
FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 32 • NUMBER 183 Thursday, September 21,1967 • Washington, D.C. Pages 13315-13365 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Research Service Atomic Energy Commission Civil Service Commission Commerce Department Consumer and Marketing Service Delaware River Basin Commission Federal Aviation Administration Federal Maritime Commission Federal Power Commission Fish and Wildlife Service General Services Administration Housing and Urban Development Department Interior Department International Joint Commission— United States and Canada Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Labor Relations Board Packers and Stockyards Administration Securities and Exchange .Commission Transportation Department Detailed list of Contents appears inside. Now Available LIST OF CFR SECTIONS AFFECTED 1949-1963 This volume contains a compilation of the “List of Sections Affected” for all titles of the Code of Federal Regulations for the years 1949 through 1963. All sections of the CFR which have been expressly affected by documents published in the daily Federal Register are enumerated. Reference to this list will enable the user to find the precise text of CFR provisions which Were in force and effect on any given date dur­ ing the period covered. Price $6.75 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 f vCLoimI ixegister a c o , tipprovcci u uiy «0, 1900 ^“«7 ovciv, duu» <xo ctmeiiv*vU| u . 0 . vxii 0 0 j , uuuox xvgu*c*wip* m » , 1 istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I ). Distribution is made only by the Superinten e The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of F ederalERAL REGULATIONS,R egulations, WHICHwhich ISis puuxxoxAcvA.,published, under 50 ti es. ~P ^f suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code oof f F ederal R egulations is sold by the SuperintenaenSuperinten Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first'Su; JPF ederalJEDJSiKAL. RI Xegister i U 1BDUCissue UXof each,each , month. _ tttm AATTnNS.ArrTnKg T I0 N S . rPV»nrnThere areova novia restrictionsiHn ff a a a onam fbathe repubUcationFoniiblfna+fAn Afof materialmofarfal appearingarmoarirt c r Iniin n the+.bo F ittupdederalAT. RP.FflTRTlSllegister or0 7 theth f i CCODEode ofOF FFEDERALederal RREGegulat Contents agricultural r e s e a r c h FEDERAL AVIATION INTERIOR DEPARTMENT SERVICE ADMINISTRATION See also Fish and Wildlife Serv­ Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations ice; Land Management Bureau. Guam; entry of fruits and vege­ Airworthiness directives; Piper Notices tables ---------------------------------13319 PA-28 and PA-32 Series air­ Vaughey, Emmett A.; statement of planes _______________;_____ 13321 changes in financial interests_ 13333 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT FEDERAL HIGHWAY INTERNATIONAL JOINT See Agricultural Research Serv­ ADMINISTRATION ice; Consumers and Marketing COMMISSION— UNITED See Transportation Department. Service; Packers and Stock- STATES AND CANADA yards Administration. FEDERAL MARITIME Notices COMMISSION ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION American falls at Niagara; public Notices Proposed Rule Making hearings regarding preservation Agreements filed for approval: and enhancement; correction.. 13348 Licenses regarding byproduct ma­ American President Lines, Ltd., terial; increase in quantity limit and Castle & Cooke, Inc___ 13342 for promethium 147 in gener­ Trans-Pacific Postal Water Car­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE ally licensed luminous aircraft riers _____ i_____ __ ______ 13342 safety devices---------— -------;__ 13331 COMMISSION FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rules and Regulations CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Notices Uniform system of accounts for Rules and Regulations Schrader, Alma M., et al.; findings Class I and Class H common and 9md orders after statutory hear­ contract motor carriers of prop­ Transportation Department; ex­ erty _____ _______ __________ 13326 cepted service___ _—-------------- 13319 ing _________ _________ ______ 13344 FEDERAL RAILROAD Notices COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Fourth section application for re­ ADMINISTRATION lie f___________ __________ 13361 Notices See Transportation Department. Availability of official information Motor carrier: FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Broker, w a t e r carrier and relating to personnel_________ 13334 freight forwarder applica­ Bureau of the Census; organiza­ Rules and Regulations tions ______________ 13351 tion and functions____ ______ 13338 Temporary authority applica­ Economic Development Adminis­ Hunting in certain national wild­ tration; public information^.__ 13340 life refuges: tions ___ -________________ 13361 Environmental Science Services Colorado____________________ 13329 . Transfer proceedings_________ 13363 Administration; general and Delaware___________________ 13329 Pennsylvania Railroad et al.; re­ special staff officers_____ I.___ 13339 K ansas_______ 13329 routing ordiversion of traffic___ 13363 Maritime Administration; field Oregon (2 documents)__ _____ 13330 Wuerker, Alexander W.; state­ organization__ ___ __ ■_____ _ 13339 South Carolina_____ i_____ ___ 13329 ment of changes in financial in­ Patent Office; functions of Office Sport fishing; Flint Hills National te r e sts_________ 13361 of Commissioner and officers Wildlife Refuge, Kansas______ 13330 reporting to Assistant Commis­ Notices LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU sioner _______________________13340 Sanibel National Wildlife Refuge, Rules and Regulations Florida; notice of change of CONSUMER AND MARKETING ■name___ _______ 13333 Oil and gas; issuance of leases; noncompetitive leases________ 13323 SERVICE GENERAL SERVICES Notices Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION Arizona: Fresh Bartlett pears grown in Notices Opening of public lands__ _ 13332 Oregon and Washington; ex­ Delegations of authority: Proposed withdrawal and reser­ penses and rate of assessment_13319 Secretary of Defense (2 docu- vation of lands____________ 13332 Lettuce grown in Lower Rio m en ts)___ _______________ 13343 California; opening of land from Grande Valley in south Secretary of the Interior_____ 13343 waterpower withdrawal______ 13332 Texas: Colorado; proposed withdrawal Expenses and rate of assess­ HOUSING AND URBAN and reservation of lands."_____ 13333 ment ----------------- 13320 Oregon; proposed withdrawal and bnipment limitations_________ 13320 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Notices reservation of lands._________ 13333 Proposed Rule Making Utah; notice of land classifica­ Assistant Regional Administrator tion________________________ 13333 Tokay grapes grown in San and Deputy Assistant Re­ Joaquin County, Calif.; expenses gional Administrator; redele- and rate of assessment_______ 13331 gations of authority : NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND Region I (New York)_________ 13341 SPACE ADMINISTRATION DELAWARE RIVER BASIN Region II (Philadelphia)_____ 13341 Rules and Regulations COMMISSION Region HI (Atlanta) _______ 13341 Region TV (Chicago)_________ 13341 Administrative authority and pol­ Notices .: Region V (Fort Worth)______ 13341 icy ; miscellaneous a m e n d ­ Region VI (San Francisco)__ ;_ 13342 m ents______________________ 13321 C° X ehensiVe Plan; notice of Region v n (San Juan, Puerto public hearing_______________ 13343 Rico) ____________________ 13342 (Continued on next page) 13317 13318 CONTENTS NATIONAL LABOR PACKERS AND STOCKYARDS TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT RELATIONS BOARD ADMINISTRATION See also Federal Aviation Admin­ istration. Notices Notices Rules and Regulations Deposting of stockyards: Formal hearings in unfair labor Explosives and other dangerous practice cases; summary of Jim Wells Auction & Commis- sion Oorr Inc., et al_________ 13334 articles; miscellaneous amend- standard procedures____ ___ 13348 Perryton Auction Co. et al____ 13334 merits___------------------------------13324 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Notices Hearings, etc.: Dyna Ray Corp_____________ 13349 ! Interamerican Industries, Ltd_ 13349 Krueger Mutual Fund, Inc____ 13349 McLouth Steel Corp_________ 13349 Nabisco International Finance Co______ : ______________ _ 13349 North American Research & Development Corp_________ 13351 Penrose Industries Corp__ ___ 13351 Selective Growth Fund, Inc__ 13351 List of CFR Parts Affected ^ (Codification Guide) The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the.end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1967, and specifies how they are affected. 5 CFR 1Ò CFR 49 CFR 213__ 13319 P roposed R ules: 171___________________ 13324 31________________•____ _______ 13331 173 _________________________ 13324 32 ________________ _______ 13331 174 _________________________ 13324 7 CFR 175_„_________ __________ I ___ 13324 14 CFR 176 ___________ 13324 319______________ 13319 177 __ 13324 931— ______ r_________________ 13319 39_______ _ ______ _______ 13321 282____________ 13326 971 (2 documents) ________ _____ 13320 1204 __ _ _ _____ _______ 13321 50 CFR P roposed R ules: 43 CFR 32 (6 documents)________ 13329,13330 926---- :_____________________ 13331 3120— ______________
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