United Arab Emirates University Scholarworks@UAEU Theses Electronic Theses and Dissertations 4-2016 Sand Area Changes in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates between 1992 and 2013 Using a Time Series of Satellite Imagery Rami W A Saeed Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uaeu.ac.ae/all_theses Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation A Saeed, Rami W, "Sand Area Changes in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates between 1992 and 2013 Using a Time Series of Satellite Imagery" (2016). Theses. 281. https://scholarworks.uaeu.ac.ae/all_theses/281 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Scholarworks@UAEU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses by an authorized administrator of Scholarworks@UAEU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Q:u1.oJI a.H.J.5UI I...:'' 'J La� I Cisull? lmEU ited Arab Emirates University nited Arab mirate nl ity !lege r Humanitie and ocial ci nc Depaltment of eograph & rban Planning A H NG IN THE EM IRA T OF ABU DH BI C IT D RAB MIRATE BETWEE 1992 AND 2013 U ING A TIME ERI OF SATELLIT IMAGERY Rami W aeed ubmitted in partial fulfilment of the requir ment fo r the degree of \1a ter of cience in Remote en ing and G ographic lnfonnation J tem nder the upervi ion of Dr. azml aleous April 2016 ii Declaration of Original Work 1. Rami \V aeed. the under igned. a graduate tu dent at the nit d rab mirate Tni\ er. it) ( E ). and the author of thi the i entitl d --Scmel area chonges in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, 'niled Arah Emirate, between J 992 and :;013 u\ing (/ rime series of satellite imageIJ,'·. h reby. olemnly declare that thi the i i m 0\\ n original research work that ba been done and prepared by me und r the upen i ion or Dr. az ml aleou . in the College of Humanitie and ocial clence at . Tlli work ha not pre iously been presented or pu bli h d. or fo rmed the ba i fo r the award of any academic degree. diploma or a imi lar title at thi or any other uni ersit . n)' materials borrowed from other ource (\vhether pubJi h d or unpublished) and relied upon or included in my the i haw been proper!. cited and acknowledged in accordance ith appropriate academic com ention . I fu rther declare that there i no potential conflict of interest \\ i th re pect to the re earch. data collection. au thorship. presentation and/or pu blication of thi the i . _;"':�:'::' �';":' �= :...:..LL"=-,L? �,c. L..=�L,,- -=---- Date: .- __ '51- S- '20/0 tuden!' s ignature: " _ -=-- ------'---=-- ;/ iii opyright � 2016 Rami W A aeed All Rights Re erved iv dvi ory Committee 1) d\i or: Dr. az mi Zeidan aleous Title: A ociate Profe or Department f eography & rban Planning ollege of Humanities and cial ci nces 2) o-ad\'i or: Dr. alem Mohammed Ghaleb I a Title: A ' ciate Prate or Department of GeologJ ollege of cience v Approval of the Ma ter The i Thi Master The i I appro ed by the fo llowing Examining Committee Members: I) Ad isor (Committee Chair): Dr. azmi aleous Title: Associate Professor Department of Geography and Urban Planning College of Humanities and Social ciences . ..- ,.- Signature �'bl�b CV"\ 6 Date I ) , $ > I L 2) Member: Dr. hahrazad Abu Ghazleh Title: Assistant Professor Department of Geography and Urban Planning College of Humanities and Social Sciences �r� -- Signature Date \ I ;. ) L l 3) Member: \l/A. Title: Department of ... College of ... Signature Date 4) Member (External Examiner): Title: Dr. Marouane Temimi Department of Water and Environmental Engineering Institution: Masdar Institute of Science and Technology Signature c9f? Date If· ) . 16 vi Thi Master The is i accepted b): Dean of the ollege of Humanities and ocial ciences: Professor aif alim AI- Qa}di �� ignature � Date � - /8, 5 . 6 � Dean of the College of the Graduate tudies: Professor Nagi T. Wakim t-!1lf jgnature 4 CoPY l of lL vii Ab tract and encr achment i a major problem that affect arid countri s and ha evere con equence' n their infra tructure. It po e a thr at to the environment. roads. habitats. fa rm and plantation thu re quiring human intervention fo r the removal of the encroaching and . Tracking sand dune movement and sand changes in such reg n l and tud) ing their trajectori s in time IS \ ry important. It allow gO\ mment to plan better counter mea ure to prevent their occurrence and minimize their danger. The Emirate of bu Dhabi under ent significant ocioeconomic changes during the tudy period. \\ hich re ulted in an unprecedented boom in population growth. reflected b) increa ed demand fo r new infrastructure and urban development. Sand movements are accelerated b anthropogenic activities. as witnessed through their encroachment onto farm and interstate roadway . In thi study, "ve used remote sen ing data to map and movement and its effe ct on urban and agricultural areas. ing six individual Landsat scenes to create a mosaic fo r each of the study dates of 1992. 2002. and 2013. we created land cover thematic maps using supervised ci a sification. The resulted map were checked and evaluated using higher resolution imagery. namely POT. IKO OS, and RapidEye. They were then imported into GI \\ here change anal sis \ as run using the post classification procedure. Change analysis results indicated an increase in sand cover. between 1992 and 2013. by 1.26°�. The using of Landsat imagery to track changes in land cover fe atures over a large region and across time proved to be very useful fo r better understanding of changes. their trajectories. and their causes and impacts. viii I.La nd coyer cia ification. and ar ea ch ange. bu Kc) \\ ord : Remote en mg. Dh abi. IT ix Title an d Ab tract (in Arabic) f'� 0::-: o�\ �.;aJ\ �\)..4)' \ '�.J:I1 o.)1.4l � �.J\ �\ji\ � �L...w ��\ .)W�\.)� lJ.4 �j � f'\�l:2013 f'�J 1992 �I j-c> wla� 4..h...,1..J:l ;U�'il .J RapidEye .J Spot .J IKONOS ��I .J..,9'i1 }1.26��2013 .J 1992 x ",UuJ\ e--")l" � wl�1 � wL,lj �� jc�y.dJI fl�1 �;I 4......:1.J�1 l')-;.'�i J wl�\ o� Aj� \� � 4,ji 0 � �j o� r.J o� � > �)'11 ,lAo.JLiIJ �4,.JJ \+i1.Jl.......o �� JL.)\ A.Sy. ,�I�I wL.yh..J\ � '�jcJ,�.... ::, :i,u,'J'1 :�)I �\ �liA ,o�1 ��I wl.JL.),\ '�.,J:li ,�)I �I.J'J'I � Acknowledgement ) thank go to both my profe or 0 Dr. Nazmi aleou and Dr. alem I a \\ ho c upport and teachings Jed me to better under tand the field of remote n mg & GJ _ our di cu ion taught m a great deal. p cia1 thank go to m) mother. fa ther. br ther _ sist rso and my significant other v-,ho helped me along the \\ ay. To all my r lati\'e 'A ho waited eagerly fo r my dissertation. especially ncles ultan & amer. I am ure the) u pected it was endles 0 but here we are now. Told you I'd get it done © xii Dedication To my belored parent· and fa l77i�v Thank you for ) '0111' support xiii Table of Contents ' " ........ .................................................. I itle ............................ ...............................................i Declaration or Original Work ........................................................................................... ii OP) right ......................................................................................................................... iii Ad\ i or)' 0111lnittee ........................................................................................................ .iv ppro\ al of the aster The is ...........................................................................................\' b tract ........................................................................................................................... vii Title and bstract (in Arabic) ........................................................................................... ix ckno\\ ledgenlent ........................................................................................................... xi Dedication ....................................................................................................................... xii Table of Content ........................................................................................................... xiii Li t ofTabJes .................................................................................................................... xv List of Figures ............................................................................................................... xvii Li t of bbreyiation .......................................................................................................xix Chapter 1: Introduction . ............................................................. ........................................ 1 1.1 Background ...... ....... ..... ................................... ................................................. 1 1 .2 The tudy Area ........................................... ................... ............... ................... 2 1.2.1 Phy ical etting ....................................................................................... 6 1 .2.2 Clin1ate .................................................................................................. 10 1 .2.3 Socio-Economic ................................................................ .... ........... ..... 11 1.3 cope of the Research ......... ................................................... ........ .... ........ .... 12 1.4 Aim & Objective ................................................................... ........ ............... 12 1.5 Hypotheses and Assumptions ..... ............................................................. ...... 13 1.6 Thesis
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