DOCUMENT RESUME ED 064 263 TE 002 942 AUTHOR Gilleland, LaRue W., Ed. TITLE Schools and Deuartments ofJournalism. Journalism Education Orgardzations.Professional g Student Honorary Societies. NationalFunds, Fellowships, and Foundations in Journalism.Media and Professional Associations. Collegiate and ScholasticServices. PUB CATE Jan 72 NOTE 36p. JOURNAL CIT journalism Educator; v26 n4 p16-51 January1972 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *Co1le,7es; Communications;Fellowships; Foundation Programs; Honor Societies;*Journalism; *Mass Media; Organizations (Groups); *ProfessionalAssociations; *Universities ABS7RACT This is a 1:i.sting of Schools andDepartments of Journalism in colleges anduniversities in the U.S. and Canada,and of professional organizations;National Funds, Fellowships, and Foundations in Journalism; Mediaand Professional Associations;and Collegiate aad Schoiastie Services. (DB) SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS OF JOURNALISM Alabama W. Milner, chairman and associate pro- fessor. ALA'3,,MA, UNIVERSITY OF Faculty: prof. Donald E.13! own (Br, Tuscaloosa, Ala. a5401. Tel. (205) 348- Cs,Ss);assiy:.profs, Robert H. Ellis 5060. Department of Journalism, 1928. (Br,Mt), Joe W. Milner (Rp,Ed,Lw); re's William E. Winter, chairman. asst. profs. ElDean Bennett (Br,ln,Th), Faculty: profs. Kenneth Bell (Ad,Cn, John R. Coyne Jr, (Mz,Rp,Ew), Rob- Ng) Gr), John Luskin (Ed,Cs,lis), William ertE.Lance (P1Hs,Pr), Ben Silver rg E.Winter(Lw,11s,Rp);assoc.profs. (Br,Rp);instrs,JosephP.Zesbaugh Miriam G. Hill (Fw,Rp,Mz), Charles (Br), Max Jennings (EdiRp,Gr); lectrs, lard.Scarritt (Rp,Ew); asst.profs. Charles J. Morris Richards, William Roedeker 0 Arrendell(Thiln,Hs),Frank Deaver (Br), Earl G. Stinson (Ss); others:J. (Cs.Rp,Ss), Robert A. Olins(Ad,Pr, Morris Richards, visiting; Earl G. Stin- Th), Arlyn S. Powell (Ad,Pr,Mz); instr. son, part-time, William Roedeker, part- Michael Sewell (Rp,In,Hs). time. CZ:1 Sequences: News-Editorial,Advertising, Sequences: News-Editoriai, Radio-TV. La Public Relations, Facilities: AP, ETV, CCTV, Com. R. Facilities: UPI, ETV. NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY SAMFORD UNIVERSITY Flagstaff. Ariz. 86001. Tel: (602) 523- Birmingham,Ala.35209,Tel;870- 2462. Department of Journalism, 1964. 2950. Department of JournaEsm, ASJ- SDX. Robert M. Cooley. assistant pro- SA. Alabama Press Association. Rich- fessor and chairman. mond 0, Brown, head and assistant pro- Faculty: asst.profs. Bert N. Bostrorm fessor. James M. Coffroth; instr. Mary M. Du- Sequences: News editorial,Broadcast, mond, Teacher certification. Sequences: Newspaper-Editorial, Public Facilities: Newspaper, Literary Maga- Relations, Advertising, Mass Communi- zine, Radio Statioli. (1971 data) cations, Journalism Education. Facilities: AM, FM, UPI, ETV, CCTV. Alaska Majors: 160 undergraduate, 5 graduate. ALASKA, UNIVERSITY OF Degrees 1971; 21 bachelors. 1 masters. Fairbanks, Alaska 9°701.Tel:(907) 479-7761, DepartmentofJournalism, Arkansas 1961, KAM. Jimmy Bedford, head, Facully: profs. Jimmy Bedford. Charles ARKANSAS, UNIVERSITY OF J. Keim; lectr. Dean Wariner; Robert Fayetteville, Ark 72701, Tel. (501) 575- S. Mansfield (visiting). 3601. Department of Journalism, 1930. Facilities: FM, ETV, AP. KTA. Jess B. Covington, chairman. Faculty: prof. Jess B. Covington; assoc. profs. William J. Good, A. W. Blake; Arizona asst, prof. E. C. Deane. ARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF Facilities: AP. Tucson, Ariz. 85721. Tel: (602) 884- ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK, 2561. Department of Journalism, 1948. UNIVERSITY OF AASDJ, KTA, SDX, TSP. Philip Man- Little Rock. Ark. 72204. Tel:(501) gelsdorf, head. 565-7531. Journalism Department, 1969. Faculty: prof. Philip Mangeldorf (Rp, ADS. Heber Taylor, head. Hs.In); assoc profs. Donald W. Carson Faculty: prof. Heber Taylor: nsst. peof. (Cs,Rp,Ew), George W. Ridge (Lw,Ed.,- Gene McCoy; lectrs.JerryDhonati, Th); asst.profs. Wallace Dee Beene James (Jim) Pitcock, Jerome Leaven. (Rp,Br,Fw), James V. Lamb (Rp,Mt, Sequences: News (Advertising is offered Pj); lectr. Thomas C, Cooper (Cn,Mz, in Marketing and Adv. Dept.) Pj);others:Thomas C.Duddleston Facilities; "Internship" tie-in with Little (Rp), Keen A. Rafferty (Rp), Rock newspapers, magazines, broadcast Sequences: News-Editorial, Community stations. Journalism, Magazine Journalism. , Facilities: AP. ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Jonesborol Ark. 72467. Tel: (501) 972- ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY 3070. Division of Radio-TV, Journalism Tempe, Ariz. 85281._Tel: (602) 965- Printing, 1951, Printing Industries of 5012. Department of Mass Communi- America, Assoc. for Professional Brdcst, cations, 1957. ASJSA, SDX, TSP.Joe Ed. Charles Rasberry, chairman. 16 Journalism Educator, January jie2 v26, n4 GUIDE TO LISTINGS NYTSNew York TimesService Schools and departments listed here offerRNAReuters News Agency undergraduate and/or graduateprogramsUN--United Press International in journalism andmass communications. In-ETVEducational institutionowns TV formation on each program incluot.s, among facility: broadcasts extend4o general other data, names andranksof faculty members andsequences in which studentsCCoTuVblicClosed circuit TV -facilityfor may concentrate, This year forthefirst laboratory and classroomuse time teaching specializationsare given forCom.Rad.Local commercial faculty members of schools radio station and depart- used by students in presentingprograms ments affiliated with ASJSAor AASDJ. All as par+ of academic work degree-granting senior colleges anduniver-Com.TVLocal commercialTV station used sities with courses organized under by studentsin journal- presenting programsas ism orcommunicatio.)sdepartments or part of academic work schools are invited to submit dataon theirCATVLocal communityantenna TV chan- programs. For information regarding two- nel used by studentsin presentingpro- year institutions, the reader is referred -to grams as part of academic work the Junior College JournalismAssociation, described in the Journalism Education Or-Abbreviations for aching Specializations: ganizationssection. Themost commonlyAdAdvertising used abbreviations inthis issue are listedAgAgricultural journalism below, See page 56 for enrollmentdata. BrBroadcast journalism (televisionand/or Association Affiliation: radio) BuBusiness, financialwas,. AASDJAmerican Associationof Schools and Departments of Journalism CiCinematography for journalism ASJSAAmerican Society CnCommunity newspapo-_ ofJournalismCsCommunications and soc:ety School Administrators EdEditing EtEthics of journalism Student and Professional Societies: EwEditorial writing ADS --Alpha Delta Sigma FwFeature writing AER Alpha Epsilon Rho GrGraphics and typography APG Alpha Phi Gamma HsHistory of journalism 8PG Beta Phi Gamma GAX InInternational journalism Gamma Alpha Chi LwLaw of thepress KAM ----Kappa Aloha Mu McMinorities andcommunication KTA Kappa Tau Alpha MtManagement PAtvi Alpha Mu MwMedical writing PDE Pi Delta Epsilon MzMagazines PRSSAPublic Relations Student PjPhotojournalism Society rr America PoPublic opinion SD): Sigma Delta Chi PrPublic relations TSP Theta Sigma Phi RpReporting (newsgathering and writ. Abbreviations for Facilities: if;c3) SsSecondary schools AM, FMRadio SwScience veliting APAssociated Press ThTheory, methodology,research CPCanadian Press TwTechnical writing Facte;y:assoc. profs. Charles L. Ras- prof. Don Pennington; berry, L. W. Plunkett; asst. prof. Dar- instr. James A. relE. Cunningham; Johnson; Louis King,part-time. instrs.Rebecca Sequences:News-Editorial, Gardner, Roy Ockert, Don Cherepski, Teaching. Secondary Robert Kern, Jon Braswell, Eugene Bal- lard. Facilities:FM, UPI, CCTV. Sequences:Newspaper Journalism, Ra- dio-TV. California Facilities:FM, AP, CCTV, CATV. CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITYOF Berkeley, Callf. 94720.Tel: (415) 642- HENDERSON STATE COLLEGE 3383.GraduateSchool of Journalism, Arkadelphia, Ark. 71923. Tel;(501) 1968. SDX, TSP. 246-5511. Department of Journalism, dean. Edwin R.Bayley, 1968. Claude Sumerlin, chairman. Faculty: Faculty:prof. Claude Sumerlin; profs Albert G.Pickerell, Jos- assoc. eph Lyford, BernardTaper; assoc. prof. Journalism Educator, January 1972 IT 3 DavidLittlejohn;lectrs.JamesC. 498-981, Journalism Department, 1949. Spaulding, Andrew A. Stern, Richard ASJSA, SDX, TSP, APG. Dixon Gayer, Reinhardt. chairman. Facilities: AP, CCTV. Faculty: profs. Dixon Gayer (Pr,Fw, assoc. CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF (UCLA) Ss),JamesBliss(Ed,Pj,Rp); Los Angeles,Calif, 90024. Tel:(213) profs. Robert McKnight (Rp,Fw,Mz), 825-4501. Department of Journalism, Ben Cunningham (Rp,Et,Cs), Jimmie 1950. KTA, SDX. Walter Wilcox, pro- Davis (Lw,Gr,Mz); asst.prof. Phyllis fessor and chairman. Jackson (Pj,Pr); instr.patt-time; An- Faculty: profs, Jack Lyle; assoc. profs. thony Schultz (Br,Pr). Frank LaTourette; Lecturers (full-time): Sequcnces:News-Editorial,Teaching, James Howard, John Bennett; Lecturers Public Relations (awaiting approval). (part-time): Digby Diehl, Tames Good- Facilities: UPI, CCTV, CATV, rich, Michael Goodman, Maury Green, CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE Nathan Kaplan. Los Angeles, Calif. 90032. Tel: (213) Sequences: Newspaper/Magazine; Broad- 224-3626, Department of Journalism & casting, Broadcasting, 1947, SDX, TSP. Nichol- Facilities:AP,CityNewsService, as Beck, acting chairman. CCTV,LaboratoryNewspaperand Faculty: prof, Robert Blackmon (Lw), Magazine. Et,Hs); assoc. profs, Donel Price (Br), CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE RobertSherwood(Br);asst.profs. Fullerton,Calif,92631,Tel;(714) Nicholas Beck (Rp,Mc,Ci), Gaye Smith 870-3517, Department of Communica- (Rp,Et,Pr), Lester Switzer (Ew,Rp,Cs); tions.1960. ADS, PRSSA,
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