
Assemblies of God TM I>r. \inson S,lnan. righl. de;1II of the Regent l' nher,il~ St'hooJ of J)jlinil,I, ~potled hi ~ falher in Ihi, 1961 Ilholll of J>t'nlct'o~lal Fcllo\\,hip of 'orlll America lead!:'r ... From III(' lefl arc R. Ik)'lIlt \lilcllell. J. \. S~mlll. JlIIIIC'> A. Cros... T. F. Zillllllcrrnall. alld Cllrllon Spencer. Visitors to the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center HelUI\, forJller RCli\altirnc wloi<;1 Ijl Sundberg <lnd her hu,>band I{. I)uane ,\ndcrson d,ilcd Ih{' <':cnlcr in June. lIerc Ihe,' art' cnjo) ing ;1 \ ideo of the laic Clmrlc'i (; .. eeflln\a~ al the Foreign \lissiol1!> kiusk. 1'1 BIISIH illHl1H FL()\\ tR I'f. ~ I ECO' 1 \1. IIER IT\(a·. OSIER Springfield. \lh~(JUri \1I"S IERI"(; I" LOL ISlA" \ A "Illry of the fOnllCr <.,upcrinlcndcnt of Ihe LOUl'lHma Di"tricl. Cecil Jarmuy. hom lenl mCCltn!:!,> to thc Di..,trict office. Now arter 50 year-. of marriage. he 5 <lnd 01111.' cOntuluc mmi\lcring in ... ong. Owen WilkIe Ry - 1I0W \Ril C \ R'I ER. I'EVIECOSTAL \\ARRIOII TakLIl!! it nt'\.'. 10010.. al a rt!\pcclcd Icadcr III hi.., mini ... 'r> \\llh the A ..... cmbhc .. of God of Great Britillll and Ireland. Ill' ,'ho led the 11 II ,unp\,cad Blhle School. and h,\ \"'rillng\ on the Spiril-li1lcd life wac trl, .. \urcd hy many around the v,'orld. By David Bund) SE\ f' I.ESSO'S FI!O\J \ FAT Il ER-1Il (; 11 CORE\ .\ denllt'd \on \Hill'''' a I'alher\' Day Iribull! to hi ... d)1I1g lather. Hugh Corey. 23 lonner pa"tnr and \upcrintcndcfH of Iht.! Southern i'cv. Eng land Di ..,tricl. B~ narry Ilu~h Co r c~ TilE WILEY FA VlILY What wa .... 1\ lI~c 10 groy., up \\ ith the PCll1 eco .. 1a1 movemcnt ill SOlltln'vc .... ' V1i .... ouri and Ar~ama .. '! Loo~ing lU the Wi icy f: l lllil~ 28 will gwe u ........ omc all'.. wcr ..... By Glenn Gohr .1 Ilcrilage I.clter IX Seen III Print \erll e :lnd HUlh 20 Photo.... from Our Reader... \lac "' i ll lle~ \ i!>i lin}! Ihe Flo"er i'enlfi'(l..,la l J) Tillle hamc lI erila}!e Center. ,16 I"nllll Our Reader ... l .1X .\n.:h 1\ 1.'''' ,\<.:\1\ IIIC .... lIui/{jK ~ i" puhli'h~d IIU llrlerl.' h.' Ihe Flo"('r l'enl«:o~I:I1 Hu il:l!:e Cenler Iforlll( r i., h .... lllhlle' uf ( ;lId \ rchiH~ l . 1-'-1 5 lloo n , i ll~ \\e .. "pringficld. \10 65t102. ( ~, n H STH ~ : \ \ il.llie \\arner. ('{I il or and director; J U)l~ Lee. ardlh b l; (;lenn Gohr. as~is l lm l archi, isl :tn d cop~ ('(11 101'; IIn'lI 1':I,iu. archhe.. 1I ...."i,I:IIII; Am, ~ ulfe r. Se!:reIMJ. Ye:lrl, Mlbscripl iun. 5 12.50; lirelime ~u bscrip l ifJll . $ 150. IIrritagl! i ~ inde:>.ed in Hl'ligjo/l IlIffrx Ollr: 1',nlNlirall, puhll,hl'd II) Ih e .\meriean Theuloj!ical Libr ar~ ,hwci:ltiu n. 820 Chur(" h ~ I rtt l . Suile 300. E'-anslon. I I.. 6(1201. I llc inde\ is 11:lrl or Ihe \TI.A Rl'Iigioll l)al:lb3se. a'ailable on "iI,onlli'\(" CI)·RO\1 rrum II . \\. Wilson Co. and onli ne , ia \\;I-o nl hl('. li N"; Inr"r million '1I'chnoIClj!il";, and I)\ ALO(; InfornHIr iu n Sl' n ice,. \licrnfihn of lIuitaJ(r is a.ailable from Theological He<;e:lrch hdmnge 'ell.url< n IU:' l. 5-'20 ..... E. Gli"M, Portland . OR 9721.\. 4:> Co , )~ ri g hl 1999 II) Thc Gell er:11 Coun cil Asse ", b ' ic~ of (;00, I ~~ II"omili e \ 'e.. Sprinl: field. \10 65802· 1119-1. ISS' 01196· -1.195. 1'0':0 1'\1 \'i I ~ R; Scnd atl drt'" ch:lfllte 10 lI l'fjtag~. 1 ~5 Iloon.ille "e.. S,)rinl:fidd, " 0 65802· 1119-1 . HERITAGE LETTER lrilliam Parry, a Olle-Mall Light Jor lhe Lost A Layman Who Made a Difference T hi" is a ..,tory of a layman who made a Ulffl'rl'IKl' in the lives of tho ... c \\ho were not only clo,"c to him. oul a]<,n countless people he would ne\er \cL'--[ho'>l' \\110 qruggit::d 011 the other ..,ide of the gtohc In an dfon \0 make lift.: more bearable ilnd bring other.. clo\cr to thl' God \\ hom he "cr\ cd. Vlay it challcngc other ahlc-bodllxl men and women who arc yet [0 find it niche III v. hich [() li\"('" nUl 111L'ir n.'lm:­ menl year ... prodw':livd) for the "-.Illgtiolll. Jt all began \\ ilh pam and hard"hip'" thaI \Vililam Pall) ,,<\\\ on a 1949 Irip to Grcat Brila1l1. I kre hl\ he"111 rt.'ilo:ilcd nUl to rdatives \\ho \\'crc ... (111 \lIfh:ring Ihe Cn~l'l\ of World 11. He retired from a U. S. Go,ernment career in J 9-'0, but by 19-'9 at the age of 70 he began a ne" career that kept him busy in the Kingdom for the next 23 yea rs. \\ illi:ull :md \!ar.1 Parr.' in Ihe late 1') .\O~. and he returned to his home in Washington. D.C.. deter­ II ,>ecm ... on I) f.lIr. a... \\c loo~ had, 101949. Ihal;1I Ihe mined 10 do something about it. llis daughICf. Eleanor age of 70 and a widowcr. Wilham Parr) dc ... ern:d it n::laxlIlg Parry. Spring/icld. Mi<,s()uri. remember ... that lirc-changlllg relln.'men!. Bul people were In need. I k ~ne\\ hI..' could trip: " Il e began sending them clothing and food items that m .. ~e a dll'ference ..\nd for the next 2.1 year ..... until hi '> tle:llh wefe scarce. and thu ... c''I>eI1<,ivc.'' in October 1972. he ,>hlpped clothing and Chri'>tt;1Il III~ra­ The mini'>I!)' that began in 1949 would "eep [hi .... retI red lUre to app r eciatl\"~ nal ional,> ([round the world, promplll1g U. S. GovcnUllcnt worKer busy lor the rcst of his life. Ihou,>amb 10 rbe and call him hk ... '>ed. In the carly year ... of hi ... retirement Illl11i"try. he sent L ()o ~ ing hac~ 011 her father .... miv,ionary career. Eleanor mostly clothing thaI people gave to him and ..,Imh Ihal ht: [x'lie\·c,> ... he IHh a 1."luc 10 thi .... 1J1Iere,>1. -'\Iother \\anted 10 bought as ullclalllled laundry. Year.., later when he moved 10 hI..' a mi ...... ionary." ... hc recalled. "Bul .... hc nc,"cr rcall/cd Illal Springlicld. Missouri, he discovered that Gospel Publishing de..,ire a.... "hI.! I()()~ carl' of hcr invalid mOlher:- Iiouse had surplu<, literature that \vll'> a\ailahlc for min­ '0\\ a relired librarian from Cenlral Bihle College ;Hld i..,trics liKe hi .... So in the 1110\(: 10 Springfield. hi.., o\,cl"..,ca.., E\;Ulg.d Lni\er.... it~. FIe,II101" .... peull;lIe~. '·1 JU .... I womkr If ministry changed from clolhing 10 lileralure--a ,>orl of one­ pc r hap~ II \\:1 .... 11\..'r 11l1~""I()nar~ \ i .... inn Ihal \hl'" n: .... pon .... lhk man forerunller to today\ Light for Ihe LO<,1 IilCralllr~ pro­ for [hi~[ inh.'re"t III mi ........ ion ....... gram. lh.' for \)"illtalll P;UT) began 120 )L'ar" ago ne:.;1 Ouohcr He built shelves in the basement where L In \ ·IOlTi.., Run. Tioga Count). Penn'» ha nl ~I.:I .... Ihe Ihu·d He sorted literature for mailing, and he child of Ed\\ilrd and Rachcl Pan"). From the tlllle he \\iI'> almo'>l 12 year~ of age unlll he kept records of what he sent and to whom. pa<.;<.;ed 1m 161h hirthda). William \ .. ()r ~ l.!d dunng lite <';lllll­ mer in Ihc coal mine,,- 1'0110\\ In!! in h,.... lather'" 1"00h1Clh. QlIic~ l ) buildmg a Illu .... cular body from Ihl.: h;ml work hI.: incrca"ctJ hi" produCIt\IIY willt hI" gro\qh and <.;()on could \\a ~ ne W:lrntr i~ direl'lor of Ihe <.; ho\el 20 lon~ of coal ;1 day. h ~e mbli es of God \r c hh e~ and editor But. fOrtunalcJ,. the coal nllne \\<1" nol 10 be 1m lifc\ of H eritage. He b author of Tile ,,"olllan El'a ll gefi.~1 (l\.1ari:1 U. \\oo(hlorlh-Eller); work. The door oul of Ihe mille" \Va,> Ihrough hi .... 1899 AathrYII XIIMmall: The Womall lIeJu"1II1 Iraining al DuBai<.; Bu ... inc .... " College in DuBoi .... lite Mirac/e .~: and compiler of 1110 books Penn ... ylvania. From here he \\a,> able 10 pick up wor~ in un Smith \\iggles'lorth's se rl1lon~; The orficc<,. which prepared him for a .15-year career with Ihe U. I ""°;"';"8 of II ;, Sp;,;' ",," 0",), "";m. s. Govcmmelll in Wa"hinglOll and cbewhcn::. Twerlly-four of li1o<.;e year" were \\llh Ihe Bureau of Standard<.; which AlG HERriAGE. SPRI NG 1999 3 I ,i ler;llur(' hein~ dhlrihuled in Indi:l. \ pil'lnr in \Imk, '\i~l.'ria, IHoie hi, :lllprel.'ialiun to "illiam J>:lrr~ Ilith Ihi, phow 'ih(J\\ in~ li terature Parr} hlld ,enl. \ ,\i~{'ri:UI pa.,tor, \lic:lh '\. Ell.', 11.'1'1, , harin ~ lill.'r:llure in 1972 In a l(Jn ~ letter \\ilh Ihi, Sunlla.1 <;dlOol pholo. ;111 EIIAU,h p:I\lor in I\ilh ulher Ila,luf\. "illiam I'llrr) ,enl IllOu':lnd, of piece, nf \rmhoroll~ h Hanls e!l: pr e~!tCd hi o; thank, 10 "Lncle \\ iIIilllU" for hb kind· lill.'ralur(' and dnt hin ~ around Ihe Ilurid .
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