28.2.85 Edinburgh University Student Newspaper--­ Labour group leader speaks to inquorate student audience ------Tt1is week GM gives support to the ------in District Council bY AnM McHaughl The issue of Nelson Mandala's nomination as a candidate In next month's Rectorial election has been reopened after Monday's General Meeting which passed unopposed an emergency motion resulting in the Association formally decrying the University's disqualification of Mandela from candidature, and Increasing its active demands for his release from prison. uncovering alegaJ loophOle whkh Also distu$$«1 by lhe 111 who would pet"m;t the nomination. and attended the GM W'(lte motions ,nld hO WttS meetlno w ith lawyett dWing with poUey rtglrd•no lhe to'lowlng day. Ed•nburgh Olstnct Council, ano l"he ~ motion concerned l~ Clmpjlgn lor a Scottish local govemmtnt $1)tnd•ng. and A.wtmbl)'. A tnOCion on sign spuk.ing In la'I0\11 wat L~b<Kir 1anguago had etrea<ty been OislrieL Councillor. Alox Wood. withdrawn, dut to a ehanoe of whowua110w0dtoe.peallbtetuse stance oo the matter by thO of the walvlng or a slanding otdOt cornmluee.. whlch prtvent.s non-membtl.t The motion supporting Mande&. trom speak.lng. He ex.'hOfted the ellc:ited no cM~et nega:ri'Yo.and the A$soe•aUon to suppon Edtnburgh AS THE rtct()('i~l ei'""'Uon l)(opostt, He.non Ebra.hl'm, briefly District Coundl's Ulogal bu6get approtel'lts. Stlldtnteontinues •umm~ up the cue for MtncH:Ia's ~. befOfe the mot)on could lis ccwora~ by ~reat~.ng a nom•noMon to be tccepted ptogrou. a lengthy, heaiOO. and pl.allorm for 1114' c.·un.pai9n He tevetled criticism at U~ somewhcu contusing debitO toolc se<:tetarros to votce t11eir •nfl&x!blllty or the reguta!Jons place over w~ieh or two se.- ot OPil'liOI'\$. concerning cencSidttel for tmendmena 10 1~ motion II RectorahJP. Md '"ptnieulat at the would be most prudent to accept f.act U'llt Mt.ncJela's nomln-'iOn no divi.&on wu over whether - Pages 12 and 73 had bt*\ bloc- ed ,.,01• It emphNls should be pl&ced on the reached the Scrutiny Committtt. tmporttnc. ot having 1 Scottish Theft was.. said Ebfahlm. "groat Assembly, as proposed by Kay te&$00.. to beUG'IIe thai the South Macleod. or whether, as Sut.an African aut~iuos ned Inter· Deacon tetponded, it wn Laugh? I nearly tepted the lOiter contelnlng thO -.ettcally unwi$e to bring that ntceuary ~gnaturo ol Mtl\dela't isSutlnto the artn.a. since It might died lawyer, the non-appearaoco of be "severely distracting'' to wf'!lch was all that p.revenled tht students, and coukl effect tht nomln.alioo. In the light of tM strength ot tuppoft gi>;t~"~ Finally. mutua.! deslreol both student. end the latter amendment, avoiding Mandel a hlmtell lor the mention ot 6 $coUish Ataembly. course ol actron would see the ~olti$11 Assembly. There was no canc:Hdature 10 ~ le<:tPIOd the was tlrVOurOCS. App.tiH\UY tl'le people of Ed'"burgh In a woru diroet negatfve 10 this, and the rftf\l:a.l of the Un~ity tottke the intorest ot .,,Torycontlngeru hacf pllght - compl1.ottOe with the motion was p.aued In a m.aUet of mlnut.s. s~al condition• olthe elM Into afre.ody been lost, as they wete centrtl gcwtrnment guldelinet, or Floe,lty, publlclty tl'le GM was wasunfalr,oontlnuedEbrol)im.a~ seen to 8.1lit lmmedlatety before an illegal budget tonowtd by toe' on<:e again discussed. The ttlete ot 1\o urgec:t the meellng to, "Say no the vote on thia. 1\ar&:h reprlul$. In the end, tbe to the Injustice ofthe situation; say The matn patt ot motfon then publicity 11 K 8 was e~ltte.itod, as ~he moUon to support the Council w1s 1'10 to the dlsaUowCng Mandela1s proceedOO.ahO'e't'eryoneappe;uect wefe the "lt~eomprehen$iblt. ot carried. ~dldature.· to be in agreement with IM 'VIe more like en ttbumcove,.. pottors.. John MIMI.ll di$elos.ocl that hate you. oenual oove~nment' Laat Of'l the e.9Q('da wtl$ the Again, JOhn Mannix appealoct tor ll'lvet.bgat-on was curronuy ool~ s:entrmentt ot tht f•nal speaker. question ot whether EUSA shoukt help with thl advtWII$Ing Jor on Into the poulbllhy of The s.aid aJgument wMovet what affiiJato wilh the Cam~Q/1 101 a tutthor meetings. Comm•nt p. S Mandela hopes founder Killing Joke- p.11 by Ao.bln HenJY regulaliont governing tho It now eppeara that tho ekM:tlons whlel\ uys; "Nomina· Unfvottily coun can change Ute Pollock bed bug 8oth tM UnfverNty and the ttoos mall bt acoomJM~niod by rogutatlonsgovernfng the election StvdenlS' .utoelatlon N•• now written tcceptli~ signed by the withOut ttftfence to the Privy blitz goes on eonlirmed thatth.r• I• no way ol candidate.. ••• No acc.eptances of Council. u was previously t.tns:IJiint Hatton Mandela •• a oomlnation by ftlegrarn, cable, by thought. """ the Privy Council reelodal candidate. PIOI(}'. orbttUythall be ae"CeptOod... Otdlnanot states thatthearrang.,.. Contents mentssnoutd bO "Cft«Hmintd !rom Tile prOblem or bed bugs In Mr Murdo Glllandors. tl'le Glven tills. Mt Glflanclers uld, tfme to time by the University Pof:IOdt Haus setms to bo tar trom administrative a.sslst&nt ttspon• "There was no way that any 2. 3, 4 s.peclal case couW be considered. CO\.Ir1-. Under eon t.tot. Six outbreaks o:lthe Sible fot the rectOtial election. tOld """'commem $tud1tnl lhal 1nt role or the All we had said wss that It we On Tuesday. JOhn Manrnx, tne • bugs Loners have been admitted to (t¢elved a .signature which llaOthe Seniof President. wtnt I() $00 tWO ••• otltcJ.ally lnFrts.or Housea./l"tCClaal serutlny Commin&e. whk:n haO FilM invatldalt<l Mandefa's nominadon . power of attorney, we WOUld mem~ of stall fn tho Yw • turnrner. Srvdtnr lnve:thgatot tne Art$ 7 was r'IOI10 lnt.arp-rtt me rulet but contact our law agent to see II It Fat.ulty 10 ask whether ''$C:rvtiny" wnars On Guide ettoctJ ol 1ht bfd bugs on only to cheek whttl'ler the rultt was va\ld. could bO tntMpreted In a wi<Jot Mus.•e 10,••• 11 tesidltrtts Of Ft'lsor. and the were being lollow«t Meanwhile. tht Students' sens& man "mp(y checking U1o Fettt.~res 12, 13, 14 •nt.mpta 10 oet rtd or rnem whtel\ While saylt'g ttl-at tne proceed· As.soc•atlon has been 1rytng to lind ruies. Tho answer was that thiS Spon 15 l\a'r9 f'loOI been wnouy.succ:e"'u' to lngs of 11'10 committot wertl out whether there wa.s any wty was wll hOUI precedent and very c.noons 10 d1ue. conlldentla1. Mr Glllan<ltrt drew M•n<~eta't nomination cout<t h•ve un.liketv CI'O$$'WOrd 16 F\lltatory, p. 3. altent~n ~o t,._ ru!O In the been vlltdtted ConUnutd on IM9• 2, col. 1 2 THE STUDENT Thura4ay. 281.h February 1985 NEWS ... MacDonald states Celebrities rectorial priorities back Ricky Richard Demarco's. • ttf')•year d•atoguo wtth Margo MacDonalcl has rectorial campaign launch Boyle and his fellow Specj~~U stressed the issues of Inmate$,.. ~ got off to an enthusiaslic university accommoda­ Jimmy Boyte was It tion for first years and the start last Thursday with a cemr>algn taunch,tnef SPQkeOft~e summation by the candi­ tlrm tvl)port lor Mr Oemarc llis shortfall in funding for believe wlloleheartedly tn wtl:· , the library as priortties to date of the role and value stends lor and htt:vo the grer, fie of a working Rector for the be tackled if she becOmes respoe-1 lor hfrn t .know he:!: University. make a good Rector for fdln,b!Jr 1 Rector. UnlvfUSily."' Qh In e statement at nJs launch, Mr A number of dlstlngu 1tted Oemareo stteued. "I lived 1 Ms MacDonald held a Quloet nave members of Untvvrsity etafl IYIOsl caf!lP'ign lau~ te.st Woctnesd.ay and workt<l In Edlnbul'gh au my tecently archheclure·a Proiessa. '" Teviot Row. at which Srl/dtflr IUe - ~~ just ss a 1 ~atre and Barrie Wilson. 11avo pledged tlltf oc.ttnutnber galf.ory and as a lund~ rt.aclc:t seemed co all director, tul)pott Ar1hur ~kler sent 111 Olhers present. rabbr ror educ.at•on and U1e am. enmusiastw: telegram from Nttt Sht supported l,.prOP<>NIIOttt· OUI as a guos1 lectt.~ret In York, ond a personal ftlend, Sea.11 lined by Graotnt Caner, Vice· urdvorstttes and sChools across Connery, spoke trom In Europe and North Atnertce." nts horne President (Cou11), to lntrocJuce a Spa1n to Sruae, this w~k oe his numbeJ ol aelt-catering pl.8ce.s lor "I feet I DeJong to Edinburgh, firm suppor' first ynrt In Pollock Halls; sne and understand Its value as an "I don't th1nk anybody OOOicl alSO expressed support for the l ntornatlonal c;ommunlcattons nave cont6&-ted tnia eltction VI Pli.l"'eip~ of twery first year studtnl eontro The language 01 art •• an tl!'rms of having bfougllt l'fiQf:e being tho opportunity of gtven Integral pan of any proces:s- ot fntemaHonat culture to Scotli~W t IAJiing University accommOdt• oducatk>n 11 has got me behind know he will gl"VO 100 per eenc 10 1lon me lrOtl Curta1n 21 limes sin-ee the teetorshlp 11 elected '*1 $he saw thequesrlon ol funding 1968, and behind the wt~lls ol weeJc;'' 8Minme to enabkt me to duvekJp rOf' tt'le ll.btlry $$ ~ 111-&t WOUld Dtwln SeOblt continue to be • problem In the futute, tnd aald it WOUkll'liVCI to bt seen whetner II COUld be U1Ck1ed wltl\ln the Unkttf61ty or whether it Tory leader keeps mJght be be1ter to see It a bOdy suCh as tnt.
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