CAMPUS NEWS COMPLETELY COVERED BY DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM STUDENTS Congratulations Schmidt NO. 22. VOL. xxa TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, FORT WORTH, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1931. Horned Frogs Crowned Southwest Cage Champs ocean eruise planned |Schmidtmen Defeat Mustangs ill Leland Leaves School 'Sunset Trail" HoudinVs 248 Placed on 16-Day Caribbean Trip Will Be Makes Change in Order to Get Successor Represented by Barrett. Deciding Game 37 to 29 to Break Honor Roll for Ready for Olympic Meet. To Be Given in A Caribbean Cruise sponsored by Cy Lelsnd, Texas Christian's "Fly- Arkansas' Basketball Monopoly Fall Semester ing Frog," withdrew from school Stadium May 9 the United Fruit Co., and represen- Monday. Cy has announced that he Uted by A. T. B»rrett will begin June Atkins, Roberson and Chappell End Cage will leave for San Francisco within 20, leaving from New Orleans, La., 159 Girls and 89 Boys a few days, but that he has no defi- About 300 Girls Will Careers As Dietzel Breaks Brock's Have at Least an nite connections there at present. Depict Story in and lasting for 16 days. Individual Scoring Record. Average of "B" Tentatively, he ha* planned to Pageant. Barrett' said that several students work, and run for the Olympic Club are already making tentative plan* I By JACK BELZNER. there. If he can become eligible for for the trip, and Miss Katherine 18 MAKE STRAIGHT "A" COMPOSER WILL DIRECT The fighting Purple Horned Frogs of Texas Christian met track competition at Leland Stan- Moore, of the department of public and overwhelmed the Southern Methodist Mustangs Tuesday ford University in 1932 by enrolling 99 Seniors, 53 Juniors, 39 Soph- at the opening of the summer term, Chorus Will Be Composed of speaking, has already signed up. night 37 to 29 to be crowned Southwest Conference champions. omore* and 57 Freshmen Do he will probably do that. His main Singers From Different Later on in the spring Barrett will The victory untied the knot between the two institutions for first Organizations. Superior Work. objective in making the change is place and ended the basketball careers of three T. C. U. men. give a moving picture show of this Captain Atkins, Roberson and Chappell. to become acclimated, looking toward The T. C. U. Chorus will be part trip in the auditorium free of charge. It is the second conference crown to The n»me* of $48 students appear the Olympic Game* in 1932. of a civic chorus that will sing the Those who wish further details may rest on th* brow of the Horned Frog* on th* honor roll for th* fall semes- o ■ince Francis Schmidt came down operatic cantata, "The Sunset Trail," see Barrett at any time, Curtain Rises on from the Otark* to take over th* helm ter, a* announced this week by Reg- by Charles Wakefield Cadman, in the o of Christian athletics. Last year he -- istrar E. R. Tucker. Gough Medal Is Tj C. U. stadium on the evening of Play at8:15P.M. guided the grid team to an undefeated Ninety-nine of the number are se- Saturday, May 9. niors, to are Juniors, 39 are sopho- Band Starts Play season. Won by Sprinkle Some three hundred girl* from the Chappell, who failed to letter last more* and 67 are freshmen. There physical education department, under Three-act Comedy Will are 169 girl* and 89 boys. Thirteen Proclaimed as Houdint* suc- Tonight at Show year and who has been a substitute To Represent T. C. U. in the direction of Mrs. Helen Murphy, all this season, entered the game late made a perfect record, with all "A" will depict the action of the story in cessor in the art of magic and Move on Boards sleight-of-hand tricks. Birch, in the first half and looped six points grade*. An average of "B" is re- State Oratorical a pageant. Tonight best known for his "vanishing 43 Members to Appear to keep the Frogs in the lead. Rober- quired for listing on the honor roll. Contest Cadman Will Be Director son, stellar football end and flashy The IS making all "A" grades are: Mr. Cadman himself will come to pony" trick, will appear in the in Nightly Concerts Tonight at 8:15 o'clock in the Uni- University auditorium Monday forward on the cage quint, scored 11 Lowell Bodiford, Miss Provita Car- Speaking on "The Realisation of Fort Worth a week before the date versity auditorium the curtain will evening under the auspice* of Before Rodeo. points to tie for high honors and wa* dona, Howard Carrel!, Gordon Cope- World Peace," J. W. Sprinkle won for the performance, and will person- rise on "Her Husb»nd'» Wife," a an immovable object on the defense. land, Perry Gresham, Hi** Bit* Mae ally direct the final rehearsals and the junior class of the Univer- With the opening of the South- first place in the Gough Oratorical three-act comedy directed by Miss Captain Atkins' college career waa Hall, Harry Harrington, John Me- the public presentation of his cantata. sity and the T. C. U. Mothers' Contest held Wednesday evening in western Exposition and Fat Stock closed when Johnny Vaught took hi* Diarmid, Milton Mehl, Miss Laura The production will be the closing Club. Show tonight, the Horned Frog band Katherine Moore. The play is the the University Auditorium. He re- ^^ ^^ place late in the game. He made Fay MiUer, Gordon Musgrove, Miss § will begin a series of nightly con- first major production of the Dra- ceived »n award of $25 and -the .„..,__, «..._=_ w„i. n. seven points for the Purple and play- ance of National Music Week. Dr. cert* in front of the coliseum under Leta Ray and Mis* Marie Robert*. Gough Medal. Paul Logan Martin matic Club thi* year. ^* ed one of the most brilliant defensive Henry D. Guelick ha* again been the direction of Prof. Claude Sam- Following 1* the complete honor placed second with an oration on "The Magician to Give Mias Lamar Griffing is cast in the games of his career. chosen to serve as general chairman mis. There will be 43 members of roll; Constitution," and was awarded the - There was no outstanding star of of the committee in cnarge of the the band from the school. Approx- lead. Playing other roles in the Mary Adams, Annie M. Adolfson, five-dollar second prise offered by the contest. Every man on th* floor city's observance. Program Monday imately 10 community players will play will be Bob Gray, James Dacus, Anne E. Alexander, Clyde W. Alex- the public speaking department. contributed his share in the onrush Chorus rehearsals will be under the augment the band in its concerts. William Anderson, Miss Sheila Grace ander, Wm. E. Allen, Will M»rie Al- Sprinkle will represent T. C. U. for the championship and each carried general direction of Sam 8. Losh. The Miss Marie Weldert, band sweet- Whitener and Miss Opal Gooden. ton, Paul AUUon, Frances Ander- in the State Oratorical Contest which Birch, Mystery Man, to out hi* assignment with unceasing first of a series of public rehearsals heart, will be present at th* con- Plot Concern* Hypochondriac son, M»ry L. Anderson, Martha Ar- will have it* meeting at Fort Worth Be Sponsored by The plot of th* play is centered regularity. SST*S nold, David Ashley, Carroll Atchley, will be held Sunday, March IB. 3:30 certs that win begin at 7 o'clock "Doc" Sumner, who finished fourth on April 17. Martin will jo, to Bay- p. m. at the First Christian Church. every night *nd will last for one around Irene Randolph, a hypochon- in conference scoring, had few oppor- Noble Atkins, Bernic* Austin, Laura lor University later in the spring to Junior Class. AH' who care to participate are in- driac, played by Miss Griffing. She tunities to count but hi* defensive tac- L. Barclay, Robert L. Barlow, Mil- participate in the Constitutional Ora- hour. Monday night at 8 o'clock in the In past years the band has play- decides that she is going to die and tic* proved to be a thorn to th* S, M. dred H. Barr, A. T. Barrett, Worth tions Contest. A Peace Oratorical vited. Other Institution* Represented University auditorium the junior ed under a set guarantee but will picks another woman to' take her U. goal shooters. Frank Bass, Henry C. Beal, The*. E. Contest will be held at the Univer place as her husband's wife. The Besides the T. C. U. Chorus and class will sponsor a program to be not receive remuneration this year "Too Tall" Dietxel acored nine Bennett, Betty Blankenshhp, Mary E. *ity of Tex»s in the Utter part of woman is so attractive that it arouses those individuals who, volunteer, the given by Birch, the famous master of for its services. Those who will play points to set a new conference record Blanten, Lowell Bodiford, Lollie April, but as yet none of the con- an interest in the hypochondriac to Botts. chorus for "The Sunset Trail" will be mystery. Although he is a young during the show which will open with 168 points. He surp*ss*d Holly testants from T. C. U. hss announc- composed of groups of singers from with a rodeo with the performance liv*. Amusing situations arise when BrockUs record of 181, made in 1927. Maxine Bouldin, Mary A. Bowden^ ed his intentions of entering it. man, so great has been his experi- T. W. C, the Baptist Seminary, the ence and so ably demonstrated has tonight and which will close March the real wife tries to rid herself of The lanky Dutchman was closely Marvolene Bowe, Thelma Breief Dr.
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