• FACTS ON ASSUMPTION HIGH SCHOOL I . AN ACCREDITED,COEDUCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE CATHOLIC YOUTH OF SCOTT COUNTY. NON-CATHOLIC STUDENTS ARE ALSO WELCOME AND MANY ATTEND WHO ... are provided an opportunity to engage in a satisfactory college preparatory program ... are provided with a general education including the basic skills in arts and sciences ... are provided with an elective program a well integrated extra-curricular program a varied and intensive athletic program ... are provided with the opportunity for solid Christian formation through the guidance program, participation in the Liturgy, and instruction in fundamentals of Christian living. HISTORY In September of 1958 Assumption High School opened its doors. date the business education department. An adequate library, Now 930 students are enrolled. At present the faculty number 55. large cafeteria, auditorium seating 800, gymnasium seating 3,000. This is made up of 7 priests, 14 religious, and 29 lay teachers. and a chapel, serve the many and varied needs of the student Since Assumption opened, in excess of 3,500 youths of Scott County body and the community. have graduated, upwards of 85% of these have gone on to further their schooling. Seven of these graduates are now priests serving FLEXIBLEMODULAR SCHEDULING in the diocese of Davenport. A program involving variable time patterns, team teaching, large­ ADMINISTRATION small group instruction, plus independent and individual work. Assumption is governed by a School Board comprised of the Pastors The modular type schedule is of equal advantage to both the slow and lay representatives of each of the 13 parishes. This board and the gifted student. Both groups appear to fit into the program meets once a month. The school is supervised by a Principal ap­ equally well. There is time for additional assistance for the slow pointed by the Bishop and two assistant principals. student, and unlimited possibilities are within reach of the gifted FACILITIES student. Assumption houses 42 classrooms as well as completely equipped This program has been in effect five years, and has been highly laboratories for chemistry, physics, biology, foods, clothing, and succussful and is being continually evaluated with a view to im­ drafting. A typing room and a business machines room accommo- provement. I James T. Dockery 4 Convenient EQUITABLELIFE BRENTONBANK OF IOWA LOCATIONS 417 Davenport Bank Building Davenport, Iowa 324-9141 Thebank nearest you••• wherever youare! Compliments Compliments of Geurink's Standard Service Gallery of Lights FIRSTNATIONAL BANK 220 Gaines Street OF DAVENPORT Davenport, Iowa 52802 Brady at 16th/ Village Shopping Center Phone 322-9880 1936 Harrison Division at West 3rd Street / Northpark Mall Davenport, Iowa Clem L. Geurink 326-6441 2 DIO EE OF DAVE PORT V 74- 0 Holy Spirit, sent by the F•ther in the n•me of Jesus , who is present in the Church •nd in• fallibly guides it, pour out, we pray, the fullness of your gifts on our Diocesan Synod. Enlighten the minds of all who prep•re for the synod and will take p•rt in it. Grant that abundant fruit m•y ripen from the synod, that the light •nd strength of the Gospel may be extended; that religion •nd good works may flourish, that the knowledge of Christian truth may increase and guide our livea . Strengthen our minds in truth and our hearts to listen to your voice th•t we m•y carry out those things which the synod will decree . Renew your wonders in this our d•y as by a new Pentecost . Grant to this Church of Dav­ enport that being of one mind and steadfast in prayer with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and following the lead of Blessed Peter, it may ad­ vance the reign of our divine Savior, the reign of truth and justice, the reign of love and peace . Amen . +GERALD O'KEEFE Bishop of Davenport 3 DEANBASSETT , INC. 6220 BRADY ST. DAVENPORT, IOWA Phone 391-5900 Serving all of Scott County with The Best in Farm, Lawn and Garden ncn MODELVYC512 WEN Tractors and Equipment " • RCA stereo phono , 1H AM-FM-FM Stereo radio, 8-Track stereo tape player with stand CENTRALTRUST and headphones 32 3 -971 AND 95 * Where to dine in $199. SAVINGSBANK Downtown Davenport • AM-FM -FM Stereo radio tuner features slide-rule vernier tuning, AFC for drift-free FM, lighted dial. Eldridge, Iowa and built-in antennas. • 8-Track stereo tape player features automatic or manual track selection and track indicator Old fashioned Service in • Automatic changer plays records of all sizes a modern , beautiful Colo ­ and shuts off after last record . nial Building with a very • Feather Action tone arm protects records against warm atmosphere . audible needle scratch. • Separate bass , treble, stereo balance and volu me controls. See Your Favorite RCA Dealer 220 Ha rrison St. Membe r FDIC Phone 285 -4876 Price optional with dealer 4 CRAYON'S INC. Compliments of PORTING GOODS EXCLUSIVELY 222 Harrison Street A FRIEND DAVENPORT, IOWA 52801 PARENTS ' CLUB OFFICERS President Mrs . Richard Evans Vice President ................. Mr . Mike Bush Secretary ...................... Mrs . Robert Caryn Treasurer ..... ....... ..... ..... Mrs . Richard Blough Compliments Al's Truck Line,Inc. 758 Schmidt Road 1204 FOURTH AVENUE Davenport, Iowa 52802 Moline, Illinois Phone 322-0911 309/764-6177 "It's a long haul to Heaven" James Castrey, President Tom Grady , President of Board of Education 5 Voss Brothers EXPRESS-STORAGE MOVING PACKING SHIPPING CLEAN AND SANITARY Be APPLIANCE MOVING FIRE-PROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE Wise, LO G DIST A E MOVI G AG E T ALLI D VA LI ES Bank OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE 2 125 -29 THIRD AVENUE 309 788-569 1 SECURITY ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS 6120 1 CALL LARRY M RPHY FOR A FR EE ESTlMAT E • Free Checking - No Minimum Balance - No Service Charge • 4 in 1 Passbook Savings • Convenient Hours : Loan Department 8 :30 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m. All Other Departments 9 :00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Compliments COMPLIMENTS • Convenient Location • Safe - Member FDIC -Deposits of Insured Up to $20 ,000 .00 1613-15 Third Avenue FLYNN Moline, Illinois 61265 Join The Wise People TODAY Phone 764-2478 BEVERAGE CO. READY TO SERVE YOU FOR OFFSET PRINTING 710 Charlotte, Davenport, la. SECURITYState Trust and Savings Bank ENGINEERING and DRAFTING 17th at Grant , Bettendorf , Iowa SUPPLIES Member FDIC SCHLITZ BEER OFFICE COPY MACHINES DISTRIBUTOR PHOTO MURALS 6 MEN 'S AND BOY 'S WEAR EXCLUSIVELY A. B. DICK PRODUCTS OF QUAD CITIES INC. 3811 HARRISON ST. DAVENPORT, IOWA VISIT OUR ALL NEW THIRD FLOOR 52806 THE JEAN BARN - THE PIT STOP & THE BOY'S SHOP PHONE 386-1777 222 W. SECOND STREET DOWNTOWN DAVENPORT CONGRA TULA TI ON TO THE HO ORED of A MPTION HIGH CHOOL • GLENN D . REESE • • Repairers - Contractors - Estimators • 1354 W. THIRD ST. DAVENPORT , IOWA 52802 From Your Friends Atop Brady Street Hill PHONE 322-8597 PalmerCollege ofChiropractic 1000 Brady Street Davenport 7 BUCKHORNTAVERN George John Alice Congratulations Assumption 8 McCARTHY INSURANCEAGENCY Kahl Building Davenport, Iowa 52801 Pau l V . Ryan Robert D . Knight Kelly's Telephone(319) 322-6229 Circle Tap Bowlmor Lanes 2952 Brady Davenport, Iowa • Patio Lounge • Resturant • Summer League • Open Year Round • Air-conditioned Bowling SPECIAL SUMMER TIME STUDENT RATES 9 There 's no one exactly like you , Assumption Central Engineering Co. ThomasE. Mooney AGENCYMANAGER "FOR YOUR The Equitable Life Assurance REAL ESTATE Society of the United States NEEDS" SUITE209 BRENTON BANK BLDG . 1606 BRADY STREET P.O. BOX 1239 DAVENPORT , IOWA 52803 JOEBUSH Bus : 322-5951 PHONE Res: 355-6520 OFFICE 324-1981 RES. 323-6709 RUHL & RUHL, INC. REALTORS 10 ASSUMPTION PARENTS' CLUB OFFICERS 1973-74 President . Mrs . Richard Evans Vice President . Mr . Mike Bush Secretary . Mrs . Robert Coryn Treasurer . Mrs . Richard Blough SPECIAL CHAI RMEN Membership . Mr . and Mrs . John Herr Social . Mrs . Carl Koos Mrs . John Nolan Publicity . Mrs . James Noth Dance . Mrs . James Frazer Mrs . Roger Jaros Mrs . John Daniel Mrs . John Delleman PARISH CHAIRMEN Holy Family .. .... ............ ............. Mr . and Mrs . Robert Yackley Our Lady of Lourdes . Mr . and Mrs . Bernard Hull Our Lady of Victory ......................... Mr . and Mrs . William Maher Sacred Heart . Mr . and Mrs . Ken Ritter St. Alphonsus . Mr. and Mrs . Don Hogarty St. Anthony ....... .......... .................. Mr. and Mrs . Kirby Platter St. Mary ................................. Mr . and Mrs. Robert Rossmiller St. John Vianney . Mr . and Mrs . Marvin Strang St. Paul . Dr. and Mrs . Jack Otto St. Joseph . Mr. and Mrs . Roger Beckwith 11 Estate Planning Pensions & Profit Sharing College Education Plans Ed A. Knickrehm THE PENNMUTUAL 208 Brenton Bank Building Ph . 326-3562 Office Davenport. Iowa 52803 Ph . 355-1603 Home William Wehner & Associates ... "We still believe a man should be Her~z proud of the work he does" TiuckRental We offer the only complete landscape design , construction RENT ALL YOUR TRUCKS AND TRACTORS FROM HERTZ & maintenance service in the Quad Cities 3520 W. River Dr. Davenport, Iowa 324-0647 William Wehner & Associates Landscape Architects & Contractors P.O. Box 3271 Davenport . Iowa 52803 12 Compliments of Stewarts Pharmacy Village Shopping Center 3 Locations Bettendorf Medical Park 13 NEED A GIFT? WHY NOT A RELIGIOUS ONE? COMPLIMENTS OF Visit the LesliePaper Company Religious Supply Center 1525 Third Avenue Moline , Illinois 320 Harrison Davenport, Iowa 52801 Phone 324-0660 14 Compliments of H,,.,. ·pp~t, , "- o~~. & -s. P.: ~zzt ... l, A• Ir ICECREAM PARLOR SCHLEGELREXALL DRUGS "THEHOME OFTHE SUPER DUPERDOUILESCOOPER" ACROSSFROM LINDSA Y PARK "EVERYWHEREIN THE QUADC ITIES" Davenport 's Diamond Store for Over Half a Century JOE-0 WHITTY EAT IN OR CARRY OUT SERVICE 383-0067 ACROSSFROM LINDSAY PARK· 2132 E 11TH Northpark Shopping Center Downtown Davenport Open soon in Moline at Southpark Shopping Center 15 NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL Tri-Lighter LIFE INSURANCE Tavern CO. 29th & Brady Richard Hines - Gen. Agt.
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