,... Volume 44 No. 47 Mesa College Student ·Newspaper Grand Junction, Colorado Friday January 26, 1979 12 Pages !his Week . ---Festivention '19 by JOHf>J EBY The University of Colorado at Criterion Ma~aging Editor Denver presented "Growing Up" "The 1979 Rog'ky Mountain on Wednesday night. On Thursday night, "Brigham's Theatre Conference XI is now in · Daughters" was performed by full swing on the Mesa College the University of Utah. campus. Mesa is playing host to more "The Learned Ladies" is than 300 college theatre students scheduled for Friday night. It will who are here to participate in be performed by students from work~hops, competitions and the University of Idaho. play performances. The students And, on Saturday night, "The come from as far away as Idaho Caine Mutiny Court-Martial" will and Montana. be presented by Brigham Young They represent more than 25 University. Curtain will be at 8 colleges and universities in the p.m. for all performances in Rocky Mountain region. Mesa's Walter Walker Little The conference opened Theatre. Wednesday morning and will con­ Tickets are $2.50 for non-stu­ tinue through Saturday night. dents, $1 for Mesa students. Many noted theatre personal­ Also included in the conler­ ities are on hand to conduct the ence is the Irene Ryan Com­ lectures and workshops. petition, subsidized by a Among the noted personalities foundation left in the noted ac­ Above, students from the University of Colorado at Denver rehearse for Growing Up, is playwrite William Gibson, tress' will. The competition was Wednesday night's performance. Below, the participants register for the week's activitles. whose renowned plays "The Mir­ judged Wednesday morning. The Photos by Kit Cohan acle Worker" and "Two For the ·, winner will not be announced un­ Seesaw," have brough him nu­ til Saturday night. merous awards and critical The winner of the competition recognition. Elizabeth Polk, a founder and at Mesa will receive $500 and an airline ticket to the national Irene authority on dance therapy, will Ryan Competition, also held at speak at the conference, along the JFK Center in Washington, with Detroit Free Press drama D.C. critic Lawrence Divine. During each consecutive night The national winner will re­ ceive. $2,000 to go toward contin­ of the conference, a different play will be presented. The plays have uing education. in the performing arts field. been selected from the 25 col­ leges representing the Rocky Mesa College has four nomi­ Mountai region. nees in this year's program. Each play is competing for pos­ They are Connie Rotunda, for sible nomination for the National "A Flea In Her Ear" and 11 Night of American Theatre Conference to the Iguana;" Kim Kamas for "A be held at the John F. Kennedy Flea In Her Ear;" and Tom Sim­ Center for the Performing Arts in mering for "The Night of the Washington, D.C. Iguana." Wortmann resigns po t as VP ,·ssA by CHERYL HARDY ,.They are right, of course. Any­ this ~mproved relationship 1one of cial, you have to deal with a lot of around so much, doing technical Criterion Staff Writer thing I do now has got to be an im­ his major accomplishments while people. There are conflicts that stuff-there's no time to be 'real'. Student Body Vice President provement. I got a 1.8 overall." in office. don't go away when you walk out I was getting away from my objec­ "Duke" Wortmann is taking some The responsibilities of SBA To further explain the changes the door. You can't just go home tives a a person." time off from the duties of that vice-president include devel­ he has made, he said, "I rec)rgan­ and forget. I go home so drained, Wortmann suggests (hat his office. opment, management and pre­ ized the budget system. Now I just fall on my face. Even if I successor "stay away from poli­ "I've got to do my own thing for sentation of the SBA budget. It there's no conflict. For example, have time to study, I can't psyche tics. Don't ever deviate from your a while and promise to be heard requires close coordination with· in the past, Gary Calhoun, (busi­ myself up to it. story. Make your statement and from again," said Wortmann, in the business office. ness manager), would open all _ "People push off an intellectual get it published. There is too his resignation statement, issued "When I took this job, there our mail. He'd have all our mail role on. you that you have to fulfill, much game-playing. Sometimes I Jan. 19. was no respect at all from the shipped down· to the busineiss of­ day in and day out. You know, find myself having to make a "I had pressure from-naw, business office for SBA Every­ fice. We didn't know the how, you can never just kick back and strong statement on a subject to there was no pressure-well, thing was such a mess. what or why of any of our busi­ be a regular person." one person, then easing off with there was ·pressure portrayed to "Through working with them, ness. Now, we are being respon­ "There are two things I learned another. You can't please me-but I decided on my own to not against them, we've im­ sible for our own dealings with when I was growing up-in order everybody. " take some tune off." proved. They will help you learn the public ..JiS well as cc::>llege to succeed, you must remain very "You have to understand The pressure referred to was • the system if you let them. Now, entities." personal and very thankful. The people and assimilate to the envi­ applied because of a below-par there's a comraderie--everybody Reflecting on the experience, job was just taking me farther and ronment," he continued. "All of us grade-point average maintained is working for the same thing," Wortmann said, "It's a real job. farther away from being able to in public service must nickel and by Wortmann last semester. Wortmann said. He considers ts' a real life. As an elected offi- function like this. You are running cQntlnued on page 3 Page -2 CRITERION Friday January 26, 1979 - . ·T. ()' n by TOM O'CONNOR It u-Criterion Columnist- "we've earned our rights" thefts, and that they are likely to choose to ignore, it's called t.he tend this college this year will be But soon it was found that the -The Grey Panthers, 1978 be exposed to more cancer world around us. To a student sit­ directly affected by either cancer states and their agencies and in­ agents. But by your senior year, ting in the snack bar over 1coffee, or expensive medical care. Every stitutions who fell under the same As a college student enters the it's no time to turn back, you opt or to a part-time student-mother day, female professors across rule could be affected by a clause last of four long years of college, for cancer and a better marriage. such things as relations with the country, and probably female called "the best interest" clause. the student begins to realize that The point being that it is not China or Carter's human rights , students on this campus, will be Heres where we come in. Even the enlightenment of higher edu­ wrong that society may ask a campaign are distant events that discriminated against for their sex today, when the feds have rolled cation and the multitude of tax . price from us. Obviously during enter their worlds through occa­ by lack .of promotion, grade defla­ back mandatory retirement to dollars spent on that education that period following your junior sional news broadcasts that may tion, and unequal treatment. Al­ age 70, state colleges for ex­ have left a healthy debt to repay year, when something -terribly interrupt their favorite music. It lowing our government to solve ample must retire professors at upon graduation. frightening happens: the realiza­ isn't apathy, it's ignoranc:e. It's the problems is not a sufficient so­ age 65, no matter how good a job As our own Professor Aros­ tion that in five months you must not that a kid in the gamet room lution for arl educated public. they were doing. The director of teguy clearly warns every soph­ not only begin working, but work­ doesn't care about politics, its But the case of mandatory re­ the institution, in the case of a col­ omore who begins economics: ing for the rest of the major por­ that he doesn't unaerstand why tirement is the best example. In lege, the President may, if it is in "There ain't no free lunch." In­ tion of your remaining life. he should. order to employ more of us young the .. best interest" of the students deed. Instead the gift of an edu­ And they said graduation You see, our failures in politics people, Congress chose to cre­ rehire the professor. So the real cated populus, college students woul_d be a big thrill! are not the war in Vietnam or fear ate jobs by enforcing mandatory world is closer than we thought. who are hopefully literate and can But most grads are better pre­ of nuclear war, they are tlhe fail­ retirement at age 65, no matter You see, if you ever choose to bring the positive attributes of pared. They are now, more often ures to generate public support how well you did, no matter your work for a major corporation, the education to our society, are ex­ than not, more studied in the lib­ for issues that are so involved competency, your health record, federal government, the state, pected to repay our society by eral arts with a expanded under­ with the public.
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