t REGD. GOA' G 1 Panaji, 21st March,1991 (Phalguna 30, 1912) SERIES IIfNo.51 .OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA '. GOVERNMENT OF GOA Irrigation Department Worb Divilion I, Penaji - Go. Tender Notice No. 6-9/WDIjIrrg/Accts/40/90-91 The Executive Engineer, Works Division I, Irrigation Department, Panaji-Goa. invites on behalf of the Governor of Goa, sealed item rate tenders from approved and eligible ~ontractors registered in appropriate class and· category of P.W.D!. Goa State or those eligible and registered in PWD/lrrigation Department ,of. the other States•. EsLmated Earnest Cost of money cost put Class of Time I1mit tender Sr. No. Name of work to tender deposit contractor form· as. as. as. L Immediat~ temporary Anti-Sea-Erosion' protection. wall 12,93,837.00 20,0001- I,B 270 days 150/- behind. Kala Academy at ~pal; Panaji. (H&I) Tenders Will be received up to 3.00 -po m., on., 2-4-91 and later than 2.30 p: m. of 215-3-91 along with valid Income-tax will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on' the same day in the Offlce Clearance Certificate and certificate issued by the appropriate of' the . Superintending Engineer, Circle I, I. D., Junta House authOrities regarding their p'erfonnance in. execution of (Annexe), Panaji~Goa. Earnest Money should be deposited Similar works costing above Rs. 10 lakhs. -The Contractor in the State Bank of ~ndja or in any SchedUled Bank in the . of outside Goa should have complete~l at. least 3 works fonn. of Deposit at Call Receipt in favour of Executive costing not less than Rs. 3 lakhs each. ,In -case of outstation Engineer, Works Division y, Ing. Dept., Panaji"Goa, or applications it should' be accompanied· by a Demand Draft dpposit in the Post Office Saving Banlt pledged to Govern­ of .Rs. 200.00. including postal' charges. " ment be enclosed with the tender. to Right to accept Or reject any 'or all the- tenders Without assigning any reason thereof is reserved. _ Tender fonns will be issued on all working days up to 4.00 p. m. -of 28-3-91 to the appropriate class of contractors Panaji, . 27th February, 1991. - The Executive Engineer, v";!ose applications for tenders received .in this Office not A. A. Kulkaa-ni. Works Division V. Korim~S8t8ri-Goili In p~ial modifications to the office tender notice under reference to· _above,__ in respect of :work .noted 'wider':~bje~t follOwing ·alterations are' made as' regards to: - . ,... Corrigendum i) Dat~ ~f op'enirig' of tender' shat'l' be read- as: 25-3~1991 No. 11/24/ID/. AlP /WDV / ACCTS/T... N./90-91 tnstead of 22-3-91. Sub: - Guniting upstream face of l\oIaSonary Dam II of 2) The work against SI. No.' 2 of tender notice shall be - Anjunem Irrigation Project at' Kerim, Sattari~ read Item Rate ins~ad of ,Percentage Rate." . -Goa. ii) Painting of meohanical structure of Masonal'Y • Th~ remaining contents of the above tender notice will Dam at Kerim, Sattan-Goa. remam unchanged. Ref: -Tender Notice No. 11/24/ID/AIP/WDV/ACCTS/ Kerim, 11th March, 1991. - The ExeCUti~e 'E?~ee:r; J. :'8. T. N./90-91 dated 28,-2-1991.· . Khanuja. Wor~ Division VII, Xelpem~ Mapusill-Goill Tender Notice No. ID/WDVll/F.8-1(Vol.6)/19/90-91 The Executive Engineer, Works Division VIi, Irrigation Department Xelpem_~Mapusa-Goa, invites on behalf of the­ (",-overnor of Goa, sealed item rate tenders for the below mentioned work, from· approved and eligible contractor-s registered in appropriat~ clfl.ss and category of the P.W.D. Goa-State or those eligible and registered in P.W.D./Irrig. Dept. of the oth~r States, Central-.I:'.W.D. in the Country and possessing experience of'~having satisfactorily executed' at least three· works of :p.ot less than ·15 lakhs each in Irrigation Sector. Estimated Earnest Time limit cost put money Class of Cost of Sr. No. ·Name of work exclu~g tender deposit contractor tender to monsoon as. .Rs. as. 1. Construction of' Right Bank Main -canal of Tillari 46,32,724/- 20,000/- I-B 450 days 150/- Irrigation Project from ch. 6.070km. to ch, 7.455km. (H&I) , a~ ~Hali and Chandel,,_village in, Pernem Taluka. & a.bove. 856 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No.-------------------- 51 21ST MARCH, 1991 Tenders _will be received in the office of the Superintending. than 5.30 p. m. on 21-3-91 along with tke' valid Income-tax EngiIleer, Circle II,' lITigation Department, Duler-Mapusa-Goa Clearance Certificate and list of. works executed by- the con­ up to' 3.00 p. roo on 25-3-91 and will be opened at 3.30 p. m. tractor. Those contractors who are registered in Goa State on the same day in the office of the Superintending Engiheer,. in the appropriate class, experience certificate will not be Circle II, Irrigation Department, Duler-Mapusa. The Earnest Insisted. '. - Money Deposit should be deposited in the State Bank of India or in any Scheduled Bank· in the: form of Deposit at Call . If the tender papers are needed' by Post, extra rupee& Receipt in' favour of" ,Executive Engineer, WDVII, I. D., Fifty (Rs. 50/-) will be required to ,be deposited in the Offic·e Xelpem-Ma.pusa tp be enclosed with tender. of the undersigned. Tender forms will be issued on all working days up to Right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without 5.30 p. m. ,on 22-3-91 to the conttactors having registered in assigning any reason thereof is reserved. appropriate class ana experience as mentioned above and whose applications for tender received iri this office" no~_latE~r Mapusa. 6th March, 1991. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-. Works Division X S. I. ·P. Masonry Dam Division. Pajimol. Sanguem Ten(ler Notice No; ID/X/AE/I.A(4)/40/S0·91 The Executive Engineer, Works Division X, Irrigation Department, Pajimol: Sanguem-Goa, invites on behalf of the Governor -of Goa, sealed item rate tenders from approved -and' eligible contractors registered in appropriate class of eategory of the P.W.D. Goa State or those eligible: f!.nd registered _in ~.'Y.D./lrrigation Department of- the other states in the Country and- possessi~g expet?-ence of having sUccessfully executed '·similar type of work. .. Earnest·~---------------- Estimated cost Cost of Ji\0ll,t;y Class.of . 'Name Of· work put to terlder tenuer Sr. N6:··' c:iepos(t ,contractor ' TiIfle limit Rs~ Rs. Rs;. 1. Foundation treatment by colgrouting the rock'fill mass· 5,44,446-66 10,890/- II and 45 days 100/- below the stilling basin floor between 64: mtr. dis to ;abOY~.: ","84 mtr. dis. Tenders will pe received up to 3.00 p. m. on 4-4-91 and ,whose applicatiolls for _tenders r~ceived. in this Office not will-~';opened -at 3':30 p. m. -'on_ the same -day in the Office later than 27-3-91" ~p. to. .-?30 p._m.: ·~long :with. v~lid .:rD.conie­ of the Executive Engineer, Works--Division X (1. D.) Pajimol, -tax Clearance 'Certificate and list of similar works executed Sanguem-Goa. Earnest Money should be deposited in the /beirig executed by the contractor. In case of-' outstation State._Bank of India or-'in any SchedUled -Bank.in;the form applications is should be accompanied 'by:a Deman.d Draft. of Deposit at Call Receipt in_favour- of. the Executive Engi­ of -Rs. 150/-' including postal charges. neer.. : :Works" Division X (I._D.)· Pajimol, . Sangnem-Goa or deposit in Post Office' Saving Bank pledged to ,Govt. and to Right to accept or reject any or all the' tenders· without be en.closed with, the: tender. assigning any reason· thereof is reserved. ' .. The_ tender forms will be. issued. on all working . days up to· Sanguem, 8th March, 1991. --->rhe Executive Engineer, V . 4.00 p. ID. on 2~-91 to the appropriate class of contractors U. -Po Gaitonde~ . Works Divi$ion XI, Fatorde, Margao. GOft Tender Notice No, ID/WDXI!Accts/F. 31/2/90·91 , '. "~he Executive Engineer; Works Divn. XI~ Irrigation -Department, F-atorda, Margao-Goa, invites sealed item rate tenders' from approved and eligible contractors of C.P.W.D. _and those of the appropriate list of ,Union Territories/State P.W.D~/I~gation, Dep~ent!MES/RIYS~t up to 3.00 p.'m. on 5-4-1991 for the below m~?tioned work:- Earnest -; , Estimated money Class of cOst of Name work cost Time'l1ril!t tender Sr. No. lif deposit' contractor Rs. Rs, Rs. < .1.' Construction, of _Canal Head ,Regulator_ of Chapoli M. I. 26,12,858.30 20,000/- . Class IE 150/- . " Tank at Canacona. He ,should' have suc­ cessfully completed at least 3 works cos­ ting not less than 1.5 lakhs Tenders will be opened ·in· Circle ··r Office ~t -PanaJi· on "the quired by.post an amount .of Rs. ~5/- will_~e :'t;:harged e#ra same day at 3.00 p. m. E,M.D. should be deposited in the State (non-refundable) . Bank of India or in any Scheduled Bank in the form of De-­ posit. Call Receipt in favour of the Executive Engineer, Works Tenders of the contractors who do not deposit EaIJ1est DiVll. XI, I, D.; Fatorda, 'Mar gao or deposit in the Post of the Monev against work in:~ the prescribed form ,are liable < to be Saving or N. S. S pledged to Govt. and to- be enclosed with the rejected. tender.
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