaanskloof Catchment, South Africa Tel +41 22 999 0000 Fax +41 22 999 0020 Copyright:© 2010 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources [email protected] 151 www.iucn.org/publications Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorized without prior Chapter 12 - Championing Climate Change Adaptation at the Community Level written permission from the copyright holder provided the source is fully acknowledged. A catalogue of IUCN by Using an Ecosystem Approach publications is also Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written An Example from Greater Sudbury in Ontario, Canada available. permission of the copyright holder. The text of this book is Citation: Andrade Pérez, A., Herrera Fernandez, B. and Cazzolla Gatti, R. (eds.) (2010). Building Resilience to Climate printed on FSC paper. Change: Ecosystem-based adaptation and lessons from the field. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 164pp. Chapter 13 - Conclusions and Recommendations 161 Preface :HLQFUHDVLQJO\KHDUDERXWWKHQHJDWLYHLPSDFWVRI FOLPDWHFKDQJHZKHWKHURQWKHZRUOG·VELRGLYHUVLW\ RUSHRSOH'HVSLWHPHGLDLQWHUHVWLQFRQWURYHUV\WKHUHLVQRZQHDUFRQVHQVXVRQWKHEDVLFVFLHQFHRI FOLPDWHFKDQJH²WKDWWKHSODQHWLVJHWWLQJLQFUHDVLQJO\ZDUPHUDQGWKDWDQWKURSRJHQLFHPLVVLRQV DUHPDLQO\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKLVUHFHQWZDUPLQJ7KHTXHVWLRQLVQRWWKHUHIRUHZKHWKHUWKHZRUOGLV ZDUPLQJEXWUDWKHUKRZPXFKFKDQJHZLOOWKHUHEHDQGZKDWFDQEHGRQHDERXWLW" &OHDUO\WKHUHLVDQLPSHUDWLYHWRUHGXFHWKHH[WHQWRI WKHZDUPLQJWKURXJKHIIRUWVWRUHGXFHJUHHQKRXVH JDVHPLVVLRQVDQGWRVHTXHVWHUPRUHJUHHQKRXVHJDVHVLQWKHZRUOG·VHFRV\VWHPVWKURXJKKDELWDW UHJHQHUDWLRQDQGUHVWRUDWLRQ%XWDOVRWKHUHLVDQHHGWRDGDSWWRWKHFKDQJHVWKDWDUHDOUHDG\LQWKH FOLPDWHV\VWHPDQGWRZKLFKZHDUHFRPPLWWHGLQWKHFRPLQJGHFDGHV6XFKFKDQJHVYDU\HQRUPRXVO\ LQGLIIHUHQWSDUWVRIWKHZRUOG6RPHZLOOEHGULHUVRPHZHWWHUPRVWZDUPHUDQGPDQ\DIIHFWHGE\ LQFUHDVLQJXQFHUWDLQW\DQGYDULDWLRQLQZHDWKHUSDWWHUQVDQGVHDVRQDOFKDQJH 7KHXQFHUWDLQWLHVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHLPSDFWVRI FOLPDWHFKDQJHPDNHDGDSWDWLRQDOOWKHPRUHFRPSOH[ DQGUHTXLUHWKDWZHPDNHWKHPRVWRI ´QRUHJUHWVµDGDSWDWLRQDSSURDFKHV²WKRVHWKDWZLOOEULQJFRVW HIIHFWLYHEHQHÀWVWRQDWXUHDQGSHRSOHXQGHUDUDQJHRI ORQJHUWHUPFOLPDWLFFKDQJHV7KHPDQDJHPHQW RI RXUORFDOHFRV\VWHPVWRSURYLGHEHQHÀWVRQZKLFKSHRSOHGHSHQGLQWKHIDFHRI FOLPDWHFKDQJHVXFK DVIRUÁRRGSURWHFWLRQZDWHUÁRZUHJXODWLRQLQGU\VSHOOVZLQGEUHDNVDQGDVVKDGHRIWHQSURYLGHV VXFKQRUHJUHWVUHVSRQVHVDQGLQGRLQJVRFDQFRQWULEXWHPRUHEURDGO\WREXLOGLQJWKHUHVLOLHQFHRI ORFDOFRPPXQLWLHVWRFOLPDWLFDQGRWKHUFKDQJHV 0DQ\RI WKHOHVVRQVZHDUHOHDUQLQJLQDGDSWDWLRQDUHIURPVXFFHVVVWRULHVIURPWKHÀHOG²OHDUQLQJE\ GRLQJ7KLVFRQWULEXWLRQIURP,8&1·V&RPPLVVLRQRQ(FRV\VWHP0DQDJHPHQW &(0 WKHODWHVWLQ WKH&(0(FRV\VWHP0DQDJHPHQW6HULHVDGGVWRRXUNQRZOHGJHDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJRI WKHPDQ\ZD\V LQZKLFKHFRV\VWHPPDQDJHPHQWFDQVXSSRUWERWKSHRSOHDQGQDWXUHWRDGDSWWRWKHDGYHUVHLPSDFWV RI FOLPDWHFKDQJH :HKRSHWKDWLWZLOOLQVSLUHIXUWKHUOHDUQLQJDQGWKHIXUWKHUDSSOLFDWLRQRI HFRV\VWHPEDVHGUHVSRQVHV WRFOLPDWHFKDQJH -XOLD0DUWRQ/HIqYUH 3LHW:LW 'LUHFWRU*HQHUDO &KDLU ,8&1 &RPPLVVLRQRQ(FRV\VWHP0DQDJHPHQW Acknowledgements With special thanks to the authors, who contributed their time and dedication to this initiative. We are also grateful to their respective institutions for providing the necessary support to make it possible. We are especially grateful to Conservation International Colombia, IDEAM (Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Surveys) of Colombia, CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) and FAO for their support to the editors; to Maarten Kapelle for editing the text; to Cindy Craker for her help in selecting the images; to Piet Wit and Neville Ash for their technical support; and to Patricia Hawes for all the administrative help and also for ensuring deadlines were met. 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