Vītņstobra šaujamieroču munīcijas katalogs Piezīme: patronas ar attēliem ir zilā krāsā Kalibri un apzīmējumi 1,1x13,1 R US XPL FA Microballistic Cartridge Izmanto kā Patronas .10 Cooper Pup Izmanto kā Patronas .10 H&R Magnum (Harrington & Richardson), Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10 mm Automatic (10x25. 10 mm Auto, Colt Automatic, Bren-Ten, Norma), 10x25,2. SAA 6395. Developed in 1983 for the Bren-Ten pistol. The ammunition is literally chock-full of propellant and is almost like a wildcat round. The 10mm Colt rivals the power of the .41 Magnum, and even approaches the .357 Magnum . Stopping power and body armor penetration are excellent, but recoil with the round is typically high. In addition, the Izmanto kā Pistoļu patronas long round requires a handgun with a large grip, 10 mm Bergmann DWM 478 Izmanto kā Patronas 10 mm FAR (10x23), 10mm FAR was chambered in very few pistols, primarily in their Force line of pistols. It did not sell well and the pistols and ammunition are rare. It’s sort of a .45 ACP round necked down to 10mm, though it is also more hot- loaded thaade for the Daisy VL rifle which was produced 1967-1969. Only 19,000 standard and 5,000 presentation Izmanto kā rifles were produced before Daisy ceased production Pistoļu patronas 10 mm Hirst Auto Izmanto kā Pistoļu patronas 10 mm Mars Izmanto kā Pistoļu patronas 10 mm Soerabaya (10x27 R. 10 mm Holl.Ind. Polizei-Revolver, Niederl. Ind. Revolver, Surabaya), 10 mm Soerabaja, Scherpe Patroon No. 3. 9,4 Dutch East Indies. SAA 6370. EB 148. Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas 10 mm Super Magnum (10 mm SM) Izmanto kā Patronas .10 Squirrel Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,15x36,5 R Jarmann Short Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,15x54 R Jarmann Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,15x60 R Swedish, DWM 36 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,15x61 R Jarmann (11 mm Jarmann Long, Swedish Jarmann M/81), Patrone 522(n). 10,3x61 R. DWM 36 157 173 173A. GR 65. Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,15x63 R Serbian Mauser M/78 DWM 187. GR 200 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,15x68 R Express Black Powder Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,2 mm (.400 Revolver), DWM 284 Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas 10,25x35 R, DWM 116. Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas 10,25x69 R Hunting Express, DWM 214. Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,2x20 R, DWM 251 251A Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas 10,2x40 R, DWM 113. Izmanto kā Patronas 10,2x46 B Swiss (10,2/46 B. Suisse ) Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,2x60 R, DWM 49 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,35 Glisenti (10,35x20 R Italian Ordnance), 10,35 mm Italian Regulation 1889, Glisenti 1889, Bodeo, Originally developed for the Model 1874 service revolver, Chamelot-Delvigne Revolver 1874. 10,4 mm Glisenti Revolver, M 1889, Bodeo Revolver. the 10.4mm Italian Ordnance was also used in the Bodeo M -1889 (also known as the Glisenti Revolver). It was found 10,4x23 R. SAA 6300. EB 150. as a blackpowder and a smokeless powder round. They were common war trophies in World Wars 1 and 2, along with the ammunition for them, but today, the ammunition Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas is available only in small amounts from Fiocchi. 10,35x47 R Vetterli-Vitali (10,8x48 R Vetterli), 10,35x47 R Italian Vetterli-Vitali M 1870-71. 10,4x48 R Swiss The 10.4 x 47 Rmm Italian Vetterli was introduced in 1870, Vetterli. 10,4x47 Italian-Vetterli. DWM 59 59A 123 141 299. GR 58. SAA 6775. as the Italian military cartridge, and used in the single shot Vetterli M70/87 Rifle. It was only used for a few years and has been obsolete since the late 1800's, so these cartridges are over 100 Hundred Years Old! Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,3x63 mm Mauser Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,3x65 R Baenzinger (Lancaster, Swiss Target, Suisse, Baenzinger Express), DWM 164 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,4 mm Swiss Revolver RF Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas 10,4x20 R Swiss Ordnance 1878, (10,4 mm Schmidt Kavallerie Revolver), 10,4 mm Schweizer Ordonnanz Revolver M 1872-78. SAA 6315. EB 151. Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas 10,4x27,4 R Stoff's Cattle Killer (10,4x27,4 R Cattle Killer), SAA 6455. DWM 409 Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas 10,4x38 mm Martini Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,4x38 R Swiss Vetterli CF (10,4x38 R Swiss Centerfire. 10,4 mm Rimmed Swiss Vetterli, Italian Vetterli), 10,38 R Vetterli, Swiss, M 1869-91. 10,5x38 R. 10,5x39 R Vetterli M/69/81. .41 Swiss. DWM 19 308. SAA 6605. Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,4x38 R Swiss Vetterli RF (10,4x38 R Vetterli RF M 1866-67), .41 Swiss Rimfire M 69/81 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,4x42 R Swiss Vetterli (R Target Rifle, Rubin Cadet Rifle, Vetterli), 10,5x42 R Ordnance Rifle A-Base, Swiss Ordnance Rifle, Vetterli , Rubin Cadet, Target. 10,2x42 R Vetterli. DWM 18 127. GR 85 127. SAA 6660. Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,4x44 R Izmanto kā Patronas 10,4x47 mm Italian Veterli Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,57 Meteor (10,75x71. .416 Meteor, Lazzeroni), Lazzeroni cartridges are a range of extremely powerful proprietary magnum sporting rifle cartridges developed and manufactured since the early 1990s by US hunting enthusiast John Lazzeroni. All cartridges in the Lazzeroni family are distinguished by their high operating pressures, and the very high bullet muzzle velocities and bullet Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas energies they produce.[ 10,5x35 R, DWM 115. Izmanto kā Patronas 10,5x36 R Tesching, DWM 42 Izmanto kā Patronas 10,5x40 R, DWM 112. Izmanto kā Nav informācijas 10,5x43 R Swiss, DWM 123 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,5x46,5 R Mauser (10,5x46,4 R Mauser), 10,5x46,5 R Utendoerffer Type "b". 10,05x46,4 R Mauser. DWM 30 30A 31. GR 90. Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,5x47 R Deutsche Schutzen (R Schutzen R A-Base, R Target, R Target Rifle, Swiss Schutzen), 10,5x47 R Stahl, MB Deutsche Schutzen. 10,5x46,5 R Schutzen, Scheiben A-Base. 10,75x47 R Schutzen. 10,55x47,4 R. 10,4x46,5 R. DWM 29 145. GR 51 90 164. SAA 6755. Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,5x47 R Martini DWM 14 Izmanto kā Patronas 10,5x52 R, DWM 101 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,5x74 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,6 mm Mauser Revolver A-Base, (Mauser Zig-Zag) DWM 7 Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas 10,66x48 R Russian Berdan Carbine Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,66x57,5 R Gatling Russian Izmanto kā Patronas 10,6x24,5 R German Ordnance, (10,6 mm Deutscher Reichsrevolver), 10,6 mm Dienst Revolver, Kavalerie Primarily produced for the Models 1879 and 1883 Revolver, German Revolver A-Base, German Ordnance, Deutscher Ordonnanz Revolver M 1879 1883, Reichsrevolver (and therefore often called the 10.6 Reichsrevolver), this round was produced in that late Offiziers Revolver M 1884. 10,85 mm Deutscher Reichsrevolver. 10,8x25 MRR, RR. 10,85x24,9n Deutscher 1800s period when it was felt that handguns were best Diensrevolver. 11 mm Deutscher Reichsrevolver M 79 & 84. 10,55 German. DWM 200 200A. SAA 6435A. EB made to fire high-caliber, low-velocity ammunition. This 153. was because the gunpowders available at the time Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas generally had less power than today’s ammunition, 10,6x24,6 R Schulhof (10,6 mm Schulhof Scheibenpistole), 10,7x24,6 R, GR 352, SAA 6420, EB 155 Izmanto kā Pistoļu patronas 10,6x25 R Spanish Ordnance, (10,6 mm Spanish Ordnance, Revolver M 1884), SAA 6410. EB 156. Izmanto kā Revolveru patronas 10,6x51 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,6x58 R Russian Berdan No. 2 (.42 Berdan No. 1 & 2 Russian, Bulgarian. .420 Berdan), 10,66x57,5 R. 10.75x58Rmm (43 Russian), from 1868 to early 1900's. 10,8x57,5 R. 11x57,5 R. 10,75x58 R. 4,2 Line Berdan. 11,2x57 R. .42 Russian. 11x57 R Bulgarian Rifle M 1871. Paper Patch Cartridges, Black Powder,most likely well of 10,67x 58 R. DWM 39. GR 61. SAA 8165. 100 years old. Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,75x46 R, DWM 199. Izmanto kā Nav informācijas 10,75x52 R Grundig (10,75x52 G. 10,75x52 R Stright), DWM 495A. SAA 6855. GR 975 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,75x58 Mannlicher (10,75x57) GR 717 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,75x60 R Grundig (R Leue, R Scheibengewehr. 10,75x60 G), 10,7x60 R. DWM 495B. GR 759. Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,75x62 Straight (10,75x61) DWM 523 GR 721. Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,75x63 Le Personne (10,7x62,7 Le Personnet Hunting Rifle), 10,75x62 Le Personnet. DWM 375A 515. Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,75x63 mm Mauser Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,75x65 R Collath (Rimmed Collath), Izmanto kā Medību šauteņu patronas 10,75x65 R Grundig, Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,75x68 Mauser (10x68, .423 Mauser), 10,75 mm. DWM 515A. SAA 7100. .350-.423 Rimless. .423 Mauser. Magnum Mauser rifle round that was introduced in the XCR 11 068. BGC 010. early 1920s and is still listed in RWS catalogs. The round was also once made by Kynoch of England, and rifles were made by Mauser, Browning, and Dumoulin for the 10.75x68mm Mauser. Old Western Scrounger and Barnes make bullets for the round. It is a fairly powerful round, but Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas due to the blunt-nosed shape, penetration is only average. 10,75x70 Barella A-Base DWM 495 Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,75x70 R Collath (10,75x66 R) Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,7x57 R Krag Peterson Izmanto kā Šauteņu patronas 10,85x47 R, DWM 146 Izmanto kā Patronas 10,8x23,5 Montenegro No.
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