,( .,'} t / UNITED NATIONS CHECI( LIST OF UNITED NATIONS UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS CHECI( LIST OF PART 4: NO. 1 UNITED NATIONSTrusteeship CounciI, 1947/48 First and Second Sessions DOCUMENTS LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC IN£'ORMATION UNITED NATIONS, LAKE SUCCESS, N. v., 194,9 PART 4: NO. 1 Trusteeship Counc:il, 1947/48 I~irst and Secolld Sessions LIBRARY SERVIC1~S DEl)ARTl\1ENT OF PUBLIC IN.F'ORMATION UNI'"fED N~ATIONS, I~AI(]~ SUCCESS, l~. 'i~., 194·9 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATIONS Sales No.: 19<19.1.2· UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATIONS Sales No.: 194,9.1.2 PREFACE PREFACE The Check List o] United Nations Documents will be a complete list of the documents issued by the organs of the United Nations. The Check List will appear in separate parts, each one devoted to the documents of a particular organ. The following- table discloses the general plan. Part 1 General Assembly (andPREFACEsubsidiary organs) 2 Security Council (and subsidiary organs) 3 Atomic Energy Commission PREFACE4 Trusteeship Council 5 Economic and Social Council The Check List o.f United Na/.iollJ Documents \vill be a cOlnpletc list of the doculncnts issued by the organs of the United Nations. The CheckFunctionalLisJ \villCommissionsappear ino]separate the Economic and Social Council parts, each one devoted to the doculuents of a particular organ. The folIovo/ing- table 6A Economic and Employment Commission discloses the general pIan. 6B Transport and Communications Commission Part 6C Statistical Commission 1 General Assembly (and subsidiary6D Commissionorgans) on Human Rights 2 Security Council (and subsidiary6E Socialorgans)Commission 3 Atomic Energy Commission6F Commission on the Status of Women 4 Trusteeship Council 6G Commission on Narcotic Drugs 5 Economic and Social Council6B Fiscal Commission 6J Population Commission Functional Commissions qf the Ecolwmic and Social Council Regional Economic Commissions f!f the Economic and Social Council 6A Economic and Employment Commission 6B Transport and Communications7A EconomicCommissionCommission for Europe 6C Statistical COlumission 7B Economic Commission for Asia and the far East 6D Commission on Human Rights7C Economic Commission for Latin America 6E Social Commission 8 Other Bodies 6F Commission on the Status9of WOlnenConferences 6G . Commission on Narcotic10DrugsNarcotic Drugs Reports 61-1 Fiscal Commission 11 International Court of Justice 6J Population Commission 12 Secretariat Regional EcoTlomicEveryCommissionspart will beqf the issued&onomic in consecutiveand Social Councilnumbers. The initial numbers will cover 7A EconomictheCommissionperiod fromfor theEuropebeginning of 1946 to the end of 1948. Subsequent numbers will 7B EconornicbeCommissionissued afterfortheAsiacloseand oftheeachFarsessionEast of the organ concerned. 7C Economic CommissionIn additionfortoLatin the listAmerica of documents, every part will contain a subject-index, and an introduction noting the unpublished records of meetings and sound recordings 8 0 ther Bodiesdeposited in the Archives of the United Nations, the press releases concerning meet­ 9 Conferencesings, and certain supplementary information. 10 Narcotic DrugsPartReports4 of the Check List of United Nations Documents comprises the documents of the 11 InternationalTrusteeshipCourt ofCouncil.Justice This first number of Part 4 lists the documents of the Council 12 Secretariatfor its first and second sessions 1947/48, and its petitions series for the year 1947. Every part vvill be issued in consecutiveThe user ofnumbers. this volumeThe initialwill findnumbers it morewill helpfulcover if he first reads carefully the the period from the beginningexplanationsof 1946 to thetoend theofIntroduction,1948. Subsequentthe ChecknumbersList,willand the Subject-Index, and ob­ be issued after the close of eachservessessionespeciallyof the organthat concerned.in the Subject-Index all references to records of meetings are In addition to the list of documents,made to theeverysectionpart v/ill(§) containnumbersa ofsubject-index, the Introduction,and and that the Check List may an introduction noting the unpublishedbe used independentlyrecords of meetingsof the Introductionand sound duringrecordingsan inventory of document holdings. deposited in the Archives of the1 United* Nations, the press releases concerning Ineet­ ings, and certain supplementary information. iii Part 4 of the Cluck List of United Nations Documents comprises the documents of the Trusteeship Council. This"first number of Part 4 lists the documents of the Council for its first and second sessions 1947/48, and ils petitions series for the year 1947. The user of this volume \\'ill find it lllore helpful if he first reads carefully the explanations to thc Introduction, the Check List, and the Subject-Index, and ob­ serves especially that in the Subject-Index all references to records of meetings are made to the section (§) numbcrs of the Introduction, and that the Check List may be used independently of the Introduction during an inventory of document holdings. 1 .. iii PREFACE ,1: TRUSTEESHIP COUNCl The Department of Public Information gratefully acknowledges the assistance the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Rorkefeller Founclatic in the preparation of this Check. List. Harry N. M. VVinton Chief, Documents Index Un t February t 949 PREFACE ,1: TRUSTEESHIP COUNCl The Department of Public Information gratefully acknowledges the assistance the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Horkekller FOlllldati< in the preparation of this Cllt:ck Lisl. Harry N. Iv1. \"'inton Chief, Documents Index Un t Februat·y t 949 iv iv T ABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface ,., . iii Table of Contents , . v Introduction: Explanation . vii Abbreviations : , . viii Establishment of Trusteeship Council , . ix Members and Terms of Office, 1947 , . ix Officers of the Council, 1947 ,. x Plenary Meeting Records of the First Session. ........ .. X Ad hoc Committees of the First Session, . Xl Visiting Mission appointed at the First Session. XIV Plenary Meeting Records of the Second Session . xv Ad hoc Committees of the Second Session . xvi T ABLE OF CONTENTS Visiting Mission appointed at the Second Session. xxi Check List of Documents, 1947/48 . TABLE OF CONTENTS Explanation _ . Page First Session, Lake Success, 26 March to 28 April 1947, and Interim: Preface ,., . iii Preparatory Commission Report _, . ' , , ' .. , .. 2 Table of Contents , . v Plenary Documents, .. _',' ,.,', .. 2 Introduction: General Series. ,' ' ,,,, 2 Explanation. ...................................................Verbatim Records, ,,,,'.' vii ,. 7 Abbreviations Official Records, .. ,,,, .. ',.,,," viii .. , .. ,., .. 8 Establishment of Trusteeship Council ,..................... ix Ad 110C Committees: Members and Terms of Office, 1947 ,................. ix Officers of the Council, 1947 Rules of Procedure ',, ,. x ' .. ,,. 9 Plenary Meeting Records of the First§~~~~I~s7~~~'c~f'Session. .. .. Vi;i~i~~' ~1i~~i~~'.. ..........~~ \V~~;e~~' x S~~~~,' ~ :. 10 Ad hoc Committees of the First Session, .. ..... Xl 11 Visiting Mission appointed at the FirstTanganyikaSession.Petitions , XIV ,., . 11 Plenary Meeting RecordsSecondof the SecondSession,Session.Lake Success,.. 24 November 1947 toxv4 May 1948: Ad hoc Committees of the Second Session. ...... xvi Plenary Documents: Visiting Mission appointed at the Second Session xxi General Series ,', . 12 Check List of Documents, 1947/48. ....Verbatim.. ..Records. ', .. , , _. , . 25 Explanation Meeting Records_... .. .. ,. 26 First Session, Lake Success, 26 MarchOfficialto 28RecordsApril 1947, and',.,.,.,.,.,,.,.Interim: 29 Preparatory Commission AdReport hoc Committees:,.' ,,................ 2 Petitions. .. .. ,.,. _'.,,_ ,. 30 Plenary Documents.. _ ,' ,.,......... 2 Drafting Committee on Resolutions relating to Petitions '. 30 General Series. ,.........................Jel'usalem _ .. .. ,,,,_ , 2 . 30 Verbatim Records, ...........................Joint Committee of the Economic.. and Social7 Council and Official Records ,.Trusteeship.. Council ,..........' 8 ' . 32 Ad 110C Committees:Information Series . 33 Rules of Procedure.Reports.....,,to General Assembly' . 9 33 10 §~~~~I~s7~~~'c~f' Vi;i~i~~' ~1i~~i~~' ~~ \V~~;e~~' S~~~~ "~ :. 11 Tanganyika Petitions ,., v . 11 Second Session, Lake Success, 24 November 1947 to 4 May 1948: Plenary Documents: General Series ,',..................... 12 Verbatim Records. ', .. ,, ,....... 25 Meeting Records ,........ 26 Official Records. .... .. .. ,. .,.,.,. ,.,....... 29 Ad hoc Committees: Petitions. ..... '.,... .. ,...... 30 Drafting Committee on Resolutions relating to Petitions ... '... 30 J el'Usalem.. " _................. 30 Joint Committee of the Economic and Social CO,unci! and Trusteeship Council. .. ,............. 32 Information Series . 33 Reports to General Assembly ... 33 v TABLE OF CONTENTS 4: TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIl Pag, / Petitions: Petitions concerning Trust Territories in General . 3~ Petitions concerning Western Samoa . 3'j Petitions concerning Tanganyika . 3'j Petitions concerning Ruanda-Urundi . 41 Petitions concerning the Cameroons under British Administration . 42 TABLE OF CONTENTS Petitions4: TRUSTEESHIPconcerning the CameroonsCOUNCIl under French Administration .. 42 Petitions concerning Togoland under British Administration . 42 Petitions concerning Togoland under French Administration . 43 Petitions concerning New Guinea . 45 / Petitions: Petitions concerning Nauru . 45 Petitions concerning Trust Territories in General . 3~ Agrccmcnts . 46 Petitions
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