'age 4, Section 21 Wisconsin State Journal, Tuesday, July 28,1981 The scareboard FIRST PERIOD: Midwest — Lasko (Ethler, 57 kilograms — l, Anatoly Beloglazov, Soviet Gory Bastlen, Midwest, Ypsllonti, Mich., 16.14. Union; 2, Hldeakl Tomlyama, Japan; 3, Aurel Metro golf Pro football Discus: 1, Robert Baker, West, Santa Barba- Johannson), 14:41; Carlston (Grittlth), 19:35. University Games Neagu, Romania; 4, David Cooke, U.S; 5, ra, Calif., 146 feet, 0 Inches; 2, Brian Mond- SECOND PERIOD: Midwest — Griffith, Gheorghl Kaltchev, Bulgaria; 6, Selman Kaygu- scheln, West, Huntington Beach, Calif., 138-2; 3, 3:46; Klelnendorst (Carlston, Jensen), 7:36; The Springs (72) — Dan Malonev 79. CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE John Bryan, East, Richmond, Vo., 133-5; 4, Willy Carlston (Klelnendorst, Griffith), 7:43. New At Bucharest, Romania suz, Turkey. Yohara Hills (72) -John Van Roy 72; Eastern Division England — Taylor (Rauseo, O'Neill, 8:27. Mid- Monday's results 82 kilograms — 1, Vagab Kazlbekov, Soviet Harry Acker 74; Doug Sheldon 74; Phil Lohr 79. Plrtle, East, Charlottesvllle, Vo., 127-9; 5, Gary TENNIS Union; 2, Ivan Yorgov, Bulgaria; 3, Gheorghe W L T PCT PF PA Bastlen, Midwest, Ypsllantl, Mich., 124-9. west — Molwltz (Blustad, Hartzell), 13:33. New Glenway (32) - Squeek Martell 34. England — Rauseo (O'Nell), 14:41. Midwest — Women's singles Fodore, Romania; 4, Aklra Ota, Japan; 5, Sanl- Hamilton 3 1 0 .750 143 72 Pole vault: 1, Brian Mondscheln, West, Hun- Final: Virginia Ruzlcl, Romania, beat Lucia lav Sukaebator, Mongolia; 6, Gul Kemalettln, Ottawa 1 3 0 .250 81 156 tington Beach, Calif., 14-9'/.; 2, Gary Bastlen, Malwltz (Degrlo, Hartzell), 17:52; Carlston, 19:06. New England — O'Nell (Chlsholm, Rau- Romanov, Romania, 6-1, 6-1. Third place: Kelly Turkey. Montreal 1 3 0 .250 79 136 Midwest, Ypsllantl, Mich., 14-1W; 3, John Bryan, Henry, U.S., beat Ludmlla Makarovo, Soviet 100 kilograms — 1, Ilia Mate, Soviet Union; Toronto 0 4 0 .000 82 130 East, Richmond, Va., 13-9W; 4, tie, Willy Plrtle, seo). Union, 6-3, 6-1. 2, Venelln Atonasov, Bulgaria; 3, Miranda Luis, Touch football meeting Western Division East, Charlottesvllle, Va., and Robert Baker, THIRD PERIOD: New England — Pryor (Carpenter), 4:43; Brlcklev (Lohnes, Carpen- Men's singles Cuba; 4, Voslle Puscasu, Romania; 5, Ibrahim Br. Columbia .............. 3 0 1.000 111 West, Santa Barbara, Calif., 13-5W. Semifinals: Florin Segarceanu, Romania, Abdulkarlm, Iraq; 6, Steve Wilbur, U.S. Edmonton ................. 31 0 .750 138 Javelin: 1, John Bryan, East, Richmond, ter), 5:56; O'Nell (Toylor-Rouseo), 8:08. Saves: Midwest (Poeschl) 33, New England beat Thomas Emmrlch; East Germany 7-6, 4-1; VOLLEYBALL A mandatory touch football organi- Winnipeg ................... 2 1 0 .647 83 Va, 183-7; 2, Willy Plrtle, East, Charlottesvllle, Vadlm Borlsov, Soviet Union, beat Andrei Dlrzu, Women Calgary ..................... 2 1 ..447 41 Va., 181-1; 3, Robert Baker, West, Santa Barba- (Daskalakls) 16. zational meeting for teams wishing to FIGURE SKATING Romania, 6-2, 6-1. Semifinal groups: Brazil 3, Romania 2; Saskatchewan ........... 1 2 .333 55 ra, Calif., 179-11; 4, Gary Bastien, Midwest, Yp- Mixed Doubles Japan 3, Mexico 0; Bulgaria 3, U.S. 2 sllantl, Mich., 178-0; 5, Brian Mondscheln, West, Ladles Individual competition: 1, Rosalynn participate in the 1981 School-Com- Friday's result Fairbanks, Edmonds, Wash., 2.0 factored Final: Florin Segarceanu and Virginia Ruzl- Men Calgary 25, Saskatchewan 14 Huntington Beach, Calif., 175-1. ci, Romania, beat Sergei Leonluk and Ludmlla Semifinal groups: Romania 3, Japan 0; munity Recreation Department 1981 1,500 meters: 1, Robert Baker, West, Santa places; 2, Jackl Farrell. Janesvllle, WIs., 4.0; 3, Saturday's result Melissa Thomas, Massapequa, N.Y., 6.8; 4, 51- Makarovo, Soviet Union, 6-3, 6-3. Third place: Czechoslovakia 3, Turkey 0; Bulgaria 3, Spain 1; Hamilton 57, Toronto 13 Barbara, Calif., 4:10.71; 2, Brian Mondscheln, Jeon Young-Dak and Kim Soon-Ok, South Korea, Cuba 3, Canada 1; South Korea 3, Soviet Union football program will be held tonight West, Huntington Beach, Calif., 4:27.92; 3, Gary mone Grlgorescu, Denver, 9.2; 5, Jennifer New- beat Mlroslav Lacek and Iva Budorova, Czecho- British Columbia 31, Ottawa 17 man, San Diego, 9.8; 6, Stephanie Anderson, Lit- 0;' U.S 3, Italy 0 at 8 in McDaniels Auditorium of the Sunday's result Bastlen, Midwest, Ypsllantl, Mich., 4:38.41; 4, slovakia, 6-4, 6-2. BASKETBALL John Bryan, East, Richmond, Va., 4:45.65; 5, tleton, Colo., 13.2; 7, Bunny Blake, Northbrook, SWIMMING Edmonton 33, Montreal 17 Willy Plrtle, East, Charlottesvllle, Va., 4:47.72. III., 15.2; 8, Kelly Webster, Colorado Springs, Women School Administration Building, 545 W. Thursday's game Colo., 15.8; 9, Dana Graham, Littleton, Colo., Men's 400-meter Individual medley — 1, Ser- Semifinals: Soviet Union 78, China 53; U.S. Winnipeg at Toronto, 7 p.m. Final standings: 1, Mondscheln, 7,532 points; gei Fesenko, Soviet Union, 4:25.53; 2, Peter Dob- 74, Romania 64 Dayton St. Friday's game 2, Baker, 7,464; 3, Plrtle, 7,373; 4, Bryan, 7,082; 16.4; 10, Jill Frost, Walpole, Mass., 17.6. son, Canada, 4:31.65; 3, Daniel Machek, Czecho- The program will have 24 teams British Columbia at Calgary, 8 p.m. Satur- 5, Bastlen, 6,916. slovakia, 4:32.16; 4, Monte Brown, U.S., 4:38.08; day's game Other events ROWING 5, Kozo Tatsuml, Japan, 4:39.36; 6, Tlzoc Gomez, this year and will be registered on a Hamilton at Edmonton, 8 p.m. 4 x 100 meter relay: 1, West (Ron Brown, (All races 1,500 meters) Mexico, 4:39.43; 8, Jeffrey Riddle, Canada, Legion baseball Sunday's game Baldwin Park, Calif.; Eric Brown, Los Angeles, Men's eights: 1, East (Bruce Epke, Allston, 4:42.59. first-come first-served basis beginning Saskatchewan at Montreal, 12:30 p.m. Calif.; James Sanford, Pasadena, Calif.; Mass.; Bill Purdy, Liverpool, N.Y.; Phil Stekl , Monday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Owavne Evans, Tempe, Ariz.), 39.28; 2, South, Boston, Mass.; Tom Darling, Allston, Mass.; Women's 400 Individual medley — 1. Mayuml Janowille, 18-1 39.34; 3, Midwest, 39.88. Steve Chrlstensen, Ardmore, Pa.; John Terwll- Yokoyama, U.S., 4:55.45; 2, Irlnel Panulescu, The final deadline is Aug. 7. 5,000-meter run: 1,'Craig Virgin, Midwest, linger, Allston, Mass.; Brad Smith, Allston, Romania, 5:03.78; 3, Malgorzata Rozvcka, Po- Janesvllle 30» 04 - 18 15 2 Pro soccer Lebanon, III. 13:35.4, hand-timed (NSF record; Mass.; Brian Colgan, Philadelphia, Pa.; Jona- land, 5:07.49; 4, Anne Tweedy, 4:57.68, disquali- Waunakee 00001— 1 2 3 old record, 14:25.30, Herb Llndsey, Midwest, than Fish, Bellmore, N.Y.), 4 minutes, 43.40 sec- fied; S, Lisa Dlxon, Canada, 5:05.75, disquali- Heyerdohl and Mclntosh, Loulson (4); Stoll, NASL 1979); 2, Alberto Salazar, West, Eugene, Ore., onds; 2, West, 4:49.78; 3, South, 4:58.81; 4, Mid- fied; 6, Barbara Setter, W. Germany, 5:06.56, Sfatz (3) and Zellmer. W — Heyerdahl. L — 13:38.2; 3, Larry Cuzzort, South, Bowling Green, west, 4:59.44; 5, West "B", 5:01.02. disqualified. Stoll. Hoyt youth football Monday's games Kv., 13:49.5; 4, Matt Centrowltz, East, Oswego, Men's eights, petite: 1, Midwest, 4:54.49; 2, Women's 800 freestyle — 1, Kim Llnehan, Leading hitters — Shelton (J) 3x3, Louison No games scheduled N.Y., 13:49.9; 5, Mike Slack, Midwest, Minneap- South "A", 5:02.06; 3, East, 5:03.75; 4, South U.S., 8:37.50; 2, Irlna Laretscheva, Soviet Union, (J) 2x4, Harris (J) 2x4, McCarthy (J) 2x4, Statz Registration for the Hoyt youth Today's game olis, Minn., 13:58.0; «, Ed Arrlola, West, Tucson, 8:45.61; 3, Sherrl Hanna, U.S., 8:46.57; 4, Renata (W) 2x3. HR — Shelton (J). 3B — Loulson (J), Tampa Bay at Montreal, 7 p.m. Ariz., 14:19.9; 7, James O'Connell, East, Syra- 'Men's single sculls: 1, John Blglow, East, Janlk, Poland, 9:19.83; 5, -Carmen Mlhalla, Shelton (J). 2B — Pastula (J), McCarthy (J) 2. football team for youths from fifth cuse, N.Y., 14:30.3. Bellevue, Wash., 5:39.24; 2, Michael LeBlanc, Romania, 9:27.22; 6, Yan Xu, China, 9:34.01. Shot put: 1, Brian Oldfield, West, Los An- South, East Hertford, Conn., 5:50.50; 3, Steve FREESTYLE WRESTLING through eighth grades will be held at 5 Football transactions geles, Calif., 68-5 (NSF record; old record, 65- Nowlnskl, West, Long Beach, Calif., 5:57, 92; 4, Final results Middleton, 7-2 p.m. each day from Saturday through lO'/i, Ian Pvka, East, 1979); 2, Michael Carter, Brian Myers, Midwest, Grosse Polnte Park, 48 kilograms — 1, Toshlakl Ishlkawa, Japan; South, Dallas, Texas, 67-2; 3, Dave Laut, West, 2, Arshak Sanolan, Soviet Union; 3, Gab-Do Son, Mlddleton 101 203 0 - 7 9 0 Mich., 6:03.24; 5, Clay Zlegler , South, Jackson- Columbus 000 000 2 - 2 5 4 Monday at Hoyt Park on Regent ATLANTA — Cut quarterback Larry Fort- Los Angeles, Calif., 66-2'/j; 4, Jeff Braun, Mid- ville, Fla., 6:18.57. South Korea; 4, Wen He Gao, China; 5, Fahrl ner, running back Anthony Anderson and offen- west, Madison, Wis., 64-10. 5, Joe Zelezniak, Sal lev, Bulgaria; 6, Richard Salamone, U.S. Hellenbrand and Stantowskl; Dietz and K. Street. For more information, call Men's single sculls, petite: 1, Steve Nowln- Elhlenfelt.
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