Dundonnell Wind Farm Planning and Land Use Assessment For: Trustpower Australia (NZ) Ltd 0107773 Final June 2015 Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd FINAL Dundonnell Wind Farm Planning and Land Use Assessment For: Trustpower Australia (NZ) Ltd 0107773 June 2015 For and on behalf of Environmental Resources Management Australia Approved by: Stuart McGurn Position: Partner Signed: Date: June 2015 This disclaimer, together with any limitations specified in the report, apply to use of this report. This report was prepared in accordance with the contracted scope of services for the specific purpose stated and subject to the applicable cost, time and other constraints. In preparing this report, ERM relied on: (a) client/third party information which was not verified by ERM except to the extent required by the scope of services, and ERM does not accept responsibility for omissions or inaccuracies in the client/third party information; and (b) information taken at or under the particular times and conditions specified, and ERM does not accept responsibility for any subsequent changes. This report is subject to copyright protection and the copyright owner reserves its rights. This report does not constitute legal advice. Environmental Resources Management Australia Level 3, Tower 3, World Trade Centre 18-38 Siddeley Street, Docklands Victoria 3005, Australia Telephone +61 3 9696 8011 Facsimile +61 3 9696 8022 www.erm.com Dundonnell Wind Farm Planning and Land Use Assessment Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 METHODOLOGY 3 2.1 EES Scoping Requirements 3 2.2 Scope of Works 4 3 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 6 3.1 The Project Area 6 3.2 Existing Conditions 8 3.2.1 Land Use 8 3.2.2 Housing 12 3.2.3 Infrastructure 12 3.3 Potential Future Land Uses 13 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 14 4.1 The Proposed Wind Farm 14 4.2 Transmission Line 17 4.3 Off-Site Substation 17 4.4 Road Widening Upgrades 19 4.5 Removal of Native Vegetation 19 5 LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK 21 5.1 Commonwealth Legislation 21 5.2 State Legislation 21 5.2.1 Planning and Environment Act 1987 21 5.2.2 Environment Effects Act 1978 22 5.2.3 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 22 5.2.4 Other Relevant Legislation 22 6 MOYNE PLANNING SCHEME 25 6.1 State Planning Policy Framework 25 6.2 Local Planning Policy Framework 27 6.2.1 Municipal Strategic Statement 27 6.2.2 Local Planning Policies 28 6.3 Zoning and Overlay Controls 29 6.3.1 Land Use Definitions 29 6.3.2 Zoning Controls 30 6.3.3 Farming Zone 30 6.3.4 Road Zone Category 1 32 6.3.5 Special Use Zone Schedule 1 32 6.4 Overlays 32 6.4.1 Environmental Significance Overlay 32 6.5 General and Particular Provisions 35 Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd 0107773/ Final/June 2015 i Dundonnell Wind Farm Planning and Land Use Assessment 6.5.1 Clause 52.05 – Advertising Signs 35 6.5.2 Clause 52.08 – Earth and Energy Resources Industry 35 6.5.3 Clause 52.09 - Stone Extraction and Extractive Industry Interest Areas 35 6.5.4 Clause 52.17 – Native Vegetation 35 6.5.5 Clause 52.29 – Land Adjacent to a Road Zone Category 1 36 6.5.6 Clause 52.32 – Wind Energy Facility 37 6.5.7 Clause 52.37 – Post Boxes and Dry Stone Walls 38 6.5.8 Clause 62 - Uses, Building, Works, Subdivision and Demolition Not Requiring a Permit 38 6.5.9 Clause 65 – Decision Guidelines 38 6.6 Summary of Planning Controls and Permit Triggers 38 6.7 Other Relevant Documents 40 6.7.1 Policy and Planning Guidelines for Development of Wind Energy Facilities in Victoria 40 6.7.2 Permitted clearing of native vegetation – Biodiversity assessment guidelines 41 6.7.3 Great South Coast Regional Growth Plan 41 6.7.4 Glenelg Hopkins Regional Catchment Strategy 2013-2019 41 6.7.5 Draft National Wind Farm Development Guidelines 42 6.7.6 Victorian Greenhouse Strategy Action Plan Update 42 6.7.7 South West Landscape Assessment Study 42 6.7.8 Draft Major Energy Proposals and their Ancillary Infrastructure 42 6.7.9 Environmental Sustainability Strategy 43 7 PLANNING AND LAND USE ASSESSMENT 44 7.1 Consistency with the State Planning Policy Framework 44 7.2 Consistency with the Local Planning Policy Framework 47 7.3 Consistency with Zones, Overlays and Particular Provisions 48 7.4 Compatibility of the Project with Existing and Potential Future Uses 49 7.4.1 Agricultural Activities 49 7.4.2 Existing Houses 50 7.4.3 Future Housing 52 7.4.4 Other Land Uses 52 7.4.5 Infrastructure 53 8 MITIGATION MEASURES 54 9 CONCLUSION 55 10 REFERENCES 56 Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd 0107773/ Final/June 2015 ii Dundonnell Wind Farm Planning and Land Use Assessment Figures Figure 3-1 Site Location Plan 7 Figure 3-2 Reported Land Uses on Properties in the Broader Region 9 Figure 3-3 Existing and Proposed Wind Farms Surrounding Dundonnell Wind Farm 10 Figure 3-4 Location of Extractive Industry Tenements 11 Figure 4-1 Site Layout Plan 16 Figure 4-2 Transmission Line and Off-Site Substation 18 Figure 4-3 Location of Road Widening Upgrades 20 Figure 5-1 Approvals Process 24 Figure 6-1 Moyne Planning Scheme Zoning Map 31 Figure 6-2 Moyne Planning Scheme Overlay Map 34 Tables Table 2-1 Evaluation Objectives and Assessment Criteria 3 Table 3-1 Approved, Under Construction or Operational Wind Farms in Proximity to the Project 8 Table 3-2 Proximity to Nearby Townships and Communities 13 Table 6-1 Land Use Terms 29 Table 6-2 Summary of Planning Controls and Permit Triggers 39 Table 7-1 Summary of Policy Assessment against State Planning Policy Framework 45 Table 7-2 Consistency with Zones, Overlay and Particular Provisions 48 Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd 0107773/ Final/June 2015 i Dundonnell Wind Farm Planning and Land Use Assessment 1 INTRODUCTION Dundonnell Wind Farm Pty Ltd (DWFPL) - a wholly owned subsidiary of Trustpower Australia (NZ) Ltd (Trustpower) is seeking approval for the construction and operation of the Dundonnell Wind Farm (the Project). The Project will involve the construction of up to 104 wind turbine generators (WTGs) at a maximum tip height of 165 metres (m) above ground level and an indicative generation capacity of approximately 312 Megawatts (MW). Support infrastructure includes an on-site substation, access tracks, and for the construction period, an on-site concrete batching plant and on-site quarry. A 220kV overhead transmission line is proposed to connect the on-site substation to the off-site substation. A 500kV transmission line (up to 1km in length) will connect the off-site substation to the 500kV Heywood-Moorabool network at the Mortlake Gas Power Station (MOPS), approximately 38km south-west of the wind farm site. The site for the proposed wind farm is made up of freehold agricultural landholdings that cover an area of approximately 4,200ha. Trustpower has entered into commercial agreements with 11 landholders to lease relevant parts of the land to accommodate the wind farm and associated infrastructure. The Project Area which includes the wind farm site, transmission line and off- site substation is contained within the Shire of Moyne local government area (LGA). The Dundonnell Wind Farm has been determined to be a ‘controlled action’ requiring assessment and approval under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 (EPBC Act 1999). The Victorian Minister for Planning also determined that an assessment under the Environment Effects Act 1978 (EE Act) was required. The Project will be assessed under the bilateral agreement that allows the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment to make a decision whether to approve the Project based on the an assessment under the EE Act. The Project also requires several planning permits, pursuant to the provisions of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (P&E Act) and the Moyne Planning Scheme. The approvals process for the Project requires the preparation of an Environmental Effects Statement (EES). Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd (ERM) has been engaged by Trustpower to undertake a Planning and Land Use Assessment (PLUA) for the Project. This report supports the EES and three separate planning permit applications for the Project, pursuant to the provisions of the P&E Act, which will be considered concurrently. These applications are summarised as follows: 1. Use and development of a wind energy facility, comprising up to 104 WTGs, main site access track, internal access tracks, on-site substation, electrical reticulation, up to four wind anemometers, permanent operations/maintenance facility, temporary concrete batching plant and site office buildings; removal of native vegetation; business identification signage; and alterations to roads located in a Road Zone Category 1. 2. Use and development of a utility installation (power lines designed to operate at 220,000 volts or more) for a length of approximately 38 kilometres and associated removal of native vegetation, to enable the connection of the Dundonnell Wind Farm to an off-site substation and subsequent connection into the electricity grid at the Mortlake Gas Power Station. 3. Use and development of a utility installation associated with the off-site substation. It is noted that due to recent Amendment VC124, the Minister for Planning is now the responsible authority for the approval of all wind farms in Victoria. Thus, of the three planning permit applications listed above, the wind farm application has been lodged with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), whilst the transmission line and off-site substation applications have been be lodged with the Shire of Moyne.
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