It happened in Central Switzerland Autor(en): [s.n.] Objekttyp: Article Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1967) Heft 1533 PDF erstellt am: 04.10.2021 Persistenter Link: http://doi.org/10.5169/seals-695959 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind. Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, www.library.ethz.ch http://www.e-periodica.ch 13th October 1967 THE SWISS OBSERVER 62617 IT HAPPENED IN CENTRAL SWITZERLAND Central Switzerland now has a Fmima/wntätec/zH/e cost of 2.6m. francs; at that time it meant the death to in Lucerne, the Institute " Akademos Its aim is to fill the postal carriage. the gap in Central Switzerland's educational standard. The At the end of June, the first /! //;«z///a/zrt by helicopter region also desires increased industrial development. in Switzerland took place in Uri, when a dozen calves 1966 was a good year as regards foreign tourists, in were transported by a " Heliswiss " machine from Atting- spite of bad weather, but guests spent shorter holidays hausen to the Gitschental. Much criticism was voiced, there than before. The British tourists showed longest but the Cantonal Government has given its full support. stays, followed by the Belgians. Most nights were In July, the Uri Cantonal Utility Federation for gar- registered by the German guests, fewest by the Scandi- bage removal started work in nine Communes for the time navians. being. An incineration plant will be the next step in the The biggest cattle show in Central Switzerland was scheme. held in Zug early in September, combined with a farmers' The increase in traffic accidents in 1966 amounted to meeting at which "Animal factories or rural cattle breed- about 13%, roughly corresponding to the higher number ing?" was the main theme. A first goods-train diesel of vehicles on the roads. 80% of all accidents happened engine now runs on the Lucerne-Stans-Engelberg line to on the Gotthard route. The Cantonal Government has cope with the vastly increased goods traffic, 19241 tons approached the Confederation's planning authorities with last year as against only 712 in 1964. a view to eliminating the awful bottleneck at Altdorf. In Early in the year, the Lucerne Atoursc/zwtzbimc? Uri's capital, the fifth International Mineral Exchange took invited all nature protection groups of the Cantons con- place early in September; 2,800 visitors came. cerned with the Lake of Lucerne to discuss co-operation The largest credit ever asked for in the history of in protecting the lake shore and in legislating jointly. In Goeschenen was granted by the electorate with 1.325m. 1655, a fishing agreement came into force between Lucerne francs for a new Commune power works. The 16th- and Nidwalden which has been causing strife ever since. century castle A Pro at Seedorf has been fully renovated The Federal Tribunal was approached in 1934 and worked and is now open again, probably the most valuable historic out a new contract. This has now been accepted at last building in Uri. The foundation stone for a new R.C. by the two Cantons, and a bone of contention has been Church at Sisikon was laid in June. buried. The fishing communities of the Lake are against SCHWYZ racing on the FLrwaL/.vtà7tm'<?<?. The Cantonal Police of Lucerne had to start treasure diving near Stansstad to lift The Schwyz Cantonal Constitution is to be revised; a a safe stolen at Zofingen and dumped in the lake. The committee of twelve is to study the matter and work out thieves who had been committing crimes for a whole year, proposals. The new President of the Cantonal Council is have been apprehended. the Social Democrat Walter Kuerzi. URI Revenue and Expenditure in 1966 were nearly balanced (on the right side) at under 50m. francs, whilst In 1964, the Canton's Government appointed a study the deficit on road construction and building amounted commission on economy and communications. A synopsis to 1.5m. francs (expenditure of 12m.). The budget of the findings is ready and has been agreed to. The main estimates a loss of jm. francs in the ordinary and 5.7m. in stress will be on finance, and a first report is now being the extraordinary accounts. worked out. The ordinary accounts for 1966 show a deficit An unfavourable decision by the electorate in January of l^m. francs, about half of what had been budgeted, and has had important consequences. The new election law the extraordinary accounts covering road construction, was rejected for the second time, also the law regarding water protection, river correction, etc., finished with a promotion of cattle breeding, and, worst of all, the pro- deficit of over 4m. francs with expenditure standing at posed increase by 20% of motor-vehicle tax. This means 7.4m. that road construction on Schwyz territory will be held up The Canton of Uri possesses great riches in water which for lack of revenue. In April, however, the electorate have been well planned and used in the course of the agreed to two proposals, one regarding an increase in dog- last 50 The Federal Railways alone nearly tax and one on interest rates and repayment of Gn/«<7p/«nr/- years. pay " 400,000 francs p.a. for the SBB power station Amsteg, .vc/zwWm aten Rcck/.y. The district Landsgemeinde " of Goescheneralp-Reuss, Furka-Reuss, Andermatt-Goeschen- the old part of Schwyz took part in May, and the main en and for conducting the Unteralp-Reuss into Lake subject was the mismanagement of investments of the Ritom. power works Glattalp. In June, the electorate of the Can- In 1928, the " Landsgemeinde " was abolished in Uri. ton accepted three proposals handsomely: the new building Nevertheless, the first Sunday in May has remained tradi- project of a trade school Ausserschwyz at Pfaeffikon, the tional voting and election day. The Cantonal Judges were revised finance equalisation law and the law concerning elected, all but one who had to be re-elected a fortnight measures for improved housing. Finally, another definite later. The electorate accepted the regulations proposed " No " in July when the electors refused to have a full-time in connection with the federal sickness and accident law. school psychologist (Referendum). In August, another The Corporation Communes of Uri and Urseren elected Referendum was started against the proposed increase in the Corporation authorities on 21st May. The new mem- pensions to members of the Cantonal Government. The ber of the Government is Werner Huber, Altdorf, in sue- Canton doubled its contribution to hospitals of 2 francs cession to Dr. M. Huber who has become the new per person per day. The College of Nuolen is to be en- OfeergmctopraszTfe«/. larged. The Schoellenen Railway celebrated its golden The decline in building activities in 1966 was 11%, jubilee; it was built by Engineer Richard Zschokke at a though building projects between 1967 and 1971 show an 52618 THE SWISS OBSERVER 13th October 1967 increase of 83% over the previous period. The Schwyz The Owalden " Landsgemeinde " took place in spring, Rat/mus is to be renovated, and the Cantonal Bank has and the business was transacted in two hours. It included donated its old home — it has just moved into a modern the election of a new Lanrfammnwz (Christian Dillier), a building — to the Canton; it will house police and other La/?r7,vtof/7rt//cr (Leo von Wyl), both from Sarnen; con- administrative offices. Its value is over lm. francs. firmation in office of Judges, Presidents and Vice-presi- At the end of August, the new hard-surface runway dents of the Tribunals, Clerks, 0/>er/<?ry/<?r and Cantonal of the Wangen Airfield was inaugurated. The field was "Vet". Credits were granted for road construction and started in 1949 —• a site which had been nothing but various building projects, river correction and avalanche rushes, moss, clay and water. protection. The Etzel electricity works near Einsiedeln produced Girls are to have an improved curriculum at Sarnen, 301m. kwh in 1966, for the first time above 300m. where Latin and Algebra have been added. The question 65% of all the visitors to the Canton were foreigners whether girls could join the Gymmzsr'um is under considéra- in 1966. Brunnen is the resort at the top of the list, fol- tion. At Alpnach, a special school is planned for handi- lowed by Gersau and Einsiedeln. capped children. A new State forest is needed in the Canton to improve Three months after the publication of " Die Tierwelt the soil in the Senneggbach district where subsidence has in Obwalden ", a new work " Die Landammänner des been considerable. A film has been created in three years Standes Obwalden und ihr Wappen " has been published.
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