FRIDAY—JULY 9, 1943 MONITOR-LEADER MOUNT CLEMENS, MICK 7 Third Anniversary of Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto to be Observed Legion Auxiliary Unit 4 With the Colors Marriage Special Service is Set SUITOR S NOTE: far reiton* of •*- rurlty and btuuit of lark of *pae», full Announced Vlans Many Activities addrtiin af Ihot* In a«rvlc« cannat ba MR. AND MRS. FRED Friday, July 16 printed In Ihl* column -y 8 ¦ *§| R. for AMERICAN LEGION Auxili- ternates chosen were Mrs. Ice- Palmer, Butler road, today an- ago on July the Virgin to HENRY GILBERT MORAN, THREE YEARS which was have ary, Harry Ollrich Post, Unit No. land Preston and Mrs. Arthur 'fmmm nounced the marriage of their 16, Our Lady Lourdes Grotto appeared. The isitor broke the Pharmacist's Mate, Ist. Class. U. of 4, met at the home o£ Mrs. Har- Jenkins. daughter, Norma, to Norman J. at Joseph's sanatorium con- stone into three pieces, gave two S N., in St. Green, street last Mrs. Norwood Deichert was willarrive Mount Clem- Goldenbogen, son of Mr. and by the Charity, to her sisters and had the third old 115 Smith ens Saturday or Sunday, where ducted Sisters of evening at eight o'clock. appointed chairman of Uie sale Mrs John Goldenbogen, Queen was formally dedicated Since piece made into a golden locket he will spend a furlough at the Avery favorable report of the of War stamps, on Molly Pitcher street. that time additions and improve- which she presented to the Sis- home of his aunt. Mrs. Maud Poppy sales was given by Mrs stamp day, August 4th. Tbe marriage ceremony was ments have made the Shrine the ters for the Shrine. Longstaff, 36 Maple avenue. William Durre, chairman of the The auxiliary will assist the performed by Rev. Wugazzer at lovely symbol it is today, The back of the grotto Moran is a son of the late Louis is Legion in securing donors for the Lutheran Church in Fraser, through the donations of Catho- mounded with earth, and flow- Moran and a brother of Louis, ;• Mrs. Leo Braun. president, the blood bank to be held Au- on Saturday, July 3, at five o'* ics and Protestants alike At the ering myrtle grows all over it. Jr , of Mount Clemens. He is and Mrs. Charles M,';elait were gust 2 and 3 from one to eigl.‘ clock. third anniversary of the Shrine A secluded nook is there with stationed at Sampson Naval Hos- Friday appointed delegates to attend the o'clock in the Methodist church. They will reside at 215 Cass next services will be held the fourteen stations of the cross pital. Sampson. N. Y . where he State convent/'i to be held in Any one wishing to register mav avenue. The bride is the former in the evening at 7;30 o'clock placed on the walls of the hos- is attached to the X Ray depart- and the public is Detroit, August 14 and 15. Al- call Mrs. Deichert any morning, Norma Ferrin. invited. pital in plaques of bas relief. ment. his • » * telephone 5337, Prior to enlistment In the old story of Our Lady or Mrs. Russell he was in the X Ray department Branyan, telephone 5009, any of Lourdes, recently told in a Party Planned at the Ford Willow Run Bomber ' Wkt Games time after July 26th. best selling novel. “Song of the plant. Congratulations Bernadette'’ by Franz Werfel MEMBERS of Samaritan There will be a joint installa- * I. * of King s Daughters will of Legion and now being made into a mo- PA*AVT4it> Circle tion officers with the AND ROBERT DONNA MARIE KILLE- sponsor games party to be MR MRS. tion picture. Our Lady appeared a held on August 29. 77 has WALD. daughter of Mr. and MANDEL. of Hubbard, before Bernadette wearing a Wednesday. July 14. at two o'- Mrs. Harold Green was assist- Mrs Francis Killewald, 375 1-2 RAIN RAIN CO receive official notice that their blue sash on her robe. Conse- AWAY- clock. at the New Baltimore ed at last night's meeting Vy Air North Gratiot, upon her second l son Naval Cadet Edward J. quently this color is carried out DICKY AND WANT TO PUN Park. Chairman of the party Mrs. Herman Wycoff and Mrs. birthday today Mandel has finished his preflight jsSjEm-'L ” vfni Vi rr Ten little friends in be Mrs. William Maisel. rf' the local shrine by the light- will Charles Mikelait. training at Athens. Ga., and is and their mothers attended a g»T QUIT WISHING,"DAISY- WWW ing effects and also in the blue Mrs. Roy Cramer. Mrs. James Field, party WHEN YOU CAN HAVE now stationed at Lambert L/ jr -¦'isyi. birthday for her this after- candles and altar lamps upon the Fuller and Mrs. Dan Smith. St. Louis. Mo. for advanced noon. f ALLTHE SUNSHINE YOU • • • white marble altar. training. • • a WANT BOTTLED Rlohtik MRS. KIRK HAGER and son. Beta Sigma Phi • # # MR. AND MRS. JAMES W. ARRIVE IN TIME these Bottles James Stephen, of Washington, MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM LEE. 39 Lenore street, who are The two statues of Carrara OF MILKFPOM D C.. are visiting at the home of GARVEY have received word nHi Ifeitcc celebrating their 25th wedding marble which are therp to depict V, her parents. Mr. and Mrs. For- to Se!! Stamps that their son Joseph has been / 7 VK •v** anniversary today. Our Lady and BernadPtte were MIILERBROS.CREAMERYCQ* rest Kindra and expect to stay AT A MEETING held Wednes- promoted to private first class • » • made in Italy and although they had been several weeks. This week end day evening at the home of Mrs. and has been transferred to PVT AND MRS. THOMAS ordered many months and they willvisit Mr. and Mrs. El- George Carter, North avenue Camp Crowder. Mo. He is at- LAVENS, 174 Barbara street, before w'ere due in August, 1940, jfiore Fahy of Detroit. members of the Beta Sigma Phi tending school studying tele- upon the birth of a daughter, they luckily arrived in • ? • laid plans for the selling of War phone repair. This is their sec- Betty Jane, born July 5, in New- York on June 6—just four days before BUD ALPERN, son of Mr. stamp corsages Sunday evening ond son in service. William Gar- Mount Clemens Maternity Hos- Italy declared war. and Mrs. Mark Alpern. Moross from four to ten o clock while vey, USN Seaman first ciass is pital. Pvt. Lavens is home on The stone for this shrine furlough Camp original avenue, is attending the Admiral the captured Jap sub is on dis- now somewhere at sea. from duties at which is a replica of the Academy at building. • • • Claiborne, La. one in the small town of Lourdes Farragut Naval play near the County • * (ferule • N. J. where he will membership of the lAJarfitue in Southern France, came from Pine Beach. The club PFC. AND MRS. AUGUST L. * MR. AND MRS. FLOYD Castalia. Ohio, and is called remain for the rest of .the sum- was divided into two groups, MELDRUM have returned to SUBSTITUTES” is a familiar word to this year's w ar-time bride. MONROE. 11l l v Cinton street, Tufa stone, w'hich, in reality, is mer. headed by Johanna Braun and Midland, Texas, after spending She's showered with confetti instead of rice and old shoes; her • • • upon the birth of a daughter, petrified wood, millions of years Charlotte Dalby, and a contest 15 days ring is of palladium rather than platinum, which has frozen; with their parents. M-. been Carol Ann. born at Mount Clem- old. Twenty tons of it were used MRS W RILEY SHUTTLE- will be held to determine which and Mrs and substitutes for pure and bouquets of blooms Homogenized Milk is the Walter Meldrum ravon silk satin local ens Maternity Hospital on to build the replica and is WORTH and Jean and Joan sells the corsages. water team most Mr. and Mrs. Myron Curtis. Pa- replace those of now scarce orange blossoms So in the spirit of July piped through oH-year health food —and . 1. it to drip from the Galbraith of Indianapolis. Ind The winners will be entertained • • • tricia Curtis accompanied them 1943 this lovely bride chooses a simple shower bouquet and head- rocks to form the pool of health- always pure and rich. Try it. are house guests at the home of at a party by the losing team. to visit her sister Betty Moe for dress of pale yellow’ and white sweet peas, which carry out the MR. AND MRS WILLIAM giving water. The actual con- Mr and Mrs. O. G. Bell, 1405 •• # ’ two weeks, who also lives in two-toned effect of her gold and palladium wedding and diamond TROMBLEY, 86 Michigan street, struction to Wellesley Drive. took from Mav 6 Midland, Texas. engagement ring set The gown of warm white rayon satin has a who are the parents of a son. July 16. 1940. • • t WWG Girls to Meet • # • y oke of triple sheer net joined to the satin with rose petal scallops. William Griffith, born at Mount INTERESTING MEMENTO LOUISE SC HOOF AND MAR- LILLIANKRAUSE will he Clemens Maternity Hospital, ARTHUR CORSTON. of on One interesting GERY GINSBERG have left for hostess to the members of the St. July 4. memento is ¦FatAMtK_ Clair Shores, formerly • # * cemented the Greenville. S. C. to visit Lieut. WWG Girls of the Baptist connected into stone of the with Shrine A Harvey Levenberg. church at her home on Moravian the Bureau of Narcotics in MR AND MRS.
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