Lex Licinia Sextia For other Licinian laws, see Licinia (disambiguation). diers engaged in the siege of Velitrae, the voting on the bills had to be postponed. Gaius Licinius and Lucius Sex- tius proposed a fourth bill regarding the sacred Sibylline The Lex Licinia Sextia, also known as the Licinian Ro- [1] gations, was a series of laws proposed by the tribunes of Books. the plebs, Lucius Sextius Lateranus and Gaius Licinius In 368 BC the Roman troops came back from Velitrae. Stolo. These laws provided for a limit on the interest rate As the controversy dragged and given that with the return of loans and a restriction on private ownership of land. of the troops voting could be carried out, the patrician A third law, which provided for one of the two consuls senate appointed Marcus Furius Camillus as dictator (a to be a plebeian, was rejected. Two of these laws were head of state with extraordinary powers appointed for a passed in 368 BC, after the two proponents had been term of six months at times of crisis), who strongly op- elected and re-elected tribunes for nine consecutive years posed the bills and threatened the use of violence. How- and had successfully prevented the election of patrician ever, he had to resign for unclear reasons. The plebeian magistrates for five years (375-370 BC). In 367 BC, dur- tribunes put the bills to the vote of the Plebeian Coun- ing their tenth tribunate, this law was passed. In the same cil (the assembly of the plebeians). The bills on land and year they also proposed a fourth law regarding the priests debt were passed, but the one on plebeian consuls was who were the custodians of the sacred Sibylline Books. rejected. Livy wrote that “both the former [bills] would These laws and the long struggle to pass them were part probably have been carried into law if [Gaius Licinius and of the two hundred year conflict of the orders between Lucius Sextius] had not said that they were putting them the patrician aristocracy and the plebeians, who made up en bloc.” Another dictator was appointed, Publius Man- most of the Roman populace. This conflict was one of the lius Capitolinus. However, he appointed a plebeian as his major influences on the internal politics of Rome during lieutenant (master of the horse), much to the annoyance of the patricians, and supported the plebeians. When it the first two centuries of the Roman Republic. was time for the election of the plebeian tribunes, Gaius Licinius and Lucius Sextius announced that they would not stand for reelection unless the plebeians “wanted the 1 Background proposed measures carried as a whole.” The two plebeian tribunes were re-elected (for the tenth time), which meant According to Livy, Gaius Licinius and Lucius Sextius that the law of the consulship was now also carried. Then proposed three bills before the Plebeian Council (the they carried the law on the sacred Sibylline Books. This, assembly of the plebeians) in 375 BC. Two of them according to Livy, “was regarded as a further step towards concerned land and debt (which were two issues which opening the path to the consulship.” However, he did not greatly affected the plebeians) and the third concerned specify why. He also wrote "[t]he plebs, satisfied with the termination of the military tribunes with consular their victory, made the concession to the patricians that power (often referred to as consular tribunes), who had for the present all mention of consuls should be dropped.” periodically replaced the consuls as the heads of the Re- Consular tribunes were elected for 367 BC.[2] public (444, 438, 434-32, 426-24, 422, 420-14, 408-394 In 367 BC Marcus Furius Camillus was again appointed and 391-76 BC), the restoration of consuls and the ad- as dictator, this time to fight Gauls who had got into ter- mission of plebeians to the consulship by providing that ritories near Rome. The senate, bruised by years of civic one of the two consuls was to be a plebeian. The latter strife, carried the proposals of the plebeian tribunes and proposal created fierce opposition by the patricians, who the two consuls were elected. In 366 BC Lucius Sex- held vast political power by monopolising the consulship tius Lateranus became the first plebeian consul. The pa- and the seats of the senate, thinking that, as aristocrats, tricians refused to confirm this, commotions broke out this was their sole prerogative, and abhorred the idea of and the plebeians were close to seceding (see plebeian sharing power with the plebeians. They persuaded other secessions). Marcus Furius, “however, quieted the dis- plebeian tribunes to veto voting on this bill. In retalia- turbances by arranging a compromise; the nobility made tion, Gaius Licinius and Lucius Sextius vetoed the elec- a concession in the matter of a plebeian consul, the plebs tion of the consular tribunes for five years, until 370 BC, gave way to the nobility on the appointment of a praetor when they relented because the Volscian town of Velitrae to administer justice in the City who was to be a patri- had attacked the territory of Rome and one of her allies. cian. Thus after their long estrangement the two orders The election of consular tribunes resumed. With the sol- 1 2 3 MODERN EVALUATION of the State were at length brought into harmony”.[3] who were two patrician priests who were the custodians of the sacred Sibylline Books and consulted and inter- preted them at times, especially when there were natu- ral disasters, pestilence, famine or military difficulties. 2 The laws These were the books of the Sibylline oracles, who were Greek oracles who resided in various places in the Greek Lex de aere alieno. This law provided that the interest world. Tarquinius Superbus, the seventh and last king already paid on debts should be deducted from the princi- of Rome, was said to have bought these books from a pal and that the payment of the rest of the principal should Sybil from Cumae, a Greek city in southern Italy (near be in three equal annual instalments. Naples, 120 miles south of Rome) in the late seventh cen- tury BC. The law provided for the creation of a college of Indebtedness was a major problem among the plebeians, ten priests (decemviri) as a replacement of the duumviri. particularly among small peasant farmers, and this led to Five of them were to be patricians and five were to be conflicts with the patricians, who were the aristocracy, plebeians. This would break the patrician monopoly of the owners of large landed estates and the creditors. Sev- the priesthood for the first time and constituted a step eral laws regulating credit or the interest rates of credit to towards the plebeians sharing power, as the priesthoods provide some relief for the helpless debtors were passed played an important role in Roman society. Later, other during the period of the Roman Republic. priesthoods were opened up to the plebeians. The pa- Lex de modo agrorum. This law restricted individual tricians retained exclusivity in some of the oldest priest- ownership of public land in excess of 500 iugeras (300 hoods. acres) and forbade the grazing of more than 100 cattle on public land. Shortages of land for the poor was a significant problem during the Roman Republic. Roman citizens were given 3 Modern evaluation plots of lands of two iugera from the ager publicus. These were barely sufficient to feed a family. The rich landown- Livy’s account of the struggles of Gaius Licinius and Lu- ers acquired large estates by encroaching on public land, cius Sextius and their legislation on the consulship has which reduced the amount of this land which could be been analysed by T.J. Cornell. He thinks that very little given to the poor (plebeian) farmers. Several laws limit- of Livy’s narrative can be accepted. However, its insti- ing private ownership of land to limit this encroachment tutional changes are “reasonably certain.” He argues that on the ager publicus were passed, but they seemed have the significance of the law on the consulship is unclear been easy to evade and to have only a limited effect, if and its background is “extremely puzzling” due to ob- at all. The restrictions on the amount of grazing on pub- scurity around the military tribunes with consular power. lic land was due to the fact that extensive grazing could Livy wrote that they had been instituted because it was reduce the resources available to poor farmers from this decided that in some years the consulship should be re- common land, which they needed to sustain their liveli- placed by the consular tribunes (whose numbers varied hoods. from three to six), that this office would be open to ple- Lex de consule altero ex plebe (et de praetore ex pa- beians and that it had been created as a concession to the tribus creando?). This law provided for the termination plebeians who wanted access to the consulship.[6] How- of the military tribunes with consular powers and the re- ever, from 444 BC (the year of the first consular tribunes) turn to regular consulships, one of which was to be held to 401 BC there were only two plebeian consular tribunes by the plebeians. It is possible that the law also provided (out of a total of 100). For the 400-376 BC period, in for the creation of a new and elected magistracy (office 400, 399 and 396 BC the majority of these tribunes were of state), the praetorship, as Livy wrote that in 367 BC plebeians (4, 5, and 5 out of 6, respectively) and in 379 “the plebs gave way to the nobility on the appointment of BC there were three plebeians of six.
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